Dart: How do I convert an array of objects to an array of hashmaps? - object

I want to convert my objects to hashmaps so I can use the Flutter method channels to send data to Android.
I've thought of iterating through and mapping them one by one, but there's got to be a more elegant way to do this...
class Something {
Something(this.what, this.the, this.fiddle);
final String what;
final int the;
final bool fiddle;
Somewhere else
List<Something> listOStuff = List<Something>.generate(10, (int index){
return Something(index.toString(), index, false,);
List<Map<String, dynamic>> parseToMaps(List<Something> listOStuff){
List<Map<String, dynamic>> results;
// do something crazy to get listOStuff into Map of primitive values for each object
// preferably a built in method of some sort... otherwise, i guess i'll just iterate...
// maybe even an imported package if such thing exists
return results;
List<Map<String, dynamic>> listOMaps = parseToMaps(listOStuff);
Something like this in Java

You can use the map and return the object that you want:
List<Map<String, dynamic>> listOMaps = listOStuff
.map((something) => {
"what": something.what,
"the": something.the,
"fiddle": something.fiddle,

I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for, but there is a way to have custom objects encoded without having to specify it directly when you call the method.
What you have to do is implement a MethodCodec and/or MessageCodec that defines how your object is encoded and decoded. The easiest way is probably to subclass StandardMethodCodec and/or StandardMessageCodec (it might be enough to override StandardMessageCodec and pass it to StandardMessageCodec).
If you implement read & write correctly for your object, then all you have to do is pass the list of objects directly to your method call and flutter will handle the encoding.
Note that there are corresponding classes on the Android & iOS sides of things that you could use to have the data decoded directly to objects, and in fact you might have to implement them to get things to work depending on how you do it.


Can you use a Map instance as an easy-peasy store property?

const store = {
values: new Map(),
// (gross trivial accessor)
setValue: action( (state, payload) => {
state.values.set(payload.key, payload.value);
I'm curious because easy-peasy uses a Proxy on the store object (and objects nested within) so that in your action you can safely mutate the state object directly (https://easy-peasy.now.sh/docs/tutorials/primary-api.html#modifying-the-state). I don't know if this also works when using non Plain Old JavaScript Objects, such as Maps.
It looks like this is possible on certain versions, but not without first declaring support for the feature (so the code above will not work right out of the box, as of now). See here for more info: https://github.com/ctrlplusb/easy-peasy/issues/440

In Kotlin, how to create a single object that has all the features that another class/interface has?

I have a Deck object that has a Set member:
object Deck {
val cardSet = mutableSetOf<Card>()
// other useful functions here...
Now I can use it in main() like this:
Deck.cardSet.someFunctionSetHas() // e.g. forEach, map, filter, isEmpty...
But would be more intuitive to use it like the following, and that is what I exactly want:
If I try object Deck: Set<Card> { }, IDEA asks me to implement some method manually (contains(), containsAll(), isEmpty(), iterator()) and size member. I want the Deck object work as a mutableSet variable declared like:
val mset = mutableSetOf<Card>()
In this case I do not need to implement those in-built methods manually. This is the behavior I want for the Deck object, plus my own declared functions.
You can do it this way:
private val cardSet = mutableSetOf<Card>()
object Deck : MutableSet<Card> by cardSet {
// other useful functions here...
You can subclass an existing MutableSet implementation like HashSet:
object Deck: HashSet<Card>() {
// other useful functions here...
Delegation is probably the best way, as given in another answer.  But for completeness, it might be worth mentioning the java.lang.reflect.Proxy class, which can be used to create a dynamic proxy; that's how such things are done in plain Java, and so of course Kotlin/JVM can do it that way too.

How to have a typed random-access read-only array structure

Still finding my feet with Haxe and am looking for way to have a array-like read-only collection that I can specify a type for at compile time
So ideally I need something like the following:
var collection:Collection<ItemType>;
var item:ItemType = collection[3];//or
var other:ItemType = collection.getAt(3);
//also, it would be good if it was iterable
for (item in collection)
So, exactly like an Array, but read only. Would anybody be able to give me a few pointers, please.
Many thanks
Well, you can't have read-only array access as such, but you can do it with methods:
class ReadonlyArray<T> {
var source:Array<T>;
public function new(source) this.source = source
inline function get(index) return source[index]
inline function iterator() return index.iterator()
The overhead should be barely noticeable.

