Why does this RewriteRule work for all extensions but .php? - .htaccess

This simple RewriteRule that I am using for practicing with .htaccess files works almost always:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^.*$ test.html
When I have the file flowers.html and I use http://localhost/flowers I get redirected to test.html, however when I rename flowers.html to flowers.php I get a 404 page with the message The requested URL /flowers was not found on this server. Does anyone know what causes this?
When I create an empty file called flowers it does redirect properly to test.html. What is going on here?

This does sound like a conflict with MultiViews, so try adding the following at the top of your .htaccess file to disable MultiViews:
Options -MultiViews
MultiViews is not enabled by default, so maybe this has been enabled in your server config?
When MultiViews (part of mod_negotiation) is enabled, a request for /flowers (no extension) will result in Apache searching for an appropriate file to return (based on mime-type) by trying various file extensions of files found in that directory. This is achieved with an internal subrequest before mod_rewrite runs.
However, it's not clear why this would be a problem in your case if you have no other directives? Since your directive simply rewrites everything to test.html (which should include any subrequests). (I was unable to reproduce this behaviour on my Apache 2.4 test server - hence my initial doubt.)


Why my rewrite rule in htaccess is working in some case only?

I try to rewrite some of my URLs with a .htaccess file but it didn't work as expected.
This is the rewrite rule in my .htaccess file :
RewriteRule ^(index|administration)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)(\.php)?$ index.php?c=$1&t=$2 [QSA]
When I go on www.example.com/index/main, I get a 404 error code.
So I try to change my rewrite rule to
RewriteRule ^index.php$ index.php?c=index&t=main [QSA]
Then I go to www.example.com/index.php and the webpage displays perfectly with all the datas in $_GET (c = index and t = main).
So I don't know why my first rule is not working. Let me see if you have any idea.
Is it possible that my server wants to enter the index folder, then the main folder for my first rule without taking care of my .htaccess (www.example.com/index/main) ?
You need to ensure that MultiViews (part of mod_negotiation) is disabled for this to work correctly. So, add the following at top of your .htaccess file:
Options -MultiViews
If MultiViews is enabled (it's disabled by default, but some hosts do sometimes enable this in the server config) then when you request /index/main where /index.php already exists as a physical file then mod_negotiation will make an internal request for index.php before mod_rewrite is able to process the request. (If index.html also exists, then this might be found first.)
(MultiViews essentially enables extensionless URLs by mocking up type maps and searching for files in the directory - with the same basename - that would return a response with an appropriate mime-type.)
If this happens then your mod-rewrite directive is essentially ignored (the pattern does not match, since it would need to check for index.php) and index.php is called without the URL parameters that your mod_rewrite directive would otherwise append.
it perfectly works by disabling the MultiViews Option in my .htaccess
This would ordinarily imply its your script (ie. index.php) that is triggering the 404 (perhaps due to missing URL parameters?), rather than Apache itself?
However, if you were seeing an Apache generated 404 then it would suggest either:
You also have an index.html file, which is found before index.php. .html files do not ordinarily accept path-info (ie. /main) so would trigger a 404.
OR, AcceptPathInfo Off is explicitly set elsewhere in the config, which would trigger a 404 when the request is internally rewritten to /index.php/main (by mod_negotiation).

How do I remove a folder from a URL?

First of all, this question has been asked a few times on stack, however, none of the answers seem to work for me.
I have a website which has a "pages" folder in the root, I want to store all of my website pages in there.
Here's my structure
I want to make it so the link displays:
Removing the "/pages/" part of the URL, when I try all of the answers suggested previously, I get a 404 error.
Here is the htaccess I'm using
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^pages(/.*|)$ $1 [L,NC]
and i also tried:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^pages/(.*)$ /$1 [L,R=301]
This htaccess is in the root. I can't seem to get it working, can anyone offer any suggestions? Thank you!
Your second attempt looks fine, though it can be imporoved a bit:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?pages/(.*)$ /$1 [R=301]
That rule should work inside the http servers host configuration or in some dynamic configuration file (".htaccess" style file) if the http server's rewriting module is loaded. You definitely should prefer the first option, but if you really need to use a dynamic configuration file then take care that the interpretation of such files is configured at all and that the file is placed in your hosts's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder and is readable for the http server process.
If that does not work then you need to start debugging. In this case you will start by monitoring your http server's error log file while making test requests. If no hint appears in there you need to enable rewrite logging which allows you to learn what exactly is going on inside the rewriting engine. See the official dpcumentation for the apache rewriting module for that. As typcial for OpenSource software it is of excellent quality and comes with great examples.

