Paste elements to another graph in Rappid? - jointjs

I am building an administration tool thats manipulates diagrams, using JointsJS + Rappid. I am trying to copy paste elements from one paper A to another paper B (located on different browser tabs) but I face the following problem:
I can copy-paste from A to B one set of elements (that's good)
I can even paste it several times (that's still good)
but if I copy another set of elements from A, and try to paste it into B, the former set is pasted, instead of the new one
I can still paste elements from A into A, and B into B, but not from one to another anymore.
It seems that this behaviour is the same in the Kitchen Sink Rappid demo: if I open 2 tabs on the demo, I face exactly the same problem. You can reproduce it easily by opening 2 tabs with the demo app.
This is my piece of code (directly taken from Rappid demos):
this.clipboard = new joint.ui.Clipboard();
this.selection = new joint.ui.Selection({
paper: this.paper,
handles: App.config.selection.handles,
collection: new Backbone.Collection
this.keyboard = new joint.ui.Keyboard();
'ctrl+c': function () {
// Copy all selected elements and their associated links.
this.clipboard.copyElements(this.selection.collection, this.graph);
'ctrl+v': function () {
var pastedCells = this.clipboard.pasteCells(this.graph, {
translate: {dx: 20, dy: 20},
useLocalStorage: true
var elements = _.filter(pastedCells, function (cell) {
return cell.isElement();
// Make sure pasted elements get selected immediately. This makes the UX better as
// the user can immediately manipulate the pasted elements.
In the Rappid documentation, it is stated that:
"Additionally, clipboard is also able to copy cells from one paper and
paste them to another. However, the determination of the targeted
paper is left to the application layer."
I didn't fully understand the second sentence ("However ..." to end).
I monitored the local storage and discovered that both papers probably use the same storage entry, which make me think inter-graph paste is managed.
At this stage, I am struggling to find whether:
my code should perform inter-graph copy-paste at all,
I am doing something wrong,
there is a bug in Rappid (considering that this behaviour is the same in the official demo).
Thanks for your help.

I've had an answer from the Rappid crew and this is a bug in Rappid which is being fixed.
The fix will be embedded in the next release (2.5 probably).


Where is scripted the Dalaran Well teleport (game object)?

When you try to reach the Dalaran Well in Dalaran, you are teleported to the sewers.
It is using this Game object: Doodad_Dalaran_Well_01 (id = 193904 )
Where is it scripted? How?
I've found nothing in the table smart_scripts, and found nothing in the core about this specific id so I'm curious because this type of teleport is really better than clicking on a game object
This gameobject is a unique case because it works like instance teleports do. If you check the gameobject_template table, you will see that it has several Data columns that have diferent values based on the type of the gameobject.
The gameobject you are refering too is the Well It self but the portal gameobject inside the well gives the player a dummy spell to tell the core that the player has been teleported (spell ID 61652).
For the specific case of the dalaran well, it's type is 30 which means, as the documentation says, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_AURAGENERATOR. As soon as the player is in range, a dummy aura is cast on him to notify the core that this areatrigger has been activated (You could do stuff when player gets hit by the dummy spell).
The trick here is a bunny, but not the bunny itself since it is there mostly to determine an areatrigger. If you use command .go gobject 61148 you can check him out, he's inside the well.
Areatriggers are a DBC object that are actually present on our database on world.areatrigger. You can check the columns here. When the player enters the Radius box specified on the areatrigger, another thing happens in the core which is world.areatrigger_teleport.
If you run the following query you will be able to check the position where the trigger will teleport the player to.
SELECT * FROM areatrigger_teleport WHERE `Name` LIKE '%Dalaran Well teleporter%';

