AppInsights - Monitor for Hung Processes - azure

We are looking at implementing AppInsights for our non-web application. One of the things that we want to monitor for is processes that may be "hung" for more than N number of seconds or minutes. I have been unable to find something built in that does this. The closest thing I have seen or thought of would be to log 2 custom events for the start and end of a process, and then have an alert for a custom log that queries events with no matching "end" event after N minutes.
Is there another way to monitor for hung processes using AppInsights that I am not seeing? Thanks for any help.

If you choose to use application insights, here is the suggestion just for your reference(but if you have another better solution, you can ignore this):
As per this post, you can leverage heartbeat feature, details as below:
if this application runs more than several seconds, you can leverage heartbeat
feature - it sends metric every N minutes/seconds (configurable) and the absence of such
metric will indicate that application is no longer actively running. However, if
Application Insights thread survives, then heartbeat will still be reported.
You can rely on presense/absense of the telemetry from this app in general as well as
couple custom events as you outlined above - Azure Monitor allows to set an alert on
analytics query, so you'll be able to craft a query that returns nothing in case of
application issues and set an alert on 0 count returned by such a query.


How to fetch IIS Start log for a corresponding IIS Stop log in Azure Log Analytics outside of Alert's monitoring time period

I'm working on configuring an Azure Log Analytics alert (using KQL) to capture the IIS Stop & Start events (from Events table) in my OMS Workspace, and if the alert query finds that there's no corresponding IIS Start event log generated from a PaaS Role for a particular IIS Stop event log- the user should get notified by an alert so that he can bring IIS back up.
Problem: Let’s say I setup my alert to run over a Time Period & Frequency of 15mins. If the alert triggered at 10:30AM, that means it will scan the IIS logs from 10:15:01 AM to 10:29:59 AM. Now, suppose an IIS Stop event got logged in around 10:28 AM, then the respective IIS Start log (if any) will be logged in after a couple of minutes around 10:31AM or 10:32 AM – and hence it will go out of the alert’s monitoring time period. This will create a false positive failure scenario. (IIS got started back but my alert didn’t captured the Start event log). And thus, it might lead to some unnecessary IIS Start/Reset operations on my PaaS roles.
Attaching a representative quick sketch to explain it figuratively.
Please let me know if there's any possible approach to achieve this. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!
Current implementation as follows.
Here we can see False Alert generated at 10:30.
You can see the below approach, where we select last 10 minutes data(Overlapped) every 5 minutes.
For the below case you can generate the alert
See if its helping you.

Azure Functions: Application freezes - without any error message

I have an Azure Functions application which once in a while "freezes" and stops processing messages and timed events.
When this happens I do not see anything in the logs (AppInsight), neither exceptions nor any kind of unfamiliar traces.
The application has following functions:
One processing messages from a Service Bus topic subscription (belonging to another application)
One processing from an internal storage queue
One timer based function triggered every half hour
Four HTTP endpoints
Our production app runs fine. This is due to an internal dashboard (on big screen in the office), which polls one of the HTTP endpoints every 5 minutes, there by keeping it alive.
Our test, stage and preproduction apps stop after a while, stopping to process messages and timer events.
This question is more or less the same as my previous question, but the without error message that was in focus then. Much fewer error messages now, as our deployment has been fixed.
A more detailed analysis can be found in the GitHub issue.
On a consumption plan, all triggers are registered in the host, so that these can be handled, leading to my functions being called at the right time. This part of the host also handles scalability.
I had two bugs:
Wrong deployment. Do zip based deployment as described in the Docs.
Malformed host.json. Comments in JSON are not right, although it does work in most circumstances in Azure Functions. But not all.
The sites now works as expected, both concerning availability and scalability.
Thanks to the people in the Azure Functions team (Ling Toh, Fabio Cavalcante, David Ebbo) for helping me out with this.

