on_fetch_item_resource returns nothing - python-3.x

I want to modify something with database hook, but I think on_fetch_item not working for me.
Here is my code:
def before_returning_contract(response):
print('About to return a contact')
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.on_fetched_item_contract += before_returning_contract
app.register_blueprint(eve_docs, url_prefix='/docs')
app.run(debug=True, host="")
When I run it, (I mean when I go to I didn't see print result in the console. I have just saw one time within 100 tries, but I never changed anything.


loop to check for issues

i have this small program to assign issues to me, it works great on pycharm but when i compile it to exe with pyintaller it closes after the first run, ignoring the time.sleep and running again creating a loop to check for issues every 5 seconds.
why is that? how can i fix it?
import time
import winsound
from jira import JIRA
global lst_ignore
issue_var = ""
lst_ignore = []
def jira_login():
global user,token
user = 'user#cloud.com'
token = 'kj432hj43214YMzCyMLOe7682'
options = {'server': 'https://cloud.atlassian.net'}
global jira
jira = JIRA(options=options, basic_auth=(user, token))
except Exception as e:
jira = ""
if '401' in str(e):
print("Login to JIRA failed. Check your username and password",e)
return jira
def check_issue():
size = 100000
start = 0 * 100000
search_query = 'status not in (Done, Closed,Canceled) and assignee is EMPTY and project = "Success" and reporter not in (57f778:f48131cb-b67d-43c7-b30d-2b58d98bd077)'
issues = jira.search_issues(search_query, start, size)
for issue in issues:
if issue not in lst_ignore:
winsound.Beep(2000, 1000)
issue.update(assignee={'accountId': '60f1d072a0de61930ad83770'})
print(issue, " : assinged to you!")
def check():
if __name__ == '__main__':
NEW ANSWER:___________________________________________________
(New info obtained from comment) If it says you don't have the module when running from the console, but it does from Pycharm, you probably have 2 different Interpreters. There are two steps you must take.
Using the terminal run: pip install jira
If it says it is already installed, uninstall using pip, and then reinstall.
Good Luck!
OLD ANSWER:____________________________________________________
It is hard to say. One thing I can tell you is that a recursive function is almost never a good idea.
So instead of:
def check():
if __name__ == '__main__':
Try the following aproach:
def main():
while RUNNING:
if __name__ == '__main__':
After that you can implement that if some condition is met, it wil change the RUNNING constant to exit the program. Or, if it is a console-run program, then just use a keyboard-interrupt

Executing python script with various modes

I am developing a data pipeline in python with around 7 or 8 modes. Basically the data pipeline will be calling many class. For simplicity, I have created a simple test script ((pseudo code))as below. But every function is getting imported from a class.
Some modes/tasks are independent steps and few can be combined and make as a datapipeline.
For example test_flow is an independant workflow. create_flow and monitor_flow can be called as independant tasks or sometimes can be called together also.
Is there a better way to design the pipeline as there are about 8 modes and I feel the design(calling --modes as below) is bit clumsy. Please let me know if there are any other elegant ways. Thanks.
def test_flow:
def create_flow:
def monitor_flow:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if args.mode == "test_flow":
if args.mode == "create_flow":
if args.mode == "monitor_flow":
Your example code is full of syntax errors!
I would suggest something like this, but you probably would want to ensure further that only certain functions are reachable via the command line:
import sys
def test_flow():
print("called test_flow")
def create_flow():
print("called create_flow")
def monitor_flow():
print("called monitor_flow")
def main(argv):
if len(argv)>1:
specifiedCall = globals()[argv[1]]
if specifiedCall:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Defining function difficulties ["NameError: name 'number' is not defined"]

