fabricjs - extend toSVG to export custom properties - fabricjs

According to this part of the doc, it is possible to extend the toSVG() method to export custom properties. Unfortunately, it is unclear as if we should override toSVG() itself, or rather the toObject() method.
My problem is, I've used this bit of code
So that my imported SVGs objects would have CSS classes. Unfortunately, when using toSVG(), these classes are nowhere to be found in the generated SVG, therefore resulting in this kind of non-blended SVGs (if you set the CSS mix-blend-mode property to 'multiply' for the paths, you'll see the correct image.
How can I tweak toSVG() so that the class property gets exported in my SVG ? DO I have to modify the toSVG() method for every object in the imported SVG ?

You need to extend _toSVG method from each class where you want to add this extra info.
Here is an example for fabric.Path
var site_url = 'http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/balibart-s3/SVGMockups2/59f32980b5d8493ef7f29904/front/Layer.svg';
fabric.Path.prototype._toSVG = (function(_toSVG){
return function(){
var svg = _toSVG.call(this);
svg.splice(1,0,this.class+'" ');
return svg;
canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas');
fabric.loadSVGFromString($('#textareaId').val(), function(objects, options) {
var group = new fabric.Group(objects, {
left: 165,
top: 100,
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/2.4.6/fabric.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js"></script>
<canvas id='canvas' width="900" height="300"></canvas>
<textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="textareaId">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 22.0.1, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
width="100px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 100 200" style="enable-background:new 0 0 100 200;" xml:space="preserve">
<style type="text/css">
<g xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 0.006507237105 4.339693398719)" id="Path-2 back">
<path class="st1" style="stroke: none; stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-dashoffset: 0; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 4; fill: rgb(105,130,165); fill-rule: nonzero; opacity: 1;" transform=" translate(-499.991507237105, -504.294693398719)" d="M 132 374.47 c 2.83 -8.49 8.24 -16.11 12.09 -24 c 3.94 -8.12 8.42 -16 12.26 -24.14 c 5.49 -11.66 11.3 -23.16 17.19 -34.61 c 5.11 -9.92 9.87 -20 15.12 -29.87 c 4.32 -8.12 8.23 -16.44 12.49 -24.58 c 6.05 -11.54 12.13 -23.07 18.37 -34.51 c 3.44 -6.31 7.58 -12.22 11.26 -18.39 a 78.8 78.8 0 0 1 10 -13.64 a 55.62 55.62 0 0 1 9.49 -7.8 c 15.37 -10.42 31.13 -20.23 47.07 -29.73 a 394.42 394.42 0 0 1 40.24 -20.5 c 10.29 -4.63 20.46 -9.53 31 -13.66 c 0.23 -0.09 0.43 -0.24 0.66 -0.34 c 6.08 -2.74 4.37 -1.12 4.37 2.9 a 118.46 118.46 0 0 0 5 34.94 a 136.89 136.89 0 0 0 11.55 25.35 a 170.25 170.25 0 0 0 16.8 23.3 c 6.22 7.37 12.5 14.67 19.12 21.66 a 103.62 103.62 0 0 0 22.2 17.86 a 129.32 129.32 0 0 0 19.48 9.63 a 71.31 71.31 0 0 0 17.55 4.25 q 5.64 0.67 11.29 1.26 c 14.09 1.45 27.93 0.48 41.46 -3.84 A 101.4 101.4 0 0 0 572 217.18 a 143 143 0 0 0 33.54 -39.24 a 151.79 151.79 0 0 0 11.78 -24.22 c 2.53 -7 3.56 -14.39 4.25 -21.86 c 0.64 -6.91 0.8 -13.8 1 -20.72 c 0 -2.13 0.57 -4.25 0.45 -6.41 s 1.59 -1.84 2.47 -1.42 c 7.84 3.75 16.08 6.4 24.26 9.24 s 16.27 5.85 24.18 9.36 c 7.05 3.13 13.89 6.67 20.62 10.42 c 7.29 4.06 14.4 8.43 21.67 12.52 c 9.29 5.22 18.4 10.65 26.57 17.59 a 222.23 222.23 0 0 0 20 15.12 c 1.92 1.29 2.5 3.46 3.62 5.23 c 4.74 7.54 9.65 15 14 22.78 c 7.24 13 14 26.32 20.4 39.78 c 4.26 8.94 9.11 17.59 13.66 26.4 c 3.88 7.51 7.66 15.07 11.57 22.56 c 6.79 13 13.5 26.06 20.52 38.94 c 6.33 11.62 13 23 19.54 34.57 c 0.8 1.42 3.91 3.45 -0.19 3.73 c -7.89 3.14 -16.31 6.69 -24 10.35 c -7.5 3.59 -14.88 7.56 -22.17 11.58 c -9.14 5 -18.3 10.16 -27.47 15.16 c -9.7 5.29 -19.38 10.61 -29 16.07 c -14.42 8.19 -28.3 17 -42.27 26 c -0.35 0.22 -2.59 2.12 -2.92 2.38 c -3.43 2.72 -2.21 1.1 -5.85 -1.22 a 8.71 8.71 0 0 0 -3.28 -1.6 c 0.48 4.22 -0.28 8.29 -0.48 12.4 c -0.43 8.72 -0.11 17.45 -0.53 26.15 c -0.6 12.44 -0.6 24.88 -1 37.31 c -0.44 13.1 -0.71 26.21 -1 39.31 c -0.12 4.88 0.1 9.8 -0.43 14.65 c -0.78 7.22 0 14.46 -0.48 21.66 c -0.79 12.51 -0.75 25 -1.09 37.56 c -0.14 5.22 0.11 10.47 -0.44 15.65 c -0.79 7.56 0 15.13 -0.5 22.66 c -0.43 6 0 12 -0.52 17.9 c -0.61 7.1 -0.14 14.18 -0.43 21.25 c -0.53 12.6 -0.86 25.2 -1.13 37.81 c -0.11 5.38 0.07 10.79 -0.39 16.15 c -1 11.13 -0.13 22.28 -0.48 33.41 a 43.23 43.23 0 0 0 1.08 11.29 c 0.91 3.89 0.38 7.69 -0.27 11.51 a 12.52 12.52 0 0 0 -0.27 1.45 c -0.83 16.71 -0.62 33.44 -0.39 50.15 a 109.17 109.17 0 0 0 1.74 15 a 43 43 0 0 1 -0.47 12.82 c -0.16 1.05 -1.4 1.55 -2.65 1.75 a 34.36 34.36 0 0 1 -12.06 0 a 9.25 9.25 0 0 0 -2 0 c -11.79 0.29 -23.52 -1.14 -35.31 -1.18 c -5.36 0 -10.79 0.09 -16.15 -0.37 c -9.22 -0.79 -18.46 0.07 -27.65 -0.57 c -7.07 -0.49 -14.12 0 -21.16 -0.4 c -20.46 -1.08 -40.94 0 -61.4 -0.6 c -5.89 -0.17 -11.81 0.12 -17.65 -0.48 a 105.12 105.12 0 0 0 -15.66 -0.33 c -16 0.74 -32 -0.11 -47.9 0.55 c -11.56 0.48 -23.11 0.12 -34.66 0.37 c -11.07 0.23 -22.1 1 -33.12 2 c -3.46 0.29 -6.94 0.19 -10.41 0.4 c -5.53 0.34 -11.11 0.43 -16.64 0.76 c -7.88 0.48 -15.77 1 -23.64 1.67 c -5.9 0.53 -11.81 1.74 -17.79 1.17 a 42.11 42.11 0 0 1 -6 -1 a 2.54 2.54 0 0 1 -2 -2 c -0.42 -4.59 -1 -9.17 -0.16 -13.81 c 0.49 -2.58 0.25 -5.26 0.5 -7.9 c 0.37 -3.93 1.44 -7.8 1.17 -11.79 c -0.37 -5.66 0.5 -11.36 -0.52 -17 a 11.29 11.29 0 0 1 0 -2 c 0 -23.92 -0.38 -47.84 0.14 -71.74 c 0.31 -14.22 -0.22 -28.45 0.47 -42.65 c 0.4 -8.23 -0.11 -16.46 0.44 -24.66 c 0.9 -13.22 -0.16 -26.46 0.53 -39.65 c 0.67 -12.64 0.29 -25.27 0.38 -37.91 c 0.13 -18.85 0.4 -37.71 -0.11 -56.55 c -0.3 -10.92 0.07 -21.84 -0.4 -32.75 c -0.41 -9.55 -0.06 -19.12 -0.56 -28.65 c -0.72 -13.73 -0.11 -27.44 -0.4 -41.16 c -0.21 -10 -0.47 -20 -1.29 -30.35 c -0.91 1.32 -0.77 2 -1.84 1.38 c -6.73 -3.84 -14.48 -8.45 -21.29 -12.13 c -5 -2.71 -10 -5.37 -15.27 -7.7 c -4.62 -2.06 -9.07 -4.52 -13.71 -6.56 c -9.35 -4.1 -18.75 -8.1 -27.93 -12.54 q -8.46 -4.09 -16.79 -8.48 c -7.35 -3.87 -14.92 -7.33 -22.5 -10.72 c -5.21 -2.33 -10.6 -4.28 -15.93 -6.34 c -7 -2.69 -14 -5.28 -21 -8 C 138.52 377.06 134.83 375.72 132 374.47 Z" stroke-linecap="round"/>

You can override the existing toSVG function like this.
var circle = new fabric.Circle ({
radius: 40,
left: 50,
top: 50,
fill: 'rgb(0,255,0)',
opacity: 0.5,
id: 'hello'
circle.toSVG = (function(toSVG) {
return function(){
var svgString = toSVG.call(this);
var domParser = new DOMParser();
var doc = domParser.parseFromString(svgString, 'image/svg+xml');
var parentG = doc.querySelector('circle')
parentG.setAttribute('id', this.id);
return doc.documentElement.outerHTML;


Scale Origin Clipped Path SVG {Camera Shutter}

I am attempting to replicate a camera shutter and it appears as though my path is scaling from the top left, based on its position within the clipping path. I have set the transform origin to 50% but it doesnt appear to be working the way Im expecting it to. Any assistance would be appreciated.
