How can I handle old data in the kafka topic? - apache-spark

I start using spark structured streaming.
I get readStream from kafka topic (startOffset: latest)
with waterMark,
group by event time with window duration,
and write to kafka topic.
My question is,
How can I handle the data written to the kafka topic before spark structured streaming job?
I tried to run with `startOffset: earliest' at first. but the data in the kafka topic is too large, so spark streaming process is not started because of yarn timeout. (even though I increase timeout value)
If I simply create a batch job and filter by specific data range.
the result is not reflected in the current state of spark streaming,
there seems to be a problem with the consistency and accuracy of the result.
I tried to reset the checkpoint directory but It did not work.
How can I handle the old and large data?
Help me.

you can try the parmeter maxOffsetsPerTrigger for Kafka + Structured Streaming for receiving old data from Kafka. Set the value for this parameter to the number of records you want to receive from Kafka at one time.
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("subscribe", "test-name")
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("maxOffsetsPerTrigger", 1)
.option("", "2")
.option("auto.offset.reset", "earliest")


Spark Structured Streaming Batch Read Checkpointing

I am fairly new to Spark and am still learning. One of the more difficult concepts I have come across is checkpointing and how Spark uses it to recover from failures. I am doing batch reads from Kafka using Structured Streaming and writing them to S3 as Parquet file as:
.option("checkpointLocation", checkpointLocation)
The checkpoint location is a S3 filesystem path. However, as the job runs, I see no checkpointing files. In subsequent runs, I see the following log:
21/10/14 12:20:51 INFO ConsumerCoordinator: [Consumer clientId=consumer-spark-kafka-relation-54f0cc87-e437-4582-b998-a33189e90bd7-driver-0-5, groupId=spark-kafka-relation-54f0cc87-e437-4582-b998-a33189e90bd7-driver-0] Found no committed offset for partition topic-1
This indicates that the previous run did not checkpoint any offsets for this run to pick them up from. So it keeps consuming from the earliest offset.
How can I make my job pick up new offsets? Note that this is a batch query as described here.
This is how I read:
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", kafkaProperties.bootstrapServers())
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("", "SSL")
.option("kafka.ssl.truststore.location", sslConfig.truststoreLocation())
.option("kakfa.ssl.truststore.password", sslConfig.truststorePassword())
.option("kafka.ssl.keystore.location", sslConfig.keystoreLocation())
.option("kafka.ssl.keystore.password", sslConfig.keystorePassword())
.option("kafka.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm", "")
.option("failOnDataLoss", "true");
I am not sure why batch Spark Structured Streaming with Kafka still exists now. If you wish to use it, then you must code your own Offset management. See the guide, but it is badly explained.
I would say Trigger.Once is a better use case for you; Offset management is provided by Spark as it is thus not batch mode.

Spark Structured Streaming with Kafka source, change number of topic partitions while query is running

I've set up a Spark structured streaming query that reads from a Kafka topic.
If the number of partitions in the topic is changed while the Spark query is running, Spark does not seem to notice and data on new partitions is not consumed.
Is there a way to tell Spark to check for new partitions in the same topic apart from stopping the query an restarting it?
I'm using Spark 2.4.4. I read from kafka as follows:
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", kafkaURL)
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("failOnDataLoss", value = false)
after some processing, I write to HDFS on a Delta Lake table.
Answering my own question. Kafka consumers check for new partitions/topic (in case of subscribing to topics with a pattern) every, whose default value is 300000 (5 minutes).
Since my test was lasting far less than that, I wouldn't notice the update. For tests, reduce the value to something smaller, e.g. 100 ms, by setting the following option of the DataStreamReader:
.option("", 100)

How to load all records from kafka topic using spark in batch mode

I want to load all records from kafka topic using spark, but all examples which I have seen were using spark-streaming. How can can I load messages fwom kafka exactly once?
Exact steps are listed in the official documentation, for example:
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("subscribePattern", "topic.*")
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("endingOffsets", "latest")
However "all records" is rather poorly defined if the source is continuous stream, as the result depends on the point in time, when query is executed.
Additionally you should keep in mind that parallelism is limited by the partitions of the Kafka topic, so you have to be careful not to overwhelm the cluster.

How to manually set and commit kafka offsets in spark structured streaming?

