I am dealing with the following grammar, which I have implemented in the form of a Haskell data type.
bool ::= tt | ff | bool ∧ bool | var
var ::= letter{letter|digit}*
My question is, I would like to write a function simplify :: bool → bool which simplifies boolean expressions in the usual way (while doing nothing to variables). For example, I would like
simplify(tt ∧ ff) = ff
simplify(tt ∧ x) = x
simplify(x ∧ (y ∧ z)) = x ∧ y ∧ z
where the letters x, y and z are denoting variables (var).
I feel that the natural definition is the following (pseudocode with pattern matching)
simplify(tt) = tt
simplify(ff) = ff
simplify(x) = x
simplify(tt ∧ b) = simplify(b)
simplify(b ∧ tt) = simplify(b)
simplify(b₁ ∧ b₂) = simplify(b₁) ∧ simplify(b₂) (†)
where b, b₁ and b₂ denote bools, and x denotes a var.
This definition works fine for all the given examples above. The problem is with expressions such as (tt ∧ tt) ∧ (tt ∧ tt). Indeed, applying the definition, we have
simplify((tt ∧ tt) ∧ (tt ∧ tt)) = simplify(tt ∧ tt) ∧ simplify(tt ∧ tt)
= simplify(tt) ∧ simplify(tt)
= tt ∧ tt
which we should be able to further simplify as simply tt.
Thus maybe changing the definition line (†) to
simplify(b₁ ∧ b₂) = simplify(simplify(b₁) ∧ simplify(b₂))
will solve the problem, since it simplifies the results of conjunctions, which does actually work! But then it breaks when we have variables (it goes into an infinite loop in fact):
simplify(x ∧ y) = simplify(simplify(x) ∧ simplify(y))
= simplify(x ∧ y)
= ...
Thus my idea was to retain the old definition, but then actually simplify by finding fixed points. Indeed, the function simplify' :: bool → bool written in Haskell below, behaves as desired:
simplify' :: BoolExpr -> BoolExpr
simplify' f
| (simplify f) == f = f
| otherwise = simplify' (simplify f)
It just feels like an inelegant solution to the problem, since it keeps repeatedly running a function which feels like, if defined correctly, needs to be run only once. I appreciate any feedback.
simplify(b₁ ∧ b₂) = simplify(simplify(b₁) ∧ simplify(b₂))
will solve the problem, since it simplifies the results of conjunctions, which does actually work! But then it breaks when we have variables (it goes into an infinite loop in fact):
Do you really want to recurse over simplify(b₁) ∧ simplify(b₂)? Maybe you want to simplify(b₁) and simplify(b₂) and then simply operate them. As in,
data B = T | F | V | B :&: B deriving Show
s :: B -> B
s T = T
s F = F
s V = V
s (b1 :&: b2) = opAND (s b1) (s b2)
opAND F _ = F
opAND _ F = F
opAND T b = b
opAND b T = b
opAND a b = a :&: b
The simplify function s essentially folds your syntax tree, at each step guaranteeing that you preserve the property that the simplified expression is either atomic, or contains no occurrences of neither F nor T.
The fundamental issue is that you're doing your simplify(tt ∧ b) test on unsimplified expressions.
The logic you're looking for would be more like:
simplify(a ^ b) | simplify(a) == tt = simplify b
which can be efficiently implemented by simplifying both before the simplifying pattern match:
simplify(b₁ ∧ b₂) =
case (simplify(b₁), simplify(b₂)) of
(tt, x) -> x
(x, tt) -> x
(here is a gist of my work so far.)
Coq comes with a rule about eta reduction, allowing us to prove something like the following:
Variables X Y Z : Type.
Variable f : X -> Y -> Z.
Lemma eta1 : (fun x => f x) = f.
The eta rule is not merely an equality rewrite, so we can use it beneath binders as well:
Lemma eta2 : (fun x y => f x y) = f.
Of course, one would expect that you could generalize this to an f of arbitrary arity. Here is my naïve attempt:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Fixpoint toType(ts : list Type)(t : Type) : Type :=
match ts with
|[] => t
|u::vs => u -> (toType vs t)
Compute toType [X;Y] Z.
= X -> Y -> Z
: Type
Fixpoint etaexpand(ts : list Type) : forall t : Type, toType ts t -> toType ts t :=
match ts as ts return forall t, toType ts t -> toType ts t with
|[] => fun t x => x
|u::vs => fun t f (x:u) => etaexpand vs t (f x)
Compute etaexpand [X;Y] Z f.