Gamemaker variable using porals

I am remaking portal in gamemaker for my semester final, I was wondering how you find an object, if I have one portal down, and go into it, the game crashes, as the 2nd portal isn't placed, and it can't get its .x,.y pos. How do I set a variable to fix this?
We don't know how you determine the destination teleporter, you should clarify that. But one variant could be to check whether the amount of portals is >= 2, so you have at least one place to go
if (instance_number(your_portal_name) >= 2)
// proceed the portal mechanics
I assume that in some event you have a piece of code that does the teleporting. You just have to place this piece of code in an "if" statement that verifies if the second portal exists. This way, you will attempt teleportation only if the needed exit instance exists. You can use the "instance_exists" function
for example :
if ( instance_exists( exit_portal_or_whatever_you_name_it ) )
I would say that based on the information you gave us, German Gorodnev's answer is correct. If you only have one portal and you try to get the position of a non-existent portal, then you will get an error. So you should include an if statement that makes sure the needed portals are there before retrieving the positions.

Exposing the current combo selection index for the CGridCellCombo class

For several years I have been using the CGridCellCombo class. It is designed to be used with the CGridCtrl.
Several years ago I did make a request in the comments section for an enhancement but I got no replies.
The basic concept of the CGridCellCombo is that it works with the text value of the cell. Thus, when you present the drop list it will have that value selected. Under normal circumstances this is fine.
But I have places where I am using the combo as a droplist. In some situations it is perfectly fine to continue to use the text value as the go-between.
But is some situations it would have been ideal to know the actual selected index of the combo. When I have a droplist and it is translated into 30 languages, and I need to know the index, I have no choice but to load the possible options for that translation and then examine the cell value and based on the value found in the array I know the index.
It works, but is not very elegant. I did spend a bit of time trying to keep track of the selected index by adding a variable to CInPlaceList and setting it but. I then added a wrapper method to the CGridCellCombo to return that value. But it didn't work.
I wondered if anyone here has a good understanding of the CGridCellCombo class and might be able to advise me in exposing the CComboCell::GetCurSel value.
I know that the CGridCtrl is very old but I am not away of another flexible grid control that is designed for MFC.
The value that is transfered back to the CGridCtrl is choosen in CInPlaceList::EndEdit. The internal message GVN_ENDLABELEDIT is used, and this message always use a text to set it into the grid.
The value is taken here via GetWindowText from the control. Feel free to overwrite this behaviour.
The handler CGridCtrl::OnEndInPlaceEdit again calls OnEndEditCell. All take a string send from GVN_ENDLABELEDIT.
When you want to make a difference between the internal value and the selected value you have to manage this via rewriting the Drawing and selecting. The value in the grid is the GetCurSel value and you have to show something different... There isn't much handling about this in the current code to change.
More information
The key is CInPlaceList::EndEdit(). There is a call to GetWindowText (CInPlaceList is derived from CComboBox), just get the index here. Also in CGridCellCombo::EndEdit you have access to the m_pEditWnd, that is the CInPlaceList object and derived from CComboBox, so you have access here too.
I have found this to be the simplest solution:
int CGridCellCombo::GetSelectedIndex()
int iSelectedIndex = CB_ERR;
CString strText = GetText();
for (int iOption = 0; iOption < m_Strings.GetSize(); iOption++)
if (strText.CollateNoCase(m_Strings[iOption]) == 0) // Match
iSelectedIndex = iOption;
return iSelectedIndex;

Masking answer options in Confirmit (jscript)

