Splitting text in a cell everytime it finds a special character, in vba, and pasting values, starting at a specific cell, and every row below that - excel

I have this string of text, it could be larger, this is an example:
2.01g 10k gold wedding band~15xps3 games~14.01 14k diamond solitaire with .30pt diamond~2ps3 games~14dvds
Every time it sees the "~", for example, I want it to paste values in cell g34. If there is more than one row, I want it to continue pasting the values into g35, g36, g37 and so on until the list is exhausted.
I want this to be done in VBA so I can attach it to a button. I do not want to do it by text to columns.
The result should look like this:
2.01g 10k gold wedding band
15xps3 games
14.01 14k diamond solitaire with .30pt diamond
2ps3 games
Any help GREATLY appreciated...I can find similar solutions, but most want to paste it into new columns.

Sub parse()
Dim s As String
s = "2.01g 10k gold wedding band~15xps3 games~14.01 14k diamond solitaire with .30pt diamond~2ps3 games~14dvds"
arr = Split(s, "~")
Range("G34").Resize(UBound(arr) + 1, 1) = Application.Transpose(arr)
End Sub


Macro to split up text into different rows depending on a keyword

I have a varying number of rows of text which I paste into excel like those two below. The content will vary slightly but the overall structure will stay the same:
Now I need to split these up and would therefore like a macro which searches for the word "maturity" and selects this word and all the text on the right side of the word and moves it one cell to the right.
I tried splitting it up via text to row, but the position of the word varies and splitting it up via space or comma destroys the rest of the data.
1/ Worst Of Put K UN, WS UQ, XYZ YX maturity 22May2019, 80% strike, size q€7M (€ quanto), BID
2/ Worst Of Put xyz xy, TSLA UQ, KK BK maturity 20Nov2021, 100% strike, size €3.5M (€ quanto), BID
the macro should keep "2/ Worst Of Put xyz xy, TSLA UQ, KK BK" in one cell and move "maturity 20Nov2021, 100% strike, size €3.5M (€ quanto), BID" one cell to the right.
Many thanks for the help,
Step 1) Do a Find/Replace on your data. Find maturity, replace with ~maturity. [Note: This assumes you won't have ~ anywhere in the strings. Use another character if you have ~ somewhere.]
Step 2) Highlight your data, go to Text to Columns, and split on a delimiter ~

Need formula for excel, to subtract the number "9" to each number individually and

I want you to have some fun. I need something specific.
First i must explain what i do. I use a simple codification for product prices at retail store, because i dont want people know the real price for themselves. So i change the original numbers to another subtracting the number 9 for each number.
Normally I manually write down all the prices with this codification for every product.
So.. for example number 10 would be 89. (9-1 = 8) and (9-0 = 9)
Other examples:
$128 = 871
$75 = 24
$236 = 763
$9 = 0
Finally i put 2 number nines (9) at the beginning of the codified price also, to confuse people who might think that number could be the price.
So the examples i used before are like this:
99871 (means $128)
9924 (means $75)
99763 (means $236)
990 (means $9)
Remember that i need 2 (two) nines before the real price. The real prices never start with 0 so, the nines at the beginning exist only to confuse people.
Ok. So, now that you understand, here comes the 2nd part.
I have an excel whith hundreds of my products added, with prices, description, etc. And i decided it is time to use a printer and start to print this information from excel. I have a software to do that, but first i need to have the codified prices in the excel also.
The fun part begins when i want to convert the real prices that are already written in my excel document into a new column AUTOMATICALLY. So that way i don´t have to type again all the prices in codified form for the old and new items i add in the future.
Can someone help me with this? Is it even possible?
I tried with =A1-9999 but, it works well with 2 character number only. Because if the real price is 5, i will get 3 nines: 9994(code). And if the price is 234 i will get only 1 nine 9765(code). And it is a condition i need to have the TWO nines at first.
Thank you very much in advanced!
Though you have requested for formula , I am suggesting VBA program which seems to me very convenient.
You have to open VBE and insert a module and copy the program. Change the code lines wherever indicated to suit your requirements for sheets etc.
Sub NumberCode()
Dim c As Range
Dim LR As Integer
Dim numProbs As Long
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim s As Integer
Dim v As Long
Dim v1 As Long
Set sht = Worksheets("Sheet1") ' change as per yr requirement
numProbs = 0
LR = sht.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Each c In sht.Range("A1:A" & LR).Cells
s = Len(c)
v = c.Value
v1 = 99
For s = 1 To Len(c)
v1 = v1 & (9 - Mid(c, s, 1))
c.Offset(0, 1).Value = v1
v1 = 99
numProbs = numProbs + 1
MsgBox "Number coding finished"
End Sub
Sample sheet of results is appended below.
I will be using helper cells but you could dump it all into one cell if you want since you are only dealing with 4 characters.
For the purpose of this example, I am assuming your original price list starts in B11.
Place that in D11 and copy to the right three more times so you have it from D11 to G11. That formula strips off 1 character from your price and subtracts that character from 9. When you go the next column it repeats itself. If you do not have that many characters, it will return "".
In C11 you will build your number based on the adjacent 4 columns using this formula:
It places 99 in front then adds the numbers from the adjacent 4 columns.
Select cells C11 to G11 and copy and paste downward beside your data column as far as you need to go.
An alternate more concise method would be:
Perhaps I'm missing something, though simply:
seems good to me.