.htaccess not working on localhost with XAMPP

i m using XAMPP but i m not able to use .htaccess file at local host. i m trying so many times.. Online working good. but local host showing [The requested URL was not found on this server]
My root folder is real
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /acre/real/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^properties$ /property_available.php/$1 [NC,QSA]
Just had a similar issue
Resolved it by checking in httpd.conf
# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
# Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
AllowOverride All <--- make sure this is not set to "None"
It is worth bearing in mind I tried (from Mark's answer) the "put garbage in the .htaccess" which did give a server error - but even though it was being read, it wasn't being acted on due to no overrides allowed.
In conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf, add the line AllowOverride All for all the websites that you are having problem with
<VirtualHost example.site:80>
# rest of the stuff
<Directory "c:\Projects\example.site">
Require all granted
AllowOverride All <-----This line is required
<IfModule mod_rewrite.so>
instead of <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Without seeing your system it's hard to tell what's wrong but try the following (comment answer if these didn't work WITH log error messages)
[STOP your Apache server instance. Ensure it's not running!]
1) move apache server/install to a folder that has no long file names and spaces
2) check httpd.conf in install\conf folder and look for AccessFileName. If it's .htaccess change it to a file name windows accepts (e.g. conf.htaccess)
3) double-check that your htaccess file gets read: add some uninterpretable garbage to it and start server: you should get an Error 500. If you don't, file is not getting read, re-visit httpd.conf file (if that looks OK, check if this is the only file which defines htaccess and it's location and it does at one place -within the file- only; also check if both httpd.conf and htaccess files are accessible: not encrypted, file access rights are not limited, drive/path available -and no long folder path and file names-)STOP Apache again, then go on:
4) If you have IIS too on your system, stop it (uninstall it too if you can) from services.msc
5) Add the following to the top of your valid htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteLog "/path/logs/rewrite.log" #make sure path is there!
RewriteLogLevel 9
6) Empty your [apache]\logs folder (if you use another folder, then that one :)
7) Check the following entries are set and correct:
Action application/x-httpd-php "c:/your-php5-path/php-cgi.exe"
LoadModule php5_module "c:/your-php5-path/php5apache2.dll"
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Avoid long path names and spaces in folder names for phpX install too!
8) START apache server
You can do all the steps above or go one-by-one, your call. But at the end of the day make sure you tried everything above!
If system still blows up and you can't fix it, copy&paste error message(s) from log folder for further assistance
I had a similar problem. But the problem was in the file name '.htaccess', because the Windows doesn't let the file's name begin with a ".", the solution was rename the file with a CMD command. "rename c:\xampp\htdocs\htaccess.txt .htaccess"
for xampp vm on MacOS capitan, high sierra, MacOS Mojave (10.12+), you can follow these
1. mount /opt/lampp
2. explore the folder
3. open terminal from the folder
4. cd to `htdocs`>yourapp (ex: techaz.co)
5. vim .htaccess
6. paste your .htaccess content (that is suggested on options-permalink.php)
For windows user, make sure to closely look at this section.
RewriteRule ^properties$ /property_available.php/$1 [NC,QSA]
As said in Apache documentation :
The mod_rewrite module uses a rule-based rewriting engine, based on a
PCRE regular-expression parser, to rewrite requested URLs on the fly.
So ^properties$ means Apache will only look for URL that has exact match with properties.
You might want to try this code.
RewriteRule properties /property_available.php/$1 [NC,QSA]
So Apache will see the URL that has properties and rewrite it to /property_available.php/
I've setup xampp for my localhost as well, I've not done anything with the files created by xampp during or after setup.
But in the '.htaccess' file, make sure you've set it to something like this. Works for me, and this should not make any difference for you.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^filename/?$ filename.html
Change .html to whatever format you're using.
Make sure your install is clean, and just make the .htaccess file.
Also remember to put one .htaccess file for each directory (don't really know if you can use ONE file for all folders, but to be safe, just do this and it will always work.
Edit the .htaccess file, so the first line reads 'Test.':
Set the default handler
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm

RewriteRule from subfolder path to another subfolder path

I'm currently creating a bunch for RewriteRules for a customer migrating their website to a new platform and having a weird issue with the following rule:
RewriteRule ^/folder/filename.cfm /another_folder/subfolder/filename.cfm?name=value
I've never had problems with the right side of the rule, which BTW the URL does work. But the left side is my first with a folder.
So what happens is I get as a 404 error. But the following rule will work just fine.
RewriteRule ^filename.cfm /another_folder/subfolder/filename.cfm?name=value
Anyone have any ideas. BTW, were this is on a Windows system using Helicon Ape Manager.
I guess you are using .htaccess file inside /folder/? Here is quote from Helicon Ape documentation Context and processing order :
Remember when RewriteRule directive is used inside .htaccess configuration files it will automatically strip the local directory prefix from the path and apply rules only to the remainder. You can use RewriteBase directive to explicitly specify a base path for the rules.
The issue I discovered after using an HTTP request sniffer is that APE will normalize the redirecting links. So a link that includes %2E will get escaped to %372E. And so the links were becoming invalid.

ModRewrite only works for some options

My htaccess file is the following:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^blog/post/([0-9]+) /blog.php?post=$1
RewriteRule ^blog/page/([0-9]+) /blog.php?page=$1
RewriteRule ^work/([0-9]+) /work.php?ID=$1
The work.php rule is working, but the two blog rules aren't. They used to all work, but I recently moved my server. Any ideas why this would be?
Thanks in advance!
Woah, I noticed that I had a work folder, but no blog folder, so I made one, and now this works. Any ideas why?
I just set up a (virtual) server on my local Apache 2.2 installation, running PHP 5.2 as a module. The server's document root contained only php files to (simplistically) process the examples you gave above (just echoing the parameters from $_GET). My .htaccess file at the document root contained only what you specified above, and nothing else. The document root did not contain the subdirectories /work or /blog (or /blog/post or /blog/page).
My setup did not have any problems at all rewriting the SEO-friendly URLs to the proper PHP files, which in turn echoed the parameter values I expected from $_GET.
There is something other than mod_rewrite requiring the existence of the subdirectories, and Apache is hitting (and thus requiring) it before it processes the rewrite rules. Not sure what it is, but it does not appear to be mod_rewrite, given the rules you have above.
