How can i use a pre installed Intellij Idea that was installed on Windows 7 now on linux? - linux

I have a pre-installed IntelliJ IDEA 2018 with all my code running on it on Windows 7.
I want to somehow use the same version of the installation instead of reinstalling the software again on linux and setting up all the libraries and the paths to my code again.
Is there a way that i can use that installation of IntelliJ on Windows in linux, too?
I have the software installed in D: Drive.

As suggested in the comment, i had to go through a separate installation for linux and then import settings by using setting sync plugin


AppImage created with Qt and linuxdeployqt with gtk3 plugin does not start on Gnome 4

I created a Linux application in Qt 5.15.2 and packaged it to AppImage with linuxdeployqt. I do this on Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine. The created AppImage runs without any problem on any Linux distributions which I have tried so far. Except Fedora 34 and Ubuntu 21.10, both with Gnome 4. The problem is obviously connected with Gnome 4 and it will probably bother many developers as Gnome 4 will be becoming more prevalent in the near future. But I have not yet found any satisfactory solution...
When I try to run my app from terminal on any Gnome 4 based distro, it shows this error:
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
(MyApp.AppImage:2747): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 08:56:35.632: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings' does not contain a key named 'antialiasing'
By trial and error, I found that this happens only if I add plugin platformthemes/ when deploying AppImage with linuxdeployqt. If I do not bundle this library, then the final AppImage runs well with Gnome 4. But on the other hand, without this GTK3 plugin the application does not look good (theme, colors, icons, etc.) on al Gnome 3 and 4 based distros.
I googled for the root cause and a possible solution to this error and the most informative thing I found was this:
So it seems that there is some clash with old GTK version (older than 3.24.26) and new Gnome 4. So I assume the same problem will we with all Gnome 40 based distros. I build and deploy my app with linuxdeployqt on Ubuntu 18.04 (virtual) machine, which has GTK 3.22.30, which is too old. The solution probably would be do compile and deploy my app on a newer version of Ubuntu. But the problem is that linuxdeployqt does not allow deploying AppImages with newer version than the OLDEST supported LTS version of Ubuntu.
I am unfortunately not a Linux expert, I have been always developing for Windows and started working partly on Linux some two years ago. So I am not sure what my options are.
A) Is it possible to install somehow newer GTK version on Ubuntu 18.04?
B) Is it possible to force somehow linuxdeployqt to work on newer Ubuntu?
C) Should I give up and create two versions of AppImages, one with plugin present (which will work everywhere except Gnome40-based distros) and the other AppImage without this plugin, which will work on Gnome40-based distros?
D) Any other way?
Regarding A and B: I am not sure if it is possible, how to do it and I would be worried about backward compatibility when run on for example Ubuntu 18.04, i.e. the oldest LTE.
Regarding C: Seems viable but it breaks the magic of one universal AppImages which should work everywhere... And another problem is that for example on Ubuntu 21.10 the application looks ugly without this GTK3 plugin...
Regarding D: is there any D at all?

How to develop Linux + Windows application with WSL2 and Visual Studio C++ 2019 using the same vcpkg dir?

recently I started to use WSL & vcpkg, but it has some problems when mixing windows + linux development.
It seems like that installing Linux packages or Windows packages with vcpkg, mutually damage the vcpkg configuration and then vcpkg roughly says: "the package you want to install doesn't exist". (I know for sure that it exist)
If it matters, the project is located in the windows "world" so the WSL directing to it with /mnt/c/Users//workspace/proj1
but it really doesn't matter.
Does Anyone already encountered this problem?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there a better way to develop a cross-platform project?
So I post it to help anyone who have doubts about it:
Don't mix WSL project with windows project because it will force you to work on the windows filesystem from WSL. (WSL can work on the windows filesystem with /mnt/)
anyway, It will both corrupt the vcpkg and the overall compile times will be horribly slow from linux filesystem (usually ext4) to the windows filesystem (NTFS).
this is my original post in the Github:

Install MonoDevelop IDE for Redhat Linux

I am trying to install and configure MonoDevelop on my Oracle VM Virtual Box. The Operating System that running on the VM is RedHat Linux.
With the help of the below link, I have installed the mono-2.10.8 and also I was able to compile and run the sample c# source code on Linux through the shell.
Now, I am trying to install or configure the IDE, please advise me for the good IDEs.
Thanks for your help
Installed Monodeveloper from the below link. I chose the Operating System as CentOS
This will also install mono-opt from the home:tpokorra repo
mono-opt is the latest stable version (3.6) on mono available from Mono Project
I found this way much easier for installing mono on redhat / centos 6

Is it possible to install Cobos in Eclipse Indigo, running on Linux?

I have Ubuntu 12 installed on my laptop and I want to have an IDE that allows me to develop both in Java and COBOL. The only version of eclipse available in the Ubuntu Software Center is Indigo.
The problem is that, until now, what I read about COBOS, the open source COBOL IDE perfect for the job, is supposed to run only in Eclipse Helios, and Windows.
My question is if anyone has come across this problem and how did you solve it. Is there anyway I could install COBOS in Eclipse?
I've downloaded COBOS 2.3.2.
Thank you in advance!

Kdevelop in Windows XP

I received a src archive from a friend who develops Qt apps on Linux on Kdevelop IDE. Is it possible to load the Kdevelop project in Windows in some IDE ? Is there a Kdevelop port on Windows without Cygwin/Msys etc ? Are there any workarounds or I should I have to install Linux and take charge?
Update : I visited the page as mentioned in the below answer, but there's no Kdevelop package in the KdeWin installer . See here
KDevelop 4 will also be available on Windows (together with a lot of other KDE4 software). It is currently in beta, but you can download a Windows installer. The installer also lets you install other KDE4 software and should come with the QT development files you will need to develop QT applications.
AFAICT, there is no port to Windows of Kdevelop4 and Kdevelop3 was run with cygwin - which, IMHO, is not really a robust solution.
It would probably be easier, and better, to install a Linux distro in a virtual machine and go at it from there. If you don't need access to Windows, you could just install a Linux on a separate hardrive and/or partition.
Install linux on virtual machine such as vmware or virtual box.
