Efficient pyspark join - apache-spark

I've read a lot about how to do efficient joins in pyspark. The ways to achieve efficient joins I've found are basically:
Use a broadcast join if you can. (I usually can't because the dataframes are too large)
Consider using a very large cluster. (I'd rather not because of $$$).
Use the same partitioner.
The last one is the one i'd rather try, but I can't find a way to do it in pyspark. I've tried:
but it doesn't help, it still takes way too long until I stop it, because spark get's stucked in the last few jobs.
So, how can I use the same partitioner in pyspark and speed up my joins, or even get rid of the shuffles that takes forever ? Which code do I need to use ?
PD: I've checked other articles, even on stackoverflow, but I still can't see code.

you can also use a two-pass approach, in case it suits your requirement.First, re-partition the data and persist using partitioned tables (dataframe.write.partitionBy()). Then, join sub-partitions serially in a loop, "appending" to the same final result table.
It was nicely explained by Sim. see link below
two pass approach to join big dataframes in pyspark
based on case explained above I was able to join sub-partitions serially in a loop and then persisting joined data to hive table.
Here is the code.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
emp_df_1.withColumn("par_id",col('emp_id')%5).repartition(5, 'par_id').write.format('orc').partitionBy("par_id").saveAsTable("UDB.temptable_1")
emp_df_2.withColumn("par_id",col('emp_id')%5).repartition(5, 'par_id').write.format('orc').partitionBy("par_id").saveAsTable("UDB.temptable_2")
So, if you are joining on an integer emp_id, you can partition by the ID modulo some number and this way you can re distribute the load across the spark partitions and records having similar keys will be grouped together and reside on same partition.
you can then read and loop through each sub partition data and join both the dataframes and persist them together.
counter =0;
paritioncount = 4;
while counter<=paritioncount:
query1 ="SELECT * FROM UDB.temptable_1 where par_id={}".format(counter)
query2 ="SELECT * FROM UDB.temptable_2 where par_id={}".format(counter)
EMP_DF1 =spark.sql(query1)
EMP_DF2 =spark.sql(query2)
df1 = EMP_DF1.alias('df1')
df2 = EMP_DF2.alias('df2')
innerjoin_EMP = df1.join(df2, df1.emp_id == df2.emp_id,'inner').select('df1.*')
counter = counter +1
I have tried this and this is working fine. This is just an example to demo the two-pass approach. your join conditions may vary and the number of partitions also depending on your data size.

Thank you #vikrantrana for your answer, I will try it if I ever need it. I say these because I found out the problem wasn't with the 'big' joins, the problem was the amount of calculations prior to the join. Imagine this scenario:
I read a table and I store in a dataframe, called df1. I read another table, and I store it in df2. Then, I perfome a huge amount of calculations and joins to both, and I end up with a join between df1 and df2. The problem here wasn't the size, the problem was spark's execution plan was huge and it couldn't maintain all the intermediate tables in memory, so it started to write to disk and it took so much time.
The solution that worked to me was to persist df1 and df2 in disk before the join (I also persisted other intermediate dataframes that were the result of big and complex calculations).


Apache Spark Partitioning Data Using a SQL Function nTile

I am trying multiple ways to optimize executions of large datasets using partitioning. In particular I'm using a function commonly used with traditional SQL databases called nTile.
The objective is to place a certain number of rows into a bucket using a combination of buckettind and repartitioning. This allows Apache Spark to process data more efficient when processing partitioned datasets or should I say bucketted datasets.
Below is two examples. The first example shows how I've used ntile to split a dataset into two buckets followed by repartitioning the data into 2 partitions on the bucketted nTile called skew_data.
I then follow with the same query but without any bucketing or repartitioning.
The problem is query without the bucketting is faster then the query with bucketting, even the query without bucketting places all the data into one partition whereas the query with bucketting splits the query into 2 partitions.
Can someone let me know why that is.
I'm running the query on a Apache Spark cluster from Databricks.
The cluster just has one single node with 2 cores and 15Gb memory.
First example with nTile/Bucketting and repartitioning
allin = spark.sql("""
, t2.model
, NTILE(2) OVER (ORDER BY t2.sale_price) AS skew_data
ON t1.engine_size = t2.engine_size2
.repartition(2, col("skew_data"), rand())
The above code splits the data into partitions as follows, with the corresponding partition distribution
Number of partitions: 2
Partitioning distribution: [5556767, 5556797]
The second example: with no nTile/Bucketting or repartitioning
allin_NO_nTile = spark.sql("""
ON t1.engine_size = t2.engine_size2
The above code puts all the data into a single partition as shown below:
Number of partitions: 1
Partitioning distribution: [11113564]
My question is, why is it that the second query(without nTile or repartitioning) is faster than query with nTile and repartitioning?
I have gone to great lengths to write this question out as fully as possible, but if you need further explanation please don't hesitate to ask. I really want to get to the bottom of this.
I abandoned my original approached and used the new PySpark function called bucketBy(). If you want to know how to apply bucketBy() to bucket data go to

join DataFrames within partitions in PySpark

I have two dataframes with a large (millions to tens of millions) number of rows. I'd like to do a join between them.
In the BI system I'm currently using, you make this fast by first partitioning on a particular key, then doing the join on that key.
Is this a pattern that I need to be following in Spark, or does that not matter? It seems at first glance like a lot of time is wasted shuffling data between partitions, because it hasn't been pre-partitioned correctly.
If it is necessary, then how do I do that?
If it is necessary, then how do I do that?
How to define partitioning of DataFrame?
However it makes sense only under two conditions:
There multiple joins withing the same application. Partitioning shuffles itself, so if it is a single join there is no added value.
It is long lived application where shuffled data will be reused. Spark cannot take advantage of the partitioning of the data stored in the external format.

