Running Macro Once Does Not Do Anything. Running the Macro Again Works - excel

I'm having some trouble with a macro I've been working on. It's used to delete blanks (over a million blank rows) when another separate macro is run. If I get this one working, I would like to merge the two macros together.
Here is the macro:
Sub Test()
DeleteBlankTableRows ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)
End Sub
Sub DeleteBlankTableRows(ByVal tbl As ListObject)
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = tbl.DataBodyRange ' Get table data rows range.
Dim DirArray As Variant
DirArray = rng.Value2 ' Save table values to array.
Dim rowTMP As Long
Dim colTMP As Long
Dim combinedTMP As String
Dim rangeToDelete As Range
' Loop through rows.
For rowTMP = LBound(DirArray) To UBound(DirArray)
combinedTMP = vbNullString ' Clear temp variable.
' Loop through each cell in the row and get all values combined.
For colTMP = 1 To tbl.DataBodyRange.Columns.Count
combinedTMP = combinedTMP & DirArray(rowTMP, colTMP)
Next colTMP
' Check if row is blank.
If combinedTMP = vbNullString Then
' Row is blank. Add this blank row to the range-to-delete.
If rangeToDelete Is Nothing Then
Set rangeToDelete = tbl.ListRows(rowTMP).Range
Set rangeToDelete = Union(rangeToDelete, tbl.ListRows(rowTMP).Range)
End If
End If
Next rowTMP
If Not rangeToDelete Is Nothing Then rangeToDelete.Delete
End Sub
First time it is run, it loads and acts like it's going to work. Less than a minute after loading...nothing happens (at least, visually). I run it again and it loads quickly; this time, the blank rows are visually gone.

A similar idea using an explicit parent sheet reference and Index and Max to determine if a row is blank.
Option Explicit
Public Sub DeleteRowsIfBlank()
Dim ws As Worksheet, table As ListObject, arr(), i As Long, counter As Long, unionRng As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set table = ws.ListObjects(1)
arr = table.DataBodyRange.Value
counter = table.DataBodyRange.Cells(1, 1).Row
For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
If Application.Max(Application.Index(arr, i, 0)) = 0 Then
If Not unionRng Is Nothing Then
Set unionRng = Union(unionRng, table.Range.Rows(counter))
Set unionRng = table.Range.Rows(counter)
End If
End If
counter = counter + 1
If Not unionRng Is Nothing Then unionRng.Delete
End Sub


how to suppress efficiently all empty rows in selected columns in excel vba?

