Can gmail ( post incoming mails to my application instead of my applications pulls the mail? - gmail

I am using to send mails.
I want to read/parse mails in my application.
I know how to pull the mails, there are API libraries to handle that. It is bit over do for my application.
Instead, is there any way gmail can post mails to my application like sendgrid does ?

If you want to get emails from a gmail account, and want a webhook to do such, you could use's Webhook Feature.
However, at the maximum volume you'll be able to send out with Gmail, I'd recommend looking toward an email service provider's free plan. If you're familiar with SendGrid already SendGrid's Free Plan will give you access to both low volume sending, and the Parse webhook. Other email service providers will give you the same functionality on their free plans, as well (e.g. Mailgun).
Disclaimer: I am a SendGrid employee.


Using Azure SendGrid to send emails from my work email to other work emails

I set up an Azure SendGrid resource in my company's Azure subscription, got my API key and wrote a C# script to send emails. It works, but the emails go to spam with an SCL=6. I expect this is because I am doing no domain authentication. (Please bear with me as I try to describe my situation, I'm still learning a lot about all this). I am sending the emails through my work/enterprise email account ( and they are going to other enterprise accounts on the same domain ( My company is a large tech company with a very well known domain. I am just a user on the enterprise network as a normal vendor/employee, with this setup I don't know how I would touch DNS/SPF/DKIM options, which from what I've been reading are the main first steps to authenticate myself as the sender.
I guess my main question is: Can SendGrid be a possible solution to what I am trying to do? I want to send ~250 emails programatically, each from a template so I can substitute in recipient name and specific info, and I can do all that through C#. But is there a way I can authenticate myself so my emails do not go to spam? If not, are there alternative solutions? I'm just trying to avoid having to manually send ~250 customized template emails through Outlook.
Let me know if I need to provide more info, all answers are appreciated! Thank you!

Can the original source of an email detect when emails get autoforwarded?

I have a service, let's call it Trading Cool Stuff, that sends me emails on a daily basis. I set up an autoforward rule to send these emails to someone else, and that person does some NLP on those emails after reading them through gmail's API.
Can Trading Cool Stuff detect that these emails are autoforwarded?
The short answer is no, Gmail and most of the email services only track the emails until they reach the receiver's inbox. However, there is the possibility they are using some third-party software attached to the emails to track them.
Google Analytics offers the option to know when an email has been opened, but tracking the forwarding is not possible, at least from the Gmail API side.

How to send invoice in pdf attachment to customer via email usign stripe API?

I want to send invoice in pdf format to the customer via email using stripe API.
I can fetch invoice and make custom html. But I want direct fetch pdf via stripe API. Is there any solution for that?
It does not appear this is something Stripe offers.
For most custom applications I tend to disable my payment gateway receipts and create my own. The disadvantage here is you have to have a authoritative transactional email service so things do not get sent to spam.
The advantage is you can customize the receipt to your liking and if you switch or add more payment gateways in the future, you do not have to recreate or handle multiple receipt emails.
I would send the receipt from your app
Use a good transactional email service like SparkPost. They have a free tier and a great SMTP connection option that plugs into Cake's email class
Make sure you have a DKIM signature setup and a valid SPF record. is great for finding problems in emails

Gmail API: filter, edit and then forward an email

Is it possible to create a filter for a certain email, to automate an edit of the email's content and then forward to a list of addresses?
Explore this documentation to help you started.
The Gmail API is a RESTful API that can be used to access Gmail
mailboxes and send mail. For most web applications (including mobile
apps), the Gmail API is the best choice for authorized access to a
user's Gmail data.
The Gmail API gives you flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox,
with a natural interface to Threads, Messages, Labels, Drafts,
History, and. Settings. From the modern language of your choice, your
app can use the API to add Gmail features like:
Read messages from Gmail
Send email messages
Modify the labels applied to messages and threads
Search for specific messages and threads
Create filters to automatically label, forward, or archive messages

SendGrid being blocked by Yahoo Mail server

As of a few weeks ago, I noticed that I am unable to receive emails from my domain account. My application is deployed to the azure server and it uses SendGrid to send emails and this happens from my application. For example my application is '' and the azure sendgrid configuration for the mail server is set up to use '' but when I send and email to my yahoo account, let say to reset my password. The email never makes it, not even going to spam. I remember reading something like this a few weeks back "Yahoo New Policy" but I don't see how that would effect me since my from account is not a yahoo account. If there is no fix for this, what is an alternative email setup
Before considering an alternate email setup, contact SendGrid through, it's possible that Yahoo is wrongly blocking your email. If this is the case SendGrid will advocate for you and work to get it unblocked.
Disclaimer: I am a SendGrid Employee
I'd suggest looking at the sendgrid dashboard and search for that email. You will be able to see exactly what happened.
it seems that Sendgrid IP pool is being deferred by yahoo. I am not sure what Sendgrid is planing to do to rectify this issue as it is impacting their clients who uses shared pool service
I have just stumbled on this issue. And it's not only Yahoo blocking sendgrid emails. They rather complaining about the senders ip address "Send Grid" rather than senders email address. :-(