#camera-v3c .cls-2 { fill: #231f20 }
#camera-v3c .cls-4 { fill: #b5b6b6 }
#camera-v3c .cls-5 { fill: #686969 }
#camera-v3c .cls-6 { fill: #2d2e2d }
#camera-v3c .cls-7 { fill: #434343 }
#camera-v3c .cls-8 { fill: #575757 }
#camera-v3c:hover #shutter{
-webkit-transform: scale(2);
-webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
transform: scale(2);
transform-origin: 50% 50%;
fill: rgba(255,0,152,1);
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="camera-v3c" viewBox="0 0 513.88 363.34">
<radialGradient id="radial-gradient" cx="299.19" cy="215.04" r="100.4" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<stop offset="0" stop-color="#231f20" stop-opacity="0"/>
<stop offset=".44" stop-color="#231f20" stop-opacity=".43"/>
<stop offset=".89" stop-color="#231f20"/>
<linearGradient id="linear-gradient2" x1="207.3" x2="274.25" y1="215.04" y2="215.04" gradientTransform="matrix(0 1.3 -1 0 480 -131.87)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<stop offset="0" stop-color="#fff"/>
<stop offset=".84" stop-color="#fff" stop-opacity="0"/>
<clipPath id="clip-path">
<circle id="clip" cx="299.19" cy="215.04" r="100.4" fill="none"/>
<path id="cam-light-grey4" d="m513.53 142.14-.34-.62-1.87-5.82a7.83 7.83 0 0 0 1.67-9.35l-.32-.62-4.85-9.36a8 8 0 0 0-4.53-4 13.45 13.45 0 0 0 .68-1.87 22.17 22.17 0 0 0 .59-5.33c0-8.64-4.51-12.54-6.45-13.81a7.84 7.84 0 0 0-4.31-1.29h-4.67l-.88-6a7.9 7.9 0 0 0-4.44-6v-.83a9 9 0 0 0-4.17-8.19 7.5 7.5 0 0 0-3.33-1.05c-3.74-.38-7.75-.75-11.75-1.11l1.87-14.07c1.36-10.84-11.23-14.6-15.85-16a148.6 148.6 0 0 0-23-4.58 162.16 162.16 0 0 0-19.82-1.39h-3.57c-4.47.19-15.66.64-18.71 8.91a141.13 141.13 0 0 0-6.83-13.29 7.9 7.9 0 0 0-4.79-3.63 7.9 7.9 0 0 0-1.41-5.84 93.1 93.1 0 0 0-8.85-10.38 7.9 7.9 0 0 0-4.94-2.3L307.37 0h-.65a7.88 7.88 0 0 0-3 .58 7.88 7.88 0 0 0-3-.58h-.65l-51.21 4.25a7.77 7.77 0 0 0-5 2.3A100.43 100.43 0 0 0 235 17a7.76 7.76 0 0 0-1.55 4.87 9.34 9.34 0 0 0-1.5.71 7.89 7.89 0 0 0-2.08 1.87 7.52 7.52 0 0 0-.5.75 129.26 129.26 0 0 0-7.19 13.25c-1.4-10.43-15-11.59-21.7-12.15-4.16-.34-8.93-.5-14.21-.5-4.84 0-9.95.15-15.19.43a225.53 225.53 0 0 0-29.21 3.33C135.09 30.88 121 33.65 121.61 45l.94 16.84-4.29.06a7.84 7.84 0 0 0-3.89 1.24 3.68 3.68 0 0 0 0-.47 8.63 8.63 0 0 0-1.23-3.59c-1.54-2.53-4.27-4.33-8.59-5.62a9.64 9.64 0 0 0-1-1.16c-1.14-1-3.56-3.27-14.75-3.27-1.62 0-3.35 0-5.12.15-2.53.15-5.21.39-7.94.73a91.6 91.6 0 0 0-16.98 3.59 19.62 19.62 0 0 0-7.49 4 9 9 0 0 0-1.87 2.66l-.5.28-.3.23-.6.43a15.31 15.31 0 0 0-3.26 3.22 10.63 10.63 0 0 0-1 1.7h-.39c-12.65.86-19.67 1.44-19.74 1.44h-1a7.48 7.48 0 0 0-2 .47l-3.81 1.42a7.91 7.91 0 0 0-4.15 3.74 7.83 7.83 0 0 0-5.16 5.37l-.7 2.42a7.94 7.94 0 0 0-2.95 2.41l-2.25 3A7.81 7.81 0 0 0 0 91v19.83A7.64 7.64 0 0 0 .6 114a7.64 7.64 0 0 0-.6 3l.6 211.8a7.88 7.88 0 0 0 4.28 7l.85.39a7.8 7.8 0 0 0 1.87 5.31l12.22 14.69a7.87 7.87 0 0 0 3.74 2.49 114.81 114.81 0 0 0 23.13 3.88c6.58.54 14.07.8 22.25.8 25.2 0 50.52-2.58 55.33-3.09a7.51 7.51 0 0 0 2.69-.82 8 8 0 0 0 3.22.71h314.37a8.34 8.34 0 0 0 1 0l24-3.09a7.81 7.81 0 0 0 4.75-2.45l13.83-15a7.75 7.75 0 0 0 2.22-5.46v-.39a7.86 7.86 0 0 0 2.29-5.62v-11.22a7.53 7.53 0 0 0-.53-2.69 7.68 7.68 0 0 0 .53-2.71V164a7.7 7.7 0 0 0-.83-3.46 7.87 7.87 0 0 0 .83-3.46v-2.42a33.65 33.65 0 0 0 4.73 1.16l1.46.23a9.55 9.55 0 0 0 4.94-1.09l6.25-3.65a7.88 7.88 0 0 0 3.51-9.17Z" class="cls-2"/>
<path id="cam-light-grey3" fill="#3d3b3c" d="M198.55 213.92a100.84 100.84 0 0 0 100.84 100.84 100.84 100.84 0 1 0-100.84-100.84Z"/>
<g id="cam-btn">
<path id="cam-btn-pth2" d="M106.46 63.21a8.16 8.16 0 0 0-4.23-2.21 7.3 7.3 0 0 1-2.23 2.08 20.59 20.59 0 0 1-3.09 1.52l-.88.33-1 .36c-1.72.56-3.74 1.12-6 1.63Q84 68.1 78.78 68.79c-2.66.32-5.26.56-7.73.71h-1.63a53.82 53.82 0 0 1-11.69-.58 8.88 8.88 0 0 1-3.89-1.41l-.15-.13-.32-.28h-.25l-.43.32A7.63 7.63 0 0 0 51.07 69a1.33 1.33 0 0 0-. 0 0 0 .19.45 6.2 6.2 0 0 0 2.5 1.52A28.28 28.28 0 0 0 58.1 73a54.53 54.53 0 0 0 9.36 1 88.21 88.21 0 0 0 11.94-.52A85.55 85.55 0 0 0 92.29 71h.3a50.28 50.28 0 0 0 7.48-2.54 20.46 20.46 0 0 0 5.32-3.26 8.11 8.11 0 0 0 .77-.78l.2-.32a2 2 0 0 0 .23-.43.38.38 0 0 0 0-.15.71.71 0 0 0-.13-.31Z" class="cls-4"/>
<path id="cam-btn-pth1" d="M56.74 63.77a4.89 4.89 0 0 0 1.87.6h.11a51.11 51.11 0 0 0 10.63.49h1.55c2.23-.13 4.7-.36 7.39-.69q5-.62 9.9-1.71c2-.47 3.89-1 5.5-1.51 1.18-.41 2.06-.77 2.75-1.09a7.54 7.54 0 0 0 1.16-.63 2.31 2.31 0 0 0 .87-.79.49.49 0 0 0 0-.17c-.79-.71-5.77-1.55-14.15-1.07-2.23.12-4.72.34-7.49.68a81.56 81.56 0 0 0-15.38 3.24 13.09 13.09 0 0 0-4.71 2c-.19.19-.27.32-.25.38a.45.45 0 0 0 .25.27Z" class="cls-4"/>
<g id="cam-grey-pth1">
<path id="cam-grey-pth12" d="M299.21 83.29a131.74 131.74 0 1 0 0 263.47 131.74 131.74 0 0 0 0-263.47Zm0 247.57A115.82 115.82 0 1 1 415 215a116 116 0 0 1-115.81 115.86Z" class="cls-5"/>
<path id="cam-grey-pth11" d="M199.57 121.63a4.78 4.78 0 0 1 .54-2.06H163l-1.47 3.24h35.29a4.91 4.91 0 0 1 2.75-1.18Z" class="cls-5"/>
<path id="cam-grey-pth10" d="M465.61 119.54H397a4.46 4.46 0 0 1 .2.8 4.88 4.88 0 0 1 3.75 3.41h66.13l2-4.21Z" class="cls-5"/>
<path id="cam-grey-pth9" d="M42.81 82.48v-.67a4.17 4.17 0 0 1 0-.5v-.12l1.09-7.31c-12.13.82-19.09 1.38-19.7 1.44h-.88l-3.75 1.42C22.4 81.83 31 91.45 55.09 90.83c-7.71-1.48-11.85-4.25-12.28-8.35Z" class="cls-5"/>
<path id="cam-grey-pth8" d="M391.77 63.59c2.52.11 5.05.28 7.48.43-.07-.66-.3-2.12-.71-4.25l1.53-17.54a4.46 4.46 0 0 1 1.93-3.38c-6.2.48-9.06 1.87-9.36 4.53L390.6 59v.07c.68 2.41 1.07 4 1.16 4.4a.24.24 0 0 0 .01.12Z" class="cls-5"/>
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<path id="cam-grey-pth6" d="M143.43 37.22c-5 1-8.52 2-10.79 3.19-2 1-3 2.18-3.17 3.53a4 4 0 0 0 0 .6l1 17 .15 1.87 5.71-.21h.93v-.8l-.79-18.06c-.15-3.38 3.32-5.7 11.55-7.76l.92-.22.17-.05c-1.51.23-2.94.47-4.32.72Z" class="cls-5"/>
<path id="cam-grey-pth5" d="m206.85 39.28.92 21.31v.59l7.72-.15h.79a1.1 1.1 0 0 0 0-.26h-.69a2.62 2.62 0 0 0 0-.56v-.36l-1.11-20c-.18-3.1-4.36-4.79-13.9-5.61 4.21 1 6.16 2.6 6.27 5.04Z" class="cls-5"/>
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<path id="cam-drk-grey-pth7" d="m376.72 62.93-12.2-35.55-57.84-6V61c23 .36 46.48 1 70.08 2Z" class="cls-6"/>
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Ive attempting standard css styling techniques to modify the paths positioning but that doesnt appear to work with svg elements. I believe I need to set the paths' positioning from whatever its defaulted at to be center and vertically oriented in order for this to work as intended, but Im unsure of how I might do that.
