Why aren't Haskell variables polymorphic when bound by pattern matching? - haskell

Consider a variable introduced in a pattern, such as f in this Haskell example:
case (\x -> x) of f -> (f True, f 'c')
This code results in a type error ("Couldn't match expected type ‘Bool’ with actual type ‘Char’"), because of the two different uses of f. It shows that the inferred type of f is not polymorphic in Haskell.
But why shouldn't f be polymorphic?
I have two points of comparison: OCaml and "textbook" Hindley-Milner. Both suggest that f ought to be polymorphic.
In OCaml, the analogous code is not an error:
match (fun x -> x) with f -> (f true, f 'c')
This evaluates to (true, 'c') with type bool * char. So it looks like OCaml gets along fine with assigning f a polymorphic type.
We can gain clarity by stripping things down to the fundamentals of Hindley-Milner - lambda calculus with "let" - which both Haskell and OCaml are based on. When reduce to this core system, of course, there is no such thing as pattern matching. We can draw parallels though. Between "let" and "lambda", case expr1 of f -> expr2 is much closer to let f = expr1 in expr2 than to (lambda f. expr2) expr1. "Case", like "let", syntactically restricts f to be bound to expr1, while a function lambda f. expr2 doesn't know what f will be bound to since the function has no such restriction on where in the program it will be called. This was the reason why let-bound variables are generalized in Hindley-Milner and lambda-bound variables are not. It appears that the same reasoning that allows let-bound variables to be generalized shows that variables introduced by pattern matching could be generalized too.
The examples above are minimal for clarity, so they only show a trivial pattern f in the pattern matching, but all the same logic extends to arbitrarily complex patterns like Just (a:b:(x,y):_), which can introduce multiple variables that would all be generalized.
Is my analysis correct? In Haskell specifically - recognizing that it's not just plain Hindley-Milner and not OCaml - why don't we generalize the type of f in the first example?
Was this an explicit language design decision, and if so, what were the reasons? (I note that some in the community think that not even "let" should be generalized, but I would imagine the design decision pre-dates that paper.)
If variables introduced in a pattern were made polymorphic similar to "let", would that break compatibility with other aspects of Haskell in a significant way?

If we assign a polymorphic type (forall x. t) to a case scrutinee, then it matches no non-trivial pattern, so there's no point for having case.
Could we generalize in some other useful way? Not really, because of GHC's lack of support for "impredicative" instantiation. In your example of Just (a:b:(x,y):_), not a single bound variable can have polymorphic type, since Maybe, (,), and [] cannot be instantiated with such types.
One thing works, as mentioned in the comments: data types with polymorphic fields, such as data Endo = Endo (forall a. a -> a). However, type checking for polymorphic fields doesn't technically involve a generalization step, nor does it behave like let-generalization.
In principle, generalization could be performed at many points, for example even at arbitrary function arguments (e.g. in f (\x -> x)). However, too much generalization clogs up type inference by introducing untractable higher-rank types; this can be also understood as eliminating useful type dependencies between different parts of the program by removing unsolved metavariables. Although there are systems which can handle higher-rank inference much better than GHC, most notably MLF, they're also much more complicated and haven't seen much practical use. I personally prefer to not have silent let-generalization at all.

One first issue is that with type classes, generalization is not always free. Consider show :: forall a. Show a => a -> String and this expression:
case show of
f -> ...
If you generalize f to f :: forall a. Show a => a -> String, then GHC will pass a Show dictionary at every call of f, instead of once at the single occurrence of show. In case there are multiple calls all at the same type, this duplicates work compared to not generalizing.
It is also not actually a generalization of the current type inference algorithm when combined with type classes: it can cause existing programs to no longer typecheck. For example,
case show of
f -> f () ++ f mempty
By not generalizing f, we can infer that mempty has type (). On the other hand, generalizing f :: forall a. Show a => a -> String will lose that connection, and the type of mempty in that expression will be ambiguous.
It is true though that these are minor issues, and maybe things would be mostly fine with some monomorphism restrictions, even if not entirely backwards compatible.