I have found some Q/A to delete rows with empty cells in a chosen column like here. My need is a bit different, the columns are selected by the user, but this is not important.
EDIT : what is important in my use case is to delete the rows where all the cells are empty for these columns i.e. the selected columns.
The following code is working, but can only process 1,000 lines per minute on my i5. In my use case, the datasheet contains several 100k lines which means hours to process. This is not acceptable. Is there a trick to perfom it quickly please?
Sub DeleteRowsOfEmptyColumn() 'sh As Worksheet, col As String)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim sh As Excel.Worksheet: Set sh = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Dim col As Range: Set col = Selection.EntireColumn
Dim cell
Dim area As Range: Set area = Intersect(sh.UsedRange, col)
For i = area.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1 'For Each row In area.Rows
fKeep = False
For Each cell In area.Rows(i).Cells
If Not IsEmpty(cell) Then
fKeep = True
Exit For
End If
Next cell
If Not fKeep Then
sh.Rows(i).Delete 'rowsToDelete.Add i
End If
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Delete Empty Row Ranges
This is a basic example. Your feedback regarding the efficiency is appreciated.
Option Explicit
Sub DeleteRowsOfEmptyColumn()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet ' improve
Dim crg As Range: Set crg = Selection.EntireColumn ' Columns Range
Dim srg As Range: Set srg = Intersect(ws.UsedRange, crg) ' Source Range
Dim drg As Range ' Delete Range
Dim arg As Range ' Area Range
Dim rrg As Range ' Row Range
For Each arg In srg.Areas
For Each rrg In arg.Rows
If Application.CountA(rrg) = 0 Then
If drg Is Nothing Then
Set drg = rrg
Set drg = Union(drg, rrg)
End If
End If
Next rrg
Next arg
If Not drg Is Nothing Then drg.Delete
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Rows deleted.", vbInformation
End Sub
Please, try the next way. It will process selected columns or columns having at least a selected cell. It will delete entire rows of the sheet, for the cases of all selected columns empty rows. The code only selects the rows in discussion. If they are the appropriate ones, on the last code line, Select should be replaced with Delete. It should be very fast, even for larger ranges, iterating only between blank cells range:
Sub DeleteRowsOfEmptyColumnsCells()
Dim sh As Excel.Worksheet: Set sh = ActiveSheet
Dim col As Range: Set col = Selection.EntireColumn
Dim area As Range: Set area = Intersect(sh.UsedRange, col)
Dim firstCol As Long: firstCol = area.Column: Stop
Dim areaV As Range, arr, rngDel As Range, i As Long
On Error Resume Next 'only for the case of no any empty rows existence
Set areaV = area.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks) 'a range of only empty cells
On Error GoTo 0
arr = getRows(areaV) 'extract all rows and number of columns
For i = 0 To UBound(arr(0)) 'iterate between all existing rows
If Intersect(sh.rows(arr(0)(i)), areaV).cells.count = arr(1) Then
If rngDel Is Nothing Then
Set rngDel = sh.cells(arr(0)(i), firstCol)
Set rngDel = Union(rngDel, sh.cells(arr(0)(i), firstCol))
End If
End If
Next i
If Not rngDel Is Nothing Then rngDel.EntireRow.Select 'if it looks OK, Select should be replaced with Delete
End Sub
Function getRows(rng As Range) As Variant
Dim A As Range, i As Long, countC As Long
Dim arrCol, arrR, k As Long, R As Long, mtchC, mtchR
ReDim arrCol(rng.cells.count): ReDim arrR(rng.cells.count)
For Each A In rng.Areas
For i = 1 To A.Columns.count
For j = 1 To A.rows.count
mtchC = Application.match(A.cells(j, i).Column, arrCol, 0)
mtchR = Application.match(A.cells(j, i).row, arrR, 0)
If IsError(mtchC) Then
arrCol(k) = A.cells(j, i).Column: k = k + 1
End If
If IsError(mtchR) Then
arrR(R) = A.cells(j, i).row: R = R + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
Next A
ReDim Preserve arrR(R - 1)
getRows = Array(arrR, k)
End Function
I am working on similar kind of project. I have chosen to read the data into an array, and then work with the data in the array which improves run time significantly. Here is a copy of the function that I have used to delete / transform the data set:
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Public Function RemoveRowFromArray(Arr As Variant, Element As String, Col As Long) As Variant
Dim i, j, c, count As Long
Dim TempArr() As Variant
For i = LBound(Arr, 1) To UBound(Arr, 1) ' looping through the columns to get desired value
If Arr(i, Col) = Element Then
count = count + 1 ' Counting the number of Elements in array / matrix
For j = i To (UBound(Arr, 1) - 1) ' Looping from the row where Element is found
For c = LBound(Arr, 2) To UBound(Arr, 2) ' Moving all elements in row 1 row up
Arr(j, c) = Arr(j + 1, c)
Next c
Next j
End If
Next i
' Populating TempArr to delete the last rows
ReDim TempArr((UBound(Arr, 1) - count), UBound(Arr, 2))
For i = LBound(TempArr, 1) To UBound(TempArr, 1)
For j = LBound(TempArr, 2) To UBound(TempArr, 2)
TempArr(i, j) = Arr(i, j)
Next j
Next i
RemoveRowFromArray = TempArr
End Function
I tested this and seems to work perfectly. A few important matters to keep in mind
Option Base 1 - This is important, when you declare an arr in VBA it starts at Index 0, when you read the arr from a data set in Excel [arr = sheet1.Range("A:D")] then the arr starting index is 1, Option Base 1 will ensure that all arr start at Index 1.
The function variables are :
Arr - the array / matrix
Element - the string that you wish to search for (in your case it would be blank)
Col - is the column number in which Element is.