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transform: scale(0);
fill: black;
.camera-v3c:hover #shutter.cls-2{
transform-origin: 50% 50%;
-webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
animation-name: shutter;
animation-duration: .3s;
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transform: scale(0);}
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fill: rgba(52, 12, 25, 1);
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transform: scale(1);}
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transform: scale(0.5);}
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transform: scale(0);}
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id="cam-light-grey2"><path id="cam-light-grey2-pth6" class="cls-8" d="M303.39,224.9l-6.64,19.22-2.14,16a5.08,5.08,0,0,1,1-.92,4.94,4.94,0,0,1,2.74-.84,4.45,4.45,0,0,1,.73,0,4.85,4.85,0,0,1,4.69-3.56h.36a4.93,4.93,0,0,1,4.41-2.78,3.86,3.86,0,0,1,.68,0,4.84,4.84,0,0,1,4.36-2.7h.78a4.82,4.82,0,0,1,2.21-2,5.13,5.13,0,0,1,3.39-.23,4.82,4.82,0,0,1,2.51-2.24,5.13,5.13,0,0,1,3.07-.19,4.81,4.81,0,0,1,2.37-1.87,5.09,5.09,0,0,1,1.59-.26,4.61,4.61,0,0,1,1.52.24,4.81,4.81,0,0,1,2.52-1.87,5.44,5.44,0,0,1,1.39-.21,5.05,5.05,0,0,1,1.59.27A4.87,4.87,0,0,1,339,239.4a4.79,4.79,0,0,1,1.19-.15,5,5,0,0,1,2,.43A5,5,0,0,1,345,238a5.55,5.55,0,0,1,1-.09,4.68,4.68,0,0,1,2,.43,4.75,4.75,0,0,1,2.66-1.37h.78a5,5,0,0,1,2.27.54,4.94,4.94,0,0,1,2.78-1.31h.58a5,5,0,0,1,2.36.62,5,5,0,0,1,2.75-1.14h.38a4.81,4.81,0,0,1,2.88,1,4.89,4.89,0,0,1,3.14-1.27h.15a5,5,0,0,1,2.73.82,4.82,4.82,0,0,1,2.77-.88h.53V224.9C350.21,224.58,326.27,224.6,303.39,224.9Z"/><path id="cam-light-grey2-pth5" class="cls-8" d="M554.36,243.2h-1.55a3,3,0,0,1-3-2.92v-5c0-.9-.22-1.35-.37-1.44q-8.24-.82-16.51-1.54l-2.32-.19-2.9-.24c-17.38-1.46-34.93-2.67-52.39-3.74l-7-.37-4.4-.23-4.77-.07,5.18,15a1.89,1.89,0,0,1,.14.58l3.83,28.68h70.06a107.94,107.94,0,0,0,14.15-.75V252.43a3,3,0,0,1,1.76-2.72l1-.43Z"/><path id="cam-light-grey2-pth4" class="cls-8" d="M452.81,227.11c-24.33-1.09-48.49-1.76-72.16-2.11v10.85a4.81,4.81,0,0,1,2.25,1,4.91,4.91,0,0,1,2.45-.65h.47a4.78,4.78,0,0,1,3,1.46,4.82,4.82,0,0,1,2.58-.75,4,4,0,0,1,.69,0,4.85,4.85,0,0,1,2.7,1.31,4.71,4.71,0,0,1,2.06-.47,6.61,6.61,0,0,1,.89,0,4.92,4.92,0,0,1,2.7,1.5,4.82,4.82,0,0,1,2-.42,4.63,4.63,0,0,1,1.11.14,4.78,4.78,0,0,1,2.56,1.53,4.64,4.64,0,0,1,1.68-.32,5.24,5.24,0,0,1,1.3.19,4.82,4.82,0,0,1,2.75,2.08,4.81,4.81,0,0,1,1.87-.38,5.34,5.34,0,0,1,1.49.24,5,5,0,0,1,2.44,1.76,4.52,4.52,0,0,1,1.27-.16,4.81,4.81,0,0,1,4.1,2.24,4.75,4.75,0,0,1,3.07.24,5,5,0,0,1,2.26,1.88,4.32,4.32,0,0,1,.88-.1,5,5,0,0,1,2.08.47,4.85,4.85,0,0,1,2.3,2.28,3.55,3.55,0,0,1,.92-.09,4.75,4.75,0,0,1,4.37,2.84h.53a4.71,4.71,0,0,1,2.45.68,4.8,4.8,0,0,1,2,2.32h.36a4.82,4.82,0,0,1,4.5,3,4.93,4.93,0,0,1,4.72,3.74h.24a5,5,0,0,1,3,1,4.91,4.91,0,0,1,1.68,2.45,5,5,0,0,1,2.75,1.15,5.16,5.16,0,0,1,.75.8l-3.27-24.7Z"/><path id="cam-light-grey2-pth3" class="cls-8" d="M230.33,231.21v-2.12a3,3,0,0,1,.81-2.13,2.84,2.84,0,0,1,.71-.54l-15.94.54c-.26.45-.55.9-.83,1.33s-.88,1.23-1.34,1.87a23.52,23.52,0,0,1-1.57,1.87c-14.13,14.71-45.94,19.65-76.28,22.4-3.22.3-6.25.43-9.07.43-23.86,0-33.87-9.73-37.88-16L87.5,244a3,3,0,0,1-2.56,2.17H84l-2.26,3.09V269.1c9.6-1.07,50.93-4.88,117.47-.6l32.66,2.94-1.58-38.36Z"/><path id="cam-light-grey2-pth2" class="cls-8" d="M299.22,218.73,310,187.27a121.94,121.94,0,0,0-13.9,31.49V219h3.09Z"/><path id="cam-light-grey2-pth1" class="cls-8" d="M268.6,226l-32.39,1.2v1.47l1.57,43h42a4.62,4.62,0,0,1,3.16-1.33,4.42,4.42,0,0,1,1.2.19,5.43,5.43,0,0,1,0-1.14,5.63,5.63,0,0,1,1.87-3.74,4.76,4.76,0,0,1,2-1.07l3-25a2.28,2.28,0,0,1,.13-.63L295.34,225Z"/></g><circle id="shutter-bg-gradient" class="cls-9" cx="373.12" cy="373.12" r="100.4"/><g id="shutter-clipped"><g class="cls-10"><path id="shutter" class="cls-2" d="M716.93,227.89a374.37,374.37,0,1,0,29.32,145.23A371.79,371.79,0,0,0,716.93,227.89Zm15.21,62.62h-398L487.6,23.94a3.47,3.47,0,0,0,.35-.85C609.4,63,703.16,164.54,732.14,290.51ZM373.12,4.77a367.19,367.19,0,0,1,107.51,16L282.16,365.55,128.31,99.08a3.51,3.51,0,0,0-.42-.59A366.89,366.89,0,0,1,373.12,4.77ZM122.18,103.7,321,448.11H13.39a4,4,0,0,0-.92.13,368.26,368.26,0,0,1-7.7-75.12C4.77,266.88,50,171,122.18,103.7Zm-108.07,352h398L258.64,722.3a4.56,4.56,0,0,0-.35.86C136.85,683.21,43.09,581.71,14.11,455.74Zm359,285.74a367.17,367.17,0,0,1-107.5-16L464.09,380.7,617.94,647.17a3.43,3.43,0,0,0,.42.58A366.9,366.9,0,0,1,373.12,741.48Zm251-98.94L425.22,298.13H732.86a4,4,0,0,0,.92-.12,368.24,368.24,0,0,1,7.7,75.11C741.48,479.37,696.27,575.25,624.07,642.54Z"/></g></g><ellipse id="glare" class="cls-11" cx="338.89" cy="338.89" rx="63.78" ry="43.48" transform="translate(-140.37 338.89) rotate(-45)"/>

Customize SVG path

I Basically want to write text(ICSE) in two lines i.e first line has the word IC and to very next line just below IC word SE. I am puzzling with code for a long time but didn't get the way.