Okay, trying to make a simple game of Guessing Numbers but I can't find the mistake in this code. Still pretty new to python so probably the reason why but I can't figure out what is wrong with it.
import random
from time import sleep
def start():
print("Welcome To The Guessing Game \n Try to guess the number I'm thinking of \n Good luck!")
guessCheck(number, numberInput=1)
def restart():
print("Creating new number ...")
def selectRandomNumber():
number = random.randint(0,1000)
tries = 0
def tryAgain():
while True:
again = int(input("Do you want to play again? y/n:"))
except ValueError:
print("Couldn't understand what you tried to say")
if again == "y" or "yes":
print("Awesome! Lets go")
elif again == 'n' or "no":
print("Not a valid option")
def guessCheck(number,numberInput=1):
while True:
numberInput = int(input("What number do you think it is?: "))
except ValueError:
print("Couldn't understand that. Try again")
if numberInput > number:
print("Too high")
tries += 1
elif numberInput < number:
print("Too low")
tries += 1
elif numberInput == number:
print("Congrats! You got my number")
number = selectRandomNumber()
Every time I try to run the program I keep getting the same mistake.
It tells me:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python", line 60, in <module>
File "python", line 8, in start
guessCheck(number, numberInput)
NameError: name 'number' is not defined
Don't quite understand what that means.
Some help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Was able to fix the part about defining the variable but now new problem happened where when I try to run
Same code as before but added
and also added the variable number at the end
number = selectRandomNumber()
when I run it I get this
None # this is from `print(number)` so instead of getting a number here I'm getting `None`
Welcome To The Guessing Game
Try to guess the number I'm thinking of
Good luck!
What number do you think it is?:
The Traceback is telling you this:
We got to start().
start() called guessCheck().
We tried to pass two pieces of information to guessCheck(): the variable names number and numberInput.
We don't have those variables defined yet! numberInput doesn't get defined until once we've already started guessCheck(), and number isn't actually defined anywhere.
As Manoj pointed out in the comments, you probably want number to hold the output of selectRandomNumber(). So, instead of just calling selectRandomNumber() in start(), try number = selectRandomNumber() instead.
You can add a print(number) on the line right after that to make sure number has a value assigned to it.
Now number has a value, going into your call to guessCheck(). That still leaves numberInput undefined though. You can set a default value for function arguments like this:
guessCheck(number, numberInput=1)
That way, when guessCheck is called but numberInput hasn't been defined yet, it will automatically give it the value 1 until you set it explicitly.
You may encounter other issues with your code the way it is. My advice would be to start really simply - build up your game from each individual piece, and only put the pieces together when you're sure you have each one working. That may seem slower, but trying to go too fast will cause misunderstandings like this one.

python eve gracefully exit from callback

I'm wondering if it's possible to update an item without completely process the PATCH request.
What I'm trying to do is to randomly generate and insert a value inside the db when a user sends a PATCH request to the accounts/ endpoint.If I don't exit from the PATCH request I will get an error because it expects a value but I cannot give it in advance because it will be randomly generated.
def pre_accounts_patch_callback(request, lookup):
if not my_func():
return HTTP 201 OK
What can I do?
Not sure I get what you want to achieve, however keep in mind that you can actually update lookup within your callback, so the API will get back and process the updated version, with validation and all.
import random
def pre_accounts_patch_callback(request, lookup):
lookup['random_field'] = random.randint(0, 10)
app = Eve()
app.on_pre_PATCH_accounts += pre_accounts_patch_callback
if __name__ == '__main__':

How to run web.py server inside of another application

I have a little desktop game written in Python and would like to be able to access internal of it while the game is running. I was thinking of doing this by having a web.py running on a separate thread and serving pages. So when I access http://localhost:8080/map it would display map of the current level for debugging purposes.
I got web.py installed and running, but I don't really know where to go from here. I tried starting web.application in a separate thread, but for some reason I can not share data between threads (I think).
Below is simple example, that I was using testing this idea. I thought that http://localhost:8080/ would return different number every time, but it keeps showing the same one (5). If I print common_value inside of the while loop, it is being incremented, but it starts from 5.
What am I missing here and is the approach anywhere close to sensible? I really would like to avoid using database if possible.
import web
import thread
urls = (
'/(.*)', 'hello'
app = web.application(urls, globals())
common_value = 5
class hello:
def GET(self):
return str(common_value)
if __name__ == "__main__":
thread.start_new_thread(app.run, ())
while 1:
common_value = common_value + 1
After searching around a bit, I found a solution that works:
If common_value is defined at a separate module and imported from there, the above code works. So in essence (excuse the naming):
common_value = 0
import web
import thread
import thingy
import sys; sys.path.insert(0, ".")
urls = (
'/(.*)', 'hello'
app = web.application(urls, globals())
thingy.common_value = 5
class hello:
def GET(self):
return str(thingy.common_value)
if __name__ == "__main__":
thread.start_new_thread(app.run, ())
while 1:
thingy.common_value = thingy.common_value + 1
I found erros with arguments, but
change :
def GET(self):
def GET(self, *args):
and works now.
