How to compile libogg and libvorbis for Android - android-ndk

In my Android app, I would like to implement the libogg and libvorbis libraries, so I can play and manipulate ogg files.
Unfortunately, I haven't managed to find any tutorial that can explain how to achieve that.
That said, here is what I found the most interesting:
But I don't really understand how to use it to compile the libraries for the following ABIs:
Can someone explain me how to compile those libraries for Android?
Thanks for your help.

I finally managed to make it work, and also managed to implement the libraries in an Android project.
I created a simple Github project with a detailed explanation here:


How can I use newlib with android NDK?

Can I use newlib or newlib-nano with android NDK to build a dynamic library?
I know this is not a to-the-point question. But couldn't find much write-up on this. Any help is appreciated. I'm a newbie to android.
Android uses bionic, not newlib. The C runtime is already loaded as part of the zygote in any app so this is not optional.

Android-NDK how to compile this code? | Beginner

A developer has published its code in GitHub for anyone who wants to create their server for SAMP Android (a project in development that allows them to play Android GTA online).
Code Link:
I want to know which program to use and the right commands to compile this code. As far as I know, this is an NDK build code ..
You can start by reading the NDK guide.
Then since the code makes use of the old ndk-build makefiles,
And the respective integration samples,

Using Zxing Library in my aplication

I have seriously tried to find a method to integrate zxing library for my barcode scanning application and found some examples and tutorials, but they mostly concentrate on the code of integrating the project library. I have understood how to use it but my only issue is I cant seem to find a correct way to copy the new zxing library. Please can anyone guide me through which files to copy where or how to bind the project in Android Studio.
I believe you want to 'add' the zxing library in your Android Studio project.
If you are comfortable with using Gradle, just add the below line in your app's build.gradle file under dependencies.
compile ''
Build your project and then start integrating zxing by importing the required classes.
I hope this answers your question and solves your problem.

Build libev on android ndk

I'm coding a program that really need libev (not libevent) on Android. I google many time to find how to build libev but unsuccess.
Could any one tell me, how to build libev on android. Thank so much.
Did you have any success? I'm stuck with the same problem, trying to use it on a native app for Android (working on Ubuntu). This article gave me some light:
It might be useful for you. I tried the standalone case. In any case, I can't still make it work

android ndk: cannot find android_runtime

I have a problem when compiling JNI. It returns the error message like
that "arm-eabi/bin/ld: cannot find -landroid_runtime".
I think is the android's own lib. Why ld can't find the
lib. Can somebody help me.
My develop environment as follow:
OS: Ubuntu 9.10
SDK: Android2.2
NDK: r4b is in fact one of the Android system libraries, and as such is not available for NDK apps.
Check the file docs/STABLE-APIS.txt for a list of supported libraries, or even better, check the folder build/platforms/android-#/arch-arm/usr/lib where # is the Android platform level, for the definitive list of libraries you can link against.
As they say on the NDK lists, even if you manage to link against one of the other Android libraries, it likely won't work on some (or possibly even most) phones, even if it works on the one you're testing.
To solve your problem build a emulation of every android possible and recompile a version for each android and put it on the market with specific compatibility.
EDIT: Try using: adb pull /system/lib
EDIT 2: There also should be a egl folder in /lib so you know to look for it.