<svg width="48.88" height="14.48" viewBox="0 0 48.88 14.48" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<path d="M 0.74 0.8 L 0 0.64 L 0 0.24 L 6.52 0.24 L 6.52 0.64 L 5.78 0.8 Q 5.48 0.86 5.39 0.94 A 0.218 0.218 0 0 0 5.336 1.018 Q 5.306 1.088 5.301 1.197 A 0.977 0.977 0 0 0 5.3 1.24 L 5.3 13.24 A 0.842 0.842 0 0 0 5.306 13.341 Q 5.319 13.449 5.363 13.51 A 0.19 0.19 0 0 0 5.39 13.54 A 0.297 0.297 0 0 0 5.45 13.58 Q 5.557 13.636 5.78 13.68 L 6.52 13.84 L 6.52 14.24 L 0 14.24 L 0 13.84 L 0.74 13.68 Q 1.04 13.62 1.13 13.54 A 0.218 0.218 0 0 0 1.184 13.462 Q 1.214 13.392 1.219 13.283 A 0.977 0.977 0 0 0 1.22 13.24 L 1.22 1.24 Q 1.22 1.057 1.157 0.971 A 0.19 0.19 0 0 0 1.13 0.94 A 0.297 0.297 0 0 0 1.07 0.9 Q 0.963 0.845 0.74 0.8 Z" id="0" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
<path d="M 20.92 12.12 L 21.32 12.56 Q 20.44 13.38 19.03 13.93 A 8.074 8.074 0 0 1 16.853 14.437 A 9.807 9.807 0 0 1 15.92 14.48 A 10.447 10.447 0 0 1 13.433 14.199 A 7.542 7.542 0 0 1 10.4 12.71 A 5.469 5.469 0 0 1 8.691 10.16 Q 8.381 9.24 8.284 8.111 A 12.532 12.532 0 0 1 8.24 7.04 A 9.631 9.631 0 0 1 8.44 5.011 Q 8.708 3.765 9.339 2.841 A 5.127 5.127 0 0 1 10.39 1.71 A 7.566 7.566 0 0 1 13.366 0.293 Q 14.465 0.028 15.752 0.003 A 13.853 13.853 0 0 1 16.02 0 Q 17.42 0 18.78 0.26 A 13.97 13.97 0 0 1 19.573 0.434 Q 20.384 0.639 20.92 0.9 L 20.64 4.34 L 20.08 4.34 A 9.235 9.235 0 0 0 19.538 3.025 Q 19.185 2.334 18.738 1.802 A 5.423 5.423 0 0 0 18.57 1.61 A 3.146 3.146 0 0 0 16.565 0.61 A 4.391 4.391 0 0 0 16.04 0.58 A 3.455 3.455 0 0 0 14.968 0.737 Q 13.964 1.063 13.43 2.07 A 5.445 5.445 0 0 0 12.997 3.206 Q 12.64 4.531 12.64 6.52 A 19.291 19.291 0 0 0 12.721 8.349 Q 12.898 10.206 13.466 11.386 A 4.903 4.903 0 0 0 13.66 11.75 A 3.335 3.335 0 0 0 15.79 13.311 Q 16.394 13.468 17.128 13.479 A 7.428 7.428 0 0 0 17.24 13.48 Q 18.34 13.48 19.23 13.12 A 6.69 6.69 0 0 0 20.769 12.238 A 7.53 7.53 0 0 0 20.92 12.12 Z" id="1" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
<path d="M 33.62 0.92 L 33.14 3.98 L 32.6 3.98 A 15.149 15.149 0 0 0 32.335 3.2 Q 32.199 2.835 32.059 2.53 A 6.303 6.303 0 0 0 31.81 2.04 Q 31.4 1.32 30.7 0.93 Q 30.162 0.631 29.353 0.561 A 6.006 6.006 0 0 0 28.84 0.54 Q 26.2 0.54 26.2 2.26 A 2.526 2.526 0 0 0 26.249 2.77 Q 26.318 3.105 26.484 3.367 A 1.576 1.576 0 0 0 26.52 3.42 A 2.346 2.346 0 0 0 26.89 3.832 Q 27.078 3.998 27.316 4.15 A 4.313 4.313 0 0 0 27.48 4.25 Q 28.096 4.606 29.491 5.287 A 99.663 99.663 0 0 0 29.6 5.34 L 30 5.52 Q 31.86 6.42 32.75 6.98 A 4.529 4.529 0 0 1 33.838 7.925 A 4.172 4.172 0 0 1 34.16 8.37 A 3.175 3.175 0 0 1 34.542 9.289 Q 34.68 9.839 34.68 10.52 Q 34.68 12.48 33.21 13.48 A 4.677 4.677 0 0 1 32.006 14.048 Q 30.847 14.421 29.151 14.472 A 18.343 18.343 0 0 1 28.6 14.48 Q 27.35 14.48 25.834 14.204 A 21.095 21.095 0 0 1 25.81 14.2 A 16.273 16.273 0 0 1 24.921 14.013 Q 24.063 13.806 23.498 13.547 A 4.409 4.409 0 0 1 23.44 13.52 L 23.98 10 L 24.5 10 Q 24.76 11.56 25.28 12.42 Q 25.8 13.28 26.58 13.61 Q 27.247 13.892 28.176 13.933 A 7.352 7.352 0 0 0 28.5 13.94 A 5.476 5.476 0 0 0 29.256 13.891 Q 29.652 13.836 29.976 13.718 A 2.379 2.379 0 0 0 30.52 13.44 A 1.6 1.6 0 0 0 31.222 12.283 A 2.209 2.209 0 0 0 31.24 12 A 2.884 2.884 0 0 0 31.19 11.446 Q 31.123 11.107 30.97 10.838 A 1.732 1.732 0 0 0 30.91 10.74 A 2.532 2.532 0 0 0 30.524 10.289 Q 30.261 10.043 29.9 9.82 A 8.953 8.953 0 0 0 29.426 9.549 Q 28.903 9.269 28.152 8.932 A 35.034 35.034 0 0 0 27.9 8.82 A 36.503 36.503 0 0 1 26.924 8.374 Q 26.037 7.952 25.437 7.594 A 9.855 9.855 0 0 1 25.3 7.51 Q 24.38 6.94 23.85 6.07 Q 23.378 5.295 23.326 4.148 A 6.398 6.398 0 0 1 23.32 3.86 A 4.289 4.289 0 0 1 23.477 2.665 A 3.077 3.077 0 0 1 24.68 0.97 A 4.225 4.225 0 0 1 25.804 0.418 Q 26.886 0.057 28.482 0.008 A 16.787 16.787 0 0 1 29 0 Q 30.32 0 31.55 0.26 A 12.2 12.2 0 0 1 32.485 0.494 Q 33.121 0.683 33.62 0.92 Z" id="2" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
<path d="M 36.28 13.84 L 37.02 13.68 Q 37.32 13.62 37.41 13.54 A 0.218 0.218 0 0 0 37.464 13.462 Q 37.494 13.392 37.499 13.283 A 0.977 0.977 0 0 0 37.5 13.24 L 37.5 1.24 Q 37.5 1.057 37.437 0.971 A 0.19 0.19 0 0 0 37.41 0.94 A 0.297 0.297 0 0 0 37.35 0.9 Q 37.243 0.845 37.02 0.8 L 36.28 0.64 L 36.28 0.24 L 48.6 0.24 L 48.6 4.14 L 48.1 4.14 A 20.252 20.252 0 0 0 47.855 3.425 Q 47.611 2.755 47.385 2.319 A 4.763 4.763 0 0 0 47.31 2.18 Q 46.94 1.52 46.28 1.18 A 2.577 2.577 0 0 0 45.736 0.98 Q 45.197 0.842 44.444 0.84 A 8.43 8.43 0 0 0 44.42 0.84 L 41.58 0.84 L 41.58 6.78 L 46.74 6.78 L 46.74 7.38 L 41.58 7.38 L 41.58 13.64 L 44.62 13.64 A 6.321 6.321 0 0 0 45.309 13.605 Q 46.012 13.528 46.48 13.28 Q 47.16 12.92 47.55 12.24 A 5.965 5.965 0 0 0 47.797 11.755 Q 48.033 11.238 48.279 10.506 A 21.598 21.598 0 0 0 48.36 10.26 L 48.88 10.26 L 48.88 14.24 L 36.28 14.24 L 36.28 13.84 Z" id="3" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
In this example I moved the coordinates of all the paths so that 0,0 is in the middle of the letter. Her you can see the "I" in the tool SvgPathEditor:
Now all the letters can be aligned using transform/translate.
<svg width="200" viewBox="0 0 30 32" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g id="svgGroup" stroke-linecap="round" fill-rule="evenodd" font-size="9pt" stroke="#000" stroke-width="0.25mm" fill="black" style="stroke:#000;stroke-width:0.25mm;fill:black"
transform="translate(7 8)">
<path transform="translate(0 0)" d="M -2.52 -6.44 L -3.26 -6.6 L -3.26 -7 L 3.26 -7 L 3.26 -6.6 L 2.52 -6.44 Q 2.22 -6.38 2.13 -6.3 A 0.218 0.218 0 0 0 2.076 -6.222 Q 2.046 -6.152 2.041 -6.043 A 0.977 0.977 0 0 0 2.04 -6 L 2.04 6 A 0.842 0.842 0 0 0 2.046 6.101 Q 2.059 6.209 2.103 6.27 A 0.19 0.19 0 0 0 2.13 6.3 A 0.297 0.297 0 0 0 2.19 6.34 Q 2.297 6.396 2.52 6.44 L 3.26 6.6 L 3.26 7 L -3.26 7 L -3.26 6.6 L -2.52 6.44 Q -2.22 6.38 -2.13 6.3 A 0.218 0.218 0 0 0 -2.076 6.222 Q -2.046 6.152 -2.041 6.043 A 0.977 0.977 0 0 0 -2.04 6 L -2.04 -6 Q -2.04 -6.183 -2.103 -6.269 A 0.19 0.19 0 0 0 -2.13 -6.3 A 0.297 0.297 0 0 0 -2.19 -6.34 Q -2.297 -6.395 -2.52 -6.44 Z" id="0" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
<path transform="translate(12 0)" d="M 6.14 4.88 L 6.54 5.32 Q 5.66 6.14 4.25 6.69 A 8.074 8.074 0 0 1 2.073 7.197 A 9.807 9.807 0 0 1 1.14 7.24 A 10.447 10.447 0 0 1 -1.347 6.959 A 7.542 7.542 0 0 1 -4.38 5.47 A 5.469 5.469 0 0 1 -6.089 2.92 Q -6.399 2 -6.496 0.871 A 12.532 12.532 0 0 1 -6.54 -0.2 A 9.631 9.631 0 0 1 -6.34 -2.229 Q -6.072 -3.475 -5.441 -4.399 A 5.127 5.127 0 0 1 -4.39 -5.53 A 7.566 7.566 0 0 1 -1.414 -6.947 Q -0.315 -7.212 0.972 -7.237 A 13.853 13.853 0 0 1 1.24 -7.24 Q 2.64 -7.24 4 -6.98 A 13.97 13.97 0 0 1 4.793 -6.806 Q 5.604 -6.601 6.14 -6.34 L 5.86 -2.9 L 5.3 -2.9 A 9.235 9.235 0 0 0 4.758 -4.215 Q 4.405 -4.906 3.958 -5.438 A 5.423 5.423 0 0 0 3.79 -5.63 A 3.146 3.146 0 0 0 1.785 -6.63 A 4.391 4.391 0 0 0 1.26 -6.66 A 3.455 3.455 0 0 0 0.188 -6.503 Q -0.816 -6.177 -1.35 -5.17 A 5.445 5.445 0 0 0 -1.783 -4.034 Q -2.14 -2.709 -2.14 -0.72 A 19.291 19.291 0 0 0 -2.059 1.109 Q -1.882 2.966 -1.314 4.146 A 4.903 4.903 0 0 0 -1.12 4.51 A 3.335 3.335 0 0 0 1.01 6.071 Q 1.614 6.228 2.348 6.239 A 7.428 7.428 0 0 0 2.46 6.24 Q 3.56 6.24 4.45 5.88 A 6.69 6.69 0 0 0 5.989 4.998 A 7.53 7.53 0 0 0 6.14 4.88 Z" id="1" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