In addition to the other answers, there's a reason for how type variables are treated in pattern matches in terms of the interaction with existential types. Let's take a look at a couple definitions from Data.Functor.Coyoneda:
data Coyoneda f a where
Coyoneda :: (b -> a) -> f b -> Coyoneda f a
lowerCoyoneda :: Functor f => Coyoneda f a -> f a
lowerCoyoneda (Coyoneda g x) = fmap g x
Coyoneda has an existential type variable used by both arguments to the constructor. If GHC doesn't pin that type down, there's no way for the fmap in lowerCoyoneda to type-check. GHC needs to know that g and x have the appropriate relation in their types, and that requires fixing the type variable in the pattern match.


How did Haskell add Turing-completeness to System F?

I've been reading up on various type systems and lambda calculi, and i see that all of the typed lambda calculi in the lambda cube are strongly normalizing rather than Turing equivalent. This includes System F, the simply typed lambda calculus plus polymorphism.
This leads me to the following questions, for which I've been unable to find any comprehensible answer:
How does the formalism of (e.g.) Haskell differ from the calculus on which it is ostensibly based?
What language features in Haskell don't fall within System F formalism?
What's the minimum change necessary to allow Turing complete computation?
Thank you so much to whomever helps me understand this.
In a word, general recursion.
Haskell allows for arbitrary recursion while System F has no form of recursion. The lack of infinite types means fix isn't expressible as a closed term.
There is no primitive notion of names and recursion. In fact, pure System F has no notion of any such thing as definitions!
So in Haskell this single definition is what adds turing completeness
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = let x = f x in x
Really this function is indicative of a more general idea, by having fully recursive bindings, we get turing completeness. Notice that this applies to types, not just values.
data Rec a = Rec {unrec :: Rec a -> a}
y :: (a -> a) -> a
y f = u (Rec u)
where u x = f $ unrec x x
With infinite types we can write the Y combinator (modulo some unfolding) and through it general recursion!
In pure System F, we often have some informal notion of definitions, but these are simply shorthands that are to be mentally inlined fully. This isn't possible in Haskell as this would create infinite terms.
The kernel of Haskell terms without any notion of let, where or = is strongly normalizing, since we don't have infinite types. Even this core term calculus isn't really System F. System F has "big lambdas" or type abstraction. The full term for id in System F is
id := /\ A -> \(x : A) -> x
This is because type inference for System F is undecidable! We explicitly notate wherever and whenever we expect polymorphism. In Haskell such a property would be annoying, so we limit the power of Haskell. In particular, we never infer a polymorphic type for a Haskell lambda argument without annotation (terms and conditions may apply). This is why in ML and Haskell
let x = exp in foo
isn't the same as
(\x -> foo) exp
even when exp isn't recursive! This is the crux of HM type inference and algorithm W, called "let generalization".

What does Functor's fmap tell about types?

What does f a and f b tell me about its type?
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
I think I get the idea behind standard instances of a functor. However I'm having hard time understanding what f a and f actually represent.
I understand that f a and f b are just types and they must carry information what type constructor was used to create them and type arguments that were used.
Is f a type constructor of kind * -> *? Is (->) r a type constructor just like Maybe is?
I understand that f a and f b are just types and they must carry information what type constructor was used to create them and type arguments that were used.
Good explanation.
Is f a type constructor of kind * -> *?
In effect.
Is (->) r a type constructor just like Maybe is?
In effect, yes:
Yes in the sense that you can apply it to a type like String and get r -> String, just like you can apply Maybe to String to get Maybe String. You can use for f anything that gives you a type from any other type.
..but no...
No, in the sense that Daniel Wagner points out; To be precise, Maybe and [] are type constructors, but (->) r and Either a are sort of like partially applied type constructors. Nevertheless they make good functors, because you can freely apply functions "inside" them and change the type of "the contents".
(Stuff in inverted commas is very hand-wavy imprecise terminology.)
My (possibly mildly tortured) reading of chapter 4 of the Haskell 2010 Report is that Maybe and (->) r are both types, of kind * -> *. Alternatively, the Report also labels them as type expressions—but I can't discern a firm difference in how the Report uses the two terms, except perhaps for surface syntax details. (->) and Maybe are type constructors; type expressions are assembled from type constructors and type variables.
