enriching with previous references - getstream-io

I am trying to use the enrichment feature with an existing app.
When reading an (aggregated) feed from the client using a user_session I get a response:
"results": [
"activities": [
"actor": "User:67",
"foreign_id": "Saving:d6",
"id": "f1",
"object": "Item:23",
"origin": "activities:57",
"target": "List:82",
"time": "2018-11-15T09:29:25.291000",
"verb": "save"
Now, I would like to have the 67th User data embed in the response, using the enrichment feature. I tried, using the ruby framework:
STREAM_CLIENT.collections.upsert('User', [{id: '67', first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe'}])
However, reading the feed again, the response json does not contain my user data.
What am I doing wrong ?

The references that are part of the activity are not the correct format. You should use client.collections.createUserReference like described here: https://getstream.io/docs/#frontend_backend_references


Add reviewers to azure devops pull request in api call

I'm successfully creating PR requests in Azure DevOps using API-call.
However, I would like to add the reviewer's name to my PR. As per the sample in the link, I have to add the reviewer id in the body.
So, my question is how to dynamically find the reviewer's id prior to submitting the PR from my project? I was following Pull Request Reviewers and nothing seems coming up to provide me the id based on name.
As per branch policy, I have to add 2 reviewers' name.
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/npaulk/my_work",
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/new_feature",
"title": "A new feature",
"description": "Adding a new feature",
"reviewers": [
"id": "d6245f20-2af8-44f4-9451-8107cb2767db"
Like #Krzysztof Madej suggested in his answer, you can use the Subject Query endpoint to search and get the GraphSubject response.
However, the Id values in the GraphSubject response does not work for the IdentityRef Id used as parameter for the Pull Request Reviewers endpoint (used to add Reviewers to an existing pull request).
To get the correct IdentityRef Id, you need to do a GET on the URL from the storageKey.href value in the GraphSubject Response. E.g.:
"storageKey": {
"href": "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/thecodemanual/_apis/Graph/StorageKeys/msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
The response should look something like this:
"value": "73b67dcb-6969-62f2-8075-99834ae11234",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/thecodemanual/_apis/Graph/StorageKeys/msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
"descriptor": {
"href": "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/thecodemanual/_apis/Graph/Descriptors/73b67dcb-6969-62f2-8075-99834ae11234"
The GUID for value is what you use for IdentityRef.Id. The payload to POST to the Pull Request Reviewers endpoint would look something like this:
"id": "73b67dcb-6969-62f2-8075-99834ae11234"
You can use Subject Query Endpoint
POST https://vssps.dev.azure.com/{organization}/_apis/graph/subjectquery?api-version=6.0-preview.1
Body should look like this:
"query": "Term to search (e.g. Krzysztof)",
"subjectKind": [ "User" ]
and then you will get response like this:
"count": 3,
"value": [
"subjectKind": "user",
"metaType": "member",
"domain": "Windows Live ID",
"principalName": "mail#mail.com,
"mailAddress": "mail#mail.com",
"origin": "msa",
"originId": "0006BFFDBC3FE9A1",
"displayName": "Krzysztof Madej",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/thecodemanual/_apis/Graph/Users/msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
"memberships": {
"href": "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/thecodemanual/_apis/Graph/Memberships/msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
"membershipState": {
"href": "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/thecodemanual/_apis/Graph/MembershipStates/msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
"storageKey": {
"href": "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/thecodemanual/_apis/Graph/StorageKeys/msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
"avatar": {
"href": "https://dev.azure.com/thecodemanual/_apis/GraphProfile/MemberAvatars/msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
"url": "https://vssps.dev.azure.com/thecodemanual/_apis/Graph/Users/msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3",
"descriptor": "msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
as next ise originId in reviewers collection.
You can use Identities - Read Identities API to get user id. For example:
Get https://vssps.dev.azure.com/{org}/_apis/identities?searchFilter=General&filterValue=cece dong&api-version=6.1-preview.1

Unable to map nested datasource field of cosmos db to a root index field of Azure indexer using REST APIs

