Making 5000 Requests Fast Python MultiThreading - python-3.x

I have a 5000 urls to make request and check for a specific word inside source of each url
i want to do it as fast as possible, i am new to python
this is my code
import requests
def checkurl(url):
r = requests.get(url)
if 'House' in r.text:
return True
return False
if i do for loop it will take alot of time so i need a solution
for multithreading or multi-processing
Thanks for the help in advance :)

Check out scrapy (at, has tools for your purpose.
In my experience scrapy is better than just downloading "strings", since requests.get does not (as an example) actually render the page.
If you want to do it with requests anyhow (written in freehand, so might contain spelling / other errors):
import requests
from multiprocessing import ThreadPool
def startUrlCheck(nr):
pool = ThreadPool(threads)
results =, YourUrls)
# Do something smart with results
return results
def checkurl(url):
r = requests.get(url)
if 'House' in r.text:
return True
return False


Asyncio, the tasks are not finished properly, because of sentinel issues

I'm trying to do some web-scraping, as learning, using a predefined number of workers.
I'm using None as as sentinel to break out of the while loop and stop the worker.
The speed of each worker varies, and all workers are closed before the last
url is passed to gather_search_links to get the links.
I tried to use asyncio.Queue, but I had less control than with deque.
async def gather_search_links(html_sources, detail_urls):
while True:
if not html_sources:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
data = html_sources.pop()
if data is None:
data = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser")
result = data.find_all("div", {"data-component": "search-result"})
for record in result:
atag = record.h2.a
url = f'{domain_url}{atag.get("href")}'
print("apended data", len(detail_urls))
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async def get_page_source(urls, html_sources):
client = httpx.AsyncClient()
while True:
if not urls:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
url = urls.pop()
print("url", url)
if url is None:
response = await client.get(url)
await asyncio.sleep(8)
async def navigate(urls):
for i in range(2, 7):
url = f"{i}"
await asyncio.sleep(0)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
nav_html = deque()
nav_urls = deque()
products_url = deque()
navigate_workers = [asyncio.ensure_future(navigate(nav_urls)) for _ in range(1)]
page_source_workers = [asyncio.ensure_future(get_page_source(nav_urls, nav_html)) for _ in range(2)]
product_urls_workers = [asyncio.ensure_future(gather_search_links(nav_html, products_url)) for _ in range(1)]
workers = asyncio.wait([*navigate_workers, *page_source_workers, *product_urls_workers])
I'm a bit of a newbie, so this could be wrong as can be, but I believe that the issue is that all three of the functions: navigate(), gather_search_links(), and get_page_source() are asynchronous tasks that can be completed in any order. However, your checks for empty deques and your use of appendleft to ensure None is the leftmost item in your deques, look like they would appropriately prevent this. For all intents and purposes the code looks like it should run correctly.
I think the issue arises at this line:
workers = asyncio.wait([*navigate_workers, *page_source_workers, *product_urls_workers])
According to this post, the asyncio.wait function does not order these tasks according to the order they're written above, instead it fires them according to IO as coroutines. Again, your checks at the beginning of gather_search_links and get_page_source are ensuring that one function runs after the other and thus this code should work if there is only a single worker for each function. If there are multiple workers for each function, I can see issues arising where None doesn't wind up being the leftmost item in your deques. Perhaps a print statement at the end of each function to show the contents of your deques would be useful in troubleshooting this.
I guess my major question would be, why do these tasks asnychronously if you're going to write extra code because the steps must be completed synchronously? In order to get the HTML you must first have the URL. In order to scrape the HTML you must first have the HTML. What benefit does asyncio provide here? All three of these make more sense to me as synchronous tasks. Get URL, get HTML, scrape HTML, and in that order.
EDIT: It occurred to me that the main benefit of asynchronous code here is that you don't want to have to wait on each individual URL to respond back synchronously when you fetch the HTML from them. What I would do in this situation is gather my URLs synchronously first, and then combine the get and scrape functions into a single asynchronous function, which would be your only asynchronous function. Then you don't need a sentinel or a check for a "None" value or any of that extra code and you get the full value of the asynchronous fetch. You could then store your scraped data in a list (or deque or whatever) of futures. This would simplify your code and provide you with the fastest possible scrape time.
Here's my quick and dirty rewrite. I liked your code so I decided to do my own spin. I have no idea if it works, I'm not a Python person.
import asyncio
from collections import deque
import httpx as httpx
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Get or build URLs from config
def navigate():
urls = deque()
for i in range(2, 7):
url = f"{i}"
return urls
# Asynchronously fetch and parse data for a single URL
async def fetchHTMLandParse(url):
client = httpx.AsyncClient()
response = await client.get(url)
data = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
result = data.find_all("div", {"data-component": "search-result"})
for record in result:
atag = record.h2.a
#Domain URL was defined elsewhere
url = f'{domain_url}{atag.get("href")}'
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
products_urls = deque()
nav_urls = navigate()
fetch_and_parse_workers = [asyncio.ensure_future(fetchHTMLandParse(url)) for url in nav_urls]
workers = asyncio.wait([*fetch_and_parse_workers])

Why is Scrapy not returning the entire HTML code?