I was going through the Spark structured streaming - Kafka integration guide here.
It is told at this link that Kafka source doesn’t commit any offset.
So how do I manually commit offsets once my spark application has successfully processed each record?
It is not possible to commit any messages to Kafka. Starting with Spark version 3.x you can define the name of the Kafka consumer group, however, this still does not allow you to commit any messages.
Since Spark 3.0.0
According to the Structured Kafka Integration Guide you can provide the ConsumerGroup as an option
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("subscribe", "topic1")
.option("", "myConsumerGroup")
However, Spark still will not commit any offsets back so you will not be able to "manually" commit offsets to Kafka. This feature is meant to deal with Kafka's latest feature Authorization using Role-Based Access Control for which your ConsumerGroup usually needs to follow naming conventions.
A full example of a Spark 3.x application is discussed and solved here.
Until Spark 2.4.x
The Spark Structured Streaming + Kafka integration Guide clearly states how it manages Kafka offsets. Spark will not commit any messages back to Kafka as it is relying on internal offset management for fault-tolerance.
The most important Kafka configurations for managing offsets are: Kafka source will create a unique group id for each query automatically. According to the code the will be set to
val uniqueGroupId = s"spark-kafka-source-${UUID.randomUUID}-${metadataPath.hashCode}"
auto.offset.reset: Set the source option startingOffsets to specify where to start instead.
Structured Streaming manages which offsets are consumed internally, rather than rely on the kafka Consumer to do it. Kafka source doesn’t commit any offset.
Therefore, in Structured Streaming it is currently not possible to define your custom for Kafka Consumer and Structured Streaming is managing the offsets internally and not committing back to Kafka (also not automatically).
2.4.x in Action
Let's say you have a simple Spark Structured Streaming application that reads and writes to Kafka, like this:
// create SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
// read from Kafka topic
val df = spark.readStream
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("subscribe", "testingKafkaProducer")
.option("failOnDataLoss", "false")
// write to Kafka topic and set checkpoint directory for this stream
df.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS STRING)")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
.option("topic", "testingKafkaProducerOut")
.option("checkpointLocation", "/home/.../sparkCheckpoint/")
Offset Management by Spark
Once this application is submitted and data is being processed, the corresponding offset can be found in the checkpoint directory:
Here the entry in the checkpoint file confirms that the next offset of partition 0 to be consumed is 1. It implies that the application already processes offset 0 from partition 0 of the topic named testingKafkaProducer.
More on the fault-tolerance-semantics are given in the Spark Documentation.
Offset Management by Kafka
However, as stated in the documentation, the offset is not committed back to Kafka.
This can be checked by executing the of the Kafka installation.
./kafka/current/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group "spark-kafka-source-92ea6f85-[...]-driver-0"
testingKafkaProducer 0 - 1 - consumer-1-[...] / consumer-1
The current offset for this application is unknown to Kafka as it has never been committed.
Possible Workaround
Please carefully read the comments below from Spark committer #JungtaekLim about the workaround: "Spark's fault tolerance guarantee is based on the fact Spark has a full control of offset management, and they're voiding the guarantee if they're trying to modify it. (e.g. If they change to commit offset to Kafka, then there's no batch information and if Spark needs to move back to the specific batch "behind" guarantee is no longer valid.)"
What I have seen doing some research on the web is that you could commit offsets in the callback function of the onQueryProgress method in a customized StreamingQueryListener of Spark. That way, you could have a consumer group that keeps track of the current progress. However, its progress is not necessarily aligned with the actual consumer group.
Here are some links you may find helpful:
Code Example for Listener
Discussion on SO around offset management
General description on the StreamingQueryListener

how to check if stop streaming from kafka topic by a limited time duration or record count?

My ultimate goal is to see if a kafka topic is running and if the data in it is good, otherwise fail / throw an error
if I could pull just 100 messages, or pull for just 60 seconds I think I could accomplish what i wanted. But all the streaming examples / questions I have found online have no intention of shutting down the streaming connection.
Here is the best working code I have so far, that pulls data and displays it, but it keeps trying to pull for more data, and if I try to access it in the next line, it hasnt had a chance to pull the data yet. I assume I need some sort of call back. has anyone done something similar? is this the best way of going about this?
I am using databricks notebooks to run my code
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{explode, split}
val kafka = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "<kafka server>:9092")
.option("subscribe", "<topic>")
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
val df =$"value".cast("string"), "\\s+")).as("word"))
The trick is you don't need streaming at all. Kafka source supports batch queries, if you replace readStream with read and adjust startingOffsets and endingOffsets.
val df = spark
... // Remaining options
You can find examples in the Kafka streaming documentation.
For streaming queries you can use once trigger, although it might not be the best choice in this case:
... // Handle the output, for example with foreach sink (?)
You could also use standard Kafka client to fetch some data without starting SparkSession.
