Azure Application Insights - create deep link for an exception? - azure

How to create a deep link to an exception found in Microsoft Azure Application Insights? Simply copy&pasting the URL doesn't bring up the exception, I also haven't found a suitable "create link" button or similar.

It is not possible to create a link to the portal afaik. But, if you create a query in application insights analytics that shows the exception you can! See the "Copy link" button in the upper right corner on the screenshot below.
This creates a link to the application insights analytics query so be sure to set the time range in the query. If you don't and the time range is set for the last 24h for example, then clicking the link more than 24hrs after the exception won't display results.

Assuming "deep link to exception" is a link to this UX. If this is the case then copy'n'paste the URL should work (if it doesn't work - will be very interested to take a further look why it doesn't).


azure portal subscription filter jumps to settings

On the Azure portal, since a couple of days, clicking on the subscription filter, the portal automatically brings me to directory/subscription settings. This is not the desired behaviour.
I automatically get this :
Any clues ?
#cat5dm - Apologies for delay in getting back to this thread. Post validation with our internal team below is the update I can share with you.
Post consistent feedback from customers handling many subscriptions , the full screen experience for settings and filters was the design choice taken. The idea was to centralize all settings in one place rather than two. In the meantime, we are directing the old filter icon to the settings so that users would find the new location without having to discover the gear icon . However, we will be eventually removing the filter button from the top and only have the settings gear.
Hope this information helps. We hope the new experience will be helpful , however if you have any feedback, please let us know. Thank you

Unable to find the alert of application insights in portal

Actually when i am seeing documnetation they haev given with different screens but when i ma going to azure portal it seemslike a different one
i am not understanding
what is happening there
pllease suggest me
refer documentation link:
Please find the below screen shots
From Documentation:
From Portal:
please suggest me
Any help is appreciated
please find the belwo screen shots
But after following this alsoi found one issue
It seems taking a lot of time even it is not giving any respons in portal UI.
ANy help is appreciated
Update: send alert to multi users:
The comment's from #Peter Bons is correct, the way to create alert has already been changed.
The doc you provided is written at 09/20/2017, which is for the old alert named classic alert(and it will be retired soon). More about classic alert is here.
But if you can also use it(it's named classic alert), by clicking View classis alerts -> Add metric alert, then you can follow the doc to create alerts.
I suggest you'd better use the new alert, and you can do something more than the classic alert. Just click the New alert rule, and it's easy to configure.

How do I combine all of my Azure Application Insights objects into a single report?

I use a application insights for each app but I want to create a report in PowerBI that for example shows me all the exceptions for the day from all of the Application Insights.
A workaround is just have all the apps start to use a single Application Insight but I would rather not do that.
Currently, there is no "out of the box" way to achieve that. We are working on enabling cross-ikey queries in analytics that will enable this in a very simple way - please cast your vote for this here:
The current workaround for this is to export the data using continuous export, and load the data into some store (like SQL) and use a reporting on top of it. See some example here:

Application Insights not showing data in Azure Preview Portal

I have an existing web application on Azure with some very limited application insights monitoring (end point checks). I thought I would pull in the rest of the functionality so I added telemetry to my project following the instructions at Everything went well and I was able to see that when I loaded a page with the instrumentation JavaScript it was indeed sending requests to azure and I was getting back no errors either in error code or in the errors array in the json response.
The GUID in the applications insights configuration file looks correct. I've also tried sending telemetry manually
private void GatherTelemetry()
var telemetry = new TelemetryClient();
While all of these actions show up in the count in visual studio
there is nothing in the portal.
I have tried reopening the blades as well as logging out and in again.
What else can I try?
here are things to confirm:
if you are running your app from visual studio make sure there are events listed as sent from the output window (based on your screenshot above it looks good there)
make sure you are using our latest SDKs. .11 had some breaking changes see here:
ensure the events are being sent to the AI endpoint in fiddler (looks like you are good here)
go to and choose browse -> application insights and choose the app you are sending data for. you can double check by looking at the instrumentation key on the properties part. another way to get back to the portal is through the deep links made available in visual studio. on the overview blade go to the diagnostic search part to see a tail of the last telemetry events collected.
finally if you don't see data check for service issues here:
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that custom events aren't yet included in the charts you are looking at. Have you checked whether you can find the events using the search functionality?
Custom events will soon be seen in the overview blade. In the mean time you can chart the trend of metric Event count. Just select any chart and open up Metric Explorer, then you can select the metric Event count. This should show you the trend of events sent.

How can I display a Power View report without a frame in Sharepoint?

The question is almost asked in the title but some more detail:
I've created in a Power Pivot Gallery a connection to my Tabular model and a Power View report. The report looks great, I think Power Pivot/Power View is a pretty cool technology, etc. etc.
I look at videos like this and I see a gorgeous report without the ugly frame and I can't help but think... how basic is this? The best I can do so far is putting a link to the report in a web page Web Part and it looks hideous. I want this to be part of a dashboard, if possible, though a Power View report already kind of fulfills that function.
Not only that, but my google-fu is failing me. There's tutorials for putting up PerformancePoint stuff for a dashboard but I can't find a step by step for this.
I know Sharepoint questions are frowned upon it seems but that SO sub-domain seems dead. A link to a tutorial or a basic explanation should be more than enough.
Very good question! I'm also trying to do this and I can't find a good tutorial either, not sure if this will help but here's what I have so far:
Step 1
Site Settings > Manage Site Features
Enable BICenter Data Connections Feature
Enable PerformancePoint Services
Step 2
Site Contents > add an app
Add DataConnections Library for PerformancePoint
Add PerformancePoint Content List
Step 3
Go into your instance of PerformancePoint Content List
Click PERFORMANCEPOINT in the ribbon
Click Dashboard Designer
Step 4
This is where the blind leads the blind, welcome to the bleeding edge!
So inside Dashboard Designer on the left panel (Workspace Browser), you should see the instances of DataConnections and PerformancePoint that you just created. Select the DataConnection. At the top you'll see Home/Edit/Create - click Create then Data Source (which might be the only choice currently enabled, it is for me).
Now you can choose to import data from SQL, Excel, a SP List, etc...I've tried several options but no matter what I do, I get this error message: "Cannot connect to PerformancePoint Services. Contact the administrator for details."
Hope this will at least point you in the right direction for now. If I can solve that error and continue on, I'll come back with more steps for you.
