GraphQL Resolver for Interface on same Mongoose collection - node.js

I'm creating a GraphQL server that uses Mongoose and GraphQLInterfaceType. I have a GraphQLInterfaceType of Books and sub types of SchoolBooksType and ColoringBookType. in my Mongoose Schema I specified that both SchoolBooks and ColoringBooks are to be stored in the same books collection
const coloringSchema = new Schema({
title: String,//Interface
pages: String
module.exports = mongoose.model("ColoringBook", coloringSchema , "books");
const schoolSchema = new Schema({
title: String, //Interface
subject: String
module.exports = mongoose.model("SchoolBook", schoolSchema , "books");
Here is one of my types
const SchoolBookType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "SchoolBook",
interfaces: [BooksInterface],
isTypeOf: obj => obj instanceof SchoolBook,
fields: () => ({
title: { type: GraphQLString },
subject: { type: GraphQLString }
Here is my query: But I don't know what to return, if I need to combine the two collections into the same array?
books: {
type: new GraphQLList(BooksInterface),
resolve() {
return SchoolBook.find({}) //<---- What to return?
Here is my query:
... on ColoringBook{
... on SchoolBook{
Any help would be great, Thank you.

I guess you can use an async resolver, and concat both queries.
resolve: async () => {
const schoolBooks = SchoolBook.find({}).exec()
const coloringBooks = ColoringBook.find({}).exec()
const [sbooks, cbooks] = await Promise.all([schoolBooks, coloringBooks])
return [...sbooks, ...cbooks]


Mongoose post save hook, modifiedPaths() is always empty

Our aim is to have a post hook in place where we can track changed fields.
Model file:
const VariationSchema = new Schema({
_id: {
type: String,
title: {
type: String,
desc: {
type: String,
});'save', async function (doc) {
const VariationModel = mongoose.model('variation', VariationSchema);
module.exports = {
Service file:
const variationDocument = await VariationModel.findById(variationId).select({});
variationDocument.desc = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7);
return variationDocument.toJSON();
No matter what we do, doc.modifiedPaths() is always empty. Please help

POST array of objects using req.body parser

I am trying to post a simple request which includes array of objects. I have created a model and passing the data as per the model.
I am having trouble accessing body parameters as it contains array of data.
I am able to store line item data by req.body.tasks[0]
which is not a standrad way of storing details in mongodb.
I am looking for a standrad way of storing array of data in mongodb
let createBug = (req, res) => {
for (var key in req.body) {
if (req.body.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
item = req.body[key];
const createBug = new listModel({
title: req.body.title,
tasks: [{
title: req.body.tasks[0].title,
description: req.body.tasks[0].description,
subtask: [{
description: req.body.tasks[0].subtask[0].description
}).save((error, data) => {
if (data) {
let apiResponse = response.generate(false, null, 201, data);
} else {
let apiResponse = response.generate(true, error, 404, null);
"title":"sample title",
"title": "task 1",
"description":"task1 description",
"description":"task3 description"
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const mySchema = mongoose.Schema;
let subtask = new mySchema({
description: String
let taskdata = new mySchema({
title: String,
description: String,
subtask: [subtask]
let listSchema = new mySchema({
title: {
type: String,
require: true,
tasks: [taskdata],
owner: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "users",
module.exports = mongoose.model("list", listSchema);
I think you're overcomplicating things here a little bit. The request body exactly matches the model definitions, so you can simply pass the req.body object to your mongoose model:
const createBug = new listModel(req.body).save((error, data) => { ... }