<path transform="translate(0 16)" d="M 4.62 -6.32 L 4.14 -3.26 L 3.6 -3.26 A 15.149 15.149 0 0 0 3.335 -4.04 Q 3.199 -4.405 3.059 -4.71 A 6.303 6.303 0 0 0 2.81 -5.2 Q 2.4 -5.92 1.7 -6.31 Q 1.162 -6.609 0.353 -6.679 A 6.006 6.006 0 0 0 -0.16 -6.7 Q -2.8 -6.7 -2.8 -4.98 A 2.526 2.526 0 0 0 -2.751 -4.47 Q -2.682 -4.135 -2.516 -3.873 A 1.576 1.576 0 0 0 -2.48 -3.82 A 2.346 2.346 0 0 0 -2.11 -3.408 Q -1.922 -3.242 -1.684 -3.09 A 4.313 4.313 0 0 0 -1.52 -2.99 Q -0.904 -2.634 0.491 -1.953 A 99.663 99.663 0 0 0 0.6 -1.9 L 1 -1.72 Q 2.86 -0.82 3.75 -0.26 A 4.529 4.529 0 0 1 4.838 0.685 A 4.172 4.172 0 0 1 5.16 1.13 A 3.175 3.175 0 0 1 5.542 2.049 Q 5.68 2.599 5.68 3.28 Q 5.68 5.24 4.21 6.24 A 4.677 4.677 0 0 1 3.006 6.808 Q 1.847 7.181 0.151 7.232 A 18.343 18.343 0 0 1 -0.4 7.24 Q -1.65 7.24 -3.166 6.964 A 21.095 21.095 0 0 1 -3.19 6.96 A 16.273 16.273 0 0 1 -4.079 6.773 Q -4.937 6.566 -5.502 6.307 A 4.409 4.409 0 0 1 -5.56 6.28 L -5.02 2.76 L -4.5 2.76 Q -4.24 4.32 -3.72 5.18 Q -3.2 6.04 -2.42 6.37 Q -1.753 6.652 -0.824 6.693 A 7.352 7.352 0 0 0 -0.5 6.7 A 5.476 5.476 0 0 0 0.256 6.651 Q 0.652 6.596 0.976 6.478 A 2.379 2.379 0 0 0 1.52 6.2 A 1.6 1.6 0 0 0 2.222 5.043 A 2.209 2.209 0 0 0 2.24 4.76 A 2.884 2.884 0 0 0 2.19 4.206 Q 2.123 3.867 1.97 3.598 A 1.732 1.732 0 0 0 1.91 3.5 A 2.532 2.532 0 0 0 1.524 3.049 Q 1.261 2.803 0.9 2.58 A 8.953 8.953 0 0 0 0.426 2.309 Q -0.097 2.029 -0.848 1.692 A 35.034 35.034 0 0 0 -1.1 1.58 A 36.503 36.503 0 0 1 -2.076 1.134 Q -2.963 0.712 -3.563 0.354 A 9.855 9.855 0 0 1 -3.7 0.27 Q -4.62 -0.3 -5.15 -1.17 Q -5.622 -1.945 -5.674 -3.092 A 6.398 6.398 0 0 1 -5.68 -3.38 A 4.289 4.289 0 0 1 -5.523 -4.575 A 3.077 3.077 0 0 1 -4.32 -6.27 A 4.225 4.225 0 0 1 -3.196 -6.822 Q -2.114 -7.183 -0.518 -7.232 A 16.787 16.787 0 0 1 -0 -7.24 Q 1.32 -7.24 2.55 -6.98 A 12.2 12.2 0 0 1 3.485 -6.746 Q 4.121 -6.557 4.62 -6.32 Z" id="2" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
<path transform="translate(12 16)" d="M -6.3 6.6 L -5.56 6.44 Q -5.26 6.38 -5.17 6.3 A 0.218 0.218 0 0 0 -5.116 6.222 Q -5.086 6.152 -5.081 6.043 A 0.977 0.977 0 0 0 -5.08 6 L -5.08 -6 Q -5.08 -6.183 -5.143 -6.269 A 0.19 0.19 0 0 0 -5.17 -6.3 A 0.297 0.297 0 0 0 -5.23 -6.34 Q -5.337 -6.395 -5.56 -6.44 L -6.3 -6.6 L -6.3 -7 L 6.02 -7 L 6.02 -3.1 L 5.52 -3.1 A 20.252 20.252 0 0 0 5.275 -3.815 Q 5.031 -4.485 4.805 -4.921 A 4.763 4.763 0 0 0 4.73 -5.06 Q 4.36 -5.72 3.7 -6.06 A 2.577 2.577 0 0 0 3.156 -6.26 Q 2.617 -6.398 1.864 -6.4 A 8.43 8.43 0 0 0 1.84 -6.4 L -1 -6.4 L -1 -0.46 L 4.16 -0.46 L 4.16 0.14 L -1 0.14 L -1 6.4 L 2.04 6.4 A 6.321 6.321 0 0 0 2.729 6.365 Q 3.432 6.288 3.9 6.04 Q 4.58 5.68 4.97 5 A 5.965 5.965 0 0 0 5.217 4.515 Q 5.453 3.998 5.699 3.266 A 21.598 21.598 0 0 0 5.78 3.02 L 6.3 3.02 L 6.3 7 L -6.3 7 L -6.3 6.6 Z" id="3" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />

Computationally Efficient SVG character paths that scale well

I have just spent most of the last two days drawing computationally efficient svg paths for each of the A-Z characters of the Arial Rounded MT Bold font family. I needed these paths to cut out character shapes from other svg shapes and as my program does this very very frequently I want the paths to be as light as possible. I also wanted them to scale well up to 512px.
Whilst I know that I could have done this automatically in Inkscape by drawing text objects and converting the text objects to paths, the Inkscape generated paths are at least twice and sometimes over three times the size of the paths I include below.
My question is how could I have saved the last two days of my life which I will never get back. I could not find any online resource or tool to generate efficient svg paths for text characters of a chosen font family. Neither could I find any definitions anywhere of the cubic bezier curves used by each of the font characters. If I could have found the latter I would have written a program to do it as it is I had to use trial and error.
My SVG paths are listed below each positioned centrally on a 32x32 grid with a 28pt font size and they will all scale up to 512 pt with very close match to the original font.
svg { width: 28pt; }
<!-- A --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 13.6 7 C 15 5 17.3 5 18.6 7 L 25.4 24 A 2 2 180 0 1 22.1 25.8 L 20 21.2 L 12 21.2 L 10.2 25.8 A 2 2 180 0 1 6.9 24 Z M 13.5 17 L 18.5 17 L 16 10 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- B --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 19 6 C 26 7 24.5 14.6 21 15.4 C 26.2 16.4 27 25.2 19 26 L 10.3 26 A 2 2 90 0 1 8.3 24 L 8.3 8 A 2 2 90 0 1 10.3 6 Z M 12.3 9 L 12.3 14.2 L 17 14.2 C 21.1 14.2 21.1 9 17 9 Z M 12.3 17.4 L 12.3 23 L 17.5 23 C 22 23 22 17.4 17.5 17.4 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- C --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 24.3 19.5 C 24.3 22.5 21.8 26.3 17 26.3 C 2.9 27.3 2.9 4.7 17 5.7 C 20.8 5.7 24.1 7.9 24.3 12 A 1.8 1.8 180 0 1 21.3 13 C 20.9 12 19.5 9.2 17 8.8 C 8.4 7.7 8.4 24.3 17 23 C 19.2 23 20.7 20.5 21.3 18.5 A 1.7 1.7 180 0 1 24.3 19.5 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- D --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 16 6 C 22.5 6 25.2 10 25.2 16 C 25.2 22 22.5 26 16 26 L 10 26 A 2 2 90 0 1 8 24 L 8 8 A 2 2 90 0 1 10 6 Z M 12.1 9.1 L 12.1 22.8 L 15 22.8 C 20 22.8 21 20 21 16 C 21 12 20 9.1 15 9.1 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- E --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 8.5 7.5 A 1.5 1.5 90 0 1 10 6 L 22.1 6 A 1.5 1.5 180 0 1 22.1 9 L 12.5 9 L 12.5 14 L 21.3 14 A 1.5 1.5 180 0 1 21.3 17 L 12.5 17 L 12.5 22.8 L 22.3 22.8 A 1.6 1.6 180 0 1 22.3 26 L 10.2 26 A 1.6 1.6 90 0 1 8.5 24.5 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- F --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 9 8 A 2 2 90 0 1 11 6 L 21.5 6 A 1.5 1.5 180 0 1 21.5 9 L 13.1 9 L 13.1 14.3 L 20.2 14.3 A 1.5 1.5 180 0 1 20.2 17.3 L 13.1 17.3 L 13.1 24.3 A 2 2 180 0 1 9 24.3 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- G --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 21.8 21.5 L 21.8 18.5 L 17.9 18.5 A 1.5 1.5 180 0 1 17.9 15.5 L 23.9 15.5 A 1.5 1.5 90 0 1 25.4 17 L 25.4 22.5 C 25.4 23.7 21.8 26.3 17 26.3 C 2.9 27.3 2.9 4.7 17 5.7 C 20.8 5.6 24.9 7.9 24.9 11 A 1.9 1.9 180 0 1 21.5 12 C 21 11 19.5 8.7 17 8.7 C 8.1 7.7 8.1 24.3 17 23.3 C 19 23.3 21.8 22.2 21.8 21.5 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- H --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 7.5 7.6 A 2 2 180 0 1 11.5 7.6 L 11.5 13.8 L 20.4 13.8 L 20.4 7.6 A 2 2 180 0 1 24.4 7.6 L 24.4 24.3 A 2 2 180 0 1 20.4 24.3 L 20.4 17.1 L 11.5 17.1 L 11.5 24.3 A 2 2 180 0 1 7.5 24.3 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- I --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 14 7.6 A 2 2 180 0 1 18 7.6 L 18 24.3 A 2 2 180 0 1 14 24.3 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- J --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 18 8 C 17.8 4.8 22.2 4.8 22 8 L 22 20 C 22.2 28.4 8.5 28.4 8.7 20 C 8.7 17.3 12.4 17.3 12.5 20 C 12.5 24.2 18 24.2 18 20 L 18 24 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- K --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 8.5 7.6 A 2 2 180 0 1 12.5 7.6 L 12.5 15.2 L 21.3 6 A 1.9 1.9 180 0 1 24.1 8.6 L 18.6 13.8 L 25 23 C 27 25.9 23.7 27.3 21.8 25.6 L 15.9 16.5 L 12.5 19.8 L 12.5 24.5 A 2 2 180 0 1 8.5 24.5 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- L --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 9 7.6 A 2 2 180 0 1 13 7.6 L 13 22.7 L 21.7 22.7 A 1.6 1.6 180 0 1 21.7 26 L 11 26 A 2 2 90 0 1 9 24 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- M --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 6.3 7.9 A 1.9 1.9 90 0 1 8.2 6 L 10.5 6 C 12.5 6 12.3 6.5 12.6 7 L 16 19.6 L 19.4 7 C 19.8 6.3 20 6 21 6 L 23.7 6 A 1.9 1.9 90 0 1 25.6 7.9 L 25.6 24.5 A 1.8 1.8 180 0 1 22 24.5 L 22 10 L 18.1 25 C 17.1 26.8 14.9 26.8 13.9 25 L 10 10 L 10 24.5 A 1.8 1.8 180 0 1 6.3 24.5 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- N --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 7.6 8 C 7.6 5.9 10.4 4.4 12.1 6.9 L 20.7 