= fun (x : X) (x0 : Y) => f x x0
: toType [X; Y] Z
Lemma etaexpand_id : forall ts t f, etaexpand ts t f = f.
induction ts; intros.
(*stuck here*)
I get stuck on the inductive step of the above lemma. Naturally, I want to rewrite using the inductive hypothesis, but I cannot since the relevant subterm occurs beneath a binder. Of course, I myself know that the inductive hypothesis should be usable beneath binders, since it's just a chain of eta rewrites. I'm wondering then if there's a clever way to state and convince Coq of this fact.
In case anyone's curious, here's the solution I came up with after some thought.
The key is to simultaneously prove the following "niceness" property for etaexpand ts t:
Definition nice{X Y}(F : Y -> Y) := (forall y, F y = y) -> forall f : X -> Y,
(fun x => F (f x)) = f.
I'm reading implementing functional languages: a tutorial, and encountered a problem when implementing floating pass of fully lazy lambda lifting.
I would like to describe how floating works to make this question clear, if you are familiar with it, just skip to the question below.
The concept is introduced at page 246 in the paper, and mainly implemented at page 256-257.
In case of let(rec) expression, it says:
we must put floated definitions of right-hand side before the let(rec) expression itself, since the right-hand side may depend on them.
for example:
\a ->
let f = \b -> b + (let $mfe = a * a in $mfe)
in f
The variable $mfe is a maximal free expression (MFE) which identified by previous pass, when dealing with let f expression, we float f out as one group and append it to [(1, [($mfe, a * a)])], which was obtained from right-hand side of let f. Here, the first component 1 indicates the free level of the group.
When backtracking to \a -> f abstraction, we found that both $mfe and f are bound by it, hence we should install them here:
\a ->
let $mfe = a * a
let f = \b -> b + $mfe
in f
The Question
Suppose we have a program like this:
f = \x -> \y ->
a = \p -> cons p (b x)
b = \q -> cons q (a y)
in pair (a 1) (b 2)
The free level of b x and a y will be 2, since y has level 2 and they are in a same group.
While free level of cons p (b x) and cons q (a y) is 3, thus b x and a y will be marked as MFEs (Did I make mistakes here?).
Using the algorithm given by SPJ, the program will be transformed into:
f = \x -> \y ->
let $ay = a y -- `a` is not defined yet!
let $bx = b x -- and `b`
a = \p -> cons p $bx
b = \q -> cons q $ay
in pair (a 1) (b 2)
I think the MFEs in the right-hand side of let(rec) expression should not escape the let(rec) scope whenever it referenced to the left-hand side, and the correct result might like this:
f = \x -> \y ->
$ay = a y
$bx = b x
a = \p -> cons p $bx
b = \q -> cons q $ay
in pair (a 1) (b 2)
Does the paper wrong? or I just misunderstood it.
My Haskell project includes an expression evaluator, which for the purposes of this question can be simplified to:
data Expression a where
I :: Int -> Expression Int
B :: Bool -> Expression Bool
Add :: Expression Int -> Expression Int -> Expression Int
Mul :: Expression Int -> Expression Int -> Expression Int
Eq :: Expression Int -> Expression Int -> Expression Bool
And :: Expression Bool -> Expression Bool -> Expression Bool
Or :: Expression Bool -> Expression Bool -> Expression Bool
If :: Expression Bool -> Expression a -> Expression a -> Expression a
-- Reduces an Expression down to the simplest representation.
reduce :: Expression a -> Expression a
-- ... implementation ...
The straightforward approach to implementing this is to write a case expression to recursively evaluate and pattern match, like so:
reduce (Add x y) = case (reduce x, reduce y) of
(I x', I y') -> I $ x' + y'
(x', y') -> Add x' y'
reduce (Mul x y) = case (reduce x, reduce y) of
(I x', I y') -> I $ x' * y'
(x', y') -> Mul x' y'
reduce (And x y) = case (reduce x, reduce y) of
(B x', B y') -> B $ x' && y'
(x', y') -> And x' y'
-- ... and similarly for other cases.
To me, that definition looks somewhat awkward, so I then rewrote the definition using pattern guards, like so:
reduce (Add x y) | I x' <- reduce x
, I y' <- reduce y
= I $ x' + y'
I think this definition looks cleaner compared to the case expression, but when defining multiple patterns for different constructors, the pattern is repeated multiple times.
reduce (Add x y) | I x' <- reduce x
, I y' <- reduce y
= I $ x' + y'
reduce (Mul x y) | I x' <- reduce x
, I y' <- reduce y
= I $ x' * y'
Noting these repeated patterns, I was hoping there would be some syntax or structure that could cut down on the repetition in the pattern matching. Is there a generally accepted method to simplify these definitions?
