How to have tcl switch return a constant value? - switch-statement

How do I get a switch to return a constant value? For example:
set z [switch a {
default {expr {{val}}}
This contrived example sets z to val. Is expr the right way to return a constant string from a switch? It's a lot of braces. Is there a better way?

For constant expressions, it's not at all bad to use expr like that. Otherwise, if you're using Tcl 8.6 then you have string cat which will work perfectly for this when used with a single argument.
set z [switch a {
default {string cat "val"}
Prior to 8.6 (or with very early point releases of 8.6) you needed to use this instead:
set z [switch a {
default {return -level 0 "val"}
That actually works in the right way — it's bytecode-compiled efficiently too — but it has always felt very contrived to me.
I tend to put my sets inside my switches instead of the other way round, so this specific problem is usually moot for me. However, the techniques described here are extremely useful for the body of an lmap call.

A more common approach to return a value is to use the set command:
set z [switch a {
default {set _z val}


Alloy pred declaration: is there a difference between square brackets and parentheses?

The question probably has a yes/no answer. Consider the snippet:
sig A { my : lone B }
sig B { }
pred single1 [x:A]{ // defined using [] = 0
pred single2 (x:A){ // defined using () = 0
// these two runs produce the exact same results
run single1 for 3 but exactly 1 A
run single2 for 3 but exactly 1 A
check oneOfTheMostTrivialQuestionsOnStackOverflow { all x: A |
single1[x] iff single2[x] // pred calls use [], so as expected, single2(x) would cause a syntax error
} for 3000 but exactly 1 A // assertion holds :)
Are single1 and single2 exactly the same?
They seem to be, but am I missing something?
When we extended the syntax in Alloy 4, we changed the predicate invocations to []. My recollection is that we did it to make parsing easier, so that if you had a predicate P with no args, you could call it as just "P", and there would be no problems if it were followed by a formula in parens "P (...)". As Peter notes, it also seemed reasonable since it's similar to the relational lookup operator, and this makes sense especially for functions. We added the ability to declare predicates and functions with [] for consistency, but saw no reason to prevent () in decls (since there's no possible ambiguity there).
I think the parentheses were originally used for predicates and functions. However, they were changed in favour of the square brackets because it made it look more relational. I vaguely recall that Daniel Jackson explains this in his book.
That said, why ask because you seem to have proven it yourself? :-)

How to know if returning an l-value when using `FALLBACK`?

