Eclipse - cannot download version 3.6.1 - linux

I need to download an old version of Eclipse on Linux 32bit (Eclipse version: 3.6.1).
But I face a problem with downloading - all mirrors are unavailable (
Do anyone knows another way to download it?
Inb4 "try to use other/new version" - I cannot. The project needs to be configured on Eclipse 3.6.1, Linux 32bit. It is impossible to use other or the new one.

The Eclipse "Classic" version is not available (or almost, I cannot found it) but checking on releases page ( you can download all the rest versions:
Java EE
It could be helpful for you, I think.


Monodevelop crash on create new GTK# project

I just have installed monodevelop from Debian (sid) repository and I am actually unable to use it. When I try to create new gtk# project, it crashes immediately:
Do you have any idea how to make it working?
I was getting this same error from the Debian package monodevelop (Version 5.10). I found this bug report, and a reply from the developers
Thanks for the bug report. MonoDevelop 5.10 is pretty old and
deprecated, although many distributions are still shipping it.
You can find an updated MonoDevelop version at, there is a preview build
available via flatpak or you can get a more recent MD 6.0 (still
deprecated) from our package repository
I did the above, got version 7.5 Preview, and this particular issue was fixed.

Eclipse Luna Not Working (Kali Linux)

Every time go to run the Linux Version of Eclipse Luna SR2, it just stops at the little Splash Screen (The window that comes up before you select your work space) and it just stays like that for about 30 seconds, and then closes. Any help please?
It generates this error log which is found Here
New Answer: This is a known bug and a workaround that has fixed the issue in at least one case is to run
export SWT_GTK3=0
before starting Eclipse. See for more information. If this workaround does not fix your issue make sure GTK3 is installed and upgrade glibc to at least version 2.14 to ensure Eclipse uses it. Apparently when Eclipse detects an older glibc it tries to use GTK2. If none of these suggestions fix your issue you should submit a bug report at to work it out with the Eclipse development team and also to help inform other people about it.
#ElectroMan - This got too long for a comment. Yes, the error log says the same thing. That means you are running Java 6, "JRE version: 6.0_34-b34" according to the log. I suggest you try running Java 8 or at least Java 7. Java SE 8u40 is the current release from Oracle and it can be downloaded for 64 bit Linux from a link on It is best to use the latest Oracle release and get away from the OpenJDK version, especially one that is two major releases outdated. However, if you opt for Java 7 its final release is available at You should be able to install either in a non-default location and keep OpenJDK 1.6.0_34 as your main version of Java on your platform. Eclipse can be configured to use Java 8 or 7 after it is installed by project or as its default for all new projects, but the main thing is to tell it to use Java 8 or 7 when it runs, since it is a Java application. Some instructions for this are at One of the main reasons for upgrading from Eclipse Kepler to Luna is to get built-in Java 8 support. Another option is to follow the instructions in the error log and file a bug report at and wait for a reply. Or maybe there is already a new Luna update and you could try it.

Old version of TypeScript installation program (.MSI, or .VSIX) needed - - where to find?

Anybody know how to get the .MSI installer for an older version of Typescript - the download at the offical URL for version is no longer available.
It seems newer version 1.0 or is available, but that version is incompatible with my client's software which I am attempting to support.
Any idea how to get the specific version I need?
OK - found it. After some digging, there is a reference in the bowels of the Microsoft Download Center for many old versions of TypeScript.
Expand the 'Details' section and scroll down, click 'Download' link on desired version...

Upgrading Awesomium SDK 1.6.6 to 1.7

I have Awesomium SDK 1.6.6 installed and i want to upgrade it to the 1.7 candidate how could i do that. because when i downloaded the 1.7 i find it is only consists of some files and no setup file included (like the 1.6 one)
We have not created an installer for the Release Candidates of version 1.7. RCs are not stable releases. There will be one again when 1.7 goes stable and 1.6.6 installations will then be able to automatically upgrade to 1.7.
Are you looking to use the .NET wrappers? If so, you should be able to download and extract the files anywhere, then in your project, just add references to Awesomium.Core.dll and either Awesomium.Windows.Forms.dll or Awesomium.Windows.Controls.dll, depending on whether you're using Winforms or WPF. The dlls are located in awesomium_1_7_rc3_v3_sdk_win\wrappers\AwesomiumNET\Assemblies\ within the archive.
I believe the setup.exe you're expecting to see is only used for extracting the files to a specific location and providing you with some helpful links in your start menu, so you aren't missing much by not having it.

Building Hibernate 3.2.0 on Linux OS 64 bit

I need to build the jars for Hibernate 3.2.0 but I am having trouble finding directions. I am trying to follow along in the tutorial but it is wanting me to create classes and other files, is that really necessary just to compile the jars? I need to compile on a 64 bit Linux CentOS machine.
Also the directions in the tutorial are for 3.5 or 3.6 and they say to use maven but when I downloaded the source it came with a build.xml file, so am I supposed to use ant? and when I try ant it tells me I am missing antl/tools.
I am a brand new intern and I am just trying to figure this out so I can do what is asked of me. Any help would be greatly apprecited.
Thank You in advance.
For branch 3.2, you'll just need to run the (Linux) or run.bat (Windows). It should be enough. But keep in mind that 3.2 is an old branch. If you are developing a new application, consider using a newer version (3.6, for instance).
Binaries for Hibernate 3.2 can be downloaded from their SourceForge project page. Hibernate distributions typically contain hibernate3.jar, dependent jars, reference manuals and source files. The jars can be used on any JVM with version higher than 1.5 (or 1.4, I don't remember precisely) available on 64-bit CentOS.