Removing blank entries from table with VBA

I have a table of inputs that I run calculations on. Having empty rows in that table affects the calculations. Right now I have a macro that sorts the table everytime there's any changes made, because of which all the blank rows collect at the bottom of the table. So I just have to resize the table manually before every calculation.
You can see an empty row at the bottom of the table here. I don't know how to go about removing it such that the table ends with last non empty entry
But I want to know if there's a way to snap the table grid back to the last non empty row using VBA and remove the empty rows from the table. Thanks!
Here is the VBA function that would delete the empty rows
Public Sub DeleteBlankRows()
Dim LastRowIndex As Integer
Dim RowIndex As Integer
Dim UsedRng As Range
Set UsedRng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
LastRowIndex = UsedRng.Row - 1 + UsedRng.Rows.Count
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For RowIndex = LastRowIndex To 1 Step -1
If Application.CountA(Rows(RowIndex)) = 0 Then
End If
Next RowIndex
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Here is sample
And this is how it looks after
Delete Blank Rows in an Excel Table
No need to sort the table if you don't want to.
Option Explicit
Sub DeleteTableBlankRows()
With Sheet1.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange
Dim cCount As Long: cCount = .Columns.Count
Dim drg As Range ' Delete Range
Dim rrg As Range ' Row Range
For Each rrg In .Rows
If Application.CountBlank(rrg) = cCount Then
If drg Is Nothing Then
Set drg = rrg
Set drg = Union(drg, rrg)
End If
End If
Next rrg
If Not drg Is Nothing Then
End If
End With
End Sub
Please, use the next Sub. It will delete all table empty rows after filtering. I mean the last (empty) ones:
Private Sub deleteTableEmptyRows(Optional TblD As Range) 'calculate table last empty rows
Dim lastShER As Long, lastShTblR As Long, lastTblER As Long, lastTblR As Long
If TblD Is Nothing Then Set TblD = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange
lastShER = TblD.cells(TblD.rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1 'last empty row on the sheet (no needed, only to demonstrate how to calculate)
lastTblER = lastShER - (TblD.row - 1) 'last empty row on the table DataBodyRange
lastShTblR = TblD.rows.count + TblD.row 'last table row on the sheet
lastTblR = lastShTblR - TblD.row 'last table row
If lastTblER > 1 Then TblD.rows(lastTblER & ":" & lastTblR).Select 'please, change Select with Delete, only after checking that selected range is as you need
End Sub
It can be called in this way:
Sub testDeleteTableEmptyRows()
Dim TblD As Range
Set TblD = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange 'use here the table name (or index)
deleteTableEmptyRows TblD
End Sub

Search for a match, copy entire row, and paste to corresponding

Col B on "Sheet2" contains 370 rows of data.
Starting with "Sheet2" Cell B1, I want to search for a matching value in Col B on "Sheet1" (it could be located anywhere in the first 300 rows of "Sheet1" Col B).
If a match is found, copy the entire row from "Sheet1" and paste to Row1 on "Sheet2". Then, move to "Sheet2" Cell B2 and repeat the search, this time pasting the entire row from "Sheet1" to Row2 on "Sheet2". Continue moving thru the entire column of data on "Sheet2", searching for each cell's value on "Sheet1". If a search doesn't return a match, then do not paste anything to that row on "Sheet2" and just proceed to search for the next cell on "Sheet2". (For example, if Sheet1 Col B doesn't contain a match for Sheet2 Cell B3, then nothing gets pasted in Sheet2 Row3.)
I have found the following example, which starts to help me, but it specifies the search value and doesn't loop thru the entire column of values like I am attempting to do.
Sub CopyYes()
Dim c As Range
Dim j As Integer
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
J = 1 ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
For Each c In Source.Range("E1:E1000") ' Do 1000 rows
If c = "yes" Then
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
This should do the trick, and do it fast:
Option Explicit
Sub CopyYes()
'You need Microsoft Scripting Runtime library under Tools-References for this
Dim arrPaste As Variant: arrPaste = Sheet2.UsedRange.Value
Dim arrCopy As Variant: arrCopy = Sheet1.UsedRange.Value
Dim MyMatches As New Dictionary: Set MyMatches = CreateDictionary(arrCopy)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(arrPaste)
If arrPaste(i, 2) = vbNullString Then Exit For
If MyMatches.Exists(arrPaste(i, 2)) Then PasteData arrPaste, arrCopy, i, MyMatches(arrPaste(i, 2))
Next i
Sheet2.UsedRange.Value = arrPaste
Erase arrCopy
Erase arrPaste
End Sub
Private Function CreateDictionary(arr As Variant) As Dictionary
Dim i As Long
Set CreateDictionary = New Dictionary
For i = 1 To 300
CreateDictionary.Add arr(i, 2), i
Next i
End Function
Private Sub PasteData(arrPaste As Variant, arrCopy As Variant, i As Long, MyMatch As Long)
Dim j As Long
For j = 1 To UBound(arrCopy, 2)
If arrCopy(MyMatch, j) = vbNullString Then Exit For
arrPaste(i, j) = arrCopy(MyMatch, j)
Next j
End Sub
Use Range.Find to search for your matching cell
Use a Union to create a collection of the rows that are found
Once your loop is finished, copy your range all at once if the Union is not empty
Sub Shelter_In_Place()
Dim Source As Worksheet: Set Source = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim Target As Worksheet: Set Target = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Dim Found As Range, lr As Long
Dim CopyMe As Range
lr = Target.Range("B" & Target.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lr
Set Found = Source.Range("B:B").Find(Target.Range("B" & i), LookIn:=xlWhole)
If Not Found Is Nothing Then
If Not CopyMe Is Nothing Then
Set CopyMe = Union(CopyMe, Target.Range("B" & i))
Set CopyMe = Target.Range("B" & i)
End If
End If
Set Fouund = Nothing
Next i
If Not CopyMe Is Nothing Then
Source.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If
End Sub