For example, section 4.1.1 ("Kinds") of the 2010 report says (my boldface):
To ensure that they are valid, type expressions are classified into different kinds, which take one of two possible forms:
The symbol ∗ represents the kind of all nullary type constructors.
If κ1 and κ2 are kinds, then κ1 → κ2 is the kind of types that take a type of kind κ1 and return a type of kind κ2.
Section 4.3.2, "Instance Declarations" (my boldface):
An instance declaration that makes the type T to be an instance of class C is called a C-T instance declaration and is subject to these static restrictions:
A type may not be declared as an instance of a particular class more than once in the program.
The class and type must have the same kind; this can be determined using kind inference as described in Section 4.6.
So going by that language, the following instance declaration makes the type (->) r to be an instance of the class Functor:
instance Functor ((->) r) where
fmap f g = f . g
The funny thing about this terminology is that we call (->) r a "type" even though there are no expressions in Haskell that have that type—not even undefined:
foo :: (->) r
foo = undefined
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( ../src/scratch.hs, interpreted )
Expecting one more argument to `(->) r'
In the type signature for `foo': foo :: (->) r
But I think that's not a big deal. Basically, all declarations in Haskell must have types of kind *.
As a side note, from my limited understanding of dependently typed languages, many of these lack Haskell's firm distinction between terms and types, so that something like (->) Boolean is an expression whose value is a function that takes a type as its argument and produces a type as its result.

What are type quantifiers?

Many statically typed languages have parametric polymorphism. For example in C# one can define:
T Foo<T>(T x){ return x; }
In a call site you can do:
int y = Foo<int>(3);
These types are also sometimes written like this:
Foo :: forall T. T -> T
I have heard people say "forall is like lambda-abstraction at the type level". So Foo is a function that takes a type (for example int), and produces a value (for example a function of type int -> int). Many languages infer the type parameter, so that you can write Foo(3) instead of Foo<int>(3).
Suppose we have an object f of type forall T. T -> T. What we can do with this object is first pass it a type Q by writing f<Q>. Then we get back a value with type Q -> Q. However, certain f's are invalid. For example this f:
f<int> = (x => x+1)
f<T> = (x => x)
So if we "call" f<int> then we get back a value with type int -> int, and in general if we "call" f<Q> then we get back a value with type Q -> Q, so that's good. However, it is generally understood that this f is not a valid thing of type forall T. T -> T, because it does something different depending on which type you pass it. The idea of forall is that this is explicitly not allowed. Also, if forall is lambda for the type level, then what is exists? (i.e. existential quantification). For these reasons it seems that forall and exists are not really "lambda at the type level". But then what are they? I realize this question is rather vague, but can somebody clear this up for me?
A possible explanation is the following:
If we look at logic, quantifiers and lambda are two different things. An example of a quantified expression is:
forall n in Integers: P(n)
So there are two parts to forall: a set to quantify over (e.g. Integers), and a predicate (e.g. P). Forall can be viewed as a higher order function:
forall n in Integers: P(n) == forall(Integers,P)
With type:
forall :: Set<T> -> (T -> bool) -> bool
Exists has the same type. Forall is like an infinite conjunction, where S[n] is the n-th elemen to of the set S:
forall(S,P) = P(S[0]) ∧ P(S[1]) ∧ P(S[2]) ...
Exists is like an infinite disjunction:
exists(S,P) = P(S[0]) ∨ P(S[1]) ∨ P(S[2]) ...
If we do an analogy with types, we could say that the type analogue of ∧ is computing the intersection type ∩, and the type analogue of ∨ computing the union type ∪. We could then define forall and exists on types as follows:
forall(S,P) = P(S[0]) ∩ P(S[1]) ∩ P(S[2]) ...
exists(S,P) = P(S[0]) ∪ P(S[1]) ∪ P(S[2]) ...
