Cucumber/gradle example not generating report? - cucumber

I'm investigating using gradle and cucumber together, and found this lovely example in cucumber's github.
So, I cloned the repository and ran it myself. It failed, as it's configured to do, but I couldn't find the HTML or JSON report that it appears to be configured to output. I say appear because I'm brand new to cucumber, but this class would seem to indicate where it'll put it:
#Cucumber.Options(format = {"pretty", "html:build/cucumber-html-report", "json-pretty:build/cucumber-report.json"})
public class RunCukesTest {
However, it's not appearing in the build directory after running gradle cucumber.There's no cucumber-html-report directory, not is there a cucumber-report.json file. I'm running it with Java 7 and Gradle 1.6, if it matters.
Ideas? Is this a known issue with the Cucumber/Gradle integration?

The class name changed depending on the version of Cucumber you are using. It changed from json-pretty to json.

When running the 'cucumber' task on this example the generated cucumber report is located at 'build/cucumber-html-report/index.html'. Running the 'test' task fails as it seems that gradle has problems to create the test report for the cucumber created tests (file name contains spaces) I need to dig a bit into this to see how this can be fixed in gradle.

The cucumber-jvm-example doesn't do reporting using gradle cucumber, but does do it with gradle test. However, gradle test will have a couple issues, namely showing a "null" test of sorts.
A workaround to this, if need be, is to add the formats to the args of the javaexec that runs cucumber. For example, in build.gradle:
javaexec {
main = "cucumber.api.cli.Main"
classpath = configurations.cucumberRuntime + sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.test.output
args = ['--format', 'html:cucumber-html-report', '-f', 'pretty', '--glue', 'gradle.cucumber', 'src/test/resources']

I had an error with that very same line (taken from this tutorial).
In order to resolve, had to change the third parameter from "json-pretty" to just "pretty"
So this is my final code line:
#CucumberOptions(format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "pretty:target/cucumber-report.json"})
#Cucumber.Options is deprecated, we should use CucumberOptions


How to use Spock from the Command Line

I am writing a set of groovy scripts to be used as part of a Jenkins Pipeline Library. Currently I am using plain old JUnit to test them but would like to switch to Spock. I simply run the tests from the command line by invoking the following groovy script.
import groovy.util.AllTestSuite
import junit.textui.TestRunner
System.setProperty(AllTestSuite.SYSPROP_TEST_DIR, "./tests")
System.setProperty(AllTestSuite.SYSPROP_TEST_PATTERN, "**/*Test.groovy")
I am trying to figure what the equivalent script would be to run Spock specifications. My first attempt was to switch the SYSPROP_TEST_PATTERN to "**/*Spec.groovy. I have one ...Spec.groovy file written and sitting under ./tests that looks like this:
#Grab(group='org.spockframework', module='spock-core', version='1.0-groovy-2.3')
import spock.lang.*
class UtilsSpec extends Specification {
def "Just testing"() {
1 + 1 == 2
When I invoke my groovy script though I get:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Don't know how to treat
/SourcCode/jenkins/pipeline-utils/tests/JustTestingSpec.groovy as a
JUnit test
That makes sense. I need to be using Sputnik but I've looked at the Spock and Sputnik source, and the Spock example project but these all assume you are using maven or gradle. I can't figured out the right way to invoke Sputnik directly. Any ideas?
Even though what you ask is possible and BalRog has already suggested a solution, in the long run it is better if you just use Gradle or Maven to run your tests from command line.
All Jenkins tutorials you will encounter will talk about Maven and/or Gradle and thus it would make much more sense to use a build system than custom scripts.

how to dump all gradle values used for build

we have a multi-project gradle build in android studio. every now and then we have to change something in it, and usually its only 1 or two lines of code, but its never easy knowing where to put those. I find it quite hard to know which properties exist where so I would love to have something like dump-everything where I could see all properties and their children at the point in time, this would make changes much easier
I have found this
def void explainMe(it){
//println "Examining $"
println "Meta:"
println it.metaClass.metaMethods*.name.sort().unique()
println "Methods:"
println it.metaClass.methods*.name.sort().unique()
println "Depends On:"
//println it.dependsOn.collect({it*.getName()})
println "Properties:"
.sort().toString().replaceAll(", ","\n")
which is OK, but I would like to call it on top level scope and for all its children recursively, and in best case store output to file to be able to search through it. any idea would be appreciated? alternatively would it be possible to attach debugger to gradle build and inspect /watch variables inside?
Gradle has very specific support for inspecting certain parts of the build model (gradle tasks, gradle help --task taskName, gradle properties, gradle projects, gradle dependencies, gradle dependencyInsight, etc.), but doesn't currently have a generic feature for deep inspection of arbitrary build model properties and their values. Instead one would typically add some printlns to the build script and/or consult the Gradle Build Language Reference.
To answer your second question, a Gradle build can be debugged in the same way as any other external application. The necessary JVM args (typically provided by the debugger) can be set via the JAVA_OPTS or GRADLE_OPTS environment variable. It's probably best to execute Gradle with --no-daemon when debugging.

