Unable to save Kik channel configuration- Azure Bot Service - azure

I am unable to save Kik configuration in my bot service. I've opened an issue here as well- https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-V3/issues/81. So, I just want to ask if its a bug or not?

The Display Name placeholder text currently states: "Your Kik display name" This should be the Kik bot's display name, from the Configuration tab on https://dev.kik.com


Bot works in Web Chat but not in Teams channel

I have created a sample Teams app with bot feature, cloning from https://github.com/OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-sample-complete-node/tree/master/src. It is running locally, using ngrok tunnel, and the bot is registered on Azure Bots Channel Registration.
The "Test in Web Chat" on Azure works fine, when I initiate the chat the bot sends a welcome message. When I type "hello" the bot responds with "Hello".
When I enable the Microsoft Teams channel, I click on the link on the channels page which brings me to a 1-to-1 conversation with the bot. The browser console already prints errors:
browser screenshot
When I type "hello" in the chat, the chat jumps to "Just me" channel. Bot only replies with welcome message, but not the expected "Hello": chat screenshot
The local ngrok shows conversationUpdate reaching the bot, which I suppose triggers the welcome message, but there is no text message reaching ngrok: ngrok sreenshot
The documentation Talk to your bot directly by Id suggests I should be able to search inside Teams using the subscription id, but the bot cannot be found. Does that indicate a problem with how Teams channel is configured?
I tried packaging it into an app and import into teams, following the instructions in above sample repository. The app has tabs pointing to the same local ngrok tunneled service, these load successfully. But when i type in the conversation tab, the message disappears right away. Neither a converationUpdate nor the text message reach ngrok.
This is a Teams caching issue. If your bot is deployed as a full 'Web App Bot', you're going to have to delete and redeploy it. If it's deployed as a Web App with a matching Bot Channels Registration, you can just delete the Bot Channels Registration and recreate it. It's now permanently tied to 'Just Me' and even if it's fixed, the conversation will never show up in it's own chat, and will remain in 'Just Me'.

Bot framework Directline -Change Bot name Run time using node.js

Is it possible to change the name of the bot during runtime. Current the name which i have added in portal is getting displayed under bot message. Is it possible to update it in run time using node.js rather than displaying the name configured in portal.
You can change the display name of the bot, in bot's settings page. Following is a screenshot where you can do this.

Enabling Cortana channel in Azure Bot service

I am trying to enable Cortana channel to my Azure Bot Service. I am getting below message-
The bot was created by my official MSA ID under a subscription. I checked the publish profile and it seems the username and password is different and probably auto generated when I created the bot in Azure. Do I need to change the publish profile to use my official ID and password? In that case my credentials will be visible to anyone who is using the app in Azure portal.
Also my app seems to be registered on the bot framework portal-
However while navigating to-
I see the same message saying Cortana channel cannot be added.
Few observations-
Unable to edit the app ID field
Anyone can access the link- https://dev.botframework.com/bots/settings?id=mybotid even if the ownership is only having my email ID
Any help on this?

Blank channel tab in Azure for Bot Channels Registration

Similar issue : Azure Bot Channels Registration with Channel section blank
But I will provide more information (and the Azure team on twitter asked me to open this)
So, when channel tab is clicked for my bot (type Bot Channels Registration), I have the following behavior :
Firefox and chrome : nothing is displayed, in the console log there is a 401 error
Internet explorer : there is an error displayed by Azure
Note that I'm owner of my resource group.
Is there a workaround?
Thanks in advance

Change bot user name in slack for dialogflow bot

I am recently working on dialog flow bot (API.ai)
I have integrated my chatbot with slack from API.ai. When I start conversation and continue chatting, I found that bot username displayed in slack shown as Dialog flow Bot. But I have configured the name as treselle. How to change it?
Please find the screenshot below:
Yes! you can change it.
Go to your slack chatbot application.
Click on about tab.
enter image description here
Click on settings button.
Below "Bot user", select edit bot name button beside the bot name.
I'm not sure it's possible or at least I couldn't make it neither.
If you're a developer too, here is what you can do:
create a Slack app and bot, with enabled events subscriptions that will call your application webhook each time a message is sent to your bot
create a DialogFlow agent that you will call using 'query' API
create your own web application with a webhook route called by Slack, from which you can call DialogFlow API
This way you'll be able to customize every single details, including username, description, icon of the Slack bot, and send messages with rich content!
Here are more details: https://blog.eleven-labs.com/en/en/replace-erp-by-slack-bot-with-dialogflow-and-symfony/
I was wondering the same thing. Apparently you can't change the name of the bot until it is public. Here's a quote from the documentation...
Once logged in, navigate to the instance and locate the bot user called #dialogflow-bot.
Note: In order to change the name of the agent or add a logo, you'll need to make the bot public.
