Python - Sqlite3 - Select query with database double dot operator - python-3.x

I'm trying to pull a SELECT query from within the python 3.6.5 code using sqlite3 in PyCharm.
The query has the double dot operator. Here is a sample code:
import sqlite3
connection = sqlite3.connect('ddbserver')
c = connection.cursor()
sql_query = """ select * from database..tablename """
res = c.execute(sql_query)
When I run the script, it throws the following error:
sqlite3.OperationalError: near ".": syntax error
The same query runs fine on SQL Server Management Studio, as well as in an xml file.
I've tried using the full path to the table as well i.e.
select * from database.schemaname.tablename
But it throws the same error.
Any sort of help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Dask read_sql_query did not execute sql that I put in

Hi all I'm new to Dask.
I faced an error when I tried using read_sql_query to get data from Oracle database.
Here is my python script:
con_str = "oracle+cx_oracle://{UserID}:{Password}#{Domain}/?service_name={Servicename}"
sql= "
column_a, column_b
mydatetime >= to_date('1997-01-01 00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
from sqlalchemy.sql import select, text
from dask.dataframe import read_sql_query
sa_query= select(text(sql))
ddf = read_sql_query(sql=sa_query, con=con, index_col="index", head_rows=5)
I refered this post: Reading an SQL query into a Dask DataFrame
Remove "select" string from my query.
And I got an cx_Oracle.DatabaseError with missing expression [SQL: SELECT FROM DUAL WHERE ROWNUM <= 5]
But I don't get it where the query came from.
Seem like it didn't execute the sql code I provided.
I'm not sure which part I did not config right.
*Note: using pandas.read_sql is ok , only fail when using dask.dataframe.read_sql_query

psycopg2 SELECT query with inbuilt functions

I have the following SQL statement where i am reading the database to get the records for 1 day. Here is what i tried in pgAdmin console -
SELECT * FROM public.orders WHERE createdat >= now()::date AND type='t_order'
I want to convert this to the syntax of psycopg2but somehow it throws me errors -
Database connection failed due to invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "now()::date"
Here is what i am doing -
query = f"SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE (createdat>=%s AND type=%s)"
cur.execute(query, ("now()::date", "t_order"))
records = cur.fetchall()
Any help is deeply appreciated.
DO NOT use f strings. Use proper Parameter Passing
now()::date is better expressed as current_date. See Current Date/Time.
You want:
query = "SELECT * FROM public.orders WHERE (createdat>=current_date AND type=%s)"
cur.execute(query, ["t_order"])
If you want dynamic identifiers, table/column names then:
from psycopg2 import sql
query = sql.SQL("SELECT * FROM {} WHERE (createdat>=current_date AND type=%s)").format(sql.Identifier(table))
cur.execute(query, ["t_order"])
For more information see sql.

Pandas Oracle query gives "ORA-00911: invalid character"

Hello I am trying to execute the following Oracle Query. I confirmed i can successfully connect to the database using cx_Oracle but my query is not executing. This is a large table and i am trying to limit the number of rows to 10
query1 = """
select *
(select *
from some_table
where rownum < 10;
df_ora1 = pd.read_sql(query1, con=connection1)
I am getting the following error but cant figure out what the invalid character is!
DatabaseError: ORA-00911: invalid character
Please help!
Remove the semi-colon from the SQL statement. Semi-colons are not part of SQL.
query1 = """ select * from (select * from some_table ) where rownum < 10 """

OperationalError: near "u": syntax error <- while trying to delete rows from 2 columns inner jointed

I am trying to delete rows from two tables with inner join. I don't really understand why this error pops up.
import sqlite3
login = 'uzytkownik6'
conn = sqlite3.connect('fiszki.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("DELETE u.*, t.* FROM users u INNER JOIN translations t ON
u.user_id=t.user_id WHERE u.user_name='{}'".format(login))
But I get error:
OperationalError: near "u": syntax error
You should never use the normal python string formatting when executing SQL commands. Example: db.execute("DELETE FROM users WHERE userId = (?)", [userId]). Also, you don't really need to have run the db.cursor() method after connecting. See SQLite3 API documentation for Python 3.

UcanAccess retrieve stored query sql

I'm trying to retrieve the SQL that makes up a stored query inside an Access database.
I'm using a combination of UcanAccess 4.0.2, and jaydebeapi and the ucanaccess console. The ultimate goal is to be able to do the following from a python script with no user intervention.
When UCanAccess loads, it successfully loads the query:
Please, enter the full path to the access file (.mdb or .accdb): /Users/.../SnohomishRiverEstuaryHydrology_RAW.accdb
Loaded Tables:
Sensor Data, Sensor Details, Site Details
Loaded Queries:
Loaded Procedures:
Loaded Indexes:
Primary Key on Sensor Data Columns: (ID)
, Primary Key on Sensor Details Columns: (ID)
, Primary Key on Site Details Columns: (ID)
, Index on Sensor Details Columns: (SiteID)
, Index on Site Details Columns: (SiteID)
When I run, from the UCanAccess console a query like
I get the expected results of the query.
I tried things including this monstrous query from inside a python script even using the sysSchema=True option (from here:
[Flags])))))) AS Type
FROM MSysObjects INNER JOIN MSysQueries ON MSysObjects.Id =
But get an object not found or insufficient privileges error.
At this point, I've tried mdbtools and can successfully retrieve metadata, and data from access. I just need to get the queries out too.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Windows is not a viable option.
Cheers, Seth
from jpype import *
startJVM(getDefaultJVMPath(), "-ea", "-Djava.class.path=/Users/seth.urion/local/access/UCanAccess-4.0.2-bin/ucanaccess-4.0.2.jar:/Users/seth.urion/local/access/UCanAccess-4.0.2-bin/lib/commons-lang-2.6.jar:/Users/seth.urion/local/access/UCanAccess-4.0.2-bin/lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:/Users/seth.urion/local/access/UCanAccess-4.0.2-bin/lib/hsqldb.jar:/Users/seth.urion/local/access/UCanAccess-4.0.2-bin/lib/jackcess-2.1.6.jar")
conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess:///Users/seth.urion/PycharmProjects/pyAccess/FE_Hall_2010_2016_SnohomishRiverEstuaryHydrology_RAW.accdb")
for query in conn.getDbIO().getQueries():
If you can find a satisfactory way to call Java methods from within Python then you could use the Jackcess Query#toSQLString() method to extract the SQL for a saved query. For example, I just got this to work under Jython:
from java.sql import DriverManager
def get_query_sql(conn, query_name):
sql = ''
for query in conn.getDbIO().getQueries():
if query.getName() == query_name:
sql = query.toSQLString()
return sql
# usage example
if __name__ == '__main__':
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess:///home/gord/UCanAccessTest.accdb")
query_name = 'Jeff_Test'
query_sql = get_query_sql(conn, query_name)
if query_sql == '':
print '(Query not found.)'
print 'SQL for query [%s]:' % (query_name)
print query_sql
SQL for query [Jeff_Test]:
SELECT Invoice.InvoiceNumber, Invoice.InvoiceDate
FROM Invoice
WHERE (((Invoice.InvoiceNumber)>1));