So forall is an infinite intersection, and exists is an infinite union. Their types would be:
forall, exists :: Set<T> -> (T -> Type) -> Type
For example the type of the polymorphic identity function. Here Types is the set of all types, and -> is the type constructor for functions and => is lambda abstraction:
forall(Types, t => (t -> t))
Now a thing of type forall T:Type. T -> T is a value, not a function from types to values. It is a value whose type is the intersection of all types T -> T where T ranges over all types. When we use such a value, we do not have to apply it to a type. Instead, we use a subtype judgement:
id :: forall T:Type. T -> T
id = (x => x)
id2 = id :: int -> int
This downcasts id to have type int -> int. This is valid because int -> int also appears in the infinite intersection.
This works out nicely I think, and it clearly explains what forall is and how it is different from lambda, but this model is incompatible with what I have seen in languages like ML, F#, C#, etc. For example in F# you do id<int> to get the identity function on ints, which does not make sense in this model: id is a function on values, not a function on types that returns a function on values.
Can somebody with knowledge of type theory explain what exactly are forall and exists? And to what extent is it true that "forall is lambda at the type level"?
Let me address your questions separately.
Calling forall "a lambda at the type level" is inaccurate for two reasons. First, it is the type of a lambda, not the lambda itself. Second, that lambda lives on the term level, even though it abstracts over types (lambdas on the type level exist as well, they provide what is often called generic types).
Universal quantification does not necessarily imply "same behaviour" for all instantiations. That is a particular property called "parametricity" that may or may not be present. The plain polymorphic lambda calculus is parametric, because you simply cannot express any non-parametric behaviour. But if you add constructs like typecase (a.k.a. intensional type analysis) or checked casts as a weaker form of that, then you loose parametricity. Parametricity implies nice properties, e.g. it allows a language to be implemented without any runtime representation of types. And it induces very strong reasoning principles, see e.g. Wadler's paper "Theorems for free!". But it's a trade-off, sometimes you want dispatch on types.
Existential types essentially denote pairs of a type (the so-called witness) and a term, sometimes called packages. One common way to view these is as implementation of abstract data types. Here is a simple example:
pack (Int, (λx. x, λx. x)) : ∃ T. (Int → T) × (T → Int)
This is a simple ADT whose representation is Int and that only provides two operations (as a nested tuple), for converting ints in and out of the abstract type T. This is the basis of type theories for modules, for example.
In summary, universal quantification provides client-side data abstraction, while existential types dually provides implementor-side data abstraction.
As an additional remark, in the so-called lambda cube, forall and arrow are generalised to the unified notion of Π-type (where T1→T2 = Π(x:T1).T2 and ∀A.T = Π(A:&ast;).T) and likewise exists and tupling can be generalised to Σ-types (where T1×T2 = Σ(x:T1).T2 and ∃A.T = Σ(A:&ast;).T). Here, the type &ast; is the "type of types".
A few remarks to complement the two already-excellent answers.
First, one cannot say that forall is lambda at the type-level because there already is a notion of lambda at the type level, and it is different from forall. It appears in system F_omega, an extension of System F with type-level computation, that is useful to explain ML modules systems for example (F-ing modules, by Andreas Rossberg, Claudio Russo and Derek Dreyer, 2010).
In (a syntax for) System F_omega you can write for example:
type prod =
lambda (a : *). lambda (b : *).
forall (c : *). (a -> b -> c) -> c
This is a definition of the "type constructor" prod, such as prod a b is the type of the church-encoding of the product type (a, b). If there is computation at the type level, then you need to control it if you want to ensure termination of type-checking (otherwise you could define the type (lambda t. t t) (lambda t. t t). This is done by using a "type system at the type level", or a kind system. prod would be of kind * -> * -> *. Only the types at kind * can be inhabited by values, types at higher-kind can only be applied at the type level. lambda (c : k) . .... is a type-level abstraction that cannot be the type of a value, and may live at any kind of the form k -> ..., while forall (c : k) . .... classify values that are polymorphic in some type c : k and is necessarily of ground kind *.
