I am new to the Logstash, I need to remove \ from request and Http_method
request": "\"GET https://www.vvvvvv HTTP/2.0""
http_method": "\"GET"
Expected results:
request": "GET https://www.vvvvvvv HTTP/2.0""
http_method": "GET"
Could you please help me?
Assuming that this is an event that is being parsed from a log file, when you are processing your events, in the filter plugin, you can use the gsub in mutate filter plugin to process it appropriately.
mutate {
gsub => ["message","[\\]",""]
This would replace all the backslashes to empty string in the event.
My message looks like this
[Metric][methodName: someName][methodParams: [ClassName{field1="val1", field2="val2", field3="val3"}, ClassName{field1="val1", field2="val2", field3="val3"}, ClassName{field1="val1", field2="val2", field3="val3"}]]
Is there a way to separate this log in more smaller ones and filter them separately?
If the first option isn't possible, how can I parse to get all elements of the array?
Since everything after methodParams: looks to be JSON you could use a JSON filter to parse it. Something like:
# Parse your JSON out here using GROK to a field called myjson
grok {
match => {
"message" => "methodParams: %{GREEDYDATA:myjson}"
source => "myjson"
I have multiline custom logs which I am processing as a single line by the filebeat multiline keyword. Now this includes \n at the end of each line. This however causes grok parse failure in my logstsash config file. Can someone help me on this. Here is how all of them look like:
Please help me with the grok filter for the following line:
11/18/2016 3:05:50 AM : \nError thrown is:\nEmpty
Queue\n*************************************************************************\nRequest sent
is:\nhpi_hho_de,2015423181057,e06106f64e5c40b4b72592196a7a45cd\n*************************************************************************\nResponse received is:\nQSS RMS Holds Hashtable is
As #Mohsen suggested you might have to use the gsub filter in order to replace all the new line characters in your log line.
filter {
mutate {
gsub => [
# replace all forward slashes with underscore
"fieldname", "\n", ""
Maybe you could also do the above within an if condition, to make sure that there's no any grokparse failure.
if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] or "_dateparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop { }
mutate {
gsub => [
# replace all forward slashes with underscore
"fieldname", "\n", ""
Hope this helps!
you can find your answer here:
you should use Mutate block to replace all "\n" with ""(empty string).
or use this
I am using Logstash to parse a log file. A sample log line is shown below.
2011/08/10 09:51:34.450457,1.048908,tcp,,47908, ->,,6881,S_RA,0,0,4,244,124,flow=Background-Established-cmpgw-CVUT
I am using following filter in my confguration file.
grok {
match => ["message","%{DATESTAMP:timestamp},%{BASE16FLOAT:value},%{WORD:protocol},%{IP:ip},%{NUMBER:port},%{GREEDYDATA:direction},%{IP:ip2},%{NUMBER:port2},%{WORD:status},%{NUMBER:port3},%{NUMBER:port4},%{NUMBER:port5},%{NUMBER:port6},%{NUMBER:port7},%{WORD:flow}" ]
It works well for error-free log lines. But when I have a line like below, it fails. Note that the second field is missing.
2011/08/10 09:51:34.450457,,tcp,,47908, ->,,6881,S_RA,0,0,4,244,124,flow=Background-Established-cmpgw-CVUT
I want to put a default value in there in my output Json object, if a value is missing. how can I do that?
Use (%{BASE16FLOAT:value})? for second field to make it optional - ie. regex ()? .
Even if the second field is null the grok will work.
So entire grok look like this:
Use it in your conf file. Now, if value field is empty it will omit it in response.
input {
filter {
grok {
match => ["message","%{DATESTAMP:timestamp},%{DATA:value},%{WORD:protocol},%{IP:ip},%{NUMBER:port},%{GREEDYDATA:direction},%{IP:ip2},%{NUMBER:port2},%{WORD:status},%{NUMBER:port3},%{NUMBER:port4},%{NUMBER:port5},%{NUMBER:port6},%{NUMBER:port7},%{WORD:flow}" ]
output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
How can I trim to only the last part of a key in logstash?
I have URLs formatted in the form of http://aaa.bbb/get?a=1&b=2, putting them into 'request' and splitting the field based on '?&' to save the GET parameters.
I care only about the specific API call, and not the host or protocol. What filter(s) can I chain to keep only the part after the final '/'? I've read up a bit on patterns but haven't stumbled upon how to reference the last part of a split field.
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}
%{NOTSPACE:loadbalancer} %{IP:client_ip}:%{NUMBER:client_port:int}
%{NUMBER:received_bytes:int} %{NUMBER:sent_bytes:int}
%{QS:request}" ]
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
kv {
field_split => "&?"
source => "request"
I would suggest taking the existing URI-related patterns and modifying them to your needs. You will note that URIPATHPARAM parses out the URIPATH and URIPARAM but doesn't shove them into fields.
So, make your own URIPATHPARAM:
and then call it from your own URI:
MYURI URI %{URIPROTO}://(?:%{USER}(?::[^#]*)?#)?(?:%{URIHOST})?(?:%{MYURIPATHPARAM})?
In your previous grok{}, you ended up with %{request}. Make a new grok{} that runs [request] through MYURI, and you should end up with the two fields that you're after.
Would someone be able to add some clarity please? My grok pattern works fine when I test it against grokdebug and grokconstructor, but then I put it in Logastash it fails from the beginning. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Below is my filter and example log entry.
filter {
if [type] == 'EventLog' {
grok {
match => { 'message' => ' \{"casename":"%{WORD:casename}","username":"%{WORD:username}","startdate":"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:startdate}","enddate":"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:enddate}","time":"%{NUMBER:time}","methodname":"%{WORD:methodname}","url":"%{GREEDYDATA:url}","errortype":"%{WORD:errortype}","errorinfo":"%{WORD:errorinfo}","postdata":"%{GREEDYDATA:postdata}","methodtype":"%{WORD:methodtype}","servername":"%{HOST:servername}","gaggleid":"%{GREEDYDATA:gaggleid}","date":"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:date}","firstname":"%{WORD:firstname}","lastname":"%{WORD:lastname}"\} '
"Fails from the beginning", indeed! See this?
'message' => ' \{"casename"
There's no initial (or trailing) space in your input, but you have them in your pattern. Remove them, and it works fine in logstash.
BTW, have you seen the json codec or filter?