How to have a typed random-access read-only array structure - haxe

Still finding my feet with Haxe and am looking for way to have a array-like read-only collection that I can specify a type for at compile time
So ideally I need something like the following:
var collection:Collection<ItemType>;
var item:ItemType = collection[3];//or
var other:ItemType = collection.getAt(3);
//also, it would be good if it was iterable
for (item in collection)
So, exactly like an Array, but read only. Would anybody be able to give me a few pointers, please.
Many thanks

Well, you can't have read-only array access as such, but you can do it with methods:
class ReadonlyArray<T> {
var source:Array<T>;
public function new(source) this.source = source
inline function get(index) return source[index]
inline function iterator() return index.iterator()
The overhead should be barely noticeable.


Importing a modified String class from another file in nodejs

I have added to the String class three prototype classes on a file classed parse.js:
String.prototype.parseCropTo = function (needle) {
if (this.includes(needle) === false) return false;
return this.slice(0, this.indexOf(needle)).trim();
String.prototype.parseCropFrom = function (needle) {
if (this.includes(needle) === false) return false;
return this.slice(this.indexOf(needle) + needle.length).trim();
String.prototype.parseCropBetween = function (needleFrom, needleTo) {
let haystack = this.parseCropFrom(needleFrom);
if (haystack != false) return haystack.parseCropTo(needleTo);
As far as I can see, imported files have to expose specific functions and then they are called via a variable. However, I wish to import parse.js to other files so I could use these functions directly on strings:
let haystack = 'This is a lovely day';
console.log(haystack.parseCropBetween('is', 'day'));
Is this possible? thanks in advance.
By extending the prototype of String, you will have these methods on every string you'll ever use, however you need to load it somewhere in your code, because you won't be able to use that beforehand.
The reason that works is because your'e accessing String.prototype by reference, as with all non-primitive types in javascript so calling it once, will get you set for the rest of your code.
Generally speaking, it's not advised to extend native constructs.
See full example here:
Additionally, I'd advise you to read some opinions about extending prototypes in javascript and considers the pros and cons of this approach:
Why is extending native objects a bad practice?

Dart: How do I convert an array of objects to an array of hashmaps?

I want to convert my objects to hashmaps so I can use the Flutter method channels to send data to Android.
I've thought of iterating through and mapping them one by one, but there's got to be a more elegant way to do this...
class Something {
Something(this.what, this.the, this.fiddle);
final String what;
final int the;
final bool fiddle;
Somewhere else
List<Something> listOStuff = List<Something>.generate(10, (int index){
return Something(index.toString(), index, false,);
List<Map<String, dynamic>> parseToMaps(List<Something> listOStuff){
List<Map<String, dynamic>> results;
// do something crazy to get listOStuff into Map of primitive values for each object
// preferably a built in method of some sort... otherwise, i guess i'll just iterate...
// maybe even an imported package if such thing exists
return results;
List<Map<String, dynamic>> listOMaps = parseToMaps(listOStuff);
Something like this in Java
You can use the map and return the object that you want:
List<Map<String, dynamic>> listOMaps = listOStuff
.map((something) => {
"what": something.what,
"the": something.the,
"fiddle": something.fiddle,
I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for, but there is a way to have custom objects encoded without having to specify it directly when you call the method.
What you have to do is implement a MethodCodec and/or MessageCodec that defines how your object is encoded and decoded. The easiest way is probably to subclass StandardMethodCodec and/or StandardMessageCodec (it might be enough to override StandardMessageCodec and pass it to StandardMessageCodec).
If you implement read & write correctly for your object, then all you have to do is pass the list of objects directly to your method call and flutter will handle the encoding.
Note that there are corresponding classes on the Android & iOS sides of things that you could use to have the data decoded directly to objects, and in fact you might have to implement them to get things to work depending on how you do it.

