Shipment's page customization removes UpdateIN Action - acumatica

I noticed that customizing the Shipment's page "Confirm Shipment" action, removes the "Update IN" action from the dropdown list. This is occurring even without actual logic in the overriden method - as soon as it's created and published, the action disappears.
Below is the list of steps that I have followed:
The Actions dropdown options for the Shipments page are:
Then, the following customization is created
Which - without any changes - generates the following result:
After publishing the customization, the Actions dropdown is now shown with the UpdateIN action removed:
I noticed that the UpdateIN action is not selectable in the Override Method option of the customization project - that could have some relation with the error:
The action definition however, can be found in the CodeRepository directory (with Visible = False):
Any ideas? Thanks

If I'm not mistaken, this issue has been fixed in 2017 R2 Update 3 (build #17.230.0029). Could you please update your developer instance to 2017 R2 Update 3 or more recent build and check if the issue gets resolved?


Copying and Renaming xhtml file to new file in JSF causing data does not load

I received an assignment to have a look at Java Server Faces project and maintain the existing code if possible. My background is , and never made a Java program previously. The problem is like this : there is existing file code named policy_list.xhtml (with also several beans attached to UI component in the file) and lets say it attach to menu Policy List. If user click the menu, the policy_list.xhtml will show the list of Policy. I copied the policy_list.xhtml file and renamed it to a new file renewal_list.xhtml. And I created a new menu Renewal List and attach the link to renewal_list.xhtml. I did not make any changes to renewal_list.xhtml. However , when I click the Renewal List menu, the page did not show any data like the Policy List menu. There is no error shown in the page What is wrong with the Renewal List page. Is it the behaviour of JSF ? On the IntelliJ IDEA debugger, I have not found any error. However the Search button in the renewal_list.xhtml working fine just as policy_list.xhtml. All the action link in the dataTable does not work in renewal_list.xhtml. I guess I am missing as particular setup on the menu or else ? Any ideas ?
My God, I have to registered it on pages.xml . Now, its working. Thanks to the powerful search of IntelliJ idea.

Acumatica: InventoryItemMaintExtension -- Cannot be empty Errors

Good Day!
I have a file PropertyMaint which inherits the InventoryItemMaint.
I also created a custom page on which its TypeName is the PropertyMaint.
Everything runs smoothly but when I am trying to upload an image file in the Attributes TAB, an error occurs, on which supplied fields are being asked again.
These are the steps to reproduce the error:
STEP 1 : Create a new item.
STEP 2 : Fill up all the required fields. (General settings, Price/Cost and GL Accounts TAB)
STEP 3 : Go to the Attributes Tab, add any images by clicking Browse, choose any image and click Upload.
STEP 4 : Click the save button and the error occurs.
Does anyone experienced the similar error I am experiencing?
STEP 1 & 2 - General Settings --- Screenshot
STEP 1 & 2 - GL Accounts --- Screenshot
STEP 3 & 4 - Browse image, save and error --- Screenshot
Code Files
LINK ---->>> Page link
LINK ---->>> PropertyMaint link
LINK ---->>> InventoryItemExtension link
I am currently using the Acumatica 2018 R2 version with the Build 18.202.0029.
I am still new in using the Acumatica framework so any advice and help is very appreciated. Thank you so much
UPDATE 12-14-2018
I checked the persist method of the graph, and I noticed that there are no NULL values on the fields that requires values, the error still occurs.
view values screenshot 1
UPDATE 12-26-2018
The null/empty error still occurs even if I'm just updating a record from my page using my inherited graph. But when I do an undo, the record can be updated again. Are there any way on extending graphs or inheriting them?
Inheritance of graph in Acumatica should be accomplished in the following way:
PropertyMaint : PXGraphExtension<InventoryItemMaint>
I solved my problem by deleting the Example.cs file. The file contains an InventoryItemMaintExtension on which i assume that also triggers during the inheritance in my PropertyMaint. Thank you for all the help, until next time.

State driven menuitem in Visual Studio 2012 extension

I am writing a Visual Studio 2012 extension that defines several sub-menus to go in two existing Visual Studio context menus. The sub-menu items appear to work correctly except for one thing:
Until the first menu item in my package is clicked, the state of each menu item is its default state depending on its definition in the VSCT file. That works fine for menu items that are always enabled, but some menu items should be enabled or disabled based on certain changing conditions. After the package is sited, their states are set correctly, but how can I get the states to be set correctly before the first item is clicked?
There is no default state that works in my solution. The conditions might be true or false the first time my menus appear.
If you have a solution for this, or know where this has been addressed in a tutorial somewhere, I would appreciate your help.
I finally discovered the answer to my question at MSDN in an article called How to: Autoload a VSPackage. The "trick" is to set the ProvideAutoLoadAttribute on the package class that's created for the project. Here is the declaration for one of the projects I am working on:
[InstalledProductRegistration("#110", "#112", "1.0", IconResourceID = 400)]
[ProvideMenuResource("Menus.ctmenu", 1)]
public sealed class XamlHelpmeetPackage : Package
{ ...
The third line is all that I added to make the otherwise working extension load early rather than on demand.

Sharepoint 2010 and DispForm.aspx and adding custom

I am looking to add either a button to the ribbon or adding a form action button control to a list item display form.
I would like to user to have the ability to email the detail of the list item currently being view.
So far....
I created a new DispForm.aspx ...and then added the form action button control. I set the action to a custom action....then SP2010 created a new Site workflow.
I can edit this workflow..but I do not get fields for the "Current Item". I think this has something to do with the fact that its a site workflow and not a list workflow.
I also tried to edit the code in the DispForm.aspx to change the GUID of the workflow in an attempt to start a list workflow with the button.
What I did to get this setup is first create a list workflow.
All work below is done in SharePoint Designer. And I did not edit any pages just created a custom action that showed up in the ribbon.
You can do this by selecting list and libraries from navigation then selecting the list you want to add the workflow to. Once you select that there should be a "block" for workflows just click add a new workflow. With that you can design your workflow and you will have access to current item.
Once you are done with the workflow find the Custom Actions block on the List page (It is below the workflows block for me). Click some where in the block and on the top ribbon you should see Custom Action. When you open up that menu it gives you the option to select the type of action (Ribbon, DetailView, ...). Now just link it to your workflow you just created. (You may have to refresh the list to get the workflow to show up. If it still doesn't show up make sure you published it).

Issue after editing Search Properties in coded UI?

We are using coded ui test using visual studio 2010.We are testing .Net 4.0 windows application.
Here is an scenario.
We have an windows app which has a button named submit and we have recorded a workflow which clicks on submit.
Now when we generate code using coded ui the serach criteria for the button is based on its name (display name of button).
If tommorrow developer changes the button's text to submit1 , our scripts fail.
We tried using "controlName"[name given to the control and not the display name] property in search criteria instead of Name , but it does not work.
We get following error - "The playback failed to find the control with the given search properties"
Related problem happens to me also. I solved it by sending the Focus to the UI control before using that control.
Try this.