20 L 20.6 8 C 20.6 4.8 24.4 4.8 24.4 8 L 24.4 24 C 24.2 27 21 27 19.4 24.5 L 11.4 12.2 L 11.4 24.4 C 11.4 27 7.6 27 7.6 24.4 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- O --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 16 5.6 C 29.1 4.9 29.1 27.1 16 26.3 C 2.9 27.1 2.9 4.9 16 5.6 Z M 16 8.8 C 8.3 8.5 8.3 23.4 16 23.1 C 23.7 23.4 23.7 8.5 16 8.8 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- P --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 17 6 C 26 5.5 26 18.7 16.5 18.2 L 12.4 18.2 L 12.4 24.3 A 2 2 180 0 1 8.4 24.3 L 8.4 8 A 2 2 90 0 1 10.4 6 Z M 12.4 9 L 12.4 15.1 L 16 15.1 C 20.8 15.1 20.8 9 16 9 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- Q --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 16 5.6 C 29.1 4.9 29.1 27.1 16 26.3 C 2.9 27.1 2.9 4.9 16 5.6 Z M 16 8.8 C 8.3 8.5 8.3 23.4 16 23.1 C 23.7 23.4 23.7 8.5 16 8.8 Z M 16.4 19.3 C 17.2 19.3 21.4 22.2 21.5 22.5 C 21.4 22.6 26.8 25.5 26.5 25.5 A 1.4 1.4 180 0 1 25 27.8 C 24.3 27.8 20 25 20 24 C 19 23 15 21 15 21 C 14.2 19.8 15.7 18.9 16.4 19.3 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- R --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 18 6 C 27 5.5 26.6 16.5 19.3 16.9 C 20.9 17.1 25.1 23 25 24.5 C 25 26.9 22.3 26.7 21.4 25.5 L 18 20 C 17 18.5 16.5 17.2 12.4 17.4 L 12.4 24.3 A 2 2 180 0 1 8.4 24.3 L 8.4 8 A 2 2 90 0 1 10.4 6 Z M 12.4 9 L 12.4 14.5 L 17 14.5 C 21.8 14.5 21.8 9 17 9 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- S --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 8.5 12.5 C 6.9 3.3 23 3.9 23 10.5 C 23 12.5 20.5 12.9 19.8 11.5 C 17.9 6.4 11.7 8.6 12.1 11 C 12.1 11.5 12 13 18 14.1 C 21 15.1 23.9 16 23.9 20 C 24 28.4 8 28.5 8 20 C 8.7 18 10.8 18.5 11.3 19.5 L 11.8 20.6 C 13.2 25 20.4 23.8 19.9 20 C 19.9 17.3 14 17.3 11.6 16 C 9.6 15 9 14 8.5 12.5 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- T --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 22.9 6 A 1.6 1.6 180 0 1 22.9 9.2 L 18 9.2 L 18 24.3 A 2 2 180 0 1 14 24.3 L 14 9.2 L 9.1 9.2 A 1.6 1.6 180 0 1 9.1 6 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- U --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 7.6 7.6 A 2 2 180 0 1 11.6 7.6 L 11.6 18 C 11.6 20.3 12 23.2 16 23.1 C 20 23.1 20.4 20.3 20.4 18 L 20.4 7.6 A 2 2 180 0 1 24.4 7.6 L 24.4 18 C 24.4 23.7 22 26.3 16 26.3 C 10 26.3 7.6 23.7 7.6 18 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- V --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 7.25 8.3 A 1.9 1.9 180 0 1 11 7 L 16 21.8 L 20.9 7 A 1.9 1.9 180 0 1 24.6 8.3 L 18.75 24 C 18.75 24 18.2 26.3 16 26.3 C 13.7 26.3 13 24 13 24 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- W --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 3.4 8 A 1.9 1.9 180 0 1 7.1 7 L 10.1 20.1 L 13.5 7.5 C 13.5 7.5 14 5.6 16 5.6 C 18 5.6 18.5 7.5 18.5 7.5 L 22 20.1 L 24.9 7 A 1.9 1.9 180 0 1 28.6 8 L 24.55 24.5 C 24.55 24.5 24.1 26.3 22.1 26.3 C 20.1 26.3 19.65 24 19.65 24 L 16 10.6 L 12.4 24 C 12.4 24 11.9 26.3 9.9 26.3 C 7.9 26.3 7.45 24.5 7.45 24.5 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- X --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 8.9 8.1 A 1.75 1.75 180 0 1 11.9 6.3 L 16 12.8 L 20.45 6.3 A 1.75 1.75 180 0 1 23.4 8.1 L 18.55 15.5 L 23.65 23.5 A 1.75 1.75 180 0 1 20.44 25.5 L 16 18.6 L 11.45 25.5 A 1.75 1.75 180 0 1 8.3 23.5 L 13.6 15.5 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- Y --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 8.1 8.15 A 1.8 1.8 180 0 1 11.15 6.25 L 16 14.1 L 20.95 6.25 A 1.8 1.8 180 0 1 24 8.15 L 18 17.45 L 18 24.4 A 2 2 180 0 1 14 24.4 L 14 17.45 Z
" /></svg>
<!-- Z --><svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"><path d="
M 10 9 C 7.7 9 7.7 6 10 6 L 21.5 6 C 23.9 6 24.1 8.2 23.4 9.5 L 12.15 23 L 23 23 C 25.3 23 25.3 26 23 26 L 9.5 26 C 7.5 26 6.5 24 7.7 22.5 L 19 9 Z
" /></svg>
I could not find any online resource or tool to generate efficient svg
paths for text characters of a chosen font family.
Try an online resource Google font to SVG path
This resource contains a large set of fonts and with a high degree of probability you will find the one you need
To optimize the SVG path, I used another online resource SVG-Editor
Below are code examples for letters A and D:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="56.2" height="67.5" viewBox="0 0 56.2 67.5">
<g stroke-linecap="round" fill-rule="evenodd" font-size="28pt" fill="red" stroke-width="1" >
<path d="M30.4 0L31.5 0A5 5 0 0 1 34.7 1.2Q37 3 39 7.6A115.5 115.5 0 0 1 41.8 14.9Q46.3 27.4 51.6 48.7A34.7 34.7 0 0 0 53.7 54.6 39.6 39.6 0 0 0 54.4 56 59 59 0 0 1 55 57.2Q55.9 59.1 56.1 60A2.3 2.3 0 0 1 56.2 60.5 7.1 7.1 0 0 1 54.3 65.4 6.7 6.7 0 0 1 52.8 66.8 5.4 5.4 0 0 1 50 67.5L48.9 67.5A10.3 10.3 0 0 1 47.1 67.4Q46.1 67.2 45.4 66.8A3.8 3.8 0 0 1 43.6 64.8 1.7 1.7 0 0 1 43.5 64.6Q43.3 64 43.1 62.3 42.9 60.3 42.5 58.4A45.4 45.4 0 0 0 41.8 55.5Q41 52.7 40 50.9A8.3 8.3 0 0 0 39.1 49.7Q37.3 47.6 29.8 47.4A64.5 64.5 0 0 0 27.7 47.4 63.6 63.6 0 0 0 24.1 47.5Q17.9 47.8 16.1 49.5 14.5 51.1 12.7 55.4A58.2 58.2 0 0 0 11.5 58.3 24.2 24.2 0 0 0 10.7 61 30.3 30.3 0 0 0 10.4 62.8 32.2 32.2 0 0 1 10.2 63.8Q9.9 65.5 9.5 66.1A2.6 2.6 0 0 1 8.3 67.1Q7.4 67.5 6 67.5A10.2 10.2 0 0 1 5.9 67.5 6.4 6.4 0 0 1 3.9 67.2 5.2 5.2 0 0 1 1.6 65.6 6.5 6.5 0 0 1 0 61.3 6.4 6.4 0 0 1 0.3 59.4Q0.9 57.5 2.5 55.2 5 51.7 11.8 33.9A661.1 661.1 0 0 0 11.9 33.7 642.7 642.7 0 0 1 15.6 24Q22.8 5.9 25.9 2.3A5.4 5.4 0 0 1 26.3 1.9 9 9 0 0 1 27.6 0.9Q28.5 0.4 29.3 0.1A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 30.4 0ZM25 40.5L31.5 40.5Q37.6 40.5 37.6 39L37.6 38.6Q37.6 37.9 35.1 27.9A1479.3 1479.3 0 0 0 34.3 24.8Q31.1 12.1 30 11.8A0.2 0.2 0 0 0 29.9 11.8L29.7 11.8A0.1 0.1 0 0 0 29.7 11.8Q29.4 12.2 27.9 15.6A404.3 404.3 0 0 0 24.8 22.3Q19.1 35.2 18.8 38.9A4.9 4.9 0 0 0 18.8 39.3L18.8 39.6Q18.8 40.3 20.5 40.3A8.6 8.6 0 0 0 20.7 40.3L21.4 40.4 25 40.5Z" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="60.1" height="73.4" viewBox="0 0 60.1 73.4">
<g stroke-linecap="round" fill-rule="evenodd" font-size="28pt" fill="red">
<path d="M23.4 0L25.9 0A48.6 48.6 0 0 1 37.6 1.3Q45.8 3.3 51 8.5A28.5 28.5 0 0 1 57.6 18.6Q60.1 25.1 60.1 33.2L60.1 33.5 60.1 34.8Q60.1 43.2 57.2 51.4A34.7 34.7 0 0 1 53.5 58.7 27.7 27.7 0 0 1 48.5 64.5 35.5 35.5 0 0 1 40.2 69.8 31.8 31.8 0 0 1 36.1 71.4 40 40 0 0 1 30.8 72.6Q28 73 24.7 73.2A95.4 95.4 0 0 1 18.8 73.4L17.6 73.4 16.4 73.4A194.1 194.1 0 0 1 11.8 73.3Q5.5 73.2 2.7 72.6A9.9 9.9 0 0 1 1.7 72.3 2.7 2.7 0 0 1 0.8 71.8Q0.2 71.3 0.1 70.5A3.6 3.6 0 0 1 0 69.8 1.3 1.3 0 0 1 0 69.5Q0.3 68.7 1.4 66.3A18.3 18.3 0 0 0 2.4 63Q3.8 57.6 3.8 47.8A154.8 154.8 0 0 0 3.8 46.9L4.4 31 4.5 28.6 4.7 20.3A419.5 419.5 0 0 0 4.7 17.7Q4.7 12.6 4.5 11.2 4.3 10 3.8 8.4A30.6 30.6 0 0 0 3.5 7.3 39.1 39.1 0 0 1 3.2 6.3Q2.8 5.1 2.7 4.5A2 2 0 0 1 2.7 4.2Q2.7 1.7 6.1 1.1A50.8 50.8 0 0 1 10.1 0.5Q15.4 0 23.4 0ZM15.3 27.1L15.2 28.7 15 33.7 14.9 35.4 14.7 41.2A88.5 88.5 0 0 0 14.7 42Q14.6 43.1 14.6 43.7L14.5 45.4Q14.4 47 14.4 47.8L14.3 49.4A26.8 26.8 0 0 0 14.3 51.1L14.2 52.7 14 58.4 14 61.5A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 14.1 62.8 3 3 0 0 0 15.9 64.9Q17.6 65.7 20.7 65.8A28.2 28.2 0 0 0 21.4 65.8L23.7 65.8A24.2 24.2 0 0 0 32 64.4 20.7 20.7 0 0 0 41.4 57.5Q44.2 53.9 46 48 47.8 42.1 47.8 34.7L47.8 33.8A45.1 45.1 0 0 0 47 25Q44.6 13.1 35.1 8.8 31.3 7.2 26.6 7.2L24.2 7.2Q18.8 7.2 17.2 8.8A2.4 2.4 0 0 0 17 9 4.2 4.2 0 0 0 16.5 10.2Q15.7 12.7 15.7 18.9A278.9 278.9 0 0 0 15.5 21.5Q15.3 25 15.3 27A39.3 39.3 0 0 0 15.3 27.1Z" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/>

How do I get an image to properly to fill (or tile) within an SVG pattern

I have an svg that I'm creating using a layer with a transformation.
