Cassandra query collection while specifying a partition key - cassandra

I've been reading about indexes in Cassandra but I'm a little confused when it comes to creating an index on a collection like a set, list or map.
Let's say I have the following table and index on users like the following
CREATE TABLE chatter.channels (
id text PRIMARY KEY,
users set<text>
CREATE INDEX channels_users_idx ON chatter.channels (values(users));
INSERT INTO chatter.channels (id, users) VALUE ('ch1', {'jeff', 'jenny'});
In the docs, at least what I've found so far, says that this can have a huge performance hit because the indexes are created local on the nodes. And all the examples that are given query the tables like below
SELECT * FROM chatter.channels WHERE users CONTAINS 'jeff';
From my understanding this would have the performance hit because the partition key is not specified and all nodes must be queried. However, if I was to issue a query like below
SELECT * FROM chatter.channels WHERE id = 'ch1' AND users CONTAINS 'jeff';
(giving the partition key) then would I still have the performance hit?
How would I be able to check this for myself? In SQL I can run EXPLAIN and get some useful information. Is there something similar in Cassandra?

Cassandra provides tracing capability , this helps to trace the progression of reads and writes of queries in Cassandra.
To view traces, open -> cqlsh on one of your Cassandra nodes and run the following command:
cqlsh> tracing on;
Now tracing requests.
cqlsh> use [KEYSPACE];
I hope this helps in checking the performance of query.


Cassanda cql issue : "Batch too large","code":8704

I am getting the below error in select query.
{"error":{"name":"ResponseError","info":"Represents an error message from the server","message":"Batch too large","code":8704,"coordinator":""}}
Ahh, I get it; you're using Dev Center.
If result is more than 1000 it is showing this error
Yes, that's Dev Center preventing you from running queries that can hurt your cluster. Like this:
select * from user_request_by_country_by_processworkflow
WHERE created_on <= '2022-01-08T16:19:07+05:30' ALLOW FILTERING;
ALLOW FILTERING is a way to force Cassandra to read multiple partitions in one query, even though it is designed to warn you against doing that. If you really need to run a query like this, then you'll want to build a table with a PRIMARY KEY designed to specifically support that.
In this case, I'd recommend "bucketing" your table data by whichever time component keeps the partitions within a reasonable size. For example, if the day keeps the rows-per-partition below 50k, the primary key definition would look like this:
PRIMARY KEY (day,created_on)
Then, a query that would work and be allowed would look like this:
SELECT * FROM user_request_by_country_by_processworkflow
WHERE day=20220108
AND created_on <= '2022-01-08T16:19:07+05:30';
In summary:
Don't run multi-partition queries.
Do build tables to match queries.
Do use time buckets to keep partitions from growing unbounded.

Need pagination for following Cassandra table

identifier text,
post_id int,
score int,
reason text,
timestamp timeuuid,
PRIMARY KEY ((identifier, post_id), score, id, timestamp)
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_identifier ON feed ( identifier );
I want to run 2 types of queries where identifier = 'user_5' and post_id = 11; and where identifier = 'user_5';
I want to paginate on 10 results per query. However, few queries can have variable result count. So best if there is something like a *column* > last_record that I can use.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
P.S: Cassandra version - 3.11.6
First, and most important - you're approaching to Cassandra like a traditional database that runs on the single node. Your data model doesn't support effective retrieval of data for your queries, and secondary indexes doesn't help much, as it's still need to reach all nodes to fetch the data, as data will be distributed between different nodes based on the value of partition key ((identifier, post_id) in your case) - it may work with small data in small cluster, but will fail miserably when you scale up.
In Cassandra, all data modelling starts from queries, so if you're querying by identifier, then it should be a partition key (although you may get some problems with big partitions if some users will produce a lot of messages). Inside partition you may use secondary indexes, it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, inside partition it's easier to organize paging. Cassandra natively support forward paging, so you just need to keep paging state between queries. In Java driver 4.6.0, the special helper class was added to support paging of results, although it may not be very effective, as it needs to read data from Cassandra anyway, to skip to the given page, but at least it's a some help. Here is example from documentation:
String query = "SELECT ...";
// organize by 20 rows per page
OffsetPager pager = new OffsetPager(20);
// Get page 2: start from a fresh result set, throw away rows 1-20, then return rows 21-40
ResultSet rs = session.execute(query);
OffsetPager.Page<Row> page2 = pager.getPage(rs, 2);
// Get page 5: start from a fresh result set, throw away rows 1-80, then return rows 81-100
rs = session.execute(query);
OffsetPager.Page<Row> page5 = pager.getPage(rs, 5);