I am trying to convert my selenium web scraper to scrapy because selenium is nor mainly intended for web scraping.
I just started writing it and have already hit a roadblock. My code is below.
import scrapy
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from pathlib import Path
max_price = "110000"
min_price = "65000"
region_code = "5E430"
class QuotesSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "quotes"
def start_requests(self):
url = "" + region_code + "&minBedrooms=2&maxPrice=" + max_price + "&minPrice=" + min_price + "&propertyTypes=detached" + \
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
work_path = "C:/Users/Cristi/Desktop/Scrapy_ROI_work_area/"
no_of_pages = response.xpath('//span[#class = "pagination-pageInfo"]').getall()
with open(Path(work_path, "test.txt"), 'wb') as f:
with open(Path(work_path, "extract.txt"), 'wb') as g:
self.log('Saved file test.txt')
process = CrawlerProcess()
My roadblock is response.body does not contain the element sought by the xpath expression //span[#class = "pagination-pageInfo"] but the website does have it. I am way out of my depth with the inner workings of websites and am not a programmer by profession....unfortunately. Would anyone help me understand what is happening please?
You have to understand first that there is a big difference in what you are watching in your browser, against what is actually sent to you by the server.
The server, appart from the HTML, most of the times is sending you JavaScript code that has influence over the HTML itself at runtime.
For example, the first GET you do to a page, it can give you an empty table and some JavaScript code. That code then is in charge of hitting a database and filling the table. If you try to scrape that site with Scrapy alone it will fail to get the table because Scrapy does not have a JavaScript engine able to parse the code.
This is your case here, and will be your case for most of the pages you will try to crawl.
You need something to render the code in the page. The best option for Scrapy is Splash:
Which is a headless and scriptable browser you can use with a Scrapy plugin. It's mantained by Scrapinghub (the creators of Scrapy), so it will work pretty good.

Threading/Async in Requests-html

I have a large number of links I need to scrape from a website. I have ~70 base links and from them over 700 links that need to be scraped from those starting 70. So in order to speed up this process, takes about 2-3 hours without threading/async, I decided to try and use a thread/async.
My problem is that I need to render some javascript in order to get the links in the first place. I have been using requests-html to do this as its html.render() method is very reliable. However, when I try and run this using threading or async I run into a host of problems. I tried AsyncHTMLSession due to this Github PR but have been unable to get it to work. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or links they could point me too that might help.
Here is some example code:
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from requests_html import AsyncHTMLSession
links = (tuple of links)
n = 5
batch = [links[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(links), n)]
def link_processor(batch_link):
session = AsyncHTMLSession()
results = []
for l in batch_link:
r = session.get(l)
tmp_next = r.html.xpath('//a[contains(#href, "/matches/")]')
return tmp_next
pool = ThreadPool(processes=2)
output =, batch)
RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'Thread-1'.
Was able to fix this with some help from the learnpython subreddit. Turns out requests-html probably uses threads in some way and so threading the threads has an issue so simply using multiprocessing pool works.
from multiprocessing import Pool
from requests_html import HTMLSession
pool = Pool(processes=3)
output =, batch[:2])

Python Threading Issue, Is this Right?

I am attempting to make a few thousand dns queries. I have written my script to use python-adns. I have attempted to add threading and queue's to ensure the script runs optimally and efficiently.
However, I can only achieve mediocre results. The responses are choppy/intermittent. They start and stop, and most times pause for 10 to 20 seconds.
tlock = threading.Lock()#printing to screen
def async_dns(i):
s = adns.init()
for i in names:
q.put(s.synchronous(i, adns.rr.NS)[0])
response = q.get()
if response == 0:
print(i + ", is Y")
elif response == 300:
print(i + ", is N")
q = queue.Queue()
threads = []
for i in range(100):
t = threading.Thread(target=async_dns, args=(i,))
I have spent countless hours on this. I would appreciate some input from expedienced pythonista's . Is this a networking issue ? Can this bottleneck/intermittent responses be solved by switching servers ?
Without answers to the questions, I asked in comments above, I'm not sure how well I can diagnose the issue you're seeing, but here are some thoughts:
It looks like each thread is processing all names instead of just a portion of them.
Your Queue seems to be doing nothing at all.
Your lock seems to guarantee that you actually only do one query at a time (defeating the purpose of having multiple threads).
Rather than trying to fix up this code, might I suggest using multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool instead? Below is a full working example. (You could use adns instead of socket if you want... I just couldn't easily get it installed and so stuck with the built-in socket.)
In my testing, I also sometimes see pauses; my assumption is that I'm getting throttled somewhere.
import itertools
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import socket
import string
def is_available(host):
print('Testing {}'.format(host))
return False
except socket.gaierror:
return True
# Test the first 1000 three-letter .com hosts
hosts = [''.join(tla) + '.com' for tla in itertools.permutations(string.ascii_lowercase, 3)][:1000]
with ThreadPool(100) as p:
results =, hosts)
for host, available in zip(hosts, results):
print('{} is {}'.format(host, 'available' if available else 'not available'))

Is selenium thread safe for scraping with Python?

