tutorial/example of megamenu in k9? - kentico

I need help in creating megamenu for kentico 9 v9.0.13
i read through Kentico 9 Documentation but didnt find any.
Any help would be appreciated.

you can follow the idea also from the older version article or, you can also use the hierarchical viewer - maybe it will fit your needs too.


Can I display multiselect list items as onordered list using Razor?

I was wondering if this is possible with razor syntax (I have found that there are other ways that utilize jquery). Please point me in the right direction if you know one. I am working on a MVC 5 project.
Yes, this is possible by creating custom html helper methods. Refer this little example which would be helpful.
Video version of tutorial

WEPopOver and MonoTouch (MonoDevelop)

I have been trying to develop in MonoDevelop for about a week now, my boss asked me to get WEPopOver working on a particular project. I have seen the github documentation and looked at examples, but can't seem to get a working model for MonoDevelop.
Can ANYONE give me an example of how to use this WEPopOver in MonoDevelop?
thank you in advance!
Did you see/try the sample solution that comes with the bindings ?
If so then you'll need to be more explicit (edit your question) about what you want to do with it.

Where can I find the Docs of libnautilus?

I have been searching on google all day, but I couldn't find any useful information about how to use this lib.
Who can help me? Thanks a lot.
You can start with Nautilus Development Extensions. It is not comprehensive, but you can get the idea.
Later, you should check the document written by Dave Campd Nautilus Extensions, which contains examples. Notice I pointed out archive.org because the original url did not work for me.
Dave's document helps to get the context, which is useful when reading the API.

how to use umm al qura calendar in sharepoint datetime control?

how to use umm al qura calendar in sharepoint datetime control ?
any ideas please ???
EDIT: i found some articles about this problem , they are talking about "Hooking" , i have to hooking the dll to change return type of a method in runtime
i don't have enough knowledge about hooking , any ideas or resources please ??
follow the technet article below this will help you out but currently we get hijri support with OOTB features not umm al qura
If you are willing to create your own calendar type you can take help from following codeplex project
check this link:
and also this treads that seems to be talking about the same issue's:
You can also check these links:
aslo if you need technical resources in Persian Languege about SharePoint, Persian Blogs, Screen Casts, Technical Documents, Demonstrations and so on.. take a look here:
Good luck from Sweden :)

Windows Live Writer Webpreview and Weblayout

I'm working on implementing a blogging engine and want to make it compatible with windows live writer. I found an excellent post on this, but what I can't find is documentation on the placeholder tags used in the weblayout and webpreview templates. The only page I can find referring to this files on MSDN is this one that doesn't mention the placeholder tags.
Anybody point me in the right direction?
Many thanks
The placeholders are:
The msdn article that you linked to does state that, though.
