How to stop Cucumber runner from printing the details in the console ?
String [] argv = new String[]{
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
There is something known as "Monochrome" but not sure how to add that in the argv
You can use --plugin null_summary to avoid printing a summary and --monochrome to avoid printing ANSI color escape sequences.
-p, --[add-]plugin PLUGIN[:PATH_OR_URL]
Register a plugin.
Built-in formatter PLUGIN types: junit,
html, pretty, progress, json, usage, rerun,
testng. Built-in summary PLUGIN types:
default_summary, null_summary. PLUGIN can
also be a fully qualified class name, allowing
registration of 3rd party plugins.
--add-plugin does not clobber plugins of that
type defined from a different source.
Is it possible to run rust analyzer to not just display but outright inject variable types on variable declarations?
Say in this case
The linter is displaying the type, I would like it to inject the characters instead of just showing them.
It can't, because it's out of scope. Adding the type would mean changing the file, and that's not rust-analyzer's job. rust-analyzer extracts the necessary type information, and whatever editor/IDE you use has to provide the feature of actually adding it.
Here's an example of me using Helix's source-actions menu (Space+a) to add the type:
(Conceptually, rather than rust-analyzer, it'd be cargo clippy --fix that could be used for changing files, but I haven't found a lint like that and suspect it's not implemented.)
I'm learning to use vim, but I think it's inconvenient to generate function definition in .cpp file from its declaration in .h file.
For example, if I declare a function void print(const vector<int>& arr); in A.h, I have to open A.cpp and type the following:
void print(const vector<int>& arr) {
(or use yy copy the declaration line, then delete ; and add {}...)
When some derived classes need to override function in base class, it can be a heavy job...
Is there any convenient plugin or command to help me deal with it?
My lh-cpp plugin has been providing this feature for quite some time now.
Go on the function declaration, type :GOTOIMPL et voilĂ !. It either moves the cursor to a function definition (from its declaration), or if none exists, it generates an empty shell to define that function.
Note: I'm currently in the process of improving the feature to support any kind of function declaration. To support template functions, you'd have to use the gotoimpl_with_libclang branch and the support plugin vim-clang (in V2Upgrade branch).
At this precise moment the sister command :MOVETOIMPL doesn't work as expected with constructors defined with initializer-lists, which has side effects on the :Constructor command. :MOVETOIMPL is meant to change an inline definition into a declaration plus a separate definition in a .cpp file typically.
Note: lh-cpp is a complex plugin that provides many things and that has many dependencies. Regarding overriding, it provides an :Override command to let us select which function we want to override -- this feature requires my current working branches of lh-cpp and vim-clang.
If you are using Neovim, you can try my plugin: cppassist.nvim, which can basically be used normally, but there are still many problems. Welcome to ask me questions!
This plugin will recursively search in your working directory until a file matching the same name with the counterpart extension is discovered. Note that the search also respects your .gitignore if one exists and any file ignored in git will be ignored in the results. As such, I suggest working from the root of your project. Once that file is found, it will automatically be opened in the current buffer. If no corresponding file is found, a message will be logged to the messages buffer -- use :messages to review your recent messages.
It uses regular expressions instead of LSP to generate function definition. Currently, it supports most keywords, as well as template types, and can generate multiple function definitions simultaneously in view mode.
However, the definition of nested classes is not currently supported. Also, if the function definition is already generated, press the shortcut key again and it will generate the function definition again.
I have a made my first groovy CLI app with picocli. Now, I want it to be available for use without any JVM installed on the client machine, maybe with the use of GraalVM.
This is for an opensource project:
Another easy option is to dockerize your script (read this blog about how to do it
If you want to build a linux executable you need to change your project:
convert to a gradle project (maven is also an option but gradle has a lot of plugins)
change your script to a class with a tipical main (and move it to the standard directory src/main/groovy/mypackage)
add some tasks into you build.gradle similar to these
You will need to:
statically compile your groovy script
make the args variable available after static compilation with
final String[] args = getProperty("args") as String[]
specify a reflection configuration file for the classes dynamically loaded/invoked using reflection by Groovy (this may be useful)
specify a reflection configuration file for the classes loaded/invoked using reflection by picocli. The picocli-codegen module provides a picocli.codegen.aot.graalvm.ReflectionConfigGenerator tool to generate the configuration file.