Javascript coding format between hash and class [duplicate]

I'm curious what the difference is between the following OOP javascript techniques. They seem to end up doing the same thing but is one considered better than the other?
function Book(title) {
this.title = title;
Book.prototype.getTitle = function () {
return this.title;
var myBook = new Book('War and Peace');
function Book(title) {
var book = {
title: title
book.getTitle = function () {
return this.title;
return book;
var myBook = Book('War and Peace');
The second one doesn't really create an instance, it simply returns an object. That means you can't take advantage of operators like instanceof. Eg. with the first case you can do if (myBook instanceof Book) to check if the variable is a type of Book, while with the second example this would fail.
If you want to specify your object methods in the constructor, this is the proper way to do it:
function Book(title) {
this.title = title;
this.getTitle = function () {
return this.title;
var myBook = new Book('War and Peace');
While in this example the both behave the exact same way, there are differences. With closure-based implementation you can have private variables and methods (just don't expose them in the this object). So you can do something such as:
function Book(title) {
var title_;
this.getTitle = function() {
return title_;
this.setTitle = function(title) {
title_ = title;
// should use the setter in case it does something else than just assign
Code outside of the Book function can not access the member variable directly, they have to use the accessors.
Other big difference is performance; Prototype based classing is usually much faster, due to some overhead included in using closures. You can read about the performance differences in this article:
Which is better can sometimes be defined by the context of their usage.
Three constraints of how I choose between Prototype and Closure methods of coding (I actively use both):
Compression requirements
Project Management
1. Performance/Resources
For a single instance of the object, either method is fine. Any speed advantages would most likely be negligible.
If I am instantiating 100,000 of these, like building a book library, then the Prototype Method would be preferred. All the .prototype. functions would only be created once, instead of these functions being created 100,000 times if using the Closure Method. Resources are not infinite.
2. Compression
Use the Closure Method if compression efficiency is important (ex: most browser libraries/modules). See below for explanation:
Compression - Prototype Method
function Book(title) {
this.title = title;
Book.prototype.getTitle = function () {
return this.title;
Is YUI compressed to
function Book(a){this.title=a}Book.prototype.getTitle=function(){return this.title};
A savings of about 18% (all spaces/tabs/returns). This method requires variables/functions to be exposed (this.variable=value) so every prototype function can access them. As such, these variables/functions can't be optimized in compression.
Compression - Closure Method
function Book(title) {
var title = title; // use var instead of this.title to make this a local variable
this.getTitle = function () {
return title;
Is YUI compressed to
function Book(a){var a=a;this.getTitle=function(){return a}};
A savings of about 33%. Local variables can be optimized. In a large module, with many support functions, this can have significant savings in compression.
3. Project Management
In a project with multiple developers, who could be working on the same module, I prefer the Prototype Method for that module, if not constrained by performance or compression.
For browser development, I can override the producton.prototype.aFunction from "production.js" in my own "test.js" (read in afterwords) for the purpose of testing or development, without having to modify the "production.js", which may be in active development by a different developer.
I'm not a big fan of complex GIT repository checkout/branch/merge/conflict flow. I prefer simple.
Also, the ability to redefine or "hijack" a module's function by a testbench can be beneficial, but too complicated to address here...
The former method is how JavaScript was intended to be used. The latter is the more modern technique, popularised in part by Douglas Crockford. This technique is much more flexible.
You could also do:
function Book(title) {
return {
getTitle: function () {
return title;
The returned object would just have an accessor called getTitle, which would return the argument, held in closure.
Crockford has a good page on Private Members in JavaScript - definitely worth a read to see the different options.
It's also a little bit about re-usability under the hood. In the first example with the Function.prototype property usage all the instances of the Book function-object will share the same copy of the getTitle method. While the second snippet will make the Book function execution create and keep in the heap 'bookshelf' different copies of the local closurable book object.
function Book(title) {
var book = {
title: title
book.getTitle = function () {
return this.title += '#';
return book;
var myBook = Book('War and Peace');
var myAnotherBook = Book('Anna Karenina');
alert(myBook.getTitle()); // War and Peace#
alert(myBook.getTitle()); // War and Peace##
alert(myAnotherBook.getTitle()); // Anna Karenina#
alert(myBook.getTitle());// War and Peace###
The prototype members exist in the only copy for all the new instances of the object on the other hand. So this is one more subtle difference between them that is not very obvious from the first sigh due to the closure trick.
here is an article about this
in general Book inharets from Book.prototype. In first example you add function to getTitle Book.prototype

Run getter in javascript object defined by Object.setProperty()?

