How to stream audio files in real time - audio

I'm writing an audio streaming server - similar to Icecast, and I'm running into a problem with streaming audio files. Proxying audio works fine (an audio source connects and sends audio in real time, which is then transmitted to clients over HTTP), but when I try to stream an audio file it goes by to quickly - clients end up with the entire audio file within their local buffer. I want them to only have a few 10s of seconds in their local buffer.
Essentially, how can I slow down the sending of an audio file over HTTP?
The files are all MP3. I've managed to get it pretty much working by experimenting with hardcoded thread delays etc... but that's not a sustainable solution.

If you're sticking with http you could use chunked transfer encoding and delay sending the packets/chunks. This would indeed be something similar to hardcoded thread::sleep but you could use an event loop to determine when to send the next chunk instead of pausing the thread.
You might run into timing issues though, maybe your sleep logic is causing longer delays than the runtime of the song. YouTube has similar logic to what you're talking about. It looks like they break videos into multiple http requests and the frontend client requests a new chunk when the buffer is too small. Breaking the file into multiple http body requests and then reassembling them at the client might have the characteristics you're looking for.
You could simply implement the http Range header and allow the client to only request a specific Range of the mp3 file.

The easiest method (by far) would be to have the client request chunks of the audio file on demand. std::net::TcpStream (which is what you said you're using) doesn't have a method to throttle the transfer rate, so you don't have many options to limit streaming backend short of using hard-coded thread delays.
As an example, you can have your client store a segment of audio, and when the user listening to the audio reaches a certain point before the end of the segment (or skips ahead), the client makes a request to the server to fetch the relevant segment.
This is similar to how real-world streaming services (like Youtube) work, because as you said, it would be a bad idea to store the entire file client-side.


Question for Node multithreading, media consuming and piping to HTTP response

I have an interesting problem, in short: how to share information between threads in NodeJS (12+).
The tech stack - in short also:
A remote/online streaming server, what producing an MP4 live stream
A client application what only consumes live view through RTSP over HTTP
A small NodeJS based application to get the MP4, transform it and pipe it back to the client.
The modules what I use:
NodeJS 12+
Request/fetch/https module
Express module
Stream module
The story:
I have an application, what has a gateway/relay role between two different system. One provide a live media stream (simple MP4(h264) stream) and another one supposed to consume it as RTSP over HTTP. The weird part is, the consumer client does not behave like any other player (like VLC or a webplayer), sometime - seemingly randomly - resend the request, sometime close the current request and resend it. So direct pipe not really working for this use-case.
I made a worker (from worker_threads), what hold a readable stream object, and when the client hit the request, I start populate the MP4 stream into the readable object in the worker, so even if the stream is does get a close or resend, it will not break the live media stream consuming process.
And wherever the client connect, I just would like to pipe the readable object for it.
Originally, I though a simple pipe from like request/fetch/http.get or FFMPEG would be enough, but the client could call the call between 3 seconds and 2 minutes.
So, my questions are, what could be the best solution, to pass back the data from the worker to the main and let reach the HTTP routing?
I had some idea like:
I know, I can have my own channel between the threads and can pass back-and-forth information, but waiting for message and keep up the process does block the app, as far as I know (worker.on('message', (stuff) => {});).
Using to pass data back from the worker, populate the readable in the main, and pipe the readable at http level (fake shared object basically)
Creating a secondary http server what offer the media stream, then i will just relay this into the response (e.g.: gatewaying/proxying)
Looking up some proxy solution where I can just simply redirect and reshape thing, like the input mp4 transforms into RTSP stream and pipe it to the consumer response
Should I just "remember" to the active stream, and if its streamed by the remote server, always just using the same url, passing to FFMPEG and continue piping to the res?
I setted up all the headers to keep alive the connection, but seems the client software act as-is.
By default its using RTSP and RTP/TCP to consume video stream, but has option for RTSP over http.
Probably I overlook some trivial task for serving RTSP video from a remote live MP4, but I did not found any good example or source anywhere (everywhere the same 3 article re-shared basically)
I did not found any similar question, nor article anywhere (but checked out the nodejs ffmpeg play video at specific time and stream it to client).

What's the best way to STREAM LIVE WEBCAM to SERVER and BACK TO THE WEB?

