Will class variable reset to initial value on its own in python? - python-3.x

Will class variable ever reset on its own when instance for that particular class is still present?
I have a class and during instantiating an object, I update class variable within init for future use where I would not have access to the instantiated object. I know for a fact that the object is no out of scope when I try to access this class variable. Sample snippet is given below.
Class A:
var = ""
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
A.var = name
A_obj = A("John")
I want to use var (which is "John") at a later part. when I get to that part, value of "A.var" is "" and not "John" as I expected The complete code is complicated to be posted here. So I have just provided basic scenario of what is happening

Rather than a working example which would let us reproduce the symptom you see, you chose to provide code which works as documented and never shows the symptom, leaving us to guess about your situation. I enclose my guess, a slightly longer version of your code:
def empty():
return ''
class A:
var = empty()
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
A.var = name
obj_john = A('John')
obj_mary = A('Mary')
The big difference is logging of the empty string assignment, which seems to be your chief concern. Unsurprisingly, the output produced is:
That is, the empty string was assigned exactly once, and then the ctor repeatedly overwrote the singleton.
If you abuse repeated imports of your module then you might manage to invoke the empty assignment twice, but you haven't described any of those interactions. Setting a debugger watchpoint might prove useful. Dig a bit further, and share with us what you found.


Extract type hints for object attributes in Python [duplicate]

I want to get the type hints for an object's attributes. I can only get the hints for the class and not an instance of it.
I have tried using foo_instance.__class__ from here but that only shows the class variables.
So in the example how do I get the type hint of bar?
class foo:
var: int = 42
def __init__(self):
self.bar: int = 2
print(get_type_hints(foo)) # returns {'var': <class 'int'>}
I just had the same problem. The python doc isn't that clear since the example is made with what is now officially called dataclass.
name: Annotated[str, 'some marker']
get_type_hints(Student) == {'name': str}
get_type_hints(Student, include_extras=False) == {'name': str}
get_type_hints(Student, include_extras=True) == {
'name': Annotated[str, 'some marker']
It give the impression that get_type_hints() works on class directly. Turns out get_type_hints() returns hints based on functions, not on class. That way it can be use with both if we know that. A normal class obviously not being instantiated at it's declaration, it does not have any of the variables set within the __init__() method who hasn't yet been called. It couldn't be that way either if we want the possibility to get the type hints from class-wide variables.
So you could either call it on __init__(), that is if variables are passed in arguments though (yes i seen it's not in your example but might help others since i didn't seen this anywhere in hours of search);
class foo:
var: int = 42
def __init__(self, bar: int = 2):
self.bar = int
At last for your exact example i believe you have two choices. You could instantiate a temporary object and use del to clean it right after if your logic allows it. Or declare your variables as class ones with or without default values so you can get them with get_type_hints() and assign them later in instantiations.
Maybe this is a hack, and you have to be the creator of your instances, but there are a subset of cases in which using a data class will get you what you want;
Python 3.7+
class Foo:
bar: str = 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
f = Foo()
{'bar': <class 'str'>}
Hints only exist at the class level — by the time an instance is created the type of its attributes will be that of whatever value has been assigned to them. You can get the type of any instance attribute by using the first form of the built-in type() function — e.g. type(foo_instance.var).
This information isn't evaluated and only exists in the source code.
if you must get this information, you can use the ast module and extract the information from the source code yourself, if you have access to the source code.
You should also ask yourself if you need this information because in most cases reevaluating the source code will be to much effort.

QCheckbox issue [duplicate]

