How does Revit Analysis Display "Show Contour" work? - revit-api

I am not sure if "ShowContourLines" property of
AnalysisDisplayColoredSurfaceSettings class in Revit works as expected.
I am expecting contours similar to isolines to be displayed but instead the outline
of the surface is highlighted.
Has any one got similar experience or know more about this feature?

I have not used the ShowContourLines property, but here are some other samples using AnalysisDisplayColoredSurfaceSettings that may be of use:
Display Webcam Image on Building Element Face
AVF Displays Intersections and Highlights Rooms
Apollonian Sphere Packing via Web Service and AVF
Intersect Solid Filter, AVF vs DirectShape Debugging


Custom drawing rotated SVG to Leaflet map

I am using leaflet 1.7.1 and I need to put custom markers on map.
I am currently using circles (as in:[lat, lon], {radius: rad}).addTo(map);) as my markers (note radius is significant and should be in meters).
Now I need to add a "direction" to this circle essentially displaying something like:
I actually need to implement some L.directedCircle([lat, lon], {radius: rad, heading=45}).addTo(map);, but I don't know how to do that.
I also tried looking for plugins, but nothing seems to do what I need.
Note that the image above is just an example, I'm open to other options but that seems very simple (it's just a 4-points SVG poliline) and effective.
If that matters I'm using leaflet through pyqtlet2, but I'm prepared to "get my hands dirty" using directly javascript.
Any help appreciated.

Making custom, fictional maps with D3.js

I'm kicking around an idea for a side project and am looking for advice on which direction to go in terms of technology. I've done some research already, but am still fairly confused as to what the realistic options are.
I'd like to make an interactive map based on a fictional world (think Middle Earth), including a timeline filter and a details section for additional information on an event or location.
Desired Features:
map on the left
details pane on the right
timeline slider/filter at bottom
color for political affiliation
displays details in details pane
labels for cities
Get a clean map image to work with
Map image into intermediate format (svg, geojson, topojson?)
Display map on webpage, style map, add animations, etc
I'm pretty sure I could code all of this in SVG using events and boundaries. I've already been able to create SVG Paths from the image using GIMP, so converting the map into an SVG file seems plausible.
The issue with doing it this way is I would end up doing all the work the hard way when there seems to be lots of frameworks for this kind of thing already.
La Bella Italia is a very nice example and would serve as a good starting point. I love the trade route animations and the border styling with the glow filters.
The bonus here is that I know I can make an svg map, which is all this would need to get up and running.
My issue here is it doesn't seem like Kartograph is as rich of a platform as D3.js. I'm not sure if I can double dip and link some D3 stuff with the kartograph events. If I could, that might be the solution.
The sliders, animations(hover and selection), and topojson seem like they would be perfect. But the main issue I have here is getting my image converted into a GeoJson format. From what I can tell these formats are strictly for Real World maps, using longitude/latitude.
So there you have it! I'm hoping there is some good news on how I might convert my map image into topojson so I can enjoy the benefits of D3.js. If not, I suppose I could just try kartograph and wire the events up with D3 controls.
I'm currently writing my master thesis and I have the same topic like you had these days. I called my project Arda Maps. Feel free to ask me anything if have techonology questions.
I'm using the following frameworks/tools in my project:

SVG tool to draw and display in web

I am looking for a tool to draw the SVG diagram and I want to display the same in a webpage.
There are lot of tools to create SVG diagram, but I am looking for the one to add some extra fields to each shape.
OK first I will explain my requirement clear. When we create a rectangle using any SVG tool, it will create a SVG element with rect element, in my case I would like to differentiate two devices "device type-1" and "device type-2" (using CSS in my web application) but their shape is rectangle.
So, I have to add some additional information for each rectangle in the drawing tool, so that using Javascript I could understand the type of device, based on the device type I could apply different CSS for each rectangle.
How to do this? Any drawing tools support this kind of feature?
You could use and define IDs that you reference later on in JavaScript
One approach would be to us Adobe Illustrator to design you elements and Raphael JS to display and animate said elements. There are some differences in the way illustrator draws vector graphics and the way SVG does so the general consensus is to keep you graphics relatively simple. There are several guides out there, but this one looks particuallry good:

Edit image, using openGL

I have been doing some searching the last couple of days and I have been curious how to do this. I have a UIImagePickerController.
So I want to add a effect like black and white, sepia, etc. I am creating a custom UIImagePickerVController and I am curious. Can this be done with OpenGL ES? If so, how?
This is possible through the use of pixel shaders using OpenGL-ES 2.0. You could also write an Objective-c++ routine that gets all the pixels of your image into an array then applies a custom algorithm to modify the color of the image.
Here are some links that might help get you started.

Are there other options of enabling an irregular shaped clickable area on a web page other than image maps?

(This is a post that I'm moving from ui stackexchange.)
We have some irregular shaped areas...imagine a map of the states of the US. Imagine also that inside each state there is a rectangular region that contains graphics and text. We want to make each of the states react to mouseover/mouseout/click.
If it is a straight up HTML/Javascript page (no Flash), are there other ways to implement this than image maps?
If this is not possible, I would also consider just having the rectangular region within each state react to mouse events.
Does "straight up HTML" mean you can use Javascript? If so, consider the Raphael javascript library, which wraps SVG. Check out their homepage for a great overview of what you can do, including this example of counties (?) of Australia:
You could also consider processing.js, which is a similar visualisation library but wraps canvas as opposed to SVG.
how about coordinates? grab your map of the us, figure out the polygons that contain a state, and every time the user clicks somewhere, get the position of the click and figure out what polygon that position is in.
the only tricky part is doing the translation from logical to physical. i.e. when you get the location of a click it'll probably give you the location in global browser positioning, and you'll need to figure out where your image is using jquery's .position().