Add a space after colored text

I'm Using Microsoft Excel 2013.
I have a lot of data that I need to separate in Excel that is in a single cell. The "Text to Columns" feature works great except for one snag.
In a single cell, I have First Name, Last Name & Email address. The last name and email addresses do not have a space between them, but the color of the names are different than the email.
Example (all caps represent colored names RGB (1, 91, 167), lowercase is the email which is just standard black text):
JOHN DOEjohndoe#acmerockets.com
So I need to put a space after DOE so that it reads:
JOHN DOE johndoe#acmerockets.com
I have about 20k rows to go through so any tips would be appreciated. I just need to get a space or something in between that last name and email so I can use the "Text to Columns" feature and split those up.
Not a complete answer, but I would do it way:
Step 1 to get rid of the formatting:
Copy all text that you have to the notepad
Then copy-paste text from Notepad to excel as text
I think this should remove all the formatting issues
Step 2 is to use VBA to grab emails. I assume that you have all your emails as lowercase. Therefore something like this should do the trick (link link2):
Step 3 is to exclude emails that you extracted from Step2 from your main text. Something like this via simple Excel function:
Since you removed all the formatting in Step1, you can apply it back when you done
You can knock this out pretty quickly taking advantage of a how Font returns the Color for a set of characters that do not have the same color: it returns Null! Knowing this, you can iterate through the characters 2 at a time and find the first spot where it throws Null. You now know that the color shift is there and can spit out the pieces using Mid.
Code makes use of this behavior and IsNull to iterate through a fixed Range. Define the Range however you want to get the cells. By default it spits them out in the neighboring two columns with Offset.
Sub FindChangeInColor()
Dim rng_cell As Range
Dim i As Integer
For Each rng_cell In Range("B2:B4")
For i = 1 To Len(rng_cell.Text) - 1
If IsNull(rng_cell.Characters(i, 2).Font.Color) Then
rng_cell.Offset(0, 1) = Mid(rng_cell, 1, i)
rng_cell.Offset(0, 2) = Mid(rng_cell, i + 1)
End If
End Sub
Picture of ranges and results
The nice thing about this approach is that the actual colors involved don't matter. You also don't have to manually search for a switch, although that would have been the next step.
Also your neighboring cells will be blank if no color change was found, so it's decently robust against bad inputs.
Edit adds ability to change original string if you want that instead:
Sub FindChangeInColorAndAddChar()
Dim rng_cell As Range
Dim i As Integer
For Each rng_cell In Range("B2:B4")
For i = 1 To Len(rng_cell.Text) - 1
If IsNull(rng_cell.Characters(i, 2).Font.Color) Then
rng_cell = Mid(rng_cell, 1, i) & "|" & Mid(rng_cell, i + 1)
End If
End Sub
Picture of results again use same input as above.

Excel Substrings

I have two unordered sets of data here:
blah blah:2020:50::7.1:45
movie blah:blahbah, The:1914:54:
I want to extract all the data to the left of the year (aka, 1915 and 1914).
What excel formula would I use for this?
I tried this formula
these were the results below:
: blahblah, The:1914:54::7
This is because there is a colon in the movie title.
The results I need consistently are:
Can someone help with this?
You can use Regular Expressions, make sure you include a reference for it in your VBA editor. The following UDF will do the job.
Function ExtractNumber(cell As Range) As String
ExtractNumber = ""
Dim rex As New RegExp
rex.Pattern = "(:\d{4}:\d{2}::\d\.\d:\d{2}::\d:\d:\d:\d:\d:\d:\d)"
rex.Global = True
Dim mtch As Object, sbmtch As Object
For Each mtch In rex.Execute(cell.Value)
ExtractNumber = ExtractNumber & mtch.SubMatches(0)
Next mtch
End Function
Without VBA:
In reality you don't want to find the : You want to find either :1 or :2 since the year will either start with 1 or 2This formula should do it:
Look for a four digit string, in a certain range, bounded by colons.
For example:
=MID(A1,MIN(FIND(":" &ROW(INDIRECT("1900:2100"))&":",A1 &":" &ROW(INDIRECT("1900:2100"))&":")),99)
entered as an array formula by holding down ctrl-shift while hitting Enter would ensure years in the range 1900 to 2100. Change those values as appropriate for your data. The 99 at the end represents the longest possible string. Again, that can be increased as required.
You can use the same approach to return just the left hand part, up to the colon preceding the year:
=LEFT(A1,-1+MIN(FIND(":" &ROW(INDIRECT("1900:2100"))&":",A1 &":" &ROW(INDIRECT("1900:2100"))&":")))
Here is a screen shot, showing the original data in B1:B2, with the results of the first part in B4:B5, and the formula for B4 showing in the formula bar.
The results for the 2nd part are in B7:B9

