Gulp-compiled CSS folder missing from the Azure DevOps pipeline Build Artifact - azure

A little background...
I have a small dotnet core application that is hosted on Azure and is being built and deployed using Azure DevOps Pipelines. Before we started using the DevOps Pipelines the CI was hooked up directly to Azure which compiled fine but took an actual lifetime to deploy, hence the decision to move.
However, the build pipeline no longer compiles or outputs the sass/css folder
Everything else works okay - I check in, the Build pipeline picks up my commits and has the following steps:
Restore [.NET Core]
Build [.NET Core]
Publish [.NET Core]
Publish Build Artifact
Part of step 3 (Publish) uses a Gulp task:
gulp.task('prod', function (callback) {
['icon-sprite', 'logo-sprite', 'images', 'sass', 'modernizr', 'mainjs', 'adminjs'],
And locally (and previously) this generated five folders:
css (now mysteriously missing in action)
Variations I've tried
I've tried deleting my local css folder and running the CLI dotnet publish exactly the same way the Pipeline does and that appears to work fine locally.
I've also stripped the sass task way back in case that was causing an issue somewhere in the pipeline, so that now looks like this:
return gulp.src('src/sass/style.scss')
.pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}))
I can see all of the output in the console logs on the Pipeline and it successfully executes the sass task:
2019-01-02T14:43:51.3558593Z [14:43:51] Starting 'sass'...
2019-01-02T14:43:51.9284145Z [14:43:51] Finished 'sass' after 524 ms
There are no other errors or warnings in the build script and everything completes and fires off the Release pipeline (which copies the artifact up to the Azure site).
I would expect an error somewhere... but nothing - all of the green ticks are downright cheerful... so I'm a little stumped at what may or may not be happening! I can only think that there must be some dependency or something missing in the Pipeline environment? Orrrrr maybe I'm missing a Pipeline step?
Any help or nudges or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for sticking it out through my small essay and for any help you can provide :)

Something I've done in this situation before is changing the Publish Build Artifact task to upload everything in the build folder. My guess is that right now the 'Path to Publish' value in that task is set to $(build.artifactStagingDirectory). Change it to $(build.SourcesDirectory). After running the build again you'll see that the entire build directory has was uploaded. This includes your source code and any other folders like you have on your local environment. From there you can figure out if the CSS folder is actually missing, or if it ended up in some other folder location.
If the folder ends up in a weird location you can either add a file copy task to move the CSS folder to the proper folder in $(build.artifactStagingDirectory) or make a change to the Gulp task. Whatever is better for your scenario.
Once you find the location, you can fix the Publish Build Artifact task.

I was having the exact same issue. I was able to get everything working locally without issue. gulp would generate the css folder just fine. dotnet publish -c release would do the same. However, when ran through the pipeline, no css folder.
The thing that I find the most strange, is that there is a sibling folder (scripts) that is used in the same way the css gulp task is used, but that folder makes it just fine. Here's my css task:
gulp.task('min', function() {
return gulp.src('wwwroot/css/**/*.css')
but, this task does works both locally and in the pipeline:
gulp.task('build-js', function() {
return gulp.src('wwwroot/scripts/**/*.js')
I ended up just giving up since this is legacy code anyways and settled on a workaround:
Add the Copy Files task right after your gulp task with the below configuration:
Or, if you like YAML:
- task: CopyFiles#2
displayName: 'Copy Files to: wwwroot/dist/css'
SourceFolder: wwwroot/css
Contents: '*.css'
TargetFolder: wwwroot/dist/css


Azure Devops path for Power Platform CD

I'm Trying to setup a Release CD for D365 (or Power Platform) using the "Power Platform Deploy Package" task:
I can see the build and release are flowing correct except for the very last part.
I can tell it works all the way to the "Download Artifact" part "
Download Artifact
Do I need anything else beside those 2?:
I get this "Package File not specified or not found" error:
same error with several combinations of env variable paths. tried the exact path and still does not work
Am I forgetting anything?
The code is produced with the VS CRM Package and compiled just fine. I only updated the .net framework version to 4.7.2.
vs template
If you are using Hosted agent instead of Self-hosted agent, we need to specify the path using predefined variables $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) instead of D:\a\r1\a, then it should be work.
Also we could add the task Copy files to filter the .dll file and copy them to another path, then specify the Package File path.
Note: I just share the yaml sample, you could enter the variable to class edit mode(UI)
- task: CopyFiles#2
displayName: 'Copy Files to: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
Contents: |
TargetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'