Second, there is an important difference between the forall of System F and the Pi-types of Martin-Löf type theory. In System F, polymorphic values do the same thing on all types. As a first approximation, you could say that a value of type forall a . a -> a will (implicitly) take a type t as input and return a value of type t -> t. But that suggest that there may be some computation happening in the process, which is not the case. Morally, when you instantiate a value of type forall a. a -> a into a value of type t -> t, the value does not change. There are three (related) ways to think about it:
System F quantification has type erasure, you can forget about the types and you will still know what the dynamic semantic of the program is. When we use ML type inference to leave the polymorphism abstraction and instantiation implicit in our programs, we don't really let the inference engine "fill holes in our program", if you think of "program" as the dynamic object that will be run and compute.
A forall a . foo is not a something that "produces an instance of foo for each type a, but a single type foo that is "generic in an unknown type a".
You can explain universal quantification as an infinite conjunction, but there is an uniformity condition that all conjuncts have the same structure, and in particular that their proofs are all alike.
By contrast, Pi-types in Martin-Löf type theory are really more like function types that take something and return something. That's one of the reason why they can easily be used not only to depend on types, but also to depend on terms (dependent types).
This has very important implications once you're concerned about the soundness of those formal theories. System F is impredicative (a forall-quantified type quantifies on all types, itself included), and the reason why it's still sound is this uniformity of universal quantification. While introducing non-parametric constructs is reasonable from a programmer's point of view (and we can still reason about parametricity in an generally-non-parametric language), it very quickly destroys the logical consistency of the underlying static reasoning system. Martin-Löf predicative theory is much simpler to prove correct and to extend in correct way.
For a high-level description of this uniformity/genericity aspect of System F, see Fruchart and Longo's 97 article Carnap's remarks on Impredicative Definitions and the Genericity Theorem. For a more technical study of System F failure in presence of non-parametric constructs, see Parametricity and variants of Girard's J operator by Robert Harper and John Mitchell (1999). Finally, for a description, from a language design point of view, on how to abandon global parametricity to introduce non-parametric constructs but still be able to locally discuss parametricity, see Non-Parametric Parametricity by George Neis, Derek Dreyer and Andreas Rossberg, 2011.
This discussion of the difference between "computational abstraction" and "uniform abstract" has been revived by the large amount of work on representing variable binders. A binding construction feels like an abstraction (and can be modeled by a lambda-abstraction in HOAS style) but has an uniform structure that makes it rather like a data skeleton than a family of results. This has been much discussed, for example in the LF community, "representational arrows" in Twelf, "positive arrows" in Licata&Harper's work, etc.
Recently there have been several people working on the related notion of "irrelevance" (lambda-abstractions where the result "does not depend" on the argument), but it's still not totally clear how closely this is related to parametric polymorphism. One example is the work of Nathan Mishra-Linger with Tim Sheard (eg. Erasure and Polymorphism in Pure Type Systems).
if forall is lambda ..., then what is exists
Why, tuple of course!
In Martin-Löf type theory you have Π types, corresponding to functions/universal quantification and Σ-types, corresponding to tuples/existential quantification.
Their types are very similar to what you have proposed (I am using Agda notation here):
Π : (A : Set) -> (A -> Set) -> Set
Σ : (A : Set) -> (A -> Set) -> Set
Indeed, Π is an infinite product and Σ is infinite sum. Note that they are not "intersection" and "union" though, as you proposed because you can't do that without additionally defining where the types intersect. (which values of one type correspond to which values of the other type)
From these two type constructors you can have all of normal, polymorphic and dependent functions, normal and dependent tuples, as well as existentially and universally-quantified statements:
-- Normal function, corresponding to "Integer -> Integer" in Haskell
factorial : Π ℕ (λ _ → ℕ)
-- Polymorphic function corresponding to "forall a . a -> a"
id : Π Set (λ A -> Π A (λ _ → A))
-- A universally-quantified logical statement: all natural numbers n are equal to themselves
refl : Π ℕ (λ n → n ≡ n)
-- (Integer, Integer)
twoNats : Σ ℕ (λ _ → ℕ)
-- exists a. Show a => a
someShowable : Σ Set (λ A → Σ A (λ _ → Showable A))
-- There are prime numbers
aPrime : Σ ℕ IsPrime
However, this does not address parametricity at all and AFAIK parametricity and Martin-Löf type theory are independent.
For parametricity, people usually refer to the Philip Wadler's work.