Application Insight correlating requests across services and queues

I understand that I could use the clienttrackid and setting this in a header, but I'm unsure of what is handle by application insights / azure and what I need to to manually. This is the case (I would like to see logs from ServiceA, FunctionA, ServiceB as related events) :
Clientapp calls ServiceA
ServicesA adds a message to a queue
FunctionA triggers by the queue, and calls ServiceB
Do I need to add the tracking id to the message I add to the queue? Or is everything handled automagically?
There is an Application Insights pattern for correlation - see this link
However, often a business transaction spans the scope of many services and technologies and it is useful to be able to correlate across these. Define correlation ID's at the business transaction level and then flow this correlation ID across the entire solution, some of the solution may include Application Insights, data stores and other logging and diagnostics. Unfortunately this is a manual process and takes some thinking through but the benefits in tracking and debugging quickly outweigh the additional time spent on this "plumbing".

Azure Functions notification on failure

I have timer-triggered Azure functions running in production, but now I want to be notified if the function fails.
In my case, access to various connected services can cause crashes, and there are many to troubleshoot. The crash is the type of error I need notification for.
When the function does fail, the log entry indicates failure, so I wonder if there is a hook in the system that would allow me to cause the system to generate a notification.
I know that blob and queue bindings, for instance, support the creation of poison queue entries, but timer trigger binding doesn't say anything about any trigger outputs of that nature.
I see that functions can pass their $return status as input to other functions, but that operation is not explained in depth in the docs. Also, in that case, I need to write another function to process the error status, and I was looking for something built-in.
I Have inquired with #AzureSupport on this, but their answer had nothing to do with Azure Functions, instead referring me to DLL notification hooks, then recommending I file on uservoice.
I'm sure there must be people here who have implemented some sort of error status notification. I prefer a solution that doesn't require code.
The recommended way to monitor and alert on failures is to use AppInsights which integrates fully with Azure Functions now
Since all the logs are available in AppInsights it's easy to monitor for failures and setup alerts based on your own criteria.
However, if you only care about alerting and not things like monitoring etc, you could use Azure Monitor instead:
When the function does fail, the log entry indicates failure, so I wonder if there is a hook in the system that would allow me to cause the system to generate a notification.
I prefer a solution that doesn't require code.
This is a zero-code solution:
I poked #AzureFunctions once before on this topic, and a suggested response was to use Application Insights. It can handle the alerts upon failure and also can use webhooks.
See the Azure Functions App-Insights documentation on how to link your function app to App Insights. Then set up any alerts you want.
Unfortunately this hook doesn't exist.
Can you switch from a timer trigger to a queue trigger?
You can get retries (if you want them), and after the specified number of attempts the message is sent to a poison queue.
To schedule executions you can add queue messages with a visibility timeout to match your schedule.
In order to get alerts on failure you have two options:
A timer trigger than scans the execution logs (via SFTP) for failures.
Wrap the whole function in a try/catch block and in the catch block write a few lines to send you an email with the error details.
Hope this helps.
No code:
Go to your azure cloud account
From the menu select Monitor
Then select Add New Rule
Then Select your condition, action and add the alert details.

How to send Alert Notification for Failed Job in Google Dataproc?

I am wondering if there is a way to hook in some notifications for jobs submitted in Dataproc. We are planning to use Dataproc to run a streaming application 24/7. But Dataproc doesnt seem to have a way to notify for failed jobs.
Just wondering if Google StackDriver can be used by any means.
Sure, StackDriver can be used to set an alert policy on a defined log-metric.
For example, you can set a Metric Absence policy which will monitor for successful job completion and alert if it's missing for a defined period of time.
Go to Logging in your console and set a filter:
jsonPayload.message:"completed with exit code 0"
Click on Create Metric, after filling the details you'll be redirected to the log-metrics page where you'll be able to create an alert from the metric
As noted in the answer above, log-based metrics can be coerced to provide the OP required functionality. But, metric absence for long-running jobs would imply you would have to wait for longer than a guess at the longest job running time (and you still might get an alert if the job takes a bit longer but is not failing). What 'we' really want is a way of monitoring and alerting on job status failed, or, service completion message indicating failure (like your example), such that we are alerted immediately. Yes, you can define a Stackdriver log-based metric, looking for specific strings or values indicating failure, and this 'works', but metrics are measures that are counted, for example 'how many jobs failed', and require inconvenient workarounds to turn alert-from-metric into a simple 'this job failed' alert. To make this work, for example, the alert filters on a metric and also needs to specify a mean aggregator over an interval to fire an alert. Nasty :(