How to get the array of object instead of just _id in Mongoose

I am very new to mongoose.
I am currently building a backend using Node.js, express.js, GraphQL, and mongoose.
I have a Drink schema and DrinkType Schema. I defined DrinkType schema as "alcohol", "juice", "tea". And I have added many drinks and each drink has DrinkType reference. Then, I would like to reference all the drinks from DrinkType.
This is the schema for drinkType
const drinkTypeSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
createdDrinks: [
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Drink',
Here is the schema for drink
const drinkSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
drinkType: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'DrinkType',
This is the drink resolver. Whenever a new drink is created, I am pushing it to drinkType.
try {
const result = await
createdDrink = transformDrink(result)
const drinkType = await DrinkType.findById(args.addDrinkInput.drinkTypeId)
if (!drinkType) {
throw new Error('DrinkType not found.')
const drinkLoader = new DataLoader(drinkIds => {
return drinks(drinkIds)
const drinks = async drinkIds => {
try {
const drinks = await Drink.find({ _id: { $in: drinkIds } })
return => {
return transformDrink(drink)
} catch (err) {
throw err
const transformDrink = drink => {
return {
drinkType: drinkType.bind(this, drink.drinkType),
const drinkType = async drinkTypeId => {
try {
const drinkType = await drinkTypeLoader.load(drinkTypeId.toString())
return {
createdDrinks: () => drinkLoader.loadMany(drinkType._doc.createdDrinks),
I want this createdDrinks part to return the array of drink objects, but it is only returning the array of _ids.
I have been reading the mongoose documentation and it seems that using ObjectId is the correct way. Would you mind helping me out?
Thank you in advance.

How to use Mongoose with GraphQL and DataLoader?

I am using MongoDB as my database and GraphQL. I am using Mongoose for my model. I realised my GraphQL queries are slow because the same documents are being loaded over and over again. I would like to use DataLoader to solve my problem, but I don't know how.
Let's say I have the following schema, describing users with friends :
// mongoose schema
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
friendIds: [String],
userSchema.methods.friends = function() {
return User.where("_id").in(this.friendIds)
const User = mongoose.model("User", userSchema)
// GraphQL schema
const graphqlSchema = `
type User {
id: ID!
name: String
friends: [User]
type Query {
users: [User]
// GraphQL resolver
const resolver = {
Query: {
users: () => User.find()
Here is some example data in my database :
{ id: 1, name: "Alice", friendIds: [2, 3] },
{ id: 2, name: "Bob", friendIds: [1, 3] },
{ id: 3, name: "Charlie", friendIds: [2, 4, 5] },
{ id: 4, name: "David", friendIds: [1, 5] },
{ id: 5, name: "Ethan", friendIds: [1, 4, 2] },
When I do the following GraphQL query :
users {
friends {
each user is loaded many times. I would like each user Mongoose document to be loaded only once.
What doesn't work
Defining a "global" dataloader for fetching friends
If I change the friends method to :
// mongoose schema
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
friendIds: [String]
userSchema.methods.friends = function() {
return userLoader.load(this.friendIds)
const User = mongoose.model("User", userSchema)
const userLoader = new Dataloader(userIds => {
const users = await User.where("_id").in(userIds)
const usersMap = new Map( => [, user]))
return => usersMap.get(userId))
then my users are cached forever rather than on a per request basis.
Defining the dataloader in the resolver
This seems more reasonable : one caching mechanism per request.
// GraphQL resolver
const resolver = {
Query: {
users: async () => {
const userLoader = new Dataloader(userIds => {
const users = await User.where("_id").in(userIds)
const usersMap = new Map( => [, user]))
return => usersMap.get(userId))
const userIds = await User.find().distinct("_id")
return userLoader.load(userIds)
However, userLoader is now undefined in the friends method in Mongoose schema. Let's move the schema in the resolver then!
// GraphQL resolver
const resolver = {
Query: {
users: async () => {
const userLoader = new Dataloader(userIds => {
const users = await User.where("_id").in(userIds)
const usersMap = new Map( => [, user]))
return => usersMap.get(userId))
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
friendIds: [String]
userSchema.methods.friends = function() {
return userLoader.load(this.friendIds)
const User = mongoose.model("User", userSchema)
const userIds = await User.find().distinct("_id")
return userLoader.load(userIds)
Mh ... Now Mongoose is complaining on the second request : resolver gets called again, and Mongoose doesn't like 2 models being defined with the same model name.
"Virtual populate" feature are of no use, because I can't even tell Mongoose to fetch models through the dataloader rather than through the database directly.
Has anyone had the same problem? Does anyone have a suggestion on how to use Mongoose and Dataloader in combination? Thanks.
Note: I know since my schema is "relational", I should be using a relational database rather than MongoDB. I was not the one to make that choice. I have to live with it until we can migrate.
Keep your mongoose schema in a separate module. You don't want to create your schema each request -- just the first time the module is imported.
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
friendIds: [String]
const User = mongoose.model("User", userSchema)
module.exports = { User }
If you want, you can also export a function that creates your loader in the same module. Note, however, that we do not want to export an instance of a loader, just a function that will return one.
// ...
const getUserLoader = () => new DataLoader((userIds) => {
return User.find({ _id: { $in: userIds } }).execute()
module.exports = { User, getUserLoader }
Next, we want to include our loader in the context. How exactly this is done will depend on what library you're using to actually expose your graphql endpoint. In apollo-server, for example, context is passed in as part of your configuration.
new ApolloServer({
context: ({ req }) => ({
userLoader: getUserLoader()
This will ensure that we have a fresh instance of the loader created for each request. Now, your resolvers can just call the loader like this:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
users: async (root, args, { userLoader }) => {
// Our loader can't get all users, so let's use the model directly here
const allUsers = await User.find({})
// then tell the loader about the users we found
for (const user of allUsers) {, user);
// and finally return the result
return allUsers
User: {
friends: async (user, args, { userLoader }) => {
return userLoader.loadMany(user.friendIds)