Functions don't just have types: They ARE Types. And Kinds. And Sorts. Help put a blown mind back together

I was doing my usual "Read a chapter of LYAH before bed" routine, feeling like my brain was expanding with every code sample. At this point I was convinced that I understood the core awesomeness of Haskell, and now just had to understand the standard libraries and type classes so that I could start writing real software.
So I was reading the chapter about applicative functors when all of a sudden the book claimed that functions don't merely have types, they are types, and can be treated as such (For example, by making them instances of type classes). (->) is a type constructor like any other.
My mind was blown yet again, and I immediately jumped out of bed, booted up the computer, went to GHCi and discovered the following:
Prelude> :k (->)
(->) :: ?? -> ? -> *
What on earth does it mean?
If (->) is a type constructor, what are the value constructors? I can take a guess, but would have no idea how define it in traditional data (->) ... = ... | ... | ... format. It's easy enough to do this with any other type constructor: data Either a b = Left a | Right b. I suspect my inability to express it in this form is related to the extremly weird type signature.
What have I just stumbled upon? Higher kinded types have kind signatures like * -> * -> *. Come to think of it... (->) appears in kind signatures too! Does this mean that not only is it a type constructor, but also a kind constructor? Is this related to the question marks in the type signature?
I have read somewhere (wish I could find it again, Google fails me) about being able to extend type systems arbitrarily by going from Values, to Types of Values, to Kinds of Types, to Sorts of Kinds, to something else of Sorts, to something else of something elses, and so on forever. Is this reflected in the kind signature for (->)? Because I've also run into the notion of the Lambda cube and the calculus of constructions without taking the time to really investigate them, and if I remember correctly it is possible to define functions that take types and return types, take values and return values, take types and return values, and take values which return types.
If I had to take a guess at the type signature for a function which takes a value and returns a type, I would probably express it like this:
a -> ?
or possibly
a -> *
Although I see no fundamental immutable reason why the second example couldn't easily be interpreted as a function from a value of type a to a value of type *, where * is just a type synonym for string or something.
The first example better expresses a function whose type transcends a type signature in my mind: "a function which takes a value of type a and returns something which cannot be expressed as a type."
You touch so many interesting points in your question, so I am
afraid this is going to be a long answer :)
Kind of (->)
The kind of (->) is * -> * -> *, if we disregard the boxity GHC
inserts. But there is no circularity going on, the ->s in the
kind of (->) are kind arrows, not function arrows. Indeed, to
distinguish them kind arrows could be written as (=>), and then
the kind of (->) is * => * => *.
We can regard (->) as a type constructor, or maybe rather a type
operator. Similarly, (=>) could be seen as a kind operator, and
as you suggest in your question we need to go one 'level' up. We
return to this later in the section Beyond Kinds, but first:
How the situation looks in a dependently typed language
You ask how the type signature would look for a function that takes a
value and returns a type. This is impossible to do in Haskell:
functions cannot return types! You can simulate this behaviour using
type classes and type families, but let us for illustration change
language to the dependently typed language
Agda. This is a
language with similar syntax as Haskell where juggling types together
with values is second nature.
To have something to work with, we define a data type of natural
numbers, for convenience in unary representation as in
Peano Arithmetic.
Data types are written in
GADT style:
data Nat : Set where
Zero : Nat
Succ : Nat -> Nat
Set is equivalent to * in Haskell, the "type" of all (small) types,
such as Natural numbers. This tells us that the type of Nat is
Set, whereas in Haskell, Nat would not have a type, it would have
a kind, namely *. In Agda there are no kinds, but everything has
a type.
We can now write a function that takes a value and returns a type.
Below is a the function which takes a natural number n and a type,
and makes iterates the List constructor n applied to this
type. (In Agda, [a] is usually written List a)
listOfLists : Nat -> Set -> Set
listOfLists Zero a = a
listOfLists (Succ n) a = List (listOfLists n a)
Some examples:
listOfLists Zero Bool = Bool
listOfLists (Succ Zero) Bool = List Bool
listOfLists (Succ (Succ Zero)) Bool = List (List Bool)
We can now make a map function that operates on listsOfLists.