I need some help.
What is the best way to set up LIVE STREAMING over the web from my WEBCAM to the server and back to multiple users?
Essentially I'm trying to create a group video chat application that can support many users.
I don't want it to be peer to peer webRTC.
I actually managed to make it work with getUserMedia() -> mediaRecorder -> ondataavailable -> pass blob chunks to node.js via SOCKET.IO -> sends back blob chunks to other connected users -> append those chunks to a sourceBuffer that's connected to a mediaSource that's set as the source URL on a
And it actually worked! BUT it's so slow and laggy and resource intensive. As these chunks get passed like 20 per second and it's slowing the page a lot. I don't think you're supposed to pass that many blobs to the sourceBuffer so quickly. Just for a test I tried saving mediaRecordings every 3 seconds (so it's not that resource intensive) and passing those webm blobs to the sourceBuffer but for some reason only the first webm loads, and the other ones don't get added or start playing.
It just can't work for a production app this way.
What's the "RIGHT" way to do this?
How to pass a video stream from webcam to a Node.js server properly?
And how to stream this live stream back to the web from the Node.js server so that we can have a group video chat?
I'm a bit lost. Please help.
Do I use HLS? RecordRTC?
Do I stream from Node.js via http or via
There are services that already let you do that easily like vonage video api tokbox but those seem to be very expensive?
I want to run the video streaming through my own Node.js server that I control.
What's the best way to do this?
Please help.
Thank you
Essentially I'm trying to create a group video chat application that can support many users.
I don't want it to be peer to peer webRTC.
Video chat requires low latency, and therefore requires usage of WebRTC. Remember that one of the "peers" can actually be a server.
And it actually worked! BUT it's so slow and laggy and resource intensive.
Video encoding/decoding is resource intensive no matter how you do it. If by "slow" and "laggy" you mean high latency, then yes, recording chunks, sending chunks, decoding chunks, will have higher latency by its very nature. Additionally, what you're describing won't drop frames or dynamically adjust the encoding, so if a connection can't keep up, it's just going to buffer until it can. This is a different sort of tradeoff than what you want.
Again, for a video chat, realtime-ness is more important than quality and reliability. If that means discarding frames, resampling audio stupid-fast to catch up, encoding at low bitrates, even temporarily dropping streams entirely for a few seconds, that's what needs to happen. This is what the entire WebRTC stack does.
As these chunks get passed like 20 per second and it's slowing the page a lot. I don't think you're supposed to pass that many blobs to the sourceBuffer so quickly.
No, this is unlikely your problem. The receiving end probably just can't keep up with decoding all these streams.
Do I use HLS?
Not for anyone actively participating in the chat... people who require low latency. For everyone else, yes you can utilize HLS and DASH to give you a more affordable way to distribute your stream over existing CDNs. See this answer: Basically, scrutinize your requirements and determine if everyone is actually participating. If they aren't, move them to a cheaper streaming method than WebRTC.
No, this is irrelevant to your project and frankly I don't know why people keep using this library for anything. Maybe they have some specific use case for it I don't know about, but browsers have had built-in MediaRecorder for years.
There are services that already let you do that easily like vonage video api tokbox but those seem to be very expensive?
This is an expensive thing to do. I think you'll find that using an existing service that already has the infrastructure ready to go is going to be cheaper than doing it yourself in most cases.

Send browser audio stream over

I'm using to share file over socket from server t browser. I'd like to use the same to share audio stream from browser to server. Is it possible? I know that browser audio stream is different from node.js stream, so i need to convert it, how?
Not 100% sure what you're expecting to do with the data, but this answer may be of use to you.
Specifically, I'd suggest you use getUserMedia to get your audio, hook it up to a Script Processor, convert the data, and emit those data chunks to Then on your server, you can capture those chunks and write them to your node.js stream. Code samples are at the link; they're fairly lengthy and I don't want to spam, so I won't reproduce them here.

Continuous audio download stream

I'm looking to set up a server which will read from a some audio input device and serve that audio continuously to clients.
I don't need the audio to be necessarily be played by the client in real time I just want to be able for the client to start downloading from the point at which they join and then leave again.
So say the server broadcasts 30 seconds of audio data, a client could connect 5 seconds in and download 10 seconds of it (giving them 0:05 - 0:15).
Can you do this kind of partial download over TCP starting at whenever the client connects and end up with a playable audio file?
Sorry if this question is a bit too broad and not a 'how do a set variable x to y' kinda question. Let me know if there's a better forum to to post this in.
Disconnect the concepts of file and connection. They're not related. A TCP connection simply supports the reliable transfer of data. Nothing more. What your application chooses to send over that connection is its business, so you need to set your application in a way that it sends the data you want.
It sounds like what you want is a simple HTTP progressive internet radio stream, which is commonly provided by SHOUTcast and Icecast servers. I recommend Icecast to get started. The user connects, they get a small buffer of a few second in front to get them started (optional), and when they disconnect, that's it. limit packets numbers

I'm working actually on a file transfer system using and HTML5 file API. (stable branch)
The main problem I have is for huge file. send me all packets in one huge transfer chunk and the Google Chrome javascript VM just crash when it receive around 70MB of packets.
Can I limit chunks for xhr-poll or jsonp calls ?
There isn't a mechanism for limiting the packet size on XHR or JSONP, but there is nothing stopping you from splitting up the file yourself and sending chunks. Then you can reassemble on the client side.