Removing tags from formatted text in Excel cells

Walk with me for a moment.
I have built an Access application to manage data for an internal project at my company. One of the functions of this application is queries the database, then outputs the queries to an Excel spreadsheet, then formats the spreadsheet to spec.
One of the cells of the output is a large amount of text from a Rich Text Memo field in the database. When the rich text is sent to Excel it carries with it HTML tags indicating bold or italic, so for the output I have to add the formatting and remove the tags.
Here is an example of the text I need to format (this text is in a single cell):
For each participant, record 1 effort per lesson delivered
• Time Spent = # minutes spent on lesson
For each participant, record 1 effort per month
• Time Spent = total # minutes spent on lessons that month
<strong>Note:</strong> Recording 1 effort per lesson is recommended but not required
<strong>Note:</strong> Use groups function in ABC when appropriate (see <u>Working With Groups</u> in ABC document library on the ABC portal)
I have a three neat little recursive functions for formatting the text, here is the bolding function:
Function BoldCharacters(rng As Range, Optional ByVal chrStart As Long)
'This will find all the "<strong></strong>" tags and bold the text in between.
Dim tagL As Integer
tagL = 8
If chrStart = 0 Then chrStart = 1
b1 = InStr(chrStart, ActiveCell.Value, "<strong>") + tagL
If b1 = tagL Then Exit Function
b2 = InStr(b1, ActiveCell.Value, "</strong>")
ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=b1, Length:=b2 - b1).Font.Bold = True
'Remove the tags
'ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=1).Delete
'ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=b2 - tagL, Length:=tagL + 1).Delete
'Recursion to get all the bolding done in the cell
Call BoldCharacters(ActiveCell, b2 + tagL + 1)
End Function
Now here's the issue. This formats the text nicely. But the "ActiveCell.Characters.Delete" method fails when I attempt to use it to remove the tags because the cell contains more than 255 characters. So I can't use the delete method.
And when I do this:
With xlApp.Selection
.Replace what:="<strong>", replacement:=""
The tags are all removed, but the formatting is all destroyed! So what's the point!?
I'm looking for a way of formatting my text and removing the tags. I'm considering taking the large bit of text and 'chunking' it up into a number of cells, processing the formatting and re-assembling, but that sounds difficult, prone to error, and might not even work.
Any ideas!?
You might want to remove the formatting before exporting the data to Excel. At the same time that you remove the formatting, store the formatting information (location, length, style) to a data structure. After you export the "plain text" data you could then iterate over your structure and apply the formatting in Excel. This could be a time consuming process depending upon how many records you plan on exporting at a given time, but it would remove the limitation imposed by Excel.
If it's well formed html (ie it always has closing tags) then you could use a regular expression.
Dim data As String
data = "For each participant, record 1 effort per lesson delivered • Time Spent = # minutes spent on lesson <strong>OR</strong> For each participant, record 1 effort per month • Time Spent = total # minutes spent on lessons that month <strong>Note:</strong> Recording 1 effort per lesson is recommended but not required <strong>Note:</strong> Use groups function in ABC when appropriate (see <u>Working With Groups</u> in ABC document library on the ABC portal)"
Dim r As New RegExp
r.Pattern = "<(.|\n)*?>"
r.Global = True
Debug.Print r.Replace(data, "")
To use the RegExp object, set a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5.
Something along these lines might be useful:
Sub DoFormat(rng As Range)
Dim DataObj As New MSForms.DataObject
Dim s As String, c As Range
For Each c In rng.Cells
s = "<html>" & Replace(c.Value, " ", " ") & "</html>"
DataObj.SetText s
c.Parent.Paste Destination:=c
Next c
End Sub
You'll need a reference to "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library"