How can I know if I actually need to return an l-value when using FALLBACK?
I'm using return-rw but I'd like to only use return where possible. I want to track if I've actually modified %!attrs or have only just read the value when FALLBACK was called.
Or (alternate plan B) can I attach a callback or something similar to my %!attrs to monitor for changes?
class Foo {
has %.attrs;
submethod BUILD { %!attrs{'bar'} = 'bar' }
# multi method FALLBACK(Str:D $name, *#rest) {
# say 'read-only';
# return %!attrs{$name} if %!attrs«$name»:exists;
# }
multi method FALLBACK(Str:D $name, *#rest) {
say 'read-write';
return-rw %!attrs{$name} if %!attrs«$name»:exists;
my $foo =;
say $;
$ = 'baz';
say $;
This feels a bit like a X-Y question, so let's simplify the example, and see if that answers helps in your decisions.
First of all: if you return the "value" of a non-existing key in a hash, you are in fact returning a container that will auto-vivify the key in the hash when assigned to:
my %hash;
sub get($key) { return-rw %hash{$key} }
get("foo") = 42;
dd %hash; # Hash %hash = {:foo(42)}
Please note that you need to use return-rw here to ensure the actual container is returned, rather than just the value in the container. Alternately, you can use the is raw trait, which allows you to just set the last value:
my %hash;
sub get($key) is raw { %hash{$key} }
get("foo") = 42;
dd %hash; # Hash %hash = {:foo(42)}
Note that you should not use return in that case, as that will still de-containerize again.
To get back to your question:
I want to track if I've actually modified %!attrs or have only just read the value when FALLBACK was called.
class Foo {
has %!attrs;
has %!unexpected;
method TWEAK() { %!attrs<bar> = 'bar' }
method FALLBACK(Str:D $name, *#rest) is raw {
if %!attrs{$name}:exists {
else {
This would either return the container found in the hash, or record the access to the unknown key and return an immutable Any.
Regarding plan B, recording changes: for that you could use a Proxy object for that.
Hope this helps in your quest.
Liz's answer is full of useful info and you've accepted it but I thought the following might still be of interest.
How to know if returning an l-value ... ?
Let's start by ignoring the FALLBACK clause.
You would have to test the value. To deal with Scalars, you must test the .VAR of the value. (For non-Scalar values the .VAR acts like a "no op".) I think (but don't quote me) that Scalar|Array|Hash covers all the l-value super-types:
my \value = 42; # Int is an l-value is False
my \l-value-one = $; # Scalar is an l-value is True
my \l-value-too = #; # Array is an l-value is True
say "{.VAR.^name} is an l-value is {.VAR ~~ Scalar|Array|Hash}"
for value, l-value-one, l-value-too
How to know if returning an l-value when using FALLBACK?
Adding "when using FALLBACK" makes no difference to the answer.
How can I know if I actually need to return an l-value ... ?
Again, let's start by ignoring the FALLBACK clause.
This is a completely different question than "How to know if returning an l-value ... ?". I think it's the core of your question.
Afaik, the answer is, you need to anticipate how the returned value will be used. If there's any chance it'll be used as an l-value, and you want that usage to work, then you need to return an l-value. The language/compiler can't (or at least doesn't) help you make that decision.
Consider some related scenarios:
my $baz :=;
... (100s of lines of code) ...
$baz = 42;
Unless the first line returns an l-value, the second line will fail.
But the situation is actually much more immediate than that:
routine-foo = 42;
routine-foo is evaluated first, in its entirety, before the lhs = rhs expression is evaluated.
Unless the compiler's resolution of the routine-foo call somehow incorporated the fact that the very next thing to happen would be that the lhs will be assigned to, then there would be no way for a singly or multiply dispatched routine-foo to know whether it can safely return an r-value or must return an l-value.
And the compiler's resolution does not incorporate that. Thus, for example:
multi term:<bar> is rw { ... }
multi term:<bar> { ... }
bar = 99; # Ambiguous call to 'term:<bar>(...)'
I can imagine this one day (N years from now) being solved by a combination of allowing = to be an overloadable operator, robust macros that allow overloading of = being available, and routine resolution being modified so the above ambiguous call could do something equivalent to resolving to the is rw multi. But I doubt it will actually come to pass even with N=10. Perhaps there is another way but I can't think of one at the moment.
How can I know if I actually need to return an l-value when using FALLBACK?
Again, adding "when using FALLBACK" makes no difference to the answer.
I want to track if I've actually modified %!attrs or have only just read the value when FALLBACK was called.
When FALLBACK is called it doesn't know what context it's being called in -- r-value or l-value. Any modification comes after it has already returned.
In other words, whatever solution you come up with will being nothing to do per se with FALLBACK (even if you have to use it to implement some other aspect of whatever it is you're trying to do).
(Even if it were, I suspect trying to solve it via FALLBACK itself would just make matters worse. One can imagine writing two FALLBACK multis, one with an is rw trait, but, as explained above, my imagination doesn't stretch to that making any difference any time soon, if ever, and could only happen if the above imaginary things happened (the macros etc.) and the compiler was also modified to pay attention to the two FALLBACK multi variants, and I'm not at all meaning to suggest that that even makes sense.)
Plan B
Or (alternate plan B) can I attach a callback or something similar to my %!attrs to monitor for changes?
As Lizmat notes, that's the realm of Proxys. And thus your next SO question... :)

How to convert a hash ref in one line to a constant in perl

I'm using Sphinx::Search.
Is there is a easier way for this code example to convert a string to a constant?
use Sphinx::Search;
my $config = {
my $x = $config->{x};
print Sphinx::Search->$x(); # output: 6
I have used advice from
How do I access a constant in Perl whose name is contained in a variable?
and this example works, but if I am always using a string from a hash then do I need to put it into a separate variable to use it in this way?
my $x = $config->{x};
print Sphinx::Search->$x(); # output: 6
Is there a one- liner for this?
# does not work
print Sphinx::Search->$config->{x}();
You can create a reference to the value and immediately dereference it:
Sphinx::Search->${ \$config->{x} };
(If there are no arguments, the () is optional).
I'm guessing that SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 is the name of a constant that is exported by Sphinx::Search. The problem is that these are implemented as a subroutine with no parameters, so you may use them only where a bare subroutine name will be understood by Perl as a call, or where an explicit call is valid ( SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2() )
The easiest solution is to avoid quoting the hash value at all, like so
my $config = { x => SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 }
and afterwards, you may use just
$config->{x}; # 6
instead of calling a pseudo class method

Alloy4.2 - Ternary relation to a binary relation

So I'm trying to write a function that takes a set of ternary relations and one of the middle elements which returns the set of relations where the element matches, but doesn't contain itself. (We already know what it is)
So something like this:
// addr gives us: {Book -> Name -> Addr}
fun [n:Name] : Set Book -> Addr {
//return {b->a} where {b->n->a}
With joins and domain restrictions, I've only been able to manage to get the binary relations: {Book -> Name} and {Name -> Addr}. I'm not sure how I would splice these together as the Name is constant, so you can't tell the difference.
Is it possible to do this with a function, or do I need something else?
I'm an absolute beginner at this, and it seems fairly simple in a normal procedural language. However, I can't find very good documentation and it looks to me I've just got completely the wrong end of the stick on terms of how functions work in this.
Or even more simply:
fun [n:Name]: Book -> Addr {
{b:Book,a:Addr | b->n->a in addr}
However, your use of the term "set of relations" and the keyword "set" in your function declaration makes me wonder if you mean something different. Note that this function returns a set of tuples, not a set of relations.
You can probably calculate that with a definition by comprehension:
fun [n:Name]: Book -> Addr {
{b:Book,a:Addr | b in (addr.a).n }

What's the name of this programming feature?

In some dynamic languages I have seen this kind of syntax:
myValue = if (this.IsValidObject)
Debug.Log (Exceptions.UninitializedObject);
Basically being able to return the last statement in a branch as the return value for a variable, not necessarily only for method returns, but they could be achieved as well.
What's the name of this feature?
Can this also be achieved in staticly typed languages such as C#? I know C# has ternary operator, but I mean using if statements, switch statements as shown above.
It is called "conditional-branches-are-expressions" or "death to the statement/expression divide".
See Conditional If Expressions:
Many languages support if expressions, which are similar to if statements, but return a value as a result. Thus, they are true expressions (which evaluate to a value), not statements (which just perform an action).
That is, if (expr) { ... } is an expression (could possible be an expression or a statement depending upon context) in the language grammar just as ?: is an expression in languages like C, C# or Java.
This form is common in functional programming languages (which eschew side-effects) -- however, it is not "functional programming" per se and exists in other language that accept/allow a "functional like syntax" while still utilizing heavy side-effects and other paradigms (e.g. Ruby).
Some languages like Perl allow this behavior to be simulated. That is, $x = eval { if (true) { "hello world!" } else { "goodbye" } }; print $x will display "hello world!" because the eval expression evaluates to the last value evaluated inside even though the if grammar production itself is not an expression. ($x = if ... is a syntax error in Perl).
Happy coding.
To answer your other question:
Can this also be achieved in staticly typed languages such as C#?
Is it a thing the language supports? No. Can it be achieved? Kind of.
C# --like C++, Java, and all that ilk-- has expressions and statements. Statements, like if-then and switch-case, don't return values and there fore can't be used as expressions. Also, as a slight aside, your example assigns myValue to either a string or an integer, which C# can't do because it is strongly typed. You'd either have to use object myValue and then accept the casting and boxing costs, use var myValue (which is still static typed, just inferred), or some other bizarre cleverness.
Anyway, so if if-then is a statement, how do you do that in C#? You'd have to build a method to accomplish the goal of if-then-else. You could use a static method as an extension to bools, to model the Smalltalk way of doing it:
public static T IfTrue(this bool value, Action doThen, Action doElse )
return doThen();
return doElse();
To use this, you'd do something like
var myVal = (6 < 7).IfTrue(() => return "Less than", () => return "Greater than");
Disclaimer: I tested none of that, so it may not quite work due to typos, but I think the principle is correct.
The new IfTrue() function checks the boolean it is attached to and executes one of two delegates passed into it. They must have the same return type, and neither accepts arguments (use closures, so it won't matter).
Now, should you do that? No, almost certainly not. Its not the proper C# way of doing things so it's confusing, and its much less efficient than using an if-then. You're trading off something like 1 IL instruction for a complex mess of classes and method calls that .NET will build behind the scenes to support that.
It is a ternary conditional.
In C you can use, for example:
printf("Debug? %s\n", debug?"yes":"no");
A compound statement list can be evaluated as a expression in C. The last statement should be a expression and the whole compound statement surrounded by braces.
For example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int a=0, b=1;
printf("testing compound statement\n");
printf("a=%d\n", a);
return 0;
So the name of the characteristic you are doing is assigning to a (local) variable a compound statement. Now I think this helps you a little bit more. For more, please visit this source:
Take care,
PS. This example makes more sense in the context of your question:
int c;
In addition to returning the value of the last expression in a branch, it's likely (depending on the language) that myValue is being assigned to an anonymous function -- or in Smalltalk / Ruby, code blocks:
A block of code (an anonymous function) can be expressed as a literal value (which is an object, since all values are objects.)
In this case, since myValue is actually pointing to a function that gets invoked only when myValue is used, the language probably implements them as closures, which are originally a feature of functional languages.
Because closures are first-class functions with free variables, closures exist in C#. However, the implicit return does not occur; in C# they're simply anonymous delegates! Consider:
Func<Object> myValue = delegate()
if (this.IsValidObject)
return this.Name;
Debug.Log (Exceptions.UninitializedObject);
return 3;
This can also be done in C# using lambda expressions:
Func<Object> myValue = () =>
if (this.IsValidObject) { ... }
else { ... }
I realize your question is asking about the implicit return value, but I am trying to illustrate that there is more than just "conditional branches are expressions" going on here.
Can this also be achieved in staticly
typed languages?
Sure, the types of the involved expressions can be statically and strictly checked. There seems to be nothing dependent on dynamic typing in the "if-as-expression" approach.
For example, Haskell--a strict statically typed language with a rich system of types:
$ ghci
Prelude> let x = if True then "a" else "b" in x
(the example expression could be simpler, I just wanted to reflect the assignment from your question, but the expression to demonstrate the feature could be simlpler:
Prelude> if True then "a" else "b"
