Application Insights not showing data in Azure Preview Portal - azure

I have an existing web application on Azure with some very limited application insights monitoring (end point checks). I thought I would pull in the rest of the functionality so I added telemetry to my project following the instructions at Everything went well and I was able to see that when I loaded a page with the instrumentation JavaScript it was indeed sending requests to azure and I was getting back no errors either in error code or in the errors array in the json response.
The GUID in the applications insights configuration file looks correct. I've also tried sending telemetry manually
private void GatherTelemetry()
var telemetry = new TelemetryClient();
While all of these actions show up in the count in visual studio
there is nothing in the portal.
I have tried reopening the blades as well as logging out and in again.
What else can I try?

here are things to confirm:
if you are running your app from visual studio make sure there are events listed as sent from the output window (based on your screenshot above it looks good there)
make sure you are using our latest SDKs. .11 had some breaking changes see here:
ensure the events are being sent to the AI endpoint in fiddler (looks like you are good here)
go to and choose browse -> application insights and choose the app you are sending data for. you can double check by looking at the instrumentation key on the properties part. another way to get back to the portal is through the deep links made available in visual studio. on the overview blade go to the diagnostic search part to see a tail of the last telemetry events collected.
finally if you don't see data check for service issues here:

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that custom events aren't yet included in the charts you are looking at. Have you checked whether you can find the events using the search functionality?

Custom events will soon be seen in the overview blade. In the mean time you can chart the trend of metric Event count. Just select any chart and open up Metric Explorer, then you can select the metric Event count. This should show you the trend of events sent.


Google Analytics UA Measurement Protocol events not working across multiple properties as of June 17 2021

We have several Universal Analytics properties (not GA4) which have been set up over the last few years.
Some older properties were set up as 'Mobile' which is no longer an option, the newer properties were set up as 'Web'.
These are node.js apps where we are tracking custom events server side. We do not send page views for any of these properties, only custom events using the '' measurement protocol endpoint.
This has always worked fine but as of June 16/17 2021, all our 'Web' properties are showing no data in the Behaviour / Audience reports. I can still see the events appearing in the 'Realtime' section, so I know they are still being received by GA.
Here you can see the data for one of the properties feeding through to the realtime dashboard. This data now no longer syncs to the Behaviour/Audience section etc.
Here is the total events for the same app. Displays nothing after June 16/17.
Here is another property which has stable traffic. Exact same thing. This has happened to many properties, all on the same day.
Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong here? Feels like Google have changed something but not informed us. I have already 'sent feedback' on GA and posted on the GA community forum with no replies as of yet.
I was experiencing the same issue with my GA properties. I reached out to GA support & they recommended creating a new view without the spider / bot exclusion filter and now these events are reporting as expected. They also recommended adding user agent strings to existing MP.

Azure Application Insights - create deep link for an exception?

How to create a deep link to an exception found in Microsoft Azure Application Insights? Simply copy&pasting the URL doesn't bring up the exception, I also haven't found a suitable "create link" button or similar.
It is not possible to create a link to the portal afaik. But, if you create a query in application insights analytics that shows the exception you can! See the "Copy link" button in the upper right corner on the screenshot below.
This creates a link to the application insights analytics query so be sure to set the time range in the query. If you don't and the time range is set for the last 24h for example, then clicking the link more than 24hrs after the exception won't display results.
Assuming "deep link to exception" is a link to this UX. If this is the case then copy'n'paste the URL should work (if it doesn't work - will be very interested to take a further look why it doesn't).

Acumatica API and custom properties

I’m having issues setting custom properties from web service. I have several string field properties on soline. When I send a request only some of them are getting set. I would post the code but there is a lot of extra stuff.
I have checked the web service the payload and the customization. Everything appears correct anything else I should look at? Additional info I’m extending the 6.0 web api. Calling Acumatica from postman.
So what ended working for me was a series of restarting the application and just entering in the the properties again in the web service. I would just go one property at a time. Add it restart the application via
System -> Management -> Apply Updates -> Restart Application

How do I combine all of my Azure Application Insights objects into a single report?

I use a application insights for each app but I want to create a report in PowerBI that for example shows me all the exceptions for the day from all of the Application Insights.
A workaround is just have all the apps start to use a single Application Insight but I would rather not do that.
Currently, there is no "out of the box" way to achieve that. We are working on enabling cross-ikey queries in analytics that will enable this in a very simple way - please cast your vote for this here:
The current workaround for this is to export the data using continuous export, and load the data into some store (like SQL) and use a reporting on top of it. See some example here:

Azure - Could not automatically scale because monitoring data was not found

We're using the autoscaling preview in Azure, but for the last few hours the portal has been reporting the following warning:
Could not automatically scale "deployment name" because monitoring
data was not found
Clicking on the "details" button next to the warning just loads the scaling page.
On the "monitor" page there is no monitoring data available, the graph is empty.
I know the autoscaling feature is in preview, but there isn't any way to report faults - unless you pay for a support option.
Is there anything we can do to fix this (other than deleting the deployment and re-deploying!) and how do we report the fault, preferably without paying!
I was seeing the same thing, but it seems to have caught up now. The metrics are only 10 minutes behind now. I have submitted a ticket with Microsoft but they haven't provided any extra information (yet) about the slowdown.