Evaluate a list of values in a column against a combobox value most efficiently

I am trying to delete duplicate values in a temporary list based on a value in a combobox. The code below loops through individual rows to check whether a value matches. It is slow.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Set ws = Sheets("TempList3")
On Error Resume Next
For i = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, 2) <> Sheets("Sheet1").ComboBox2.Value Then
End If
Is there a way to evaluate the entire column's values against the combobox's value once and then delete all rows on a worksheet. Or perhaps there is a better way?
I used a looping Find function, it deletes the row where the value was found and then it searches again and deletes the next row it finds until it can no longer find the Combo value on the sheet:
Sub find_cell()
Dim find_cell As Range
Set ws = Sheets("TempList3")
stop_loop = False
Do Until stop_loop = True
Set find_cell = ws.Cells.Find(What:=Sheets("Sheet1").ComboBox2.Value, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not find_cell Is Nothing Then
stop_loop = True
End If
End Sub
Not knowing how many rows you are talking about, I used 10 thousand for my example codes. here are two examples, try the both and see what works best for you.
You can run through the column and unionize the range found, then delete the rows, for example.
See here for example workbook
Sub UnIonRng()
Dim FrstRng As Range
Dim UnIonRng As Range
Dim c As Range, s As String
s = Sheets("Sheet1").ComboBox2
Set FrstRng = Range("B:B").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23)
For Each c In FrstRng.Cells
If c = s Then
If Not UnIonRng Is Nothing Then
Set UnIonRng = Union(UnIonRng, c) 'adds to the range
'MsgBox UnionRng.Address 'remove later
Set UnIonRng = c
End If
End If
Next c
End Sub
Or you can try to filter the column B and delete the rows that way:
Sub FilterDeleteRow()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim LstRw As Long, Rng As Range, s As String, x
Set ws = Sheets("TempList3")
s = Sheets("Sheet1").ComboBox2
Application.ScreenUpdating = 0
With ws
LstRw = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.Range("B:B"), s)
If x > 0 Then
Columns("B:B").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=s
Set Rng = .Range("B2:B" & LstRw).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
.AutoFilterMode = 0
Else: MsgBox "Not Found"
End If
End With
End Sub

UserForm taking too long to delete rows

I have been developing a UserForm that uses a listbox populated by the A column to delete specific rows based on listbox selection. But when I click the "Apply" button it takes a ridiculously long time until it processed and deleted the rows.
The code for the Apply button is the following, there is almost no other code in the UserForm. Just Me.Hide in the Cancel button.
Private Sub CommandApply_Click()
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim col As New Collection
Dim itm As Variant
Dim rng As Range
' First, collect the row numbers corresponding to the selected items
' We work from last to first
n = Me.ListBox1.ListCount
For i = n - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Me.ListBox1.Selected(i) Then
col.Add i + 1
End If
Next i
' Then delete the rows
Set rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A100")
For Each itm In col
Next itm
blnCancel = False
End Sub
I think you'd be better off collecting the non-selected items into a Range in your loop and then just deleting that:
Private Sub CommandApply_Click()
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim col As New Collection
Dim itm As Variant
Dim rng As Range
' First, collect the row numbers corresponding to the selected items
' We work from last to first
n = Me.ListBox1.ListCount
For i = n - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Not Me.ListBox1.Selected(i) Then
If rng Is Nothing then
Set rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i + 1)
Set rng = Union(rng, Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i + 1))
End If
End If
Next i
' Then delete the rows
If not rng Is Nothing then rng.Entirerow.delete
blnCancel = False
End Sub