Edit: after reviewing the pattern guards, I've realised they don't work as a drop-in replacement here. Although they provide the same result when x and y can be reduced to I _, they do not reduce any values when the pattern guards do not match. I would still like reduce to simplify subexpressions of Add et al.
One partial solution, which I've used in a similar situation, is to extract the logic into a "lifting" function that takes a normal Haskell operation and applies it to your language's values. This abstracts over the wrappping/unwrapping and resulting error handling.
The idea is to create two typeclasses for going to and from your custom type, with appropriate error handling. Then you can use these to create a liftOp function that could look like this:
liftOp :: (Extract a, Extract b, Pack c) => (a -> b -> c) ->
(Expression a -> Expression b -> Expression c)
liftOp err op a b = case res of
Nothing -> err a' b'
Just res -> pack res
where res = do a' <- extract $ reduce' a
b' <- extract $ reduce' b
return $ a' `op` b'
Then each specific case looks like this:
Mul x y -> liftOp Mul (*) x y
Which isn't too bad: it isn't overly redundant. It encompasses the information that matters: Mul gets mapped to *, and in the error case we just apply Mul again.
You would also need instances for packing and unpacking, but these are useful anyhow. One neat trick is that these can also let you embed functions in your DSL automatically, with an instance of the form (Extract a, Pack b) => Pack (a -> b).
I'm not sure this will work exactly for your example, but I hope it gives you a good starting point. You might want to wire additional error handling through the whole thing, but the good news is that most of that gets folded into the definition of pack, unpack and liftOp, so it's still pretty centralized.
I wrote up a similar solution for a related (but somewhat different) problem. It's also a way to handle going back and forth between native Haskell values and an interpreter, but the interpreter is structured differently. Some of the same ideas should still apply though!
This answer is inspired by rampion's follow-up question, which suggests the following function:
step :: Expression a -> Expression a
step x = case x of
Add (I x) (I y) -> I $ x + y
Mul (I x) (I y) -> I $ x * y
Eq (I x) (I y) -> B $ x == y
And (B x) (B y) -> B $ x && y
Or (B x) (B y) -> B $ x || y
If (B b) x y -> if b then x else y
z -> z
step looks at a single term, and reduces it if everything needed to reduce it is present. Equiped with step, we only need a way to replace a term everywhere in the expression tree. We can start by defining a way to apply a function inside every term.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
emap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression x -> Expression x
emap f x = case x of
I a -> I a
B a -> B a
Add x y -> Add (f x) (f y)
Mul x y -> Mul (f x) (f y)
Eq x y -> Eq (f x) (f y)
And x y -> And (f x) (f y)
Or x y -> Or (f x) (f y)
If x y z -> If (f x) (f y) (f z)
Now, we need to apply a function everywhere, both to the term and everywhere inside the term. There are two basic possibilities, we could apply the function to the term before applying it inside or we could apply the function afterwards.
premap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression x -> Expression x
premap f = emap (premap f) . f
postmap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression x -> Expression x
postmap f = f . emap (postmap f)
This gives us two possibilities for how to use step, which I will call shorten and reduce.
shorten = premap step
reduce = postmap step
These behave a little differently. shorten removes the innermost level of terms, replacing them with literals, shortening the height of the expression tree by one. reduce completely evaluates the expression tree to a literal. Here's the result of iterating each of these on the same input
If (And (B True) (Or (B False) (B True))) (Add (I 1) (Mul (I 2) (I 3))) (I 0)
If (And (B True) (B True)) (Add (I 1) (I 6)) (I 0)
If (B True) (I 7) (I 0)
I 7
If (And (B True) (Or (B False) (B True))) (Add (I 1) (Mul (I 2) (I 3))) (I 0)
I 7
Partial reduction
Your question implies that you sometimes expect that expressions can't be reduced completely. I'll extend your example to include something to demonstrate this case, by adding a variable, Var.
data Expression a where
Var :: Expression Int
We will need to add support for Var to emap:
emap f x = case x of
Var -> Var
bind will replace the variable, and evaluateFor performs a complete evaluation, traversing the expression only once.
bind :: Int -> Expression a -> Expression a
bind a x = case x of
Var -> I a
z -> z
evaluateFor :: Int -> Expression a -> Expression a
evaluateFor a = postmap (step . bind a)
Now reduce iterated on an example containing a variable produces the following output
If (And (B True) (Or (B False) (B True))) (Add (I 1) (Mul Var (I 3))) (I 0)
Add (I 1) (Mul Var (I 3))
If the output expression from the reduction is evaluated for a specific value of Var, we can reduce the expression all the way to a literal.