We need to take a natural number that is the number of iterations
of the list constructor. The base cases are when the number is
Zero, then listOfList is just the identity and we apply the function.
The other is the empty list, and the empty list is returned.
The step case is a bit move involving: we apply mapN to the head
of the list, but this has one layer less of nesting, and mapN
to the rest of the list.
mapN : {a b : Set} -> (a -> b) -> (n : Nat) ->
listOfLists n a -> listOfLists n b
mapN f Zero x = f x
mapN f (Succ n) [] = []
mapN f (Succ n) (x :: xs) = mapN f n x :: mapN f (Succ n) xs
In the type of mapN, the Nat argument is named n, so the rest of
the type can depend on it. So this is an example of a type that
depends on a value.
As a side note, there are also two other named variables here,
namely the first arguments, a and b, of type Set. Type
variables are implicitly universally quantified in Haskell, but
here we need to spell them out, and specify their type, namely
Set. The brackets are there to make them invisible in the
definition, as they are always inferable from the other arguments.
Set is abstract
You ask what the constructors of (->) are. One thing to point out
is that Set (as well as * in Haskell) is abstract: you cannot
pattern match on it. So this is illegal Agda:
cheating : Set -> Bool
cheating Nat = True
cheating _ = False
Again, you can simulate pattern matching on types constructors in
Haskell using type families, one canoical example is given on
Brent Yorgey's blog.
Can we define -> in the Agda? Since we can return types from
functions, we can define an own version of -> as follows:
_=>_ : Set -> Set -> Set
a => b = a -> b
(infix operators are written _=>_ rather than (=>)) This
definition has very little content, and is very similar to doing a
type synonym in Haskell:
type Fun a b = a -> b
Beyond kinds: Turtles all the way down
As promised above, everything in Agda has a type, but then
the type of _=>_ must have a type! This touches your point
about sorts, which is, so to speak, one layer above Set (the kinds).
In Agda this is called Set1:
FunType : Set1
FunType = Set -> Set -> Set
And in fact, there is a whole hierarchy of them! Set is the type of
"small" types: data types in haskell. But then we have Set1,
Set2, Set3, and so on. Set1 is the type of types which mentions
Set. This hierarchy is to avoid inconsistencies such as Girard's
As noticed in your question, -> is used for types and kinds in
Haskell, and the same notation is used for function space at all
levels in Agda. This must be regarded as a built in type operator,
and the constructors are lambda abstraction (or function
definitions). This hierarchy of types is similar to the setting in
System F omega, and more
information can be found in the later chapters of
Pierce's Types and Programming Languages.
Pure type systems
In Agda, types can depend on values, and functions can return types,
as illustrated above, and we also had an hierarchy of
types. Systematic investigation of different systems of the lambda
calculi is investigated in more detail in Pure Type Systems. A good
reference is
Lambda Calculi with Types by Barendregt,
where PTS are introduced on page 96, and many examples on page 99 and onwards.
You can also read more about the lambda cube there.
Firstly, the ?? -> ? -> * kind is a GHC-specific extension. The ? and ?? are just there to deal with unboxed types, which behave differently from just * (which has to be boxed, as far as I know). So ?? can be any normal type or an unboxed type (e.g. Int#); ? can be either of those or an unboxed tuple. There is more information here: Haskell Weird Kinds: Kind of (->) is ?? -> ? -> *
I think a function can't return an unboxed type because functions are lazy. Since a lazy value is either a value or a thunk, it has to be boxed. Boxed just means it is a pointer rather than just a value: it's like Integer() vs int in Java.
Since you are probably not going to be using unboxed types in LYAH-level code, you can imagine that the kind of -> is just * -> * -> *.
Since the ? and ?? are basically just more general version of *, they do not have anything to do with sorts or anything like that.
However, since -> is just a type constructor, you can actually partially apply it; for example, (->) e is an instance of Functor and Monad. Figuring out how to write these instances is a good mind-stretching exercise.
As far as value constructors go, they would have to just be lambdas (\ x ->) or function declarations. Since functions are so fundamental to the language, they get their own syntax.

Is Milner let polymorphism a rank 2 feature?