I am struggling to get this working.
I tried to transpose from a c++ post into python with no joy:
QMessageBox with a "Do not show this again" checkbox
my rough code goes like:
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets as qtw
mb = qtw.QMessageBox
cb = qtw.QCheckBox
# following 3 lines to get over runtime errors
# trying to pass the types it was asking for
# and surely messing up
mb.setCheckBox(mb(), cb())
cb.setText(cb(), "Don't show this message again")
ret = mb.question(self,
'Close application',
'Do you really want to quit?',
mb.Yes | mb.No )
if ret == mb.No:
the above executes with no errors but the checkbox ain't showing (the message box does).
consider that I am genetically stupid... and slow, very slow.
so please go easy on my learning curve
When trying to "port" code, it's important to know the basis of the source language and have a deeper knowledge of the target.
For instance, taking the first lines of your code and the referenced question:
QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox("Okay I understand");
The line above in C++ means that a new object (cb) of type QCheckBox is being created, and it's assigned the result of QCheckBox(...), which returns an instance of that class. To clarify how objects are declared, here's how a simple integer variable is created:
int mynumber = 10
This is because C++, like many languages, requires the object type for its declaration.
In Python, which is a dynamic typing language, this is not required (but it is possible since Python 3.6), but you still need to create the instance, and this is achieved by using the parentheses on the class (which results in calling it and causes both calling __new__ and then __init__). The first two lines of your code then should be:
mb = qtw.QMessageBox()
cb = qtw.QCheckBox()
Then, the problem is that you're calling the other methods with new instances of the above classes everytime.
An instance method (such as setCheckBox) is implicitly called with the instance as first argument, commonly known as self.
checkboxInstance = QCheckBox()
checkboxInstance.setText('My checkbox')
# is actually the result of:
QCheckBox.setText(checkboxInstance, 'My checkbox')
The last line means, more or less: call the setText function of the class QCheckBox, using the instance and the text as its arguments.
In fact, if QCheckBox was an actual python class, setText() would look like this:
class QCheckBox:
def setText(self, text):
self.text = text
When you did cb = qtw.QCheckBox you only created another reference to the class, and everytime you do cb() you create a new instance; the same happens for mb, since you created another reference to the message box class.
The following line:
mb.setCheckBox(mb(), cb())
is the same as:
QMessageBox.setCheckBox(QMessageBox(), QCheckBox())
Since you're creating new instances every time, the result is absolutely nothing: there's no reference to the new instances, and they will get immediately discarded ("garbage collected", aka, deleted) after that line is processed.
This is how the above should actually be done:
mb = qtw.QMessageBox()
cb = qtw.QCheckBox()
cb.setText("Don't show this message again")
Now, there's a fundamental flaw in your code: question() is a static method (actually, for Python, it's more of a class method). Static and class methods are functions that don't act on an instance, but only on/for a class. Static methods of QMessageBox like question or warning create a new instance of QMessageBox using the provided arguments, so everything you've done before on the instance you created is completely ignored.
These methods are convenience functions that allow simple creation of message boxes without the need to write too much code. Since those methods only allow customization based on their arguments (which don't include adding a check box), you obviously cannot use them, and you must code what they do "under the hood" explicitly.
Here is how the final code should look:
# create the dialog with a parent, which will make it *modal*
mb = qtw.QMessageBox(self)
mb.setWindowTitle('Close application')
mb.setText('Do you really want to quit?')
# you can set the text on a checkbox directly from its constructor
cb = qtw.QCheckBox("Don't show this message again")
mb.setStandardButtons(mb.Yes | mb.No)
ret = mb.exec_()
# call some function that stores the checkbox state
if ret == mb.No:

Can anyone explain me about __init_ in Python?