Groovy and IntelliJ - getting code compiled

I have IntelliJ 12 and some groovy code (along with a pile of java code) in a project.
In intelliJ, i can see class A's import of some groovy code, and i have also included the library that has that code.
However, while the package itself is in one colour (for the import), the actual class being imported is in red, which implies an issue of some sort. Hovering the mouse over it reveals no issue though.
When i run a "make" or a "rebuild project" is where the problems start - i get
Groovyc: unable to resolve class com.blah.blah.blah.A
How can i resolve this?
Currently, my project setup is like so:
Under "Libraries" in (Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Libraries) I have:
the jar file with all the groovy code
the src jar file with all the groovy code
In the "Modules" section i have the - well, i don't know what to call it, the column isn't labelled - the library name from the libraries section associated with the src and class files, and the little "export" button beside it is ticked.
Incidentally, opening the class in intelliJ never shows the source code, which given the source is included struck me as weird.
Is there anything else I should need to do?
I've worked this one out, but if anybody knows why groovy cannot be in the "Resource Patterns" list and wants an upvote, do chime in
Oh, right.
I removed the !?*.groovy entry from the list of, um, entries in the File : Settings -> Compiler -> Resource Patterns thingy.
It doesn't seem to matter if "use external build" is on or off for this, but the !?*.groovy; entry cannot be there.
I wonder if anybody knows why?
I had the same problem and had to Add Framework Support and add Groovy to the project to get round this problem.
I created the project using gradle.
I just got your question in my Google results as I had a similar issue. My problem was that I was able to get the groovy code in my IntelliJ 12 project to compile ok, but it wasn't getting wired in properly when I tried to run unit tests within the IDE.
After some investigation, I uncovered that groovy and logback libraries were all set up in the project to be available in the runtime stage of the Maven build of the project, but that resulted in them not being available in the test stage. To fix this, I ended up manually updating the groovy-all and the logback libraries scope from runtime to provided under File->Project Structure->Modules->Dependencies. This allowed me to both compile and test within the IDE while including the Groovy modules as well as the Java modules.
Perhaps you had something similar going on in your project?
Six years later, I also just got this question near the top of my search results.
In my project my Unable to load class 'groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine' problem was actually due to a codenarc issue. I was able to resolve the issue by adding the following to build.gradle:
// codenarc version issue work-around
configurations.codenarc {
resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails d ->
if ( == 'org.codehaus.groovy') {
d.useVersion '2.4.7'

Groovy 2: Cant find JSonSlurper and XmlSlurper anymore

I upgraded to groovy 2 release and now my build is broken.
It fails when importing classes: groovy.json.JsonSlurper and XmlSlurper.
I have checked and cannot find these classes anymore. Do they still exist in groovy 2? Or have they moved somewhere?
The groovy.jar distributed with groovy 2 has been split out to contain just the bare minimum, with all the additional modules (XML, SQL, JSON, etc.) in separate jars. However, in the embeddable directory, you'll find a jar file groovy-all-2.0.0.jar which contains groovy and all the modules together, like previous versions. The easiest way to migrate is to use this jar file.
If you're using Maven Central, you can use an artifactId of groovy-all to get everything, or groovy (plus modules) to have finer grained control over your dependencies. Here's a list of the modules available on Maven Central:|ga|1|g%3A%22org.codehaus.groovy%22
Never mind. Need to include groovy-xml and groovy-json jars.
These were split from groovy's jar. See:
When I import, groovy-json-2.4.3 and groovy-xml-2.4.3 , JsonSlurper is recognized.
Also refer for new code refactor after 1.8.0 version: Parsing array of JSON arrays in Groovy
I faced a similar issue in Gradle build of a Java project (Gradle uses Groovy).
Gradle stopped including the local Groovy libs in classpath automatically. So, I had to include the following lines (marked with +) in my build.gradle file:
buildscript {
ext {
springbootVersion = '2.x.x'
awsVersion = '1.x.x'
+ dependencies {
+ classpath localGroovy()
+ }
repositories ...
Instead of using "groovy.json.jsonSlurper", use "net.sf.json.groovy.JsonSlurper".
Your script must be running.

Run groovy script from within gradle

What's the best way to create a gradle task, which runs a groovy script? I realize that gradle build files are groovy, so I would think it would be possible to do something like this:
task run << {
Script app = new GroovyShell().parse(new File("examples/foo.groovy"))
// or replace .parse() w/ a .evalulate()?
I get all kinds of whacky errors when I try this if bar.groovy is using #Grab annotations or even doing simple imports. I want to create a gradle task to handle this, so that I can hopefully reuse the classpath definition.
Would it be better to move the examples directory into the src directory somewhere? What's a best practice?
Or you could do:
new GroovyShell().run(file('somePath'))
You could try using GroovyScriptEngine instead of the GroovyShell. I've used it previously with #Grab annotations. You will need all of groovy on the classpath, the groovy-all.jar will not be enough. I'm guessing Ivy isn't packaged in the groovy-all.jar. Something like this should to the trick:
This script presumes a groovy script at /tmp/HelloWorld.groovy
def pathToFolderOfScript = '/tmp'
def gse = new GroovyScriptEngine([pathToFolderOfScript] as String[])'HelloWorld.groovy', new Binding()) '', fork: true,
classpath: "${sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath}")
I think you probably need to run the script as a new process... e.g.,
I would guess that the way Gradle is executed is not via invoking groovy, so the setup that makes #Grab work never happens. It could also be the the version of Groovy that Gradle uses doesn't support #Grab.