If your script has any #Grape dependencies, you may need to turn off the Grape dependency manager with -Dgroovy.grape.enabled=false and add all dependencies to the classpath manually instead
Credit: I got most of these tips from this article by Szymon Stepniak
If you want to use Graal with Groovy, check out this article:
I'm investigating using gradle and cucumber together, and found this lovely example in cucumber's github.
So, I cloned the repository and ran it myself. It failed, as it's configured to do, but I couldn't find the HTML or JSON report that it appears to be configured to output. I say appear because I'm brand new to cucumber, but this class would seem to indicate where it'll put it:
#Cucumber.Options(format = {"pretty", "html:build/cucumber-html-report", "json-pretty:build/cucumber-report.json"})
public class RunCukesTest {
However, it's not appearing in the build directory after running gradle cucumber.There's no cucumber-html-report directory, not is there a cucumber-report.json file. I'm running it with Java 7 and Gradle 1.6, if it matters.
Ideas? Is this a known issue with the Cucumber/Gradle integration?
The class name changed depending on the version of Cucumber you are using. It changed from json-pretty to json.
When running the 'cucumber' task on this example the generated cucumber report is located at 'build/cucumber-html-report/index.html'. Running the 'test' task fails as it seems that gradle has problems to create the test report for the cucumber created tests (file name contains spaces) I need to dig a bit into this to see how this can be fixed in gradle.
The cucumber-jvm-example doesn't do reporting using gradle cucumber, but does do it with gradle test. However, gradle test will have a couple issues, namely showing a "null" test of sorts.
A workaround to this, if need be, is to add the formats to the args of the javaexec that runs cucumber. For example, in build.gradle:
javaexec {
main = "cucumber.api.cli.Main"
classpath = configurations.cucumberRuntime + sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.test.output
args = ['--format', 'html:cucumber-html-report', '-f', 'pretty', '--glue', 'gradle.cucumber', 'src/test/resources']
I had an error with that very same line (taken from this tutorial).
In order to resolve, had to change the third parameter from "json-pretty" to just "pretty"
So this is my final code line:
#CucumberOptions(format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "pretty:target/cucumber-report.json"})
#Cucumber.Options is deprecated, we should use CucumberOptions
I know that since Groovy 2.0 there are annotations for static compilation.
However it's ease to omit such annotation by accident and still run into troubles.
Is there any way to achieve the opposite compiler behaviour, like compile static all project files by default and compile dynamic only files chosen by purpose with some kind #CompileDynamic annotation for example?
I have found some (I believe recently introduced) feature which allows doing so with Gradle.
In build.gradle file for the project containing groovy sources we need to add following lines:
compileGroovy {
configure(groovyOptions) {
configurationScript = file("$rootDir/config/groovy/compiler-config.groovy")
or compileTestGroovy { ... for applying the same to test sources. Keep in mind that neither static compilation nor type checking works well with Spock Framework though. Spock by its nature utilizes dynamic 'groovyness' a lot.
Then on a root of the project create folder config/groovy/ and a file named compiler-config.groovy within. The content of the file is as follows:
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
withConfig(configuration) {
Obviously path and name of the configurationScript may vary and it's up to you. It shouldn't rather go to the same src/main/groovy though as it would be mixing totally separate concerns.
The same may be done with groovy.transform.TypeChecked or any other annotation, of course.
To reverse applied behaviour on certain classes or methods then #CompileDynamic annotation or #TypeChecked(TypeCheckingMode.SKIP) respectively may be used.
I'm not sure how to achieve the same when no Gradle is in use as build tool. I may update this answer in the future with such info though.
Not at this time, but there is an open Jira issue here you can follow to watch progress for this feature
There was also a discussion about methods for doing this on the Groovy developers list