Threading/Async in Requests-html - multithreading

I have a large number of links I need to scrape from a website. I have ~70 base links and from them over 700 links that need to be scraped from those starting 70. So in order to speed up this process, takes about 2-3 hours without threading/async, I decided to try and use a thread/async.
My problem is that I need to render some javascript in order to get the links in the first place. I have been using requests-html to do this as its html.render() method is very reliable. However, when I try and run this using threading or async I run into a host of problems. I tried AsyncHTMLSession due to this Github PR but have been unable to get it to work. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or links they could point me too that might help.
Here is some example code:
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from requests_html import AsyncHTMLSession
links = (tuple of links)
n = 5
batch = [links[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(links), n)]
def link_processor(batch_link):
session = AsyncHTMLSession()
results = []
for l in batch_link:
r = session.get(l)
tmp_next = r.html.xpath('//a[contains(#href, "/matches/")]')
return tmp_next
pool = ThreadPool(processes=2)
output =, batch)
RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'Thread-1'.
Was able to fix this with some help from the learnpython subreddit. Turns out requests-html probably uses threads in some way and so threading the threads has an issue so simply using multiprocessing pool works.
from multiprocessing import Pool
from requests_html import HTMLSession
pool = Pool(processes=3)
output =, batch[:2])


Python - Speeding up Web Scraping using multiprocessing

I have the following function to scrape a webpage.
def parse(link: str, list_of_samples: list, index: int) -> None:
# Some code to scrape the webpage (link is given)
# The code will generate a list of strings, say sample
list_of_samples[index] = sample
I have another script that calls the above script for all URLs present in a list
def call_that_guy(URLs: list) -> list:
samples = [None for i in range(len(URLs))]
for i in range(len(URLs)):
parse(URLs[i], samples, i)
return samples
Some other function that calls the above function
def caller() -> None:
URLs = [url_1, url_2, url_3, ..., url_n]
# n will not exceed 12
samples = call_thay_guy(URLs)
# Prints the list of samples, but is taking too much time
One thing I noticed is that the parse function is taking around 10s to parse a single webpage (I am using Selenium). So, parsing all the URLs present in the list, it is taking around 2 minutes. I want to speed it up, probably using multithreading.
I tried doing the following instead.
import threading
def call_that_guy(URLs: list) -> list:
threads = [None for i in range(len(URLs))]
samples = [None for i in range(len(URLs))]
for i in range(len(URLs)):
threads[i] = threading.Thread(target = parse, args = (URLs[i], samples, i))
return samples
But, when I printed the returned value, all of its contents were None.
What am I trying to Achieve:
I want to asynchronously Scrape a list of URLs and populate the list of samples. Once the list is populated, I have some other statements to execute (they should execute only after samples is populated, else they'll cause Exceptions). I want to scrape the list of URLs faster (asynchronously is allowed) instead of scraping them one after another.
(I can explain something more clearly with image)
Why don't you use concurrent.futures module?
Here is a very simple but super fast code using concurrent.futures:
import concurrent.futures
def scrape_url(url):
print(f'Scraping {url}...')
scraped_content = '<html>scraped content!</html>'
return scraped_content
urls = ['', '', '']
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor:
results =, urls)
# Expected output:
# ['<html>scraped content!</html>', '<html>scraped content!</html>', '<html>scraped content!</html>']
If you want to learn threading, I recommend watching this short tutorial:
Also note that this is not multiprocessing, this is multithreading and the two are not the same. If you want to know more about the difference, you can read this article:
Hope this solves your problem.

