Using block rom to store image values in fpga - verilog

I want to get image values and then process this image with my fpga board. But I couldn't import the values of image. I searched block rom usage about it but couldn't find any tutorial or something. How can I import image values? Board is Zynq-7000/verilog/xilinx. Thanks.

You'll need to dump raw bytes from the image, in whatever way you will find convenient, and use some third-party tools (like this one) to create COE file that you will use with the core generator for memory initialization.
It seems Xilinx tools doesn't support COE file creation on its own, even from existing binary data.


Extract a binary BSP from a cooked CE image

I'd like to know if it's possible to extract a binary BSP from a cooked CE image. Obviously I know that you cannot decompile the BSP back into its original form, but all I want to do is change the contents of the userland using the catalog items selector in the platform builder. Is this possible?
A BSP contains sourcecode to boot the system and drivers that are not generic/cross-platform. This is then compiled into binaries and finally the image file is generated. This image file contains the bootable kernel but also a built-in filesystem (the /Windows folder).
If I understand you right, you want to unpack the image, change the content of the built-in filesystem and then pack it up again. This shouldn't be too difficult, but I don't think you will find support for that in PB, so it will require a bit of manual work both for finding the files and the according registry defaults. In addition, adding and removing features might change the cost of your license for the resulting image.
Why can't you just generate a different image? Alternatively, why not simply add the additional software outside the image?

Is it possible rip game resources from a .smc file?

Is it possible rip game resources from a .smc file? Specifically art, music, sprites, etc. How does an emulator copy the system it emulates?
It's possible, in the sense that the information is all there in some manner. But an smc file is basically a compiled program with embedded resources, and there isn't even a standard compiler or standard format for storing the resources that you can start from.
And as far as image data goes, there is a good chance it will be in the palettized and tiled format used by the PPU, although it's also not unlikely that it will be compressed in some manner or another. But the palette will probably be almost impossible to find by static analysis, and the tile maps are probably generated from the level data rather than being explicitly stored anywhere. You may have better luck running it in an emulator and extracting the data from VRAM.
For music, the situation is even more discouraging. SNES audio is most akin to a MOD file: instruments are sampled, and then the individual samples are pitch-adjusted and mixed to generate the output sound. The SNES provides hardware to decode the instrument samples, manipulate the pitch, and mix them together, but no high-level program (i.e. no equivalent of a mod file "tracker") to play back actual songs. So you may be able to find the BRR-encoded instrument samples in the same manner you may be able to find the image tile data, but the song data can and will be formatted completely differently in different games. Again, your best luck may come from extracting the state of the APU as an SPC file and working with that.
As for your other question, see How do emulators work and how are they written? for a previous answer on that very topic.

Capturing print output as vector format (PDF,SVG,EMF,etc.)