I am executing a Python script with Threading, where given a "query" term that I put in the Queue, I create the url with the query parameters, set the cookies & parse the webpage to return the Products & the urls of those products. Here's the script.
Task : For a given set of queries, store the top 20 product ids in a file, or lower # if the query returns fewer results.
I remember reading that Selenium is not thread safe. Just want to make sure that this problem occurs because of that limitation, and is there a way to make it work in concurrent threads ? The main problem is that the script was I/O bound, so very slow for scraping about 3000 url fetches.
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
from data_mining.scraping import scraping_conf as sf #custom file with rules for scraping
import Queue
import threading
import urllib2
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import By
query_args =sf.__MERCHANT_PARAMS[merchant_domain]['QUERY_ARGS']
class ThreadUrl(threading.Thread):
"""Threaded Url Grab"""
def __init__(self, queue, out_queue):
self.queue = queue
self.out_queue = out_queue
def url_from_query(self,query):
for key,val in query_args.items():
if query_args[key]=='query' :
print "query", query
try :
url = base_url+urllib.urlencode(query_args)
print "url"
return url
except Exception as e:
return None
def init_driver_and_scrape(self,base_url,query,url):
# Will use Pyvirtual display later
#display = Display(visible=0, size=(1024, 768))
fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
fp.set_preference("javascript.enabled", True)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=fp)
for key,val in COOKIES[exp].items():
driver.add_cookie({'name':key,'value':val,'path':'/','domain': merchant_domain,'secure':False,'expiry':None})
print "printing cookie name & value"
for cookie in driver.get_cookies():
if cookie['name'] in COOKIES[exp].keys():
print cookie['name'],"-->", cookie['value']
driver.get(base_url+'search=junk') # To counter any refresh issues
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, 2000)")
print "url inside scrape", url
if url is not None :
flag = True
while flag :
try :
print key
print url,row_res
except Exception as e:
flag =False
return query+"|"+str(row_res)+"\n" # row_data, row_res
else :
return [query+"|"+"None"]+"\n"
def run(self):
while True:
#grabs host from queue
query = self.queue.get()
print "query, url", query, url
#signals to queue job is done
class DatamineThread(threading.Thread):
"""Threaded Url Grab"""
def __init__(self, out_queue):
self.out_queue = out_queue
def run(self):
while True:
#grabs host from queue
data = self.out_queue.get()
#signals to queue job is done
start = time.time()
def log():
logging_hndl.exception("Stacktrace from "+"get_results_url")
df=pd.read_csv(fh_query, sep='|',skiprows=0,header=0,usecols=None,error_bad_lines=False) # read all queries
def main():
#spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance
for i in range(num_threads):
t = ThreadUrl(queue, out_queue)
#populate queue with data
print query_list
for query in query_list:
for i in range(num_threads):
dt = DatamineThread(out_queue)
#wait on the queue until everything has been processed
print "Elapsed Time: %s" % (time.time() - start)
While I should be getting, all search results from each url page, I get only the 1st , i=0 search card and this doesn't execute for all queries/urls. What am I doing wrong ?
What I expect -
url inside scrape http://<masked>/search=nike+costume
url inside scrape http://<masked>/search=red+tops
url inside scrape http://<masked>/search=halloween+costumes
and more searchResultsItem(s) , like searchResultsItem1,searchResultsItem2 and so on..
What I get
url inside scrape http://<masked>/search=nike+costume
url inside scrape http://<masked>/search=nike+costume
url inside scrape http://<masked>/search=nike+costume
The skeleton code was taken from
Additionally when I use Pyvirtual display, will that work with Threading as well ? I also used processes with the same Selenium code, and it gave the same error. Essentially it opens up 3 Firefox browsers, with exact urls, while it should be opening them from different items in the queue. Here I stored the rules in file that will import as sf, which has all custom attributes of a Base Domain.
Since setting the cookies is an integral part of my script, I can't use dryscrape.
I tried to localize the error, and here's what I found -
In the custom rules file, I call "sf" above, I had defined, QUERY_ARGS as
"" :
COOKIES: { <a dict of dict, masked here>
... more such rules
So what is really happening is , that on calling,
query_args =sf.__MERCHANT_PARAMS[merchant_domain]['QUERY_ARGS'] - this should return the dict
{'search':'query'}, while it returns,
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute
This is where I don't understand how the thread is passing '_ThreadUrl__' I also tried re-initializing the query_args,inside the url_from_query method, but this doesn't work.
Any pointers, on what am I doing wrong ?
I may be replying pretty late to this. However, I tested it python2.7 and both options multithreading and mutliprocess works with selenium and it is opening two separate browsers.