Unable to run Azure pipeline "A task is missing. The pipeline references a task called 'Cache'

I am setting up my fork of a Github project with the azure_pipeline.yaml configuration.
This seems to work just fine for everyone else in the community but when I setup the pipeline it gives me the following exception:
A task is missing. The pipeline references a task called 'Cache'. This usually indicates the task isn't installed, and you may be able to install it from the Marketplace: (Task version 2, job 'compile_ci_build', step ''.)
A task is missing. The pipeline references a task called 'Cache'. This usually indicates the task isn't installed, and you may be able to install it from the Marketplace: (Task version 2, job 'test_ci_build', step ''.)
A task is missing. The pipeline references a task called 'Cache'. This usually indicates the task isn't installed, and you may be able to install it from the Marketplace: (Task version 2, job 'e2e_ci_build', step ''.)
Here is my Azure pipeline link
I am creating Flink CI build pipeline according to this instruction.
Which already have an azure-pipeline.yml in the repo
It uses the template to run the job parameterized in tools/azure-pipelines/jobs-template.yml
I modified the jobs-templates.yml and commented out all steps with Cache#2 and it runs fine.
Was able to get this working eventually.
Apparently for my Azure account. I am not allow to use Cache#2.
changing all lines with
- task: Cache#2
- task: CacheBeta#1
resolves all my problem.
By design, Azure DevOps does not automatically make all tasks available when you run a pipeline.
You have to add them manually as part of the pipeline.
'cache' is one such task.
I'm doing this in classic gui (non-yaml) mode as I find it easier to search for things
But what you do is in your pipeline add a new task and in the task search box type 'cache'.
This will bring up the task.
Click Add to include it in the pipeline.
For more information on this I would recommend reading:
I do not see you added cache task in your pipeline from your git repo.
It should look like the example here:
YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/.yarn
- task: Cache#2
key: 'yarn | "$(Agent.OS)" | yarn.lock'
restoreKeys: |
yarn | "$(Agent.OS)"
displayName: Cache Yarn packages
- script: yarn --frozen-lockfile
I was getting the same error A task is missing. The pipeline references a.. on one of azure task, PublishCucumberReport#1 . I resolved it by visiting and going to the task and then clicking on get free button, which installs it on your pipeline

Gitlab CI Web Deployment

So we are currently moving away from our current deployment provider: Beanstalk, which is great but we are on the top tier and we keep running out of space or hitting our repository limits. So we are moving away so please do not suggest any other SaaS provider.
I personally use Gitlab for my own projects and a few company projects and it's amazing we use a self hosted version on our local server in our company building.
We have CI setup and currently are using the following deployment code (I have minified the bits just to the deployment for development) - this uses the shell executer for deploying as we deploy to an existing linux server.
HOSTNAME: '<hostname>'
USERNAME: '<username>'
PASSWORD: '<password>'
PATH_DEV: '/path/to/www'
# Define the stages (we can add as many as we want)
# - build
- deploy
# The code for development deployment
stage: deploy
- echo "Deploying to development environment..."
- rm .gitlab-ci.yml
- rsync -urltvz --filter=':- .gitignore' --exclude=".git" -e "sshpass -p"$PASSWORD" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" * $USERNAME#$HOSTNAME:$PATH_DEV
- echo "Finished deploying."
name: Development
- envdev
The Problem:
When we use the above code to deploy it's perfect and works really well, and it deploys all the code after optimisation etc, but we have found a little bug here.
When you delete a file then the rsync command will not delete the file, now I did some searching and found the --remove flag you can add, and it worked - but it deleted all the user uploaded content as well. Now I added the .gitignore in to the filtering, so it would ignore some the files in their (which are usually user generated) or configuration files or/and libraries (npm, etc.). This is fine until a user started uploading files using the media manager in our framework which stores in a folder that is not in the .gitignore file and it can't because it contains other files, as we also add our own files in there so they're editable by the user, so now I am unsure how to manage this.
What we are looking for is a CI setup, which will upload file changes to the server, so it would search through the latest commits, and find the latest files that have been changed and then push only them files up. Of course I would like to do this with the Gitlab CI still, so any ideas examples or tutorials would be amazing.
Thanks in advance.
~ Danny
May it helps:
Looks this tool designed for php project, but I think it can use other web deployment.
how it works:
PHPloy stores a file called .revision on your server. This file contains the hash of the commit that you have deployed to that server. When you run phploy, it downloads that file and compares the commit reference in it with the commit you are trying to deploy to find out which files to upload. PHPloy also stores a .revision file for each submodule in your repository.