Order of results in Cassandra

I have two questions about query results in Cassandra.
When I make a "full" select of a table in Cassandra (ie. select * from table) is it guaranteed that the results will be returned in increasing order of partition tokens?
For instance, having the following table:
create table users(id int, name text, primary key(id));
Is it guaranteed that the following query will return the results with increasing values in the token column?
select token(id), id from users;
If so, is it also guaranteed if the data is distributed to multiple nodes in the cluster?
If the anwer to the above question is 'yes', is it still valid if we use secondary index? For instance, if we would have the following index:
create index on users(name);
and we query the table by using the index:
select token(id), id from users where name = 'xyz';
is there any guarantee regarding the order of results?
The motivation for the above questions is if the token is the right thing to use in order in implement paging and/or resuming of broken longer "data exports".
EDIT: There are multiple resources on the net that state that the order matches the token order (eg. in description of partitioner results or this Datastax page):
Without a partition key specified in the WHERE clause, the actual order of the result set then becomes dependent on the hashed values of userid.
However the order of results is not specified in official Cassandra documentation, eg. of SELECT statement.
Is it guaranteed that the following query will return the results with increasing values in the token column?
Yes it is
If so, is it also guaranteed if the data is distributed to multiple nodes in the cluster?
The data distribution is orthogonal to the ordering of the retrieved data, no relationship
If the anwer to the above question is 'yes', is it still valid if we use secondary index?
Yes, even if you query data using a secondary index (be it SASI or the native implementation), the returned results will always be sorted by token order. Why ? The technical explanation is given in my blog post here:
That's the main reason that explain why SASI is not a good fit if you want the search to return data ordered by some column values. Only a real search engine integration (like Datastax Enterprise Search) can yield you the correct ordering because it bypasses the cluster read path layer.

Query all and consistency

This is a question regarding the behavior of cassandra for a select * query.
It's more for understanding, I know that normaly I should not execute such a query.
Assuming I have 4 Nodes with RF=2.
Following table (column family):
create table test_storage (
id text,
created_on TIMESTAMP,
location int,
data text,
I inserted 100 entries into the table.
Now I do a select * from test_storage via cqlsh. Doing the query multiple times I get different results, so not all entries. When changing consistency to local_quorum I always get back the complete result. Why is this so?
I assumed, despite from the performance, that I also get for consistency one all entries since it must query the whole token range.
Second issue, when I add a secondary index in this case to location, and do a query like select * from test_storage where location=1 I also get random results wiht consistency one. And always correct results when changing to consistency level local_quorum. Also here I don't understand why this happens?
When changing consistency to local_quorum I always get back the complete result. Why is this so?
Welcome to the eventual consistency world. To understand it, read my slides:
I assumed, despite from the performance, that I also get for consistency one all entries since it must query the whole token range
Yes, Cassandra will query all token ranges because of the non restricted SELECT * but it will only request data from one replicas out of 2 (RF=2)
and do a query like select * from test_storage where location=1 I also get random results wiht consistency one
Same answer as above, native Cassandra secondary index is just using a Cassandra table under the hood to store the reverse-index so the same eventual consistency rules apply there too

Cassandra/Redis: Way to create feed without Cassandra 'IN' secondary index?

I'm having a bit of an issue with my application functionality integrating with Cassandra. I'm trying to create a content feed for my users. Users can create posts which, in turn, have the field user_id. I'm using Redis for the entire social graph and using Cassandra columns solely for objects. In Redis, user 1 has a set named user:1:followers with all of his/her follower ids. These follower ids correspond with the Cassandra ids in the users table and user_ids in the posts table.
My goal was originally to simply plug all of the user_ids from this Redis set into a query that would use FROM posts WHERE user_id IN (user_ids here) and grab all of the posts from the secondary index user_id. The issue is that Cassandra purposely does not support the IN operator in secondary indexes because that index would force Cassandra to search ALL of its nodes for that value. I'm left with only two options I can see: Either create a Redis list of user:1:follow_feed for the post IDs then search Cassandra's primary index for those posts in a single query, or keep it the way I have it now and run an individual query for every user_id in the user:1:follower set.
I'm really leaning against the first option because I already have tons and tons of graph data in Redis, and this option would add a new list for every user. The second way is far worse. I would put a massive read load on Cassandra and it would take a long time to run individual queries for a set of ids. I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place, as far as I see it. Is there any way to query the secondary indexes with multiple values? If not, is there a more efficient way to load these content feeds (RAM and speed wise) compared to the options of more Redis lists or multiple Cassandra queries? Thanks in advance.
Without knowing the schema of the posts table (and preferably the others, as well), it's really hard to make any useful suggestions.
It's unclear to me why you need to have user_id be a secondary index, as opposed to your primary key.
In general it's quite useful to key content like posts off of the user that created it, since it allows you to do things like retrieve all posts (optionally over a given range, assuming they are chronologically sorted) very efficiently.
With Cassandra, if you find that a table can effectively answer some of the queries that you want to perform but not others, you are usually best of denormalizing that table and creating another table with a different structure in order to keep your queries to a single CQL partition and node.
user_id int,
post_id int,
post_text text,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, post_id)
This table can answer queries such as:
select * from posts where user_id = 1234;
select * from posts where user_id = 1 and post_id = 53;
select * from posts where user_id = 1 and post_id > 5321 and post_id < 5400;
The reverse clustering on post_id is to make retrieving the most recent posts the most efficient by placing them at the beginning of the partition physically within the sstable.
In that example, user_id being a partition column, means "all cql rows with this user_id will be hashed to the same partition, and hence the same physical nodes, and eventually, the same sstables. That's why it's possible to
retrieve all posts with that user_id, as they are store contiguously
retrieve a slice of them by doing a ranged query on post_id
retrieve a single post by supplying both the partition column(user_id) and the clustering column (post_id)
In effect, this become a hashmap of a hashmap lookup. The one major caveat, though, is that when using partition and clustering columns, you always need to supply all columns from left to right in your query, without skipping any. So in this case, that means you can't retrieve an individual post without knowing the user_id that the post_id belongs to. That is addressable in user-code(by storing a reverse mapping and doing the lookup when necessary, or by encoding the user_id into the post_id that is passed around your application), but is definitely something to take into consideration.