I am using a commercial application on windows that creates a drawing
This application allows only two output options: (1) save as a bitmap file and (2) print to a printer
the bitmap is useless for my purposes - I want the vectors
Looking at the print output (I sent to the Windows XPS print driver) it seems clear based on the amount of zooming I can do without loss of detail that the underlying vectors are being send to the print driver
Once I get the vectors, I will be writing some code to transform them for some other use.
Whart are my options for geting the vectors from the print? (am open to both commercial and open source)
Take the bitmap and use a program like VectorMagick to. I have tried this approach. It does not produce the fidelity I seek even when the original bitmap is large. Practically speaking I believe that using any tracing approach will not give me the quality vectors I need.
Print to the Adobe PDF driver. This technically works. I have Adobe CS4 so I can print to it save the resulting PDF and then import the PDF into Illustrator and then export as some other vector format. The problem with this approach is money/licensing. I own a personal copy of Adobe CS4 - so this is fine for me. But I need to capture the vectors at work for business purposes - and no I'm not going to install my personal copy of CS4 at work.
Is there a "print driver" that captures the print output directly into a vector format? I have seen some commercial ones via google. If you've used them, I would like to hear about your experience with this technique. I could write my own and in that case do you have links to any existing code that I can start with.
If this is an ongoing solution you need then you might need to buy something or build your own. If it's a onetime affair you might look to use an 'older' Lexmark PCL printer driver. I'd recommend something like the T610. If you download the PCL driver and install it you can modify the defaults and change the Graphics option from XL or Autoselect to GL/2. This will force the driver to output GL/2 output which is vector (GL/2 is a plotter language). This might do the trick for you. Other printer drivers may have the abiltiy to force GL/2 (vs. Raster) but I'm not sure. I use to work for Lexmark and have used this before for a similar requirement.
Ensure you use the Lexmark 'Custom' driver as I don't think the Microsoft-based one support this feature.
...pausing while I investigate a few things............I'm back...
Another option is to find another GL/2 driver or build you own...I just took a few minutes to search the web and came up with a few other options that might work.
Build you own:
I've built drivers (minidrivers) using the Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK), it's quite simple to construct basic drivers. Looks like there is a setting you can set to enable GL/2 output: Enabling HP-GL/2 Vector Graphics Support (PCL-5e) in the GPD
Alternate drivers:
Depending on the OS you are on there is probably a 'generic' GL/2 driver built in. I believe XP has a Hewlett-Packard HP-GL/2 Plotter. You might need to check the license (as with the Lexmark solution) but it might work for you and as it's part of the OS there shouldn't be concern about using it. It's probably written and copyrighted to Microsoft
Keep in mind you will have to do some work to convert GL/2 to whatever output you want but it should be a matter of an simple translator to convert each set of commands. There may be tools out there to help. Here is a quick link to Lexmark GL/2 reference which might be enough to get you going, check out the GL/2 information under the PCL section: Lexmark Technical Reference Guide
The last option I have is to use a generic Postscript driver. Postscript should output the vector images as vector graphics in the Postscript but my knowledge of this is limited at best.
If you need the output to route to file you can set the port to FILE: which requries user intervention, or install something like Redmon (or connect with me and I'll send you our port monitor that allows for automatic output to file).
Hope this helps in some way.
My favorite is the open source (GPL) PDFCreator

3d models, LOD, pics, etc

I need to program a util for a 3d model. What i need to do is pass the 3d model to the util and have it extract multiple information. Things like poly count, size/scale (if applicable) and anything else i can grab. Then i need to take a screen shot of the model 8 times (45deg from 0 to 360). Maybe 16. Is there an app that i can use to extract data from the model and is there another app i can use to create the image? if so i can write a php script to do this all for me :) if not i'll post more question about specifics.
My OS is debian etch
the models will be any format. I may make it 3ds only or limit it to what the app(s) support. Or i may have another app to convert one format to the other and extract the data from that format.
I haven't tried this, but you could try 3ds2pov to convert your 3DS files into POV-Ray format, and then render with POV-Ray.
The 3ds2pov program is quite old, so I don't know how compatible it is with current 3DS files. The archive comes with source code so ought to build without too much difficulty on Debian.
POV-Ray itself runs easily on Linux.
nb: other 3DS to POV converters may exist. This one just happens to be the first one returned by Googling for "3ds to pov".
Your requirements are very loose and vague but most 3d engines should have the tools you need to create your custom utility. I would start by looking at Blender or the viewer tools from OGRE, OpensceneGraph and similar tools.
You can try this: Linux based A3dsViewer -> does 3ds to pov conversion.

model (3ds) stats & snapshot in linux

I want to write an app that takes in a model filename via cmd line, create a list of stats (poly count, scaling, as much as possible or maybe the stats that i would like) and to load the model with its textures (with anything else) and draw it from multiple position to save the images as pngs.
How would i do this? are there utils i can use to extract data from models? how about drawing the models? my server does not have a desktop or video card, would no video HW be a problem?
You can use for reading the data, IIRC it also comes with a sample program that you could base your code on.
Have a look at the 3DS specifications at AFAIK, there are no official specs. Another possibility would be to look for open source 3DS libraries/tools and use them.