GitLab CI/CD pull code from repository before building ASP.NET Core

I have GitLab running on computer A, development environment (Visual studio Pro) on computer B and Windows Server on computer C.
I set up GitLab-Runner on computer C (Windows server). I also set up .gitlab-ci.yml file to perform build and run tests for ASP.NET Core application on every commit.
I don't know how can I get code on computer C (Windows server) so I can build it (dotnet msbuild /p:Configuration=Release "%SOLUTION%"). It bothers me that not a single example .gitlab-ci.yml I found on net, doesn't pull code form GitLab, before building application. Why?
Is this correct way to set-up CI/CD:
User create pull request (a new branch is created)
User writes code
User commit code to branch from computer B.
GitLab runner is started on computer C.
It needs to pull code from current branch (CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME)
Build, test, deploy ...
Should I use common git command to get the code, or is this something GitLab runner already do? Where is the code?
Why no-one pull code from GitLab in .gitlab-ci.yml?
I get error
'"git"' is not recognized as an internal or external command
. Solution in my case was restart GitLab-Runner. Source.
#MilanVidakovic explain that source is automatically downloaded (which I didn't know).
I just have one remaining problem of how to get correct path to my .sln file.
Here is my complete .gitlab-ci.yml file:
SOLUTION: missing_path_to_solution #TODO
- dotnet restore
- build
stage: build
- echo "Building %CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME% branch."
- dotnet msbuild /p:Configuration=Release "%SOLUTION%"
- tags
I need to set correct variable for SOLUTION. My dir (where GitLab-Runner is located) currently holds this folder/files:
- config.toml
- gitlab-runner.exe
- builds/
- 7cab42e4/
- 0/
- web/ # I think this is project group in GitLab
- test/ # I think this is project name in GitLab
- .sln
- AND ALL OTHER PROJECT FILES #Based on first look
- testm.tmp
So, what are 7cab42e4, 0. Or better how to get correct path to my project structure? Is there any predefined variable?
I'm not sure I follow completely.
On every commit, Gitlab runner is fetching your repository to C:\gitlab-runner\builds.. on the local machine (Computer C), and builds/deploys or does whatever you've provided as an action for the stage.
Also, I don't see the need for building the source code again. If you're using Computer C for both runner and tests/acceptance, just let the runner do the building and add Artifacts item in your .gitlab-ci.yaml. Path defined in artifacts will retain your executables on Computer C, which you are then able to use for whatever purposes.
Hope it helps.
Edit after comment:
When you push to repository, Gitlab CI/CD automatically checks your root folder for .gitlab-ci.yaml file. If its there, the runner takes over, parses the file and starts executing jobs/stages.
As soon as the file itself is valid and contains proper jobs and stages, runner fetches the latest commit (automatically) and does whatever script item tells it to do.
To verify that everything works correctly, go to your Gitlab -> CI / CD -> Pipelines, and check out whats going on. You should see something like this:
Maybe it would be best if you posted your .yaml file, there could be a number of reasons your runner is not picking up the code. For instance, maybe your .yaml tags are not matching what runner is created to pick up etc.

GitLab Pages deployment step fails after successfull build

I am trying to host a reveal.js presentation via gitlab pages. The repository can be found here:
My .gitlab-ci.yml is fairly simple:
image: node:4.2.2
- node_modules/
- npm install
- node_modules/.bin/gulp
- build
- master
After a commit to master though, something goes wrong. The pages task itself is executed and runs just fine. It even shows in the logs that my build directory has been scanned and that the artefacts have been found.
Oddly, the subsequent pages:deploy task fails. It only says :
pages failed to extract
Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I have no clue where to look to next. The documentation itself isn't really helpful when trying to implement an deployment flow with npm.
Thanks in advance folks !
Apparently a page can only be published from a folder in under the artifacts that is called "public".
From the GitLab Pages documentation:
To make use of GitLab Pages, the contents of .gitlab-ci.yml must follow the rules below:
A special job named pages must be defined
Any static content which will be served by GitLab Pages must be placed under a public/ directory
artifacts with a path to the public/ directory must be defined
Also mentioned (somewhat tangentially) in the "GitLab Pages from A to Z" guide:
... and GitLab Pages will only consider files in a directory called public.