let a = b in c can be thought as a syntactic sugar for (\a -> c) b, but in a typed setting in general it's not the case. For example, in the Milner calculus let a = \x -> x in (a True, a 1) is typable, but seemingly equivalent (\a -> (a True, a 1)) (\x -> x) is not.
However, the latter is typable in System F with a rank 2 type for the first lambda.
My questions are:
Is let polymorphism a rank 2 feature that sneaked secretly in the otherwise rank 1 world of Milner calculus?
The purpose of having of separate let construct seems to specify which types should be generalized by type checker, and which are not. Does it serve any other purposes? Are there any reasons to extend more powerful systems e.g. System F with separate let which is not sugar? Are there any papers on the rationale behind the design of the Milner calculus which no longer seems obvious to me?
Is there the most general type for \a -> (a True, a 1) in System F?
Are there type systems closed under beta expansion? I.e. if P is typable and M N = P then M is typable?
Some clarifications:
By equivalence I mean equivalence modulo type annotations. Is 'System F a la Church' the correct term for that?
I know that in general the principal typing property doesn't hold in F, but a principal type could exist for my particular term.
By let I mean the non-recursive flavour of let. Extension of system F with recursive let is obviously useful as it allows for non-termination.
W.r.t. to the four questions asked:
A key insight in this matter is that rather than just typing a
lambda-abstraction with a potentially polymorphic argument type, we
are typing a (sugared) abstraction that is (1) applied exactly once
and, moreover, that is (2) applied to a statically known argument.
That is, we can first subject the "argument" (i.e. the definiens of
the local definition) to type reconstruction to find its
(polymorphic) type; then assign the found type to the "parameter"
(the definiendum); and then, finally, type the body in the extended
type context.
Note that that is considerably more easy than general rank-2 type
Note that, strictly speaking, let .. = .. in .. is only syntactic sugar in System F if you demand that the definiendum carries a type annotation: let .. : .. = .. in .. .
Here are two solutions for T in (\a :: T -> (a True, a 1)) in System F: forall b. (forall a. a -> b) -> (b, b) and forall c d. (forall a b. a -> b) -> (c, d). Note that neither one of them is more general than the other. In general, System F does not admit principal types.
I suppose this holds for the simply typed lambda-calculus?
Types are not preserved under beta-expansion in any calculus that can express the concept of "dead code". You can probably figure out how to write something similar to this in any usable language:
if True then something typable else utter nonsense
For example, let M = (\x y -> x) (something typable) and N = (utter nonsense) and P = (something typable), so that M N = P, and P is typable, but M N isn't.
...rereading your question, I see that you only demand that M be typable, but that seems like a very strange meaning to give to "preserved under beta-expansion" to me. Anyway, I don't see why some argument like the above couldn't apply: simply let M have some untypable dead code in it.
You could type (\a -> (a True, a 1)) (\x -> x) if instead of generalizing only let expressions, you generalized all lambda abstractions. Having done so, one also needs to instantiate type schemas at every use point, not simply at the point where the binder which refers to them is actually used. I'm don't think there's any problem with this actually, outside of the fact that its vastly less efficient. I recall some discussion of this in TAPL, in fact, making similar points.
I recall many years ago seeing in a book about lambda calculus (possibly Barendregt) a type system preserved by beta expansion. It had no quantification, but it had disjunction to express that a term needed to be of more than one type simultaneously, as well as a special type omega which every term inhabited. As I recall, the latter avoids Daniel Wagner's dead code objection. While every expression was well-typed, restricting the position of omega in the type allowed you to charactize which expressions had (weak?) head normal forms.
Also if I recall correctly, fully normal form expressions had principal types, which did not contain omega.
For example the principal type of \f x -> f (f x) (the Church numeral 2) would be something like ((A -> B) /\ (B -> C)) -> A -> C
Not able to answer all your very specialized questions, but no, its not a rank 2 feature. As you write, it's just that let definitions are being quantified which yields a fully polymorphic rank-1 type unless the definition depends on some monomorphic value ina nouter scope.
Please also note that Haskell let is known as let rec in other languages and allows definition of mutually recursive functions and values. This is something you would not want to code manually with lambda-expressions and Y-combinators.