Grails: How to make everything I create Upper Case?

I am currently using CSS to change everything I write to upperCase when I create an entry, but that is not enough. When I save things, the text shown in the text fields is upper case, but the real value that Grails stores stays in lower case.
I am assuming I'd need to change something in the controller or anything.
Maybe transforming the $fieldValue CSS could work??
Any ideas would help!
You could just write setters for your domain object?
class Domain {
String aField
void setAField( String s ){
aField = s?.toUpperCase()
I think you are asking how to change values on your domain objects to uppercase. If this is not the case please clarify the question.
You have a bunch of options. I would recommend
1) In a service method, before you save, using String.toUpperCase() to modify the appropriate values on the domain object.
2) You can use the underlying Hibernate interceptors by defining a beforeInsert method on your domain object, and doing the toUpperCase there. (see 5.5.1 of the grails documentation)
3) You could do this client side. However, if it is a "business requirement" that the values are stored as upper, then I recommend doing the translation server side. It is easier to wrap tests around that code....
Using annotations is cleanest approach
import org.grails.databinding.BindingFormat
class Person {
String someUpperCaseString
String someLowerCaseString
Here is link for it: Grails doc for data binding
You can use Groovy metaprogramming to change the setter for all domain class String-typed properties without actually writing a custom setter for each property.
To do this, add something like the following to the init closure of Bootstrap.groovy
def init = { servletContext ->
for (dc in grailsApplication.domainClasses) {
dc.class.metaClass.setProperty = { String name, value ->
def metaProperty = delegate.class.metaClass.getMetaProperty(name)
if (metaProperty) {
// change the property value to uppercase if it's a String property
if (value && metaProperty.type == String) {
value = value.toUpperCase()
metaProperty.setProperty(delegate, value)
} else {
throw new MissingPropertyException(name, delegate.class)

IEnumerable<T>.ConvertAll & DDD

I have an interesting need for an extension method on the IEumerable interface - the same thing as List.ConvertAll. This has been covered before here and I found one solution here. What I don't like about that solution is he builds a List to hold the converted objects and then returns it. I suspect LINQ wasn't available when he wrote his article, so my implementation is this:
public static class IEnumerableExtension
public static IEnumerable<TOutput> ConvertAll<T, TOutput>(this IEnumerable<T> collection, Func<T, TOutput> converter)
if (null == converter)
throw new ArgumentNullException("converter");
return from item in collection
select converter(item);
What I like better about this is I convert 'on the fly' without having to load the entire list of whatever TOutput's are. Note that I also changed the type of the delegate - from Converter to Func. The compilation is the same but I think it makes my intent clearer - I don't mean for this to be ONLY type conversion.
Which leads me to my question: In my repository layer I have a lot of queries that return lists of ID's - ID's of entities. I used to have several classes that 'converted' these ID's to entities in various ways. With this extension method I am able to boil all that down to code like this:
IEnumerable<Part> GetBlueParts()
IEnumerable<int> keys = GetBluePartKeys();
return keys.ConvertAll<Part>(PartRepository.Find);
where the 'converter' is really the repository's Find-by-ID method. In my case, the 'converter' is potentially doing quite a bit. Does anyone see any problems with this approach?
The main issue I see with this approach is it's completely unnecessary.
Your ConvertAll method is nothing different than Enumerable.Select<TSource,TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TResult>), which is a standard LINQ operator. There's no reason to write an extension method for something that already is in the framework.
You can just do:
IEnumerable<Part> GetBlueParts()
IEnumerable<int> keys = GetBluePartKeys();
return keys.Select<int,Part>(PartRepository.Find);
Note: your method would require <int,Part> as well to compile, unless PartRepository.Find only works on int, and only returns Part instances. If you want to avoid that, you can probably do:
IEnumerable<Part> GetBlueParts()
IEnumerable<int> keys = GetBluePartKeys();
return keys.Select(i => PartRepository.Find<Part>(i)); // I'm assuming that fits your "Find" syntax...
Why not utilize the yield keyword (and only convert each item as it is needed)?
public static class IEnumerableExtension
public static IEnumerable<TOutput> ConvertAll<T, TOutput>
(this IEnumerable<T> collection, Func<T, TOutput> converter)
if(null == converter)
throw new ArgumentNullException("converter");
foreach(T item in collection)
yield return converter(item);