python speedup a simple function

I try to find a simple way to "speed up" simple functions for a big script so I googled for it and found 3 ways to do that.
but it seems the time they need is always the same.
so what I am doing wrong testing them?
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor as PoolExecutor
from threading import Thread
import time
import os
import math
def benchmark():
start = time.time()
for i in range (0, 40000000):
x = math.sqrt(i)
end = time.time()
print('time', end - start)
with PoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor:
for _ in
#the basic way
from threading import Thread
import time
import os
import math
def calc():
start = time.time()
for i in range (0, 40000000):
x = math.sqrt(i)
end = time.time()
print('time', end - start)
import asyncio
import uvloop
import time
import math
async def main():
start = time.time()
for i in range (0, 40000000):
x = math.sqrt(i)
end = time.time()
print('time', end - start)
every file needs about 180-200 sec
so i 'can't see' a difference.
I googled for it and found 3 ways to [speed up a function], but it seems the time they need is always the same. so what I am doing wrong testing them?
You seemed to have found strategies to speed up some code by parallelizing it, but you failed to implement them correctly. First, the speedup is supposed to come from running multiple instances of the function in parallel, and the code snippets make no attempt to do that. Then, there are other problems.
In the first example, you pass the result benchmark() to, which means all of benchmark() is immediately executed to completion, thus effectively disabling parallelization. (Also, is supposed to receive an iterable, not None, and this code must have printed a traceback not shown in the question.) The correct way would be something like:
# run the benchmark 5 times in parallel - if that takes less
# than 5x of a single benchmark, you've got a speedup
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
for _ in range(5):
For this to actually produce a speedup, you should try to use ProcessPoolExecutor, which runs its tasks in separate processes and is therefore unaffected by the GIL.
The second code snippet never actually creates or runs a thread, it just executes the function in the main thread, so it's unclear how that's supposed to speed things up.
The last snippet doesn't await anything, so the async def works just like an ordinary function. Note that asyncio is an async framework based on switching between tasks blocked on IO, and as such can never speed CPU-bound calculations.

Making 5000 Requests Fast Python MultiThreading

I have a 5000 urls to make request and check for a specific word inside source of each url
i want to do it as fast as possible, i am new to python
this is my code
import requests
def checkurl(url):
r = requests.get(url)
if 'House' in r.text:
return True
return False
if i do for loop it will take alot of time so i need a solution
for multithreading or multi-processing
Thanks for the help in advance :)
Check out scrapy (at, has tools for your purpose.
In my experience scrapy is better than just downloading "strings", since requests.get does not (as an example) actually render the page.
If you want to do it with requests anyhow (written in freehand, so might contain spelling / other errors):
import requests
from multiprocessing import ThreadPool
def startUrlCheck(nr):
pool = ThreadPool(threads)
results =, YourUrls)
# Do something smart with results
return results
def checkurl(url):
r = requests.get(url)
if 'House' in r.text:
return True
return False

Python Threading Issue, Is this Right?

I am attempting to make a few thousand dns queries. I have written my script to use python-adns. I have attempted to add threading and queue's to ensure the script runs optimally and efficiently.
However, I can only achieve mediocre results. The responses are choppy/intermittent. They start and stop, and most times pause for 10 to 20 seconds.
tlock = threading.Lock()#printing to screen
def async_dns(i):
s = adns.init()
for i in names:
q.put(s.synchronous(i, adns.rr.NS)[0])
response = q.get()
if response == 0:
print(i + ", is Y")
elif response == 300:
print(i + ", is N")
q = queue.Queue()
threads = []
for i in range(100):
t = threading.Thread(target=async_dns, args=(i,))
I have spent countless hours on this. I would appreciate some input from expedienced pythonista's . Is this a networking issue ? Can this bottleneck/intermittent responses be solved by switching servers ?
Without answers to the questions, I asked in comments above, I'm not sure how well I can diagnose the issue you're seeing, but here are some thoughts:
It looks like each thread is processing all names instead of just a portion of them.
Your Queue seems to be doing nothing at all.
Your lock seems to guarantee that you actually only do one query at a time (defeating the purpose of having multiple threads).
Rather than trying to fix up this code, might I suggest using multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool instead? Below is a full working example. (You could use adns instead of socket if you want... I just couldn't easily get it installed and so stuck with the built-in socket.)
In my testing, I also sometimes see pauses; my assumption is that I'm getting throttled somewhere.
import itertools
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import socket
import string
def is_available(host):
print('Testing {}'.format(host))
return False
except socket.gaierror:
return True
# Test the first 1000 three-letter .com hosts
hosts = [''.join(tla) + '.com' for tla in itertools.permutations(string.ascii_lowercase, 3)][:1000]
with ThreadPool(100) as p:
results =, hosts)
for host, available in zip(hosts, results):
print('{} is {}'.format(host, 'available' if available else 'not available'))

