Nodetool repair - how to automate on linux & actions during repair - cassandra

Currently, I'm running once a week manually nodetool repair (while no action is happening to the cassandra nodes (nothing is inserted, e.t.c.)). Just wondering, if I can run nodetool repair, while data is being inserted?
Secondly - Can I create a script in crontab, that automatically runs every week nodetool repair, and is ocne a week enough to run nodetool repair?

yes, if running one repair at a time you shouldn't be impacting normal usage. Instead of a cron job i would recommend using reaper (free and open source) for automating it. Would give you a bit more visibility and it handles things a bit better than just the default that running from nodetool provides.

Yes you can run repair while data is inserting it may impact your traffic so avoid this you can run repair table or key space wise.
Yes, you can run repair and schedule a crone for the same.


nodetool repair taking a long time to complete

I am currently running Cassandra 3.0.9 in a 18 node config. We loaded quite a bit of data and now are running repairs against each node. My nodetool command is scripted to look like:
nodetool repair -j 4 -local -full
Using nodetool tpstats I see the 4 threads for repair but they are repairing very slowly. I have 1000's of repairs that are going to take weeks at this rate. The system log has repair items but also "Redistributing index summaries" listed as well. Is this what is causing my slowness? Is there a faster way to do this?
Repair can take a very long time, sometime days, sometime weeks. You might improve things with the following:
Run primary partition range repair (-pr) This will repair only the primary partition range of each node, which overall, will be faster (you still need to run a repair on each node, one at a time).
Using -j is not necessarily a big winner. Sure, you will repair multiple tables at a time, but you put much more load on your cluster, which can damage your latency.
You might want to prioritize repairing the keyspaces / tables that are most critical to your application.
Make sure you keep your node density reasonable. 1 to 2TB per node.
Focus repairing in priority the nodes that went down for more than 3 hours (assuming max_hint_window_in_ms is set to it's default value)
Focus repairing in priority the tables for which you create tombstones (DELETE statements)

Can I avoid running repair while compaction is going on in Cassandra cluster?

I have scheduled incremental repair for everyday. But while the repair is going on, our monitoring system reports COMPACTIONEXECUTOR_PENDING tasks.
I am wondering, if I can introduce a check, to see, if compaction is not running, before I trigger repair.
I should be able to check if compaction is running by parsing output of nodetool netstats and compactionstats command output.
I will proceed with repair if both of the following checks passes:
nodetool netstats output contains Not sending any streams.
nodetool compactionstats output contains pending tasks: 0
But I want to get some expert opinion before I proceed.
Is my understanding correct?
I don't want to get into situation, in which, these checks are failing always and repair process is not getting triggered at all.
Compaction is occurring regularly in Cassandra. So I'm a bit scared that only triggering repair when pending_compactions=0 will result in repair not running enough. But it depends on your traffic of course, e.g. if you have few writes you won't do many compactions. You should probably add a max wait time for pending_compactions=0 so that after a specified time if the condition is not true repair will run anyway.
To answer your question. Nodetool uses JMX to fetch MBeans in Cassandra. You can see all available MBeans here:
You want this MBean:
org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Compaction name=PendingTasks
You can create your own JMX Client like this: How to connect to a java program on localhost jvm using JMX?
Or you can use jmxterm:
My understanding is you could use it like this:
java -jar jmxterm-1.0.0-uber.jar
get -b org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Compaction name=PendingTasks

How can I view pending Cassandra repair tasks?

I have a Cassandra 2.2.9 repair that has failed, and in this state the Cassandra metrics show about 70 repair tasks still pending. Cassandra should take care of retrying these failed tasks itself, but for whatever reason this time it has not.
The repairs take a long time, instead of running the whole repair again, can I see the chosen token ranges Cassandra uses for the repair so I can manually run the last few tasks instead?
One way I found is to search the logs at the time you started the repair - Cassandra spits out the ID and token range of each repair task it will attempt at the time you run the repair.
With Cassandra 2.2.9 I found grepping the logs for new session: will sync did the trick :)

Cassandra 'nodetool repair -pr' taking way too much time

I am running a cluster with 1 datacenter (10 nodes) and Cassandra 2.1.7 installed on each. We are using SimpleStretegy (old mistake).
The situation is, I have not run any nodetool repair since begining, and now there is data of about 200 GB with 3 RF.
As running full repair or incremental repair is same at this point. So I have tried to run full repair. But this result in coordinator node down.
So I end up running full partition ranges repair (nodetool repair -pr) on each node one at a time. But this is taking way too much time (15+ hrs for each node, hence weeks for all nodes).
Am I doing this wrong, or this is supposed to happen? Or this is a version problem?
In future, if I run full repair again after finishing this, would this take weeks as well?
Since full repair is mainly affected by data size, it should take same amount of time.
I suggest moving to incremental repairs, this should save your time and resources.
Here's a article about how to do this in 2.1:
If your date size too big, you can use Sub-range repair, it's smiliar to repair pr but it's focus in sub range.
For more explain :

cassandra nodetool repair/upgrade

I have a cassandra cluster with version 2.0.9 running.
Nodetool hasn't been running since the start (as it was not requested to schedule these repairs).
Each node has around 8GB of data. That seems rather small to me.
When I try to run nodetool repair it seems to take forever (not finished after 2 days).
I don't see any progress. I've been reading threads where they tell you to check compactionstats and netstats but those indicate no traffic. However the nodetool repair command never exits. That doesn't seem normal to me. I got messages about the system keyspace being repaired and being ok. However the actual data we put in it doesn't return anything.
All nodes are up. I've checked in the system.log (CentOS 6 BTW) for errors and there aren't any. I've started a command that checks if the number of commands and responses are still going up (which is the case) however I wonder if this might be from something else or if this is directly linked to the nodetool repair.
There doesn't seem to be any IO/net saturation.
So yesterday I started the repair again with a tool
The last 12 hours there has been no extra output.
Last output was:
INFO 2015-11-01 20:55:46,268 repair line: 296 : [1/256] repairing range (-09214247901397780884, -09166106147119295777) in 100 steps for keyspace <all>
The main issue with this repair taking forever(or just repair being hung) is that we want to upgrade cassandra for app deployment. The procedure says do a nodetool repair first. Is this actually necessary before you start the upgrade? Maybe nodetool works more efficient (you now also have an incremental option).
Who can help me here? Thanks a lot in advance!
I'm not sure if this fully resolved the issue, however after doing a rolling restart of the whole cluster it seemed that nodetool repair was able to finish on where it didn't before. For another keyspace I got an issue that I had to start the process over and over again to get any progress. I used which allowed me to skip to a certain token so I could slowly go up.
In the end I used dry-run and steps option (1 step) and directed that to a file. Then I filtered the first column with sed and executed that file. If the command seems to hang you can note it down, CTRL-C it and rerun again afterwards. Generally it succeeded the second or third time I ran it.