If I create an object property via Object.defineProperty() with a getter/setter method (an accessor descriptor) like:
var myObj = function myObj() {
var myFoo = 'bar';
Object.defineProperty(this, 'foo', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return myFoo;
set: function(newValue) {
myFoo = newValue;
return this;
If I do something like var f = new myObj(); console.log(f) in Node, the output is something like:
{ foo: [Getter/Setter] }
console.log( gets the proper 'bar' value, but is there a way to indicate that upon logging/inspecting, it should just run the getter and show the value?
First, it's important to understand why this happens. The logging functions don't run getters by design because your getter function could have side effects, whereas the logging function can guarantee that getting the value of a primitive doesn't.
When you pass an object to console.log, it's really just passing it off to the util module's inspect to format into human-readable text. If we look there, we see that the very first thing it does is check the property descriptor, and if the property has a getter, it doesn't run it. We can also see that this behavior is unconditional – there's no option to turn it off.
So to force getters to run, you have two options.
The simplest is to convert your object to a string before handing it off to console.log. Just call JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4), which will produce reasonably human-readable output (but not nearly as nice as util.inspect's). However, you have to take care to ensure that your object doesn't have any circular references and doesn't do something undesired in a toJSON function.
The other option is to implement a inspect function on your object. If util.inspect sees a function called inspect on an object, it will run that function and use its output. Since the output is entirely up to you, it's a much more involved to produce output that looks like what you'd normally get.
I'd probably start by borrowing code from util and stripping out the part about checking for getters.
This behavior is certainly intentional. I know I wouldn't want all the getter functions on an object running whenever I logged that object; that sounds like potential a debugging landmine, where debugging could alter the state of my program.
However, if indeed that is the behavior you want, you can add a new function:
Object.getPrototypeOf(console).logWithGetters = function(obj) {
var output = {};
var propNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for(var i=0; i<propNames.length; ++i) {
var name = propNames[i];
var prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
if(prop.get) {
output[name] = prop.get();
} else {
output[name] = obj[name];
// set output proto to input proto; does not work in some IE
// this is not necessary, but may sometimes be helpful
output.__proto__ = obj.__proto__;
return output;
This allows you to do console.logWithGetters(f) and get the output you want. It searches through an object's properties for getters (checking for the existence of Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get) and runs them. The output for each property is stored in a new object, which is logged.
Note that this is a bit of a hacky implementation, as it doesn't climb the object's prototype chain.

IEnumerable<T>.ConvertAll & DDD

I have an interesting need for an extension method on the IEumerable interface - the same thing as List.ConvertAll. This has been covered before here and I found one solution here. What I don't like about that solution is he builds a List to hold the converted objects and then returns it. I suspect LINQ wasn't available when he wrote his article, so my implementation is this:
public static class IEnumerableExtension
public static IEnumerable<TOutput> ConvertAll<T, TOutput>(this IEnumerable<T> collection, Func<T, TOutput> converter)
if (null == converter)
throw new ArgumentNullException("converter");
return from item in collection
select converter(item);
What I like better about this is I convert 'on the fly' without having to load the entire list of whatever TOutput's are. Note that I also changed the type of the delegate - from Converter to Func. The compilation is the same but I think it makes my intent clearer - I don't mean for this to be ONLY type conversion.
Which leads me to my question: In my repository layer I have a lot of queries that return lists of ID's - ID's of entities. I used to have several classes that 'converted' these ID's to entities in various ways. With this extension method I am able to boil all that down to code like this:
IEnumerable<Part> GetBlueParts()
IEnumerable<int> keys = GetBluePartKeys();
return keys.ConvertAll<Part>(PartRepository.Find);
where the 'converter' is really the repository's Find-by-ID method. In my case, the 'converter' is potentially doing quite a bit. Does anyone see any problems with this approach?
The main issue I see with this approach is it's completely unnecessary.
Your ConvertAll method is nothing different than Enumerable.Select<TSource,TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TResult>), which is a standard LINQ operator. There's no reason to write an extension method for something that already is in the framework.
You can just do:
IEnumerable<Part> GetBlueParts()
IEnumerable<int> keys = GetBluePartKeys();
return keys.Select<int,Part>(PartRepository.Find);
Note: your method would require <int,Part> as well to compile, unless PartRepository.Find only works on int, and only returns Part instances. If you want to avoid that, you can probably do:
IEnumerable<Part> GetBlueParts()
IEnumerable<int> keys = GetBluePartKeys();
return keys.Select(i => PartRepository.Find<Part>(i)); // I'm assuming that fits your "Find" syntax...
Why not utilize the yield keyword (and only convert each item as it is needed)?
public static class IEnumerableExtension
public static IEnumerable<TOutput> ConvertAll<T, TOutput>
(this IEnumerable<T> collection, Func<T, TOutput> converter)
if(null == converter)
throw new ArgumentNullException("converter");
foreach(T item in collection)
yield return converter(item);