I'm trying to create a pattern based on an image to fill it as background, but the background is coming out very strange:
Can someone please help me figure what's going on with this svg, and how can I make the background "tile properly and fill all my paths that I want to fill with it"?
The background image is 1000 on 614 so it's very big.
here is my svg:
<div id="map_22" class="citysvg" style="background-color:gray;">
<svg xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
viewBox="0 0 500 500" id="svg22">
<pattern id="grass" patternUnits="objectBoundingBox" width="1" height="1">
<image xlink:href="park.jpg" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" />
<metadata id="metadata7">
<cc:work rdf:about="">
<dc:type rdf:resource="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage"></dc:type>
<g transform="translate(0,-592.36218)" id="layer1">
<path d="m319.4 1045.24c-0.56-0.22-3.46-2.24-6.44-4.49-6.78-5.1-6.83-5.33-2.06-8.55 2.66-1.79 3.75-2.27 5.19-2.27 1.39 0 1.97 0.24 2.46 1.01 0.77 1.22 4.8 12.99 4.8 14.02 0 0.82-2.19 0.97-3.95 0.27z" id="352" fill="#ADD6A8" fill="#ADD6A8">
<title id="title5183">
<path d="m278.11 1040.61c-1.65-1.54-4.37-4.83-6.05-7.3-1.68-2.48-3.21-4.68-3.4-4.89-0.44-0.5-2.12 0.39-3.88 2.05-1.65 1.56-2.43 1.31-4.25-1.33l-1.08-1.58-3.12 0.29c-2.01 0.19-3.57 0.61-4.38 1.18-1.86 1.32-2.41 1.16-2.04-0.57 0.69-3.25 0.78-5.88 0.23-6.89-0.76-1.42 0.16-7.6 1.62-10.9 1.03-2.33 1.15-2.44 2.42-2.16 1.45 0.32 3.65-0.77 3.65-1.79 0-0.31-0.74-2.57-1.65-5.02-1.45-3.91-2-4.8-4.52-7.38-2.15-2.21-2.87-3.26-2.87-4.22 0-0.75-0.58-2.01-1.42-3.06-1.07-1.35-1.29-1.91-0.89-2.31 0.4-0.4 0.74-0.39 1.43 0.04 1.21 0.75 1.92 0.29 1.31-0.84-0.62-1.16 0.16-2.66 1.25-2.4 0.46 0.11 1.54-0.44 2.55-1.3 1.57-1.34 1.7-1.6 1.22-2.49-0.29-0.55-0.41-1.2-0.26-1.44 0.41-0.66 8.03-0.55 8.96 0.13 0.72 0.53 0.66 0.8-0.8 3.72-1.34 2.68-1.53 3.42-1.25 4.95 0.29 1.63 0.58 1.94 3.03 3.25 2.2 1.18 3.23 1.45 5.49 1.46 2.67 0.01 2.83-0.06 4.11-1.64l1.33-1.66 1.96 1.83 1.96 1.83-0.85 1.29c-1.06 1.63-9.01 10.61-11.48 12.99-1.69 1.62-1.86 1.98-1.86 4.06 0 2.05 0.15 2.39 1.56 3.51 0.86 0.68 1.92 1.24 2.37 1.24 1.11 0 3.44 1.59 3.78 2.57 0.21 0.61 0.68 0.76 1.93 0.66 1.25-0.11 1.65 0.03 1.65 0.56 0 0.46-0.85 0.95-2.48 1.42-2.34 0.68-2.48 0.8-2.48 2.16 0 0.79-0.19 2.1-0.42 2.91-0.28 0.96-0.26 1.94 0.04 2.81 0.41 1.18 0.68 1.34 2.28 1.34 1.76 0 1.8 0.04 1.47 1.24-0.67 2.47-0.25 3.74 2.17 6.53 1.3 1.5 3.75 3.61 5.45 4.7 2.57 1.65 3 2.09 2.54 2.64-1.2 1.45-3.22 0.76-6.36-2.18z" id="441" fill="#DAC1A7" cursor="pointer">
<title id="title6240">
Area 1
<path d="m301.64 1036.65c-0.64-1.2-1.21-0.6 11.37-12 5.68-5.15 10.33-9.51 10.33-9.68 0-0.18-0.86-1.13-1.92-2.13-2.27-2.14-3.52-2.29-6.57-0.76-1.47 0.74-3.18 1.13-5.54 1.28-2.75 0.17-3.96 0.5-6.25 1.72-2.35 1.25-2.91 1.4-3.25 0.86-1.17-1.8-0.94-2.54 2.27-7.07 3.83-5.42 4.1-6.82 1.61-8.28-1.84-1.08-1.89-1.4-0.68-4.22 0.5-1.16 0.9-2.61 0.9-3.24l0-1.14 3.5 0.27c1.93 0.15 13.06 0.7 24.73 1.22 18.56 0.83 22.73 1.19 21.88 1.91-0.11 0.09-1.64 1-3.4 2.01-3.72 2.15-3.79 2.21-5.12 5.58-0.86 2.16-1.92 3.42-6.68 8-4.58 4.4-5.92 5.43-6.97 5.43-0.82 0-3.85 1.45-8.06 3.86-5.62 3.21-7.17 4.34-9.27 6.72-1.38 1.57-3.83 3.71-5.43 4.75-2.61 1.7-2.92 2.05-2.92 3.38 0 1.25-0.22 1.56-1.42 1.97-2.01 0.7-2.54 0.62-3.12-0.44zM386.32 1035.45" id="847" fill="#ADD6A8" fill="#ADD6A8">
<title id="title5179">
Area 2
<path d="m386.32 1035.45c-0.43-2.3-1.89-4.17-3.25-4.17-0.6 0-1.81 0.62-2.67 1.38-1.48 1.3-1.62 1.34-2.41 0.63-0.81-0.73-0.8-0.82 0.1-3.07 2.44-6.11 2.76-7.11 2.37-7.49-0.23-0.22-1.39-0.67-2.59-0.98l-2.18-0.58-2.02 2.13c-2.16 2.28-2.29 2.34-3.32 1.69-0.55-0.35-0.23-0.88 1.79-2.92l2.47-2.49-2.58-2.29c-2.5-2.22-3.24-3.57-1.95-3.57 0.35 0 0.75-0.31 0.9-0.7 0.21-0.55 0.46-0.59 1.18-0.21 0.63 0.34 1.18 0.34 1.78 0.02 0.59-0.31 2.22-0.33 5-0.04 2.53 0.26 4.55 0.27 5.23 0.01 1.46-0.55 3.39-0.12 4.91 1.08l1.24 0.98-2.08 4.69-2.08 4.69 0.48 3.51c0.27 1.93 0.88 4.66 1.37 6.07 1.12 3.24 1.11 3.32-0.23 3.32-0.92 0-1.16-0.28-1.43-1.69z" id="854" fill="#ADD6A8" fill="#ADD6A8">
<title id="title5185">
Area 4
<path d="m319.81 1029.7c-0.4-0.88-0.85-1.13-2.03-1.13-2.05 0-2.24-0.32-1.1-1.86 0.89-1.21 13.99-8.95 15.14-8.95 0.26 0 1.01 0.9 1.65 2.01 0.65 1.1 1.62 2.32 2.17 2.7l0.99 0.69-1.39 1.47c-0.77 0.81-1.63 1.93-1.92 2.48-0.43 0.84-0.9 1.01-2.7 1.01-1.2 0-2.8-0.22-3.57-0.49-1.28-0.45-1.6-0.33-3.84 1.35-1.34 1.01-2.54 1.84-2.66 1.84-0.12 0-0.46-0.51-0.74-1.13z" id="848" fill="#ADD6A8" fill="#ADD6A8">
<title id="title5181">
Area 5
<path d="m230.71 1020.28c-0.89-1.67-0.96-2.1-0.46-2.7 0.69-0.83 2.83-0.94 4.17-0.23 1.11 0.59 0.83 2.34-0.63 3.91-1.35 1.44-1.88 1.28-3.08-0.97z" id="850" fill="#ADD6A8" fill="#ADD6A8">
<title id="title5175">
Area 6
<path d="m245.19 1017.7c-0.98-0.4-6.24-1.25-12.59-2.04-1.2-0.15-2.39-0.02-3.05 0.33-0.95 0.5-1.17 0.47-1.74-0.29-0.36-0.48-0.68-1.58-0.7-2.44-0.05-2.15-1.54-3.23-6.56-4.72-5.96-1.78-7.12-2.22-7.31-2.77-0.39-1.16 4.56-5.62 9.51-8.56 7.02-4.17 9.73-6.04 9.96-6.88 0.11-0.4 0.31-1.43 0.46-2.3 0.18-1.05 2.77-5.13 7.73-12.17 4.1-5.82 7.66-10.66 7.91-10.74 0.25-0.08 1.39 0.4 2.54 1.07l2.08 1.22-0.31 2.98c-0.17 1.66-0.62 3.32-1 3.75-0.6 0.66-0.61 1-0.1 2.4 0.77 2.13 0.16 3.16-1.9 3.19-1.33 0.02-1.61 0.25-2.34 1.91-0.45 1.04-1.02 1.89-1.25 1.89-0.23 0-0.72 0.58-1.09 1.28-0.63 1.22-0.6 1.36 0.65 2.82 0.79 0.92 1.32 2.06 1.33 2.87 0.01 1.02 0.69 2.03 2.89 4.28 2.43 2.49 3.09 3.53 4.29 6.79 1.81 4.9 1.83 5.59 0.18 5.2-0.68-0.16-1.54-0.34-1.9-0.39-1.09-0.16-3.55 5.65-4.3 10.15-0.3 1.83-1.1 2.11-3.4 1.18z" id="851" fill="#ADD6A8" cursor="pointer">
<title id="title5173">
Area 7