I have a mongo db collection users with the following data format
"name": "abc",
"email": "abc#xyz.com"
"address": {
"city": "Gurgaon",
"state": "Haryana"
Now I'm creating a datasource, an index, and an indexer for this collection using azure rest apis.
def create_datasource():
request_body = {
"name": 'users-datasource',
"description": "",
"type": "cosmosdb",
"credentials": {
"connectionString": "<db conenction url>"
"container": {"name": "users"},
"dataChangeDetectionPolicy": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.HighWaterMarkChangeDetectionPolicy",
"highWaterMarkColumnName": "_ts"
resp = requests.post(url="<create-datasource-api-url>", data=json.dumps(request_body),
Index for the above datasource
def create_index(config):
request_body = {
'name': "users-index",
'fields': [
'name': 'name',
'type': 'Edm.String'
'name': 'email',
'type': 'Edm.DateTimeOffset'
'name': 'address',
'type': 'Edm.String'
'name': 'doc_id',
'type': 'Edm.String',
'key': True
resp = requests.post(url="<azure-create-index-api-url>", data=json.dumps(request_body),
Now the inxder for the above datasource and index
def create_interviews_indexer(config):
request_body = {
"name": "users-indexer",
"dataSourceName": "users-datasource",
"targetIndexName": users-index,
"schedule": {"interval": "PT5M"},
"fieldMappings": [
{"sourceFieldName": "address.city", "targetFieldName": "address"},
resp = requests.post("create-indexer-pi-url", data=json.dumps(request_body),
This creates the indexer without any exception, but when I check the retrieved data in azure portal for the users-indexer, the address field is null and is not getting any value from address.city field mapping that is provided while creating the indexer.
I have also tried the following code as a mapping but its also not working.
"fieldMappings": [
{"sourceFieldName": "/address/city", "targetFieldName": "address"},
The azure documentation also does not say anything about this kind of mapping. So if anyone can help me on this, it will be very much appreciated.
container element in data source definition allows you to specify a query that you can use to flatten your JSON document (Ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/searchservice/create-data-source) so instead of doing column mapping in the indexer definition, you can write a query and get the output in desired format.
Your code for creating data source in that case would be:
def create_datasource():
request_body = {
"name": 'users-datasource',
"description": "",
"type": "cosmosdb",
"credentials": {
"connectionString": "<db conenction url>",
"container": {
"name": "users",
"query": "SELECT a.name, a.email, a.address.city as address FROM a",
"dataChangeDetectionPolicy": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.HighWaterMarkChangeDetectionPolicy",
"highWaterMarkColumnName": "_ts"
resp = requests.post(url="<create-datasource-api-url>", data=json.dumps(request_body),
Support for MongoDb API flavor is in public preview - you need to explicitly indicate Mongo in the datasource's connection string as described in this article. Also note that with Mongo datasources, custom queries suggested by the previous response are not supported afaik. Hopefully someone from the team would clarify the current state of this support.
It's working for me with the below field mapping correctly. Azure search query is returning values for address properly.
"fieldMappings": [{"sourceFieldName": "address.city", "targetFieldName": "address"}]
I did made few changes to the data your provided for e.g.
while creating indexers, removed extra comma at the end of
while creating index, email field is kept at
Edm.String and not datetimeoffset.
Please make sure you are using the Preview API version since for MongoDB API is in preview mode with Azure Search.
For e.g. https://{azure search name}.search.windows.net/indexers?api-version=2019-05-06-Preview

How to include fields in api server and remove it before returning to results to client in Graphql

I have a Node.js GraphQL server. From the client, I am trying get all the user entries using a query like this:
user {
entries {
In the Node.js GraphQL server, however I want to return user entries that are currently valid based on publishDate and expiryDate in the entries object.
For example:
"user": "john",
"entries": [
"title": "entry1",
"body": "body1",
"publishDate": "2019-02-12",
"expiryDate": "2019-02-13"
"title": "entry2",
"body": "body2",
"publishDate": "2019-02-13",
"expiryDate": "2019-03-01"
"title": "entry3",
"body": "body3",
"publishDate": "2020-01-01",
"expiryDate": "2020-01-31"
should return this
"user": "john",
"entries": [
"title": "entry2",
"body": "body2",
"publishDate": "2019-02-13",
"expiryDate": "2019-03-01"
The entries is fetched via a delegateToSchema call (https://www.apollographql.com/docs/graphql-tools/schema-delegation.html#delegateToSchema) and I don't have an option to pass publishDate and expiryDate as query parameters. Essentially, I need to get the results and then filter them in memory.
The issue I face is that the original query doesn't have publishDate and expiryDate in it to support this. Is there a way to add these fields to delegateToSchema call and then remove them while sending them back to the client?
You are looking for transformResult
Implementation details are:
At delegateToSchema you need to define transforms array.
At Transform you need to define transformResult function for filtering results.
If you have ability to send arguments to remote GraphQL server, then you should use

Instagram graph api: how get more information?

i get mentions instagram and i have this json
"entry": [
"changes": [
"field": "mentions",
"value": {
"comment_id": "17903590462155058",
"media_id": "17869029877213819"
"id": "17841407409822844",
"time": 1521014423
"object": "instagram"
How can I get more information for this mention, such as url, post, instagram, user etc. to understand who writes to me?
This request above for additional information does not give me the right data to build a link to the post, it returns the fields:
If you want more information about the media, you can access it like this:

How to query by array of objects in Contentful

I have an content type entry in Contentful that has fields like this:
"fields": {
"title": "How It Works",
"slug": "how-it-works",
"countries": [
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Entry",
"id": "3S5dbLRGjS2k8QSWqsKK86"
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Entry",
"id": "wHfipcJS6WUSaKae0uOw8"
"content": [
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Entry",
"id": "72R0oUMi3uUGMEa80kkSSA"
I'd like to run a query that would only return entries if they contain a particular country.
I played around with this query:
However get this error:
The equals operator cannot be used on fields.countries.en-AU because it has type Object.
I'm playing around with postman, but will be using the .NET API.
Is it possible to search for entities, and filter on arrays that contain Objects?
Still learning the API, so I'm guessing it should be pretty straight forward.
I looked at the request the Contentful Web CMS makes, as this functionality is possible there. They use query params like this:
However, this did not work in the delivery API, and might only be an internal query format.
Figured this out. I used the following URL:
Note the query parameter fields.countries.sys.id