I'm trying to mask the answer options that show up in a 3DGrid question item in Confirmit, using the value of a background variable.
E.g. when "background1" ==1, display answer category 1. If "background1" ==0, do not display answer category 1. If "background2" ==1, display category 3, otherwise do not. In any case, display answer category 2.
Hopefully this is easy for someone out there (I'm a psychologist, not a not so much so for me :/)
In order to access the data inside a question/variable we can use the f function of confirmit.
for instance:
When masking a question, we need to pass in a Set object so Confirmit knows what Code's to show and not to show.
Often you will mask using a Set from a previous question. So you pass in the question_id and Confirmit does all the other magic.
Here we have the problem of not having a Set, so we will have to create our own.
For this, there are 2 approaches (can be found in the scripting manual under Working with Sets > Methods of the set Object > add and remove and Working with Sets > User defined functions...)
I'm going to stick to the first one because it is easier to use ;)
What we will do first is create a script node (it doesn't matter where you create it, just somewhere in the survey, I often have a folder Functions with all my script nodes in somewhere at the bottom of my survey)
In that script file we will have our function that crates our set:
function CreateMyAwesomeSet()
//create an empty Set
var mySet = new Set();
//if background1 equals 1, add 1 to our Set
if ( f('background1').get() == '1' )
//return the Set of allowed Codes
return mySet;
Here we declare a function that we now can use wherever we want to.
So now, If we want to use this Set, we add a Code Mask to your grid:
You can ofcourse change the name of the function, and add extra if statements.
hope this helps

Creating a pagination index in CouchDB?

I'm trying to create a pagination index view in CouchDB that lists the doc._id for every Nth document found.
I wrote the following map function, but the pageIndex variable doesn't reliably start at 1 - in fact it seems to change arbitrarily depending on the emitted value or the index length (e.g. 50, 55, 10, 25 - all start with a different file, though I seem to get the correct number of files emitted).
function(doc) {
if (doc.type == 'log') {
if (!pageIndex || pageIndex > 50) {
pageIndex = 1;
emit(doc.timestamp, null);
What am I doing wrong here? How would a CouchDB expert build this view?
Note that I don't want to use the "startkey + count + 1" method that's been mentioned elsewhere, since I'd like to be able to jump to a particular page or the last page (user expectations and all), I'd like to have a friendly "?page=5" URI instead of "?startkey=348ca1829328edefe3c5b38b3a1f36d1e988084b", and I'd rather CouchDB did this work instead of bulking up my application, if I can help it.
View functions (map and reduce) are purely functional. Side-effects such as setting a global variable are not supported. (When you move your application to BigCouch, how could multiple independent servers with arbitrary subsets of the data know what pageIndex is?)
Therefore the answer will have to involve a traditional map function, perhaps keyed by timestamp.
function(doc) {
if (doc.type == 'log') {
emit(doc.timestamp, null);
How can you get every 50th document? The simplest way is to add a skip=0 or skip=50, or skip=100 parameter. However that is not ideal (see below).
A way to pre-fetch the exact IDs of every 50th document is a _list function which only outputs every 50th row. (In practice you could use Mustache.JS or another template library to build HTML.)
function() {
var ddoc = this,
pageIndex = 0,
while(row = getRow()) {
if(pageIndex % 50 == 0) {
pageIndex += 1;
This will work for many situations, however it is not perfect. Here are some considerations I am thinking--not showstoppers necessarily, but it depends on your specific situation.
There is a reason the pretty URLs are discouraged. What does it mean if I load page 1, then a bunch of documents are inserted within the first 50, and then I click to page 2? If the data is changing a lot, there is no perfect user experience, the user must somehow feel the data changing.
The skip parameter and example _list function have the same problem: they do not scale. With skip you are still touching every row in the view starting from the beginning: finding it in the database file, reading it from disk, and then ignoring it, over and over, row by row, until you hit the skip value. For small values that's quite convenient but since you are grouping pages into sets of 50, I have to imagine that you will have thousands or more rows. That could make page views slow as the database is spinning its wheels most of the time.
The _list example has a similar problem, however you front-load all the work, running through the entire view from start to finish, and (presumably) sending the relevant document IDs to the client so it can quickly jump around the pages. But with hundreds of thousands of documents (you call them "log" so I assume you will have a ton) that will be an extremely slow query which is not cached.
In summary, for small data sets, you can get away with the page=1, page=2 form however you will bump into problems as your data set gets big. With the release of BigCouch, CouchDB is even better for log storage and analysis so (if that is what you are doing) you will definitely want to consider how high to scale.