<path d="m208.49 1003.05-2.59-2.01 1.01-1.36c0.97-1.31 1.11-1.35 3.5-1.08 2.86 0.33 4.97 1.05 4.97 1.71 0 0.48-2.97 3.96-3.81 4.46-0.27 0.16-1.65-0.61-3.08-1.71zM200.91 1002" id="849" fill="#ADD6A8" fill="#ADD6A8">
<title id="title5171">
Area 8
<path d="m200.91 1002c-0.87-0.47-1.93-0.96-2.36-1.09-0.51-0.15-0.68-0.49-0.5-0.97 0.21-0.55 0.66-0.68 1.76-0.5 1.04 0.17 1.67 0.02 2.15-0.52 0.75-0.85 2.04-5.34 2.23-7.74 0.11-1.46 0.22-1.57 1.47-1.46 3.41 0.3 4.51 1.46 5.03 5.25l0.28 2.06-2.02 0c-1.93 0-2.1 0.11-3.9 2.53-1.04 1.39-1.88 2.71-1.88 2.93 0 0.57-0.48 0.46-2.26-0.51z" id="857" fill="#ADD6A8" fill="#ADD6A8">
<title id="title5169">
Area 10
<path d="m214.39 998.11c-1.48-0.61-1.72-0.95-2.16-2.97-0.65-3.04-2.14-5.59-3.59-6.16-0.65-0.25-2.13-0.59-3.29-0.75-1.92-0.27-2.18-0.45-2.79-1.98-0.41-1.02-2.11-3.02-4.28-5.02-3.24-3-3.63-3.54-3.88-5.38-0.26-1.88-0.15-2.19 1.33-3.92 0.89-1.03 2.04-2.85 2.57-4.04 0.53-1.19 1.46-2.96 2.07-3.93 0.61-0.97 1.55-3.1 2.1-4.73 0.91-2.74 0.95-3.33 0.51-7.56-0.26-2.52-0.63-4.74-0.82-4.93-0.19-0.19-1.13 0.42-2.08 1.35l-1.73 1.69-2.89-1.37c-1.59-0.76-3.75-1.59-4.81-1.85-1.06-0.26-1.92-0.7-1.92-0.99 0-0.28 1.47-2.8 3.28-5.6 2.39-3.72 3.48-5.05 4.05-4.93 0.8 0.17 47.98 26.78 50.14 28.28l1.22 0.84-7.44 10.58c-7.55 10.73-8.32 12.02-8.32 13.96 0 0.78-0.65 1.56-2.37 2.82-3.2 2.34-11.76 7.31-12.57 7.28-0.36-0.01-1.4-0.33-2.31-0.71z" id="368" fill="#DAC1A7" cursor="pointer">
<title id="title5093">
Area 11
<path d="m396.08 998.37c-1.86-0.19-5.01-0.87-7-1.53-1.99-0.66-5.22-1.48-7.18-1.84-1.96-0.35-3.66-0.74-3.78-0.86-0.12-0.12 0.24-2.06 0.8-4.31l1.01-4.09-1.27-4.78c-1.25-4.69-1.33-4.84-4.81-8.84-2.13-2.45-3.46-4.35-3.34-4.78 0.11-0.39 0.33-1.37 0.49-2.18 0.36-1.77 1.02-1.83 6.32-0.58 3.96 0.94 4.48 0.79 4.91-1.34 0.26-1.29 0.36-1.34 2.76-1.34 1.37 0 3.4 0.24 4.52 0.54 1.86 0.5 2.15 0.46 3.38-0.45 0.74-0.55 1.45-0.99 1.58-0.99 0.13 0 1.09 0.92 2.13 2.05 1.04 1.13 2.11 1.99 2.38 1.91 1.29-0.35 6.57-3.8 6.58-4.31 0.03-2.02-5.78-11.12-10.57-16.55-3.9-4.43-2.14-3.92 7.9 2.29 5.07 3.14 10.34 6.66 11.71 7.83 2.98 2.55 4.08 3.17 5.62 3.17 1.48 0 1.47 0.75-0.03 2.31-1.64 1.7-1.96 3.71-2.38 14.59l-0.37 9.46-1.94 3.83c-1.64 3.23-1.93 4.2-1.85 6.2l0.09 2.37-3.33 0c-3.11 0-3.41 0.09-4.63 1.35-1.44 1.49-2.54 1.59-9.71 0.88z" id="364" fill="#DAC1A7" fill="#DAC1A7">
<title id="title5143">
area 12
<path d="m365.36 993.37c-2.61-0.21-5-0.48-5.31-0.6-0.31-0.12-0.56-0.8-0.56-1.52 0-2.19-5.72-13.49-8.2-16.22-1.28-1.4-2.19-2.83-2.19-3.43 0-0.9 0.29-1.07 2.21-1.32l2.21-0.29 0.31-2.03c0.27-1.81 0.49-2.11 1.97-2.7 1.1-0.44 1.97-1.23 2.57-2.35 0.62-1.16 1.26-1.73 2.04-1.82 1.67-0.19 3.76-4.01 3.36-6.14-0.22-1.19-0.6-1.66-1.6-2.01-1.33-0.46-1.68-1.12-0.86-1.63 0.79-0.49 0.5-7.62-0.47-11.79-0.96-4.1-0.85-6.46 0.31-6.46 0.87 0 10.68 2.76 11.11 3.13 0.18 0.16-0.06 2.71-0.54 5.67-1.11 6.85-1.98 14.93-1.69 15.7 0.15 0.4 2.04 0.77 5.8 1.15 3.07 0.31 5.63 0.61 5.7 0.68 0.19 0.19-0.68 3.88-0.98 4.18-0.14 0.14-2.44-0.18-5.1-0.71-2.66-0.53-4.98-0.82-5.15-0.63-0.17 0.19-0.53 1.63-0.8 3.22l-0.49 2.88 3.56 4.08c3.48 3.99 3.58 4.18 4.79 8.71l1.23 4.63-1.01 4.07-1.01 4.07-3.22-0.06c-1.77-0.03-5.36-0.24-7.97-0.45z" id="path3352"
<title id="title5213">
area 883
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area 009343
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area 18 </title>
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area 14
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area 225
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<title id="title5165">
area 53
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<title id="title5099">
area 051
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<title id="title3391">
area 888
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<title id="title3393">
area 8883
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<title id="title5163">
area 32
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<title id="title5161">
area 99
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<title id="title5141">
area 8832
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<title id="title5137">
area 993
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<title id="title5135">
area 9923403
Just add this to your image element
preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice"
If you specify that the pattern has to be 100% of the width/height - which you do with patternUnits="objectBoundingBox" and x="1" y="1" then it's going to center the image and fit to the greater of width/length. Because your image is wide and short, it's going to fit to the width and make the top and bottom of your pattern blank. You can over-ride the default behavior by specifying "slice" - which fits to the smaller of width/height and covers the whole space, cropping the edges of the longer dimension, without changing aspect ratio.

I want to store the output of the below command in an variable

I want to store the output of the below command in an variable
This is my cmd
load=$(sar -q | awk -F'[\t] +\\' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7 }')
When I am trying to store the output in an variable I am getting like this inux
but I want answer like this
Linux 3.13.0-45-generic (vr1tel-Inspiron-3542) 03/27/2015 i686 (4 CPU)
06:55:01 AM runq-sz plist-sz ldavg-1 ldavg-5 ldavg-15 blocked
07:05:01 AM 2 449 1.08 1.01 0.76 0
07:15:01 AM 3 438 1.09 1.11 0.93 0
07:25:01 AM 0 434 0.29 0.69 0.85 0
Average: 2 440 0.82 0.94 0.85 0
08:35:01 AM runq-sz plist-sz ldavg-1 ldavg-5 ldavg-15 blocked
08:45:01 AM 0 437 0.26 0.51 0.46 1
08:55:01 AM 0 418 0.30 0.32 0.40 0
09:05:01 AM 0 348 1.18 0.60 0.48 0
09:15:01 AM 0 364 0.23 0.55 0.55 0
09:25:01 AM 0 364 0.42 0.39 0.46 0
09:35:01 AM 0 439 0.33 0.26 0.34 0
09:45:01 AM 0 469 0.38 0.40 0.36 0
