Get recurrence data of sharepoint calendar events using microsoft graph api? - sharepoint

Is there a way to get recurrence information of sharepoint calendar events using the graph api? I can get the event fields using this endpoint but I could not figure out a way to get event recurrence data of sharepoint calendar event using graph api.
If there's no way to do that, is there any documentation regarding working with sharepoint calendars? I could not really find any official documentation for it.

Not sure about Graph, but here's what I know. There has always been a problem when it comes to expanding the recurrence data in calendar events - AFAIK there is no way to retrieve this piece of info using JSOM nor REST for item collections. It is possible though to get this information for a single item in a form of an XML. All you have to do is to fetch and read the RecurrenceData property of an item. Example endpoint URL:
It will return something like the following in the RecurrenceData field:
<repeat><daily dayFrequency="1" /></repeat>
You can try to fetch that property using the provided Graph endpoint but I don't know what the result will be and unfortunately I don't have a way to check it right now - sorry!
Also, have a look at this thread on the SharePoint StackExchange:
I've also recently stumbled upon a neat little library on Reddit, which simplifies common calendar tasks and allows to get this info using SOAP service. You can find it here:

This is what worked for me to get RecurrenceData for a SharePoint calendar list in Azure using Graph API:


Sharepoint Document Library OnQuickLaunch (in site navigation) with Graph API?

I'm currently working with SPO and Microsoft Graph API on a .NET 6.0 microservice.
What I want to achieve is to create a Document Library and to have a link to it in the quick navigation on the left.
I can create the Document library successfully like this:
But the created document library is only visible in the "Site Contents" section.
What the user's I'm developing for would like to have is, as simple as: EVERY TIME a new Document Library is programmatically created a link to it SHOWS up in the navigation pane.
From a user perspective this is easily achievable from the UI:
It's just a tick.
With fiddler I saw the body of the request made when you create a Document Library via UI:
But what's the corresponding property of this simple "OnQuickLaunch" field in the Graph API list model?
I've been unable to find any reference from MS documentation, am I blind or missing something?
Would also be ok if should be, somehow, possible to add the link in the navigation pane "manually" from code via Graph API.
Something like:
with body:

Difference between odata and fetchxml

I would like understand the difference between odata and fetchxml, this has to do with pagination in MS Dynamics, I am very new to the stack and would like to understand why there are two object models that essentially perform the same tasks?
the problem statement is as follows, we want our product to properly page answers it gets from Dynamics, currently we can only get 5000 answers per page, so if we are supposed to get say 6000 answers per page, how would we go about it:
I understand the limitations of odata, it can only retrieve record size = 5000. To overcome this or see the next set of results, I would have to use the value of the #odata.nextLink property with a new GET request to return the next page of data.
Similarly for fetchxml, there is the option to use paging cookie. Is my initial analysis correct?
But I still do not understand why there are 2 object models?
fetchxml is native Dynamics CRM querying language available from oldest versions.
Odata REST based web api was introduced in CRM 2016 update 1 onwards (v8.0).
There was a SOAP based 2011 endpoint before, its deprecated now.
You will find blogs/documentation over the internet based on different versions in different point of time. Read more

Is it possible through the REST api to retreive which sites a specific user is following in Sharepoint?

Using the SharePoint REST api or search API, is it possible to retrieve a full list of all the sites a specific user is following? All I can find in the documentation is https://<sharepoint>/_api/social.following/my/followed(types=4) which only works for the current logged in user.
I don't think this is possible. The below are the only available endpoints:

Is it possible to fetch the results of a custom report via API?

I created a custom report that's saved in Docusign. It runs year-to-date and it only captures data for envelopes with a "completed" status.
Right now, I have this report going out to me on a daily basis as an email with a CSV attachment. Would it be possible to query this data using a REST API instead? Ideally, I'd like to use a URL to request these results and return them in a JSON or CSV format.
I looked for some information about this in the help documentation, but I did not come across anything relevant. If someone can point me in the right direction, that'd be great.
Thank you!
No, the results of the built-in Reporting tool can't be accessed via the API.
DocuSign is developing an advanced reporting API called Data Feed. If you'd be interested in learning more about that, reach out to your Account Manager.

Expanding thumbnails on SharePoint via Microsoft graph

Trying to get thumbnails on SharePoint search
This returns the correct search results:{SHAREPOINT_DRIVE_ID}/root/search(q='{QUERY}')
But this:{SHAREPOINT_DRIVE_ID}/root/search(q='{QUERY}')?expand=thumbnails(select=large)
{"error":{"code":"-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UnknownError","message":"Unknown Error","innerError":{"request-id":"69bc5cdf-0f4a-4d60-9c3c-513983dd8e0b","date":"2016-08-04T17:50:11"}}},"status":500,"statusText":"Internal Server Error"}
The documentation explicitly states: This method supports the OData Query Parameters to help customize the response.
Based on the test, the expand works well for the
It seems that the Microsoft Graph search item API doesn't support to expand thumbnails.
If you want this feature, you can submit the feedback from here.
