Cant run my new Android APP on android studio - android-studio

I am a beginner on Android studio and programming Androids. I know Pascal and Python.
I have a Wordpress page that I wanted to make a app for my site to open it from the ANdrod and have some options in the app like contact us, about us etc.. and when I tried to debug or run the app I got this error message:
Waiting For Debugger. Application TecharenaGR (process com.example.techarena.techarenagr) is waiting for the debugger to
Also I tried to reboot my device s8, reboot my pc. The dev options on the smartphone are open .
The guide I followed to make that simple app is this one
What am I doing wrong?


How to debug apps with #if ENABLE_WINMD_SUPPORT statements on HoloLens

I was recently tinkering with HoloLens2 and read the code on Github about getting the RGB camera data stream from HoloLens2.I want to use debugging method to see how the program is running, but there is #if ENABLE_WINMD_SUPPORT statement in the code, according to the general Hololens application debugging method, I can't see the change of some parameters in the code, so please tell me how to debug the code running on HoloLens in this case. Thanks in advance for your help!
You can follow this documentation to learn how to attach a managed debugger to your Unity IL2CPP UWP build on your HoloLens 2 to enable you setting breakpoints and debug C# code as usual: Managed debugging with Unity
In short:
Check InternetClientServer and PrivateNetworkClientServer in the UWP Publishing Settings Capabilities
Check Development Build, Script Debugging, Wait for Managed Debugger (optional) in the Unity UWP build settings
Build in Unity.
Build and deploy from the Visual Studio solution to your device with the Debug or Release configurations.
Make sure your device is connected to the same network as your PC and start the app on your device and your device is not connected to your PC via USB.
Open any script in Unity and go to the Visual Studio solution that opens to view and edit.
Go to Debug -> Attach Unity Debugger.
Select your device from the list and click "OK" to attach.

Capacitor compiled Ionic app: How to debug in Android Studio?

I used the command
ngx cap open android
to open my Ionic 5 project in Android Studio like described here. This works fine.
In my app, i`m connecting to server which returns json data needed by my app. This connection does not seem to work, I only have the loading animation in my app.
How can I debug this? It is working in the PWA version and on my Ionic testserver, but the app has a problem connecting. I need an error message or something, to know what goes wrong.
What is a good way to fix such problems? Can I output or log something in android studio from the typescript code?
Open the Chrome browser and navigate to the URL chrome://inspect/#devices. Your connected Android device should show up in the list of Remote Targets.
On your device, open the Ionic app that you would like to debug using Chrome.
With your app running on the device, head back to Chrome and click on inspect chrome://inspect/#devices
see more:
Capacitor compiled Ionic app: How to debug in Android Studio?
I have posted a full project here specifically for use with Angular and Capacitor.
I believe the trick is that you have to use live-reload to debug. If you used the ionic cli to build your project then you should be good to go using the basic commands provided, otherwise you will need to so some modifications manually. This project, post breaks it all down
Capacitor Run, see section on liveReload -

Mobile device can not be connected to computer to run Apps in Android

Every time when I plug my phone to the computer via USB cable to run my apps in Eclipse or Android studio IDE, it's not possible to execute the apps. And it gives the following error,
Android Studio:
enter image description here
Although I tried to kill and restart adb.exe in "Task-manager" or "command-line" the problem didn't solve. Even I created file restartADB in my sdk path\platform-tool and tried to execute it but I still got this error
enter image description here
And it's not possible for me to use Android virtual machine to test my apps

Android Studio previously running app does not run

I am using Android Studio on Ubuntu OS
while debugging an app the run button stops relaunching the app.
I noticed that on the run console [next to the android and TODO consoles] the each launch causes another app to start.
Sometimes I can solve this problem by
stopping all the apps
detaching and reattaching the device
relaunching the app
Other times relaunching Android Studio helps
I would gladly endorse a better less speculative answer

Can you deploy XNA game application to WP8 in VS2012?

As in title, I am trying to deploy my game application to my wp8 device in VS 2012, but it will only run the emulator and nothing else.
There are no options for deployment other than 'start' unlike in a windows phone game(4.0) or a windows phone app on VS2012 where you can select 'Device'
Sorry if this question is a bit vague, just hitting a wall here and would appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance!
start option automatically updates when you open the per your project it will be updated,if you open windows 7.1 project then 4 type of emulators will be displayed in the list .if you open wp 8 project then there will be only start option. when you connects the phone device to computer in that list you will get device option by selecting it you will be able to run projects on your deice. unless you connect any device to computer IDE will not display device option.