List item
class Car:
def __init__(self, color, brand, number_of_seats):
self.color = color
self.brand = brand
self.number_of_seats = number_of_seats
self.number_of_wheels = 4
self.registration_number = GenerateRegistrationNumber()
Hi all,
1)Referring to the above example, could anyone tell me what is the difference between specific attributed and "the other" attributes? What will happen if registration_number is treated as a specific attribute?
class MyInteger:
def __init__(self, newvalue):
# imagine self as an index card.
# under the heading of "value", we will write
# the contents of the variable newvalue.
self.value = newvalue
If we consider this example, shouldn't it be self.newvalue = newvalue?
I think I know what you're asking (let me know if I'm wrong), but I think you're asking what the difference is between the attributes that are assigned by the parameters of __init__ (Instance Attributes), ones that are assigned inside the __init__ method but not with parameters (also Instance Attributes), and ones that are not assigned in the initialiser at all (Class Attributes). The difference here is that all (well, pretty much all) cars have 4 wheels, and the number plate is generated, not supplied. You could also do this, for example:
class Car:
number_of_wheels = 4
def __init__(self, color, brand, number_of_seats):
self.color = color
self.brand = brand
self.number_of_seats = number_of_seats
self.registration_number = GenerateRegistrationNumber()
As the number of wheels here is always assigned to the same value, across all instances, it is said to be a "Class Attribute" in this case. All other attributes here are “Instance Attributes” as they are specifically assigned to each instance. For a slightly better explanation, I recommend reading this:
It doesn't actually matter what the instance attribute (self.value here) is called, you could call it whatever you want and it'd still work, but in most cases, you would indeed want to name the attribute the same as the parameter.
init function also called as magic function is a constructor function for a class. if you remember in java whenever we make a class the constructor method should have the same name as the classname but this is not the scenario in python . In python we make use of the init method
the difference between the class attributes and instance attributes is that the class attributes are common to every object that is created but the instance attributes are only accessible by the object that is created.
consider a example where data of students in a class is stored. In such case the class division will be same for all the students of that particular class so it can be common but names of all students are different and also their marks and so on and hence they should be different for everyone
in previous scenario the class division can be class attribute and the data of student like name , marks has to be instance attributes
examples of class attribute is as shown
class A:
Division = 5A
here the division is a class attribute
class B:
def __init__(self,name,marks):
self.name = name
self.marks = marks
here the name and marks are instance variables
now here we can also write self.username = name because we are storing the value of name variable in self.username so you can write any name there is no constraint on that
Also whenever you write __ in front of method or variable it means that the attribute is private and accessible by only class.

Accessing a class variable through 'self'

Is it bad practice to access a class variable through the self keyword?
Doing so suites my needs but I wonder if it's considered blasphemous (or, even, un-pythonic).
class A:
_class_specific = 1
def __init__(self, i):
self.instance_specific = i
def get_special_sum(self):
return self._class_specific + self.instance_specific
t = A(2)
t.get_special_sum() #< Returns 3
Reason for doing so:
I have a class variable _ID and an instance method check(self) defined in a Base class. Child classes have their own values for _ID. The inherited check(self) method must have access to instance-specific variables as well as the _ID variable of a given genus, which it will access through self._ID
Although the above works perfectly I wonder if there is a more explicit way of doing it? ...other than leaving a glaringly obvious comment making clear what the intention is...

Having trouble returning through multiple classes in Python

I'm still learning and like to build things that I will eventually be doing on a regular basis in the future, to give me a better understanding on how x does this or y does that.
I haven't learned much about how classes work entirely yet, but I set up a call that will go through multiple classes.
getattr(monster, monster_class.str().lower())(1)
Which calls this:
class monster:
def vampire(x):
monster_loot = {'Gold':75, 'Sword':50.3, 'Good Sword':40.5, 'Blood':100.0, 'Ore':.05}
if x == 1:
Which in turn calls this...
class loot_table:
def all_loot(monster_loot):
loot = ['Gold', 'Sword', 'Good Sword', 'Ore']
loot_dropped = {}
for i in monster_loot:
if i in loot:
loot_dropped[i] = monster_loot[i]
And then, finally, gets to the last class.
class drop_chance:
def chance(loot_list):
loot_gained = []
for i in loot_list:
x = random.uniform(0.0,100.0)
if loot_list[i] >= x:
return loot_gained
And it all works, except it's not returning loot_gained. I'm assuming it's just being returned to the loot_table class and I have no idea how to bypass it all the way back down to the first line posted. Could I get some insight?
Keep using return.
def foo():
return bar()
def bar():
return baz()
def baz():
return 42
print foo()
I haven't learned much about how classes work entirely yet...
Rather informally, a class definition is a description of the object of that class (a.k.a. instance of the class) that is to be created in future. The class definition contains the code (definitions of the methods). The object (the class instance) basically contains the data. The method is a kind of function that can take arguments and that is capable to manipulate the object's data.
This way, classes should represent the behaviour of the real-world objects, the class instances simulate existence of the real-world objects. The methods represent actions that the object apply on themselves.
From that point of view, a class identifier should be a noun that describes category of objects of the class. A class instance identifier should also be a noun that names the object. A method identifier is usually a verb that describes the action.
In your case, at least the class drop_chance: is suspicious at least because of naming it this way.
If you want to print something reasonable about the object--say using the print(monster)--then define the __str__() method of the class -- see the doc.