"evaluateFor 5"
Add (I 1) (Mul Var (I 3))
I 16
emap can instead be written in terms of an Applicative Functor, and postmap can be made into a generic piece of code suitable for other data types than expressions. How to do so is described in this answer to rampion's follow-up question.
Why is the type of this function (a -> a) -> a?
Prelude> let y f = f (y f)
Prelude> :t y
y :: (t -> t) -> t
Shouldn't it be an infinite/recursive type?
I was going to try and put into words what I think it's type should be, but I just can't do it for some reason.
y :: (t -> t) -> ?WTFIsGoingOnOnTheRHS?
I don't get how f (y f) resolves to a value. The following makes a little more sense to me:
Prelude> let y f x = f (y f) x
Prelude> :t y
y :: ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b
But it's still ridiculously confusing. What's going on?
Well, y has to be of type (a -> b) -> c, for some a, b and c we don't know yet; after all, it takes a function, f, and applies it to an argument, so it must be a function taking a function.
Since y f = f x (again, for some x), we know that the return type of y must be the return type of f itself. So, we can refine the type of y a bit: it must be (a -> b) -> b for some a and b we don't know yet.
To figure out what a is, we just have to look at the type of the value passed to f. It's y f, which is the expression we're trying to figure out the type of right now. We're saying that the type of y is (a -> b) -> b (for some a, b, etc.), so we can say that this application of y f must be of type b itself.
So, the type of the argument to f is b. Put it all back together, and we get (b -> b) -> b — which is, of course, the same thing as (a -> a) -> a.
Here's a more intuitive, but less precise view of things: we're saying that y f = f (y f), which we can expand to the equivalent y f = f (f (y f)), y f = f (f (f (y f))), and so on. So, we know that we can always apply another f around the whole thing, and since the "whole thing" in question is the result of applying f to an argument, f has to have the type a -> a; and since we just concluded that the whole thing is the result of applying f to an argument, the return type of y must be that of f itself — coming together, again, as (a -> a) -> a.
Just two points to add to other people's answers.
The function you're defining is usually called fix, and it is a fixed-point combinator: a function that computes the fixed point of another function. In mathematics, the fixed point of a function f is an argument x such that f x = x. This already allows you to infer that the type of fix has to be (a -> a) -> a; "function that takes a function from a to a, and returns an a."
You've called your function y, which seems to be after the Y combinator, but this is an inaccurate name: the Y combinator is one specific fixed point combinator, but not the same as the one you've defined here.
I don't get how f (y f) resolves to a value.
Well, the trick is that Haskell is a non-strict (a.k.a. "lazy") language. The calculation of f (y f) can terminate if f doesn't need to evaluate its y f argument in all cases. So, if you're defining factorial (as John L illustrates), fac (y fac) 1 evaluates to 1 without evaluating y fac.
Strict languages can't do this, so in those languages you cannot define a fixed-point combinator in this way. In those languages, the textbook fixed-point combinator is the Y combinator proper.
#ehird's done a good job of explaining the type, so I'd like to show how it can resolve to a value with some examples.
f1 :: Int -> Int
f1 _ = 5
-- expansion of y applied to f1
y f1
f1 (y f1) -- definition of y
5 -- definition of f1 (the argument is ignored)
-- here's an example that uses the argument, a factorial function
fac :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int)
fac next 1 = 1
fac next n = n * next (n-1)
y fac :: Int -> Int
fac (y fac) -- def. of y
-- at this point, further evaluation requires the next argument
-- so let's try 3
fac (y fac) 3 :: Int
3 * (y fac) 2 -- def. of fac
3 * (fac (y fac) 2) -- def. of y
3 * (2 * (y fac) 1) -- def. of fac
3 * (2 * (fac (y fac) 1) -- def. of y
3 * (2 * 1) -- def. of fac
You can follow the same steps with any function you like to see what will happen. Both of these examples converge to values, but that doesn't always happen.
Let me tell about a combinator. It's called the "fixpoint combinator" and it has the following property:
The Property: the "fixpoint combinator" takes a function f :: (a -> a) and discovers a "fixed point" x :: a of that function such that f x == x. Some implementations of the fixpoint combinator might be better or worse at "discovering", but assuming it terminates, it will produce a fixed point of the input function. Any function that satisfies The Property can be called a "fixpoint combinator".