Multithreading in Python/BeautifulSoup scraping doesn't speed up at all

I have a csv file ("SomeSiteValidURLs.csv") which listed all the links I need to scrape. The code is working and will go through the urls in the csv, scrape the information and record/save in another csv file ("Output.csv"). However, since I am planning to do it for a large portion of the site (for >10,000,000 pages), speed is important. For each link, it takes about 1s to crawl and save the info into the csv, which is too slow for the magnitude of the project. So I have incorporated the multithreading module and to my surprise it doesn't speed up at all, it still takes 1s person link. Did I do something wrong? Is there other way to speed up the processing speed?
Without multithreading:
import urllib2
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import threading
def crawlToCSV(FileName):
with open(FileName, "rb") as f:
for URLrecords in f:
OpenSomeSiteURL = urllib2.urlopen(URLrecords)
Soup_SomeSite = BeautifulSoup(OpenSomeSiteURL, "lxml")
tbodyTags = Soup_SomeSite.find("tbody")
trTags = tbodyTags.find_all("tr", class_="result-item ")
placeHolder = []
for trTag in trTags:
tdTags = trTag.find("td", class_="result-value")
tdTags_string = tdTags.string
with open("Output.csv", "ab") as f:
writeFile = csv.writer(f)
With multithreading:
import urllib2
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import threading
def crawlToCSV(FileName):
with open(FileName, "rb") as f:
for URLrecords in f:
OpenSomeSiteURL = urllib2.urlopen(URLrecords)
Soup_SomeSite = BeautifulSoup(OpenSomeSiteURL, "lxml")
tbodyTags = Soup_SomeSite.find("tbody")
trTags = tbodyTags.find_all("tr", class_="result-item ")
placeHolder = []
for trTag in trTags:
tdTags = trTag.find("td", class_="result-value")
tdTags_string = tdTags.string
with open("Output.csv", "ab") as f:
writeFile = csv.writer(f)
fileName = "SomeSiteValidURLs.csv"
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = threading.Thread(target=crawlToCSV, args=(fileName, ))
You're not parallelizing this properly. What you actually want to do is have the work being done inside your for loop happen concurrently across many workers. Right now you're moving all the work into one background thread, which does the whole thing synchronously. That's not going to improve performance at all (it will just slightly hurt it, actually).
Here's an example that uses a ThreadPool to parallelize the network operation and parsing. It's not safe to try to write to the csv file across many threads at once, so instead we return the data that would have been written back to the parent, and have the parent write all the results to the file at the end.
import urllib2
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool # This is a thread-based Pool
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
def crawlToCSV(URLrecord):
OpenSomeSiteURL = urllib2.urlopen(URLrecord)
Soup_SomeSite = BeautifulSoup(OpenSomeSiteURL, "lxml")
tbodyTags = Soup_SomeSite.find("tbody")
trTags = tbodyTags.find_all("tr", class_="result-item ")
placeHolder = []
for trTag in trTags:
tdTags = trTag.find("td", class_="result-value")
tdTags_string = tdTags.string
return placeHolder
if __name__ == "__main__":
fileName = "SomeSiteValidURLs.csv"
pool = Pool(cpu_count() * 2) # Creates a Pool with cpu_count * 2 threads.
with open(fileName, "rb") as f:
results =, f) # results is a list of all the placeHolder lists returned from each call to crawlToCSV
with open("Output.csv", "ab") as f:
writeFile = csv.writer(f)
for result in results:
Note that in Python, threads only actually speed up I/O operations - because of the GIL, CPU-bound operations (like the parsing/searching BeautifulSoup is doing) can't actually be done in parallel via threads, because only one thread can do CPU-based operations at a time. So you still may not see the speed up you were hoping for with this approach. When you need to speed up CPU-bound operations in Python, you need to use multiple processes instead of threads. Luckily, you can easily see how this script performs with multiple processes instead of multiple threads; just change from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool to from multiprocessing import Pool. No other changes are required.
If you need to scale this up to a file with 10,000,000 lines, you're going to need to adjust this code a bit - converts the iterable you pass into it to a list prior to sending it off to your workers, which obviously isn't going to work very well with a 10,000,000 entry list; having that whole thing in memory is probably going to bog down your system. Same issue with storing all the results in a list. Instead, you should use Pool.imap:
imap(func, iterable[, chunksize])
A lazier version of map().
The chunksize argument is the same as the one used by the map()
method. For very long iterables using a large value for chunksize can
make the job complete much faster than using the default value of 1.
if __name__ == "__main__":
fileName = "SomeSiteValidURLs.csv"
FILE_LINES = 10000000
NUM_WORKERS = cpu_count() * 2
chunksize = FILE_LINES // NUM_WORKERS * 4 # Try to get a good chunksize. You're probably going to have to tweak this, though. Try smaller and lower values and see how performance changes.
pool = Pool(NUM_WORKERS)
with open(fileName, "rb") as f:
result_iter = pool.imap(crawlToCSV, f)
with open("Output.csv", "ab") as f:
writeFile = csv.writer(f)
for result in result_iter: # lazily iterate over results.
With imap, we never put the all of f into memory at once, nor do we store all the results in memory at once. The most we ever have in memory is chunksize lines of f, which should be more manageable.