Refactoring several mongoose models to similar collections

I have several collections that have the same documents type, except for the language.
Let's say imagesES, imagesEN, imagesFR, and so on....
I just thought about definig just one schema, but also one model that get the proper collection with a parameter:
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var Schema = mongoose.Schema
let authorSchema = require('./Authors').authorSchema
const imageSchema = new Schema({
authors: [authorSchema],
status: Number, // published (1), unpublished (0)
created: { type: Date, default: },
lastUpdated: { type: Date, default: },
license: {
type: String,
enum: ['Creative Commons BY-NC-SA'], //just one license right now
default: 'Creative Commons BY-NC-SA'
downloads: {
type: Number,
default: 0
tags: [String]
module.exports = locale => {
return mongoose.model('Image', imageSchema, `image${locale}`)
However in the controller I should require the model inside the controller (when I know the locale):
getImageById: (req, res) => {
const id =
const locale = req.swagger.params.locale.value
const Images = require('../models/Images')(locale)
Images.findOne({_id: id}).lean().exec( (err, image) => {
I'm not sure if this is the proper way as each request I get I have to require the model module (syncronously) or should I require all the different models previous to the use in the function.
const locales = ['es', 'en', 'fr']
const Images = []>Images[locale] = require('../models/Images')(locale))
getImageById: (req, res) => {
const id =
const locale = req.swagger.params.locale.value
Images[locale].findOne({_id: id}).lean().exec( (err, image) => {
Finally this is how I resolved it. Where it says Pictograms, could be Images as in the question
const setPictogramModel = require('../models/Pictograms')
const languages = [
const Pictograms = languages.reduce((dict, language)=> {
dict[language]= setPictogramModel(language)
return dict
}, {})
module.exports = {
getPictogramById: (req, res) => {
const id = req.swagger.params.idPictogram.value
const locale = req.swagger.params.locale.value
// Use lean to get a plain JS object to modify it, instead of a full model instance
Pictograms[locale].findOne({id_image: id}).exec( (err, pictogram) => {
if(err) {
return res.status(500).json({
message: 'Error getting pictograms. See error field for detail',
error: err
if(!pictogram) {
return res.status(404).json( {
message: `Error getting pictogram with id ${id}`,
return res.json(pictogram)