Call this "fixpoint combinator" y. Based on what we just said, the following are true:
-- as we said, y's input is f :: a -> a, and its output is x :: a, therefore
y :: (a -> a) -> a
-- let x be the fixed point discovered by applying f to y
y f == x -- because y discovers x, a fixed point of f, per The Property
f x == x -- the behavior of a fixed point, per The Property
-- now, per substitution of "x" with "f x" in "y f == x"
y f == f x
-- again, per substitution of "x" with "y f" in the previous line
y f == f (y f)
So there you go. You have defined y in terms of the essential property of the fixpoint combinator:
y f == f (y f). Instead of assuming that y f discovers x, you can assume that x represents a divergent computation, and still come to the same conclusion (iinm).
Since your function satisfies The Property, we can conclude that it is a fixpoint combinator, and that the other properties we have stated, including the type, are applicable to your function.
This isn't exactly a solid proof, but I hope it provides additional insight.
Is it possible to write the Y Combinator in Haskell?
It seems like it would have an infinitely recursive type.
Y :: f -> b -> c
where f :: (f -> b -> c)
or something. Even a simple slightly factored factorial
factMaker _ 0 = 1
factMaker fn n = n * ((fn fn) (n -1)
{- to be called as
(factMaker factMaker) 5
fails with "Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: t = t -> t2 -> t1"
(The Y combinator looks like this
(define Y
(lambda (X)
((lambda (procedure)
(X (lambda (arg) ((procedure procedure) arg))))
(lambda (procedure)
(X (lambda (arg) ((procedure procedure) arg)))))))
in scheme)
Or, more succinctly as
(λ (f) ((λ (x) (f (λ (a) ((x x) a))))
(λ (x) (f (λ (a) ((x x) a))))))
For the applicative order
(λ (f) ((λ (x) (f (x x)))
(λ (x) (f (x x)))))
Which is just a eta contraction away for the lazy version.
If you prefer short variable names.
Here's a non-recursive definition of the y-combinator in haskell:
newtype Mu a = Mu (Mu a -> a)
y f = (\h -> h $ Mu h) (\x -> f . (\(Mu g) -> g) x $ x)
hat tip
The Y combinator can't be typed using Hindley-Milner types, the polymorphic lambda calculus on which Haskell's type system is based. You can prove this by appeal to the rules of the type system.
I don't know if it's possible to type the Y combinator by giving it a higher-rank type. It would surprise me, but I don't have a proof that it's not possible. (The key would be to identify a suitably polymorphic type for the lambda-bound x.)
If you want a fixed-point operator in Haskell, you can define one very easily because in Haskell, let-binding has fixed-point semantics:
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)
You can use this in the usual way to define functions and even some finite or infinite data structures.
It is also possible to use functions on recursive types to implement fixed points.
If you're interested in programming with fixed points, you want to read Bruce McAdam's technical report That About Wraps it Up.
The canonical definition of the Y combinator is as follows:
y = \f -> (\x -> f (x x)) (\x -> f (x x))
But it doesn't type check in Haskell because of the x x, since it would require an infinite type:
x :: a -> b -- x is a function
x :: a -- x is applied to x
a = a -> b -- infinite type
If the type system were to allow such recursive types, it would make type checking undecidable (prone to infinite loops).
But the Y combinator will work if you force it to typecheck, e.g. by using unsafeCoerce :: a -> b:
import Unsafe.Coerce
y :: (a -> a) -> a
y = \f -> (\x -> f (unsafeCoerce x x)) (\x -> f (unsafeCoerce x x))
main = putStrLn $ y ("circular reasoning works because " ++)
This is unsafe (obviously). rampion's answer demonstrates a safer way to write a fixpoint combinator in Haskell without using recursion.
this wiki page and
This Stack Overflow answer seem to answer my question.
I will write up more of an explanation later.
Now, I've found something interesting about that Mu type. Consider S = Mu Bool.
data S = S (S -> Bool)
If one treats S as a set and that equals sign as isomorphism, then the equation becomes
S ⇋ S -> Bool ⇋ Powerset(S)
So S is the set of sets that are isomorphic to their powerset!
But we know from Cantor's diagonal argument that the cardinality of Powerset(S) is always strictly greater than the cardinality of S, so they are never isomorphic.
I think this is why you can now define a fixed point operator, even though you can't without one.
Just to make rampion's code more readable:
-- Mu :: (Mu a -> a) -> Mu a
newtype Mu a = Mu (Mu a -> a)
w :: (Mu a -> a) -> a
w h = h (Mu h)
y :: (a -> a) -> a
y f = w (\(Mu x) -> f (w x))
-- y f = f . y f
in which w stands for the omega combinator w = \x -> x x, and y stands for the y combinator y = \f -> w . (f w).