Can't find UIModalPresentationStyle enum value blurOverFullScreen - blur

I am now developing a modal view presented on UINavigationController.
I tried to blur the content of UINavigationController's rootViewController under the modal view.
So I set up modalPresentationStyle value as .overFullScreen or .overCurrentContext. But I can't get the right result.(A blurred effect was shown for a second and it was disappeared.)
I read Apple's document and found that there is .blurOverFullScreen configuration on it.
But I can't use it on my environment(Xcode 10.1).
Please help me how I should solve this issue.


AEM touch ui dialog 6.3 - Validation Error Icon is overlapping Description icon

I have a title component(touch-ui) in my project and made the title field mandatory by setting required(boolean) – true at the title property level. Now, when we save the dialog with an empty title field, validation fires up, but the triangular icon overlaps the description icon in the component. See the screenshot attached. Is there any way to resolve this?
Seeing the same behavior in We.retail title component.
It's the same in AEM 6.4. I've kind of assumed this was by design, so that more attention is drawn to the error.
If you look at the JavaScript behind the validation logic, you'll notice that the description icon receives the u-coral-screenReaderOnly CSS class as soon as a validation error appears, which results in its disappearance. It's not that the error icon overlaps the info one. The latter is explicitly hidden from sight.
This appears to be part of the Coral UI 2 client library. This isn't something you could fix on your own (an attempt to do that would be tricky and not maintainable). If you need this behaviour changed, you could try your luck contacting Day Care. It does look like a deliberate feature though.

Cosmicmind: how to dismiss floatingViewController / return rootViewController?

toolbarController?.floatingViewController = vc
to floating view controller. As expected, toolbar not showing and screen shows with full size. I want to dismiss back to rootViewController didnt achieve that.
Actually i showed apps in pagetabbar like google play and now i want to show app detail page. When user clicks app icon, app icon will animate and shows detail page and if he wants to, it will dismiss that. I used transition method first (it has animation parameter) but i want to figure out difference between floating usages etc. Is there any showcase ? Thank you for great library btw.
to hide the floatingViewController, set it to nil. There isn't a showcase at the moment. The transition method is for changing the rootViewController. Hope this helps :)

Wrong View shown (Catel)

I'm trying to open a View with a ViewModel from my MainWindowViewModel.
It works, but all I get is a blank window. It binds the correct title but every other control is missing.
Did anyone have the same problem and found a solution?
You forgot the call to InitializeComponent in your code-behind. Just a tip: create a base class with the Catel behaviors, then use that as a base view. It will keep your actual window code-behind much cleaner.

Collapsible accordion not showing content when initialized collapsed

I'm using twitter bootstrap with JSF-2.2.4 and Spring 3.2.4 Framework. I've built a collapsible accordion based on the following tutorial:
The code seems to work fine, but only if I start with opened accordions, meaning that I add the 'in' class to the div which inherits the content which is supposed to be collapsed. If I remove the 'in' class the accordion is opened by clicking the appropriate link, but the content is no displayed.
Content is plot created with plotfaces.
Any ideas?
Edit: I just tried filling the box with an image. This seems to work. Maybe this helps narrowing down the problem.
I don't know how this plotfaces work, but i expect your problem similair to fullcalendar not visible until button is clicked or window resized?
Try to set .collapse {display;block; visibilty:hidden;} instead of display none. If this don't helps try to focus on the height of the element. The plugin change the height from 0 to auto but on initial load the height is not set.

OrchardCMS - Can't find correct alternative to render widget

I'm trying to add a image carousel to my CMS site and in the process learn about Alternatives.
I've go the following content types
BannerImage (TextField and a MediaPicker field)
ImageGallery (Container)
I've created a bunch of images, added them as 'Containables' to a new ImageGallery and
I then create a widget, put it in BeforeContent and it renders as an ugly list (default rendering)
I have been able to customize the images by using the alternative Content-BannerImage.Summary.cshtml, sweet.. so far so good.
BUT I'm not able to customize the rendering of the ImageGallery at all. The alternative
Content-ImageGallery.Summary.cshtml or .Detail or even Widget-Container.cshtml do not work at all.
The alternative that IS being used is Widget.Wrapper.cshtml which came with the theme I'm using. I'm not able to find the correct alternative so I can prevent the ImageGallery from rendering it's name/title (which it does by default from the Widget.Wrapper.cshtml alternative.
Any help is greatly appreciated and before it's mentioned... I've read which is a great doco, but I'm too dumb to figure it out :)
To create an alternate (not alternative) for a widget, you first have to activate the Widget Alternates module.
Once you have done so, create your widget, and activate the Shape Tracing module. Go to the page where the widget appears, click on the shape tracing button on the bottom right corner to show the shape tracing and select your widget.
You should now see a list of possible alternates for your widget. Select one and click the link to create it. Now you just have to edit it to your taste.
Depending on how the image gallery module you're using is working, the shape that you need to override to render the list of images. It is probably the List shape that you need to change. This article should give you a good starting point:
