power bi embedded rest api share report - azure

I am trying to use power bi embedded service rest apis with a pro account, I have gone through the rest api reference guide -
The issue is that am unable to share a report with a particular set of users with the api, now i know that we can with rest api create appspaces/groups, and add users to group, but thats at the group level. I want to basically give permission at the report level. It is very easily possible from the app.powerbi.com portal by going into the share option. But there is no api that i can find to share a report to a user in an appspace.
We are stuck in our POC because of this as report level security is basic and a must have requirement for any kind of custom usage.

Currently Power BI REST API doesn't allow you to do that. As you said, you can only manage users on workspace level. If you need such dynamic report level management, you can try to achieve this by removing the rights of your users on the workspace and embed the reports in some application, implementin "app own data" scenario. This way you will be able to manage user's access in your application, while the reports will be always accessed with your "master account".


Power BI external user 'Couldn't load the model schema associated with this report'

I hope one of you guys can help me here, i have a power bi app where external users that are signing in via their personal mails, so they get mail identity. When trying to view the model in the power bi app they get this error:
The model form associated with this report could not be loaded. Check
that you are connected to the server and try again. Please try again
later or contact support. If you contact support, you must provide
this information.
Users that are in the organization can view it, with no issues.
The external users/setup are as followed:
The external guest users has been assigned power bi pro license.
Power bi setting has been set accordingly https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/admin/service-admin-portal-export-sharing.
Turned the free license off, so they only have the pro.
Tried pretty much all the solutions from google page 1-5
No easy way to do this, had to contact azure support and have multiple of their teams to take a look at it. They ended up admitting that this can not be done

SharePoint: You don't have permission to view the data in this list

I administer our Power BI offering. A user came to me with this problem:
While viewing a list in SharePoint:
Microsoft Lists
Power BI
Visualize the list
After clicking on "Visualize the list" he gets the message,
Something went wrong. You don't have permission to view the data in this list. Please reach out to the owners of the list to get access.
Given that message, can I safely assume this is not really a problem for me as the Power BI administrator?
He is the owner of the list. He has "Full Control" permission. What else would he need?
One piece of information that may be important: We're using Microsoft's government cloud for Power BI (app.powerbigov.us) and maybe other apps. For example, we're using sharepoint.com, but I'm told it's GCC. But we may be using some features from the commercial cloud.
Update #1: Random permissions
After nothing changing, the user can now generate the Power BI report. When he clicks "publish" it reports success, but the report is nowhere to be found.
Users need to have at least Read permission on SharePoint lists that they want to access wherever they access them, via PowerBi or SharePoint UI or other.
If the user has been the owner of the list, he should be able to access the content. Please double-check his permissions on the list and also check if he could access the content successfully via SharePoint UI.

Is Microsoft SharePoint the right tool to share documents with external users?

I would like to be able to supply external users (customers, potential leads, suppliers) across organisations and internal users inside my organisation with documents.
The documents should be organisable per user individually. E.g. Customer A should be able too see documents for the product he bought, not more and not less documents.
No further functionality is currently needed besides that.
Is SharePoint the right tool for that job?
If not what other tools can you recommend from your experience?
I see you tagged SharePoint 2019, I'd advise against using on-prem SharePoint for Sharing documents externally. It is possible, but to do it securely is complex and expensive.
O365 on the other hand is pretty simple and the security is already implemented for you. You can determine the level of access that your external users have and you can extend that by using additional tools provided by Microsoft Information Protection.
You can secure access by forcing guests to login or simply have anonymous links. To add to that you can automate your publishing processes using Power Automate, the O365 workflow.
Take out a trial subscription and make sure it meets all your requirements first.

Disable office365 mailbox using graph api

I need to disable mailbox using logic apps.I have choosen to use graph api. I searched online and ended up using disabledPlans.
But I have a requirement where I have to use logic apps and i cannot hardcode the skuIds and dont know what license is added to the user.I am able to get licenses assinged to user using getUser in beta version of graph api. But there is no relation between license of product and its plans. This is making my job tedious.
Power shell has a command called Disable-Mailbox. But ,I am unable to find such api in graph api. Can any one let me know if disabling plans is right way or is there any other way I can disable mail box using Logic apps or graph api. Thanks in advance.

Get SharePoint group names with Graph API

Is there a way to get the SharePoint security groups at site collection/site level with Graph API? I have followed Graph API article by MS but no where they mentioned about pulling information from security groups. I want to use this Graph API url in my power apps to apply role based security.
It isn't possible to interact SharePoint's own user or group resource via Microsoft Graph at the moment. For the time being you would need to use the classic SharePoint REST API (i.e. /_api/web/siteusers) for this.
