Acumatica: InventoryItemMaintExtension -- Cannot be empty Errors - acumatica

Good Day!
I have a file PropertyMaint which inherits the InventoryItemMaint.
I also created a custom page on which its TypeName is the PropertyMaint.
Everything runs smoothly but when I am trying to upload an image file in the Attributes TAB, an error occurs, on which supplied fields are being asked again.
These are the steps to reproduce the error:
STEP 1 : Create a new item.
STEP 2 : Fill up all the required fields. (General settings, Price/Cost and GL Accounts TAB)
STEP 3 : Go to the Attributes Tab, add any images by clicking Browse, choose any image and click Upload.
STEP 4 : Click the save button and the error occurs.
Does anyone experienced the similar error I am experiencing?
STEP 1 & 2 - General Settings --- Screenshot
STEP 1 & 2 - GL Accounts --- Screenshot
STEP 3 & 4 - Browse image, save and error --- Screenshot
Code Files
LINK ---->>> Page link
LINK ---->>> PropertyMaint link
LINK ---->>> InventoryItemExtension link
I am currently using the Acumatica 2018 R2 version with the Build 18.202.0029.
I am still new in using the Acumatica framework so any advice and help is very appreciated. Thank you so much
UPDATE 12-14-2018
I checked the persist method of the graph, and I noticed that there are no NULL values on the fields that requires values, the error still occurs.
view values screenshot 1
UPDATE 12-26-2018
The null/empty error still occurs even if I'm just updating a record from my page using my inherited graph. But when I do an undo, the record can be updated again. Are there any way on extending graphs or inheriting them?

Inheritance of graph in Acumatica should be accomplished in the following way:
PropertyMaint : PXGraphExtension<InventoryItemMaint>

I solved my problem by deleting the Example.cs file. The file contains an InventoryItemMaintExtension on which i assume that also triggers during the inheritance in my PropertyMaint. Thank you for all the help, until next time.


How to implement PXFormulaCombo or Formula Builder control?

As per title. I need to customise AM207500 - Configuration Maintenance screen to add another custom field that will allow me to enter formula similar to QtyRequired field.
I got as far as displaying the correct dialog. But its missing the fields selection.
I believe I'm missing the OnRootFieldsNeeded property. But every time I try to edit the ASPX and manually add this. Its being cleared by Acumatica.
Am I in the right direction ? And how do I force this property in my ASPX ?
A bit unconventional, but have you tried updating the ASPX page on the custom pages and then clicking on the files section to update the file? This will then ensure the file update occurs before publish and hold the configuration

Shipment's page customization removes UpdateIN Action

I noticed that customizing the Shipment's page "Confirm Shipment" action, removes the "Update IN" action from the dropdown list. This is occurring even without actual logic in the overriden method - as soon as it's created and published, the action disappears.
Below is the list of steps that I have followed:
The Actions dropdown options for the Shipments page are:
Then, the following customization is created
Which - without any changes - generates the following result:
After publishing the customization, the Actions dropdown is now shown with the UpdateIN action removed:
I noticed that the UpdateIN action is not selectable in the Override Method option of the customization project - that could have some relation with the error:
The action definition however, can be found in the CodeRepository directory (with Visible = False):
Any ideas? Thanks
If I'm not mistaken, this issue has been fixed in 2017 R2 Update 3 (build #17.230.0029). Could you please update your developer instance to 2017 R2 Update 3 or more recent build and check if the issue gets resolved?

Blue prism - Scrolling a web page

Is there any way that we can scroll down in a webpage till an element where we want any verification or want to enter values ?
Another question is that I used global send keys to scroll a page. It works in object studio if I provide an interval of 0 (as inputs set tends to Yes), but from process studio I get an error as follows
"Internal : Failed To perform Step 1 In Navigate Stage 'Trying scroll' on page 'Select hotel' - Special characters (~{}+^%) are not supported in SendKeys if an interval value is provided. Separate calls can be used to send control characters."
how to overcome such situation ?
Try removing the interval = 0. If this doesn't work, can you please share a screenshot of your action inside the object and the Navigation stage that you are using to send keys?

TFS-2010 - Custom Work Item Control not showing up: "Form Rendering Failed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

I'm developing a custom control for Task/Bug Work Items so I can query for shelvesets related to the Work Item.
First off I tested a simple control with nothing but a listbox with an Item. When I preview the layout form in the Process Editor in VS2010, it shows up alright, but when I create a new Task, upon loading it shows a message instead of my control:
"Form Rendering Failed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
What I really like about these error messages is that they're always crystal clear... I'm clueless, what could be causing this behavior?
Thanks in advance!
Place the dll and .wicc of the custom control you created in:
C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Team Foundation\Work Item Tracking\Custom Controls\10.0
Make sure your .wicc file directs to your dll correctly.
Refresh the team project in the team explorer.
If your WIT control is functional it should work.
Good Luck!

SharePoint Error - Datasheet View refuses to show up!

Recently the DataSheet view of my list refuses to dispaly. I tried numerouse times and with no luck. Other lists works just fine, except for this one.
there is a Java error message on the left bottom corner of the screen that disapears in 2 seconds, then it renders the list in Standard view any time you try it.
I even created a new Datasheet View - the result a Standard View.
Any suggestions?
Here is a MS site regarding the data sheet view and why it may not be available -
The error occured after we installed an add-on to restrict users permissions. It looks like this solution afftects the functionality of the site (we tested it for a few days then disable it). Will wait for an improved solution.