How to avoid shuffles while joining DataFrames on unique keys?

I have two DataFrames A and B:
A has columns (id, info1, info2) with about 200 Million rows
B only has the column id with 1 million rows
The id column is unique in both DataFrames.
I want a new DataFrame which filters A to only include values from B.
if B was very small I know I would something along the lines of
A.filter($("id") isin B("id"))
but B is still pretty large, so not all of it can fit as a broadcast variable.
and I know I could use
A.join(B, Seq("id"))
but that wouldn't harness the uniqueness and I'm afraid will cause unnecessary shuffles.
What is the optimal method to achieve that task?
If you have not applied any partitioner on Dataframe A, May be this will help you understanding Join And Shuffle concepts.
Without Partitioner :
A.join(B, Seq("id"))
By default, this operation will hash all the keys of both dataframes, sending elements with the same key hash across the network to the same machine, and then join together the elements with the same key on that machine. Here you have to notice that both dataframes shuffle across the network.
With HashPartitioner:
Call partitionBy() when building A Dataframe, Spark will now know that it is hash-partitioned, and calls to join() on it will take advantage of this information. In particular, when we call A.join(B, Seq("id")), Spark will shuffle only the B RDD. Since B has less data than A you don't need to apply partitioner on B
val A = sc.sequenceFile[id, info1, info2]("hdfs://...")
.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(100)) // Create 100 partitions
A.join(B, Seq("id"))
Reference is from Learning Spark book.
My default advice on how to optimize joins is:
Use a broadcast join if you can (From your question it seems your tables are large and a broadcast join is not an option).
One option in Spark is to perform a broadcast join (aka map-side join in hadoop world). With broadcast join, you can very effectively join a large table (fact) with relatively small tables (dimensions) by avoiding sending all data of the large table over the network.
You can use broadcast function to mark a dataset to be broadcast when used in a join operator. It uses spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold setting to control the size of a table that will be broadcast to all worker nodes when performing a join.
Use the same partitioner.
If two RDDs have the same partitioner, the join will not cause a shuffle. Note however, that the lack of a shuffle does not mean that no data will have to be moved between nodes. It's possible for two RDDs to have the same partitioner (be co-partitioned) yet have the corresponding partitions located on different nodes (not be co-located).
This situation is still better than doing a shuffle, but it's something to keep in mind. Co-location can improve performance, but is hard to guarantee.
If the data is huge and/or your clusters cannot grow such that even (2) above leads to OOM, use a two-pass approach. First, re-partition the data and persist using partitioned tables (dataframe.write.partitionBy()). Then, join sub-partitions serially in a loop, "appending" to the same final result table.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to use a broadcast join that replicates DataFrame B on every node so that the semi-join computation (i.e., using a join to filter id from DataFrame A) can compute independently on every node instead of having to communicate information back-and-forth between each other (i.e., shuffle join).
You can run join functions that explicitly call for a broadcast join to achieve what you're trying to do:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.broadcast
val joinExpr = A.col("id") === B.col("id")
val filtered_A = A.join(broadcast(B), joinExpr, "left_semi")
You can run filtered_A.explain() to verify that a broadcast join is being used.

Out of memory issue when compare two large datasets using spark scala

I am daily importing 10 Million records from Mysql to Hive using Spark scala program and comparing datasets yesterdays and todays datasets.
val yesterdayDf=sqlContext.sql("select * from t_yesterdayProducts");
val todayDf=sqlContext.sql("select * from t_todayProducts");
val diffDf=todayDf.except(yesterdayDf);
I am using 3 node cluster and program working fine for 4 million records.
For more than 4 million we are facing out of memory issue as RAM memory is not sufficient.
I would like to know best way to compare two large datasets.
Have you tried findout out how many partitions do you have:
yesterdayDf.rdd.partitions.size will give you that information for yesterdayDf dataframe and you can do the same for other dataframes too.
You can also use
yesterdayDf.repartition(1000) // (a large number) to see if the OOM problem goes away.
The reason for this issue is hard to say. But the issue could be that for some reason the workers are taking too many data. Try to clear the data frames to do the except. According to my question in comments, you said that you have key columns so take only they like this:
val yesterdayDfKey = yesterdayDf.select("key-column")
val todayDfKey = todayDf.select("key-column")
val diffDf=todayDfKey.except(yesterdayDfKey);
With that you will take an data frame with the keys. Than you can make a filter with that using join like this post.
you also need to make sure your yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb is larger than your --executor-memory.
you can also try joining two df on keys with left_anti join and then check count of number of records

How to reduce Spark task counts & avoid group by

All, I am using PySpark & need to join two RDD's but to join them both I need to group all elements of each RDD by the joining key and later perform a join function. This causes additional overheads and I am not sure what a work around can be. Also this is creating a high number of tasks that is in turn increasing the number of files to write to HDFS and slowing overall process by a lot here is a example:
RDD1 = [join_col,{All_Elements of RDD1}] #derived by using groupby join_col)
RDD2 = [join_col,{All_Elements of RDD2}] #derived by using groupby join_col)
RDD3 = RDD1.join(RDD2)
If desired output is grouped and both RDDs are to large to be broadcasted there is not much you can do at the code level. It could be cleaner to simply apply cogroup:
but there should be no significant difference performance-wise. If you suspect there can be a large data / hash skew you can try different partitioning, for example by using sortByKey but it is unlikely to help you in a general case.
