CR2 Preview generation with Node.JS/Electron - node.js

I want to build a Node.JS/Electron ApplicationCache, that can show Previews for the following filetypes: DNG, CR2, JGP, TIFF.
I have accomplished all of that using an external library. Except for CR2.
I cant find anything (free) that can generate a preview image for CR2-Files and does not require installing exiftools or imagemagick on the machine. Does anybody have an idea waht it can use?

The solution to this problem is: dcraw


Will --vout=dummy option work with --video-filter=scene?

I am trying to create snapshots from a video stream using the "scene" video filter. I'm on Windows for now, but this will run on Linux I don't want the video output window to display. I can get the scenes to generate if I don't use the --vout=dummy option. When I include that option, it does not generate the scenes.
This example on the Wiki indicates that it's possible. What am I doing wrong?
Here is the line of code from the LibVLCSharp code:
LibVLC libVLC = new LibVLC("--no-audio", "--no-spu", "--vout=dummy", "--video-filter=scene", "--scene-format=jpeg", "--scene-prefix=snap", "--scene-path=C:\\temp\\", "--scene-ratio=100", $"--rtsp-user={rtspUser}", $"--rtsp-pwd={rtspPassword}");
For VLC 3, you will need to disable hardware acceleration which seems incompatible with the dummy vout.
In my tests, it was needed to do that on the media rather than globally:
I still have mainy "Too high level or recursion" errors, and for that, I guess you'd better open an issue on videolan's trac.

How to convert pcap data of Velodyne's VLP-16 to point cloud without using Veloview?

I am new to LiDAR technology. From the Documentation I found that we can visualize LiDAR data using Veloview software. But my aim is to create a 3D image using .pcap file and process it further for object detection. Whole working is in Ubuntu 14.04.
Can anyone provide me a good solution?
Open 6 terminal tabs (Ctrl + Shift + t):
1st tab:
$ roscore
2nd tab (run your .pcap file):
$ rosrun velodyne_driver velodyne_node _model:=VLP16 _pcap:=/path/to file.pcap
3rd tab: (create .bag file to visualize in Rviz)
$ rosrun rosbag record -O vlp_16.bag /velodyne_packets
4th. tab: (play your .bag file just created from 3rd. tab):
$ rosbag play vlp_16.bag
5th. tab: (to convert velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan to /Pointcloud2 and /LaserScan topic to visualize in Rviz):
$ roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VLP16_points.launch
6th. tab: (fixed frame MUST be assigned to "velodyne")
$ rosrun rviz rviz -f velodyne
In Rviz:
To visualize /scan topic:
Displays -> Add -> By topic -> LaserScan
To visualize velodyne_points topic:
Displays -> Add -> By topic -> PointCloud2
I would suggest looking into using ROS and the point cloud library. There is a lot of support for this kind of processing using those. For pulling in the data form the VLP-16 you could use this ROS package.
You may use the Point Cloud Library.
Compiling PCL is a bit tricky, but once you get it going, you can do quite a lot of point cloud analysis.
Follow the instructions here for the LiDAR HDL Grabber.
For your purpose, you will want to include the <pcl/io/vlp_grabber.h> along with the <pcl/io/hdl_grabber.h>. The vlp_grabber, basically uses the same hdl_grabber but supplies the vlp calibration parameters. Also in the main, you will want to instantiate a pcl::VLPGrabber instead of a pcl::HDLGrabber.
These few changes alone may not be enough to getting a fully functional grabber and viewer, but it is a start.
The example on PCL is for the hdl_viewer_simple.cpp but there is also a vlp_viewer.cpp also located in visualization/tools/. Check that out.
This is not an answer to fully solve your problem, but provide a path to a solution if you want to use PCL.

lock preferences in firefox 45.5 on RHEL

I am required to make a custom FireFox profile on a RHEL based system.
most of the configuration are changed inside the FireFox inside the about:config menu.
When I try and lock parameter values using the "mozilla.cfg" file and the "lockPref("", )" function the browser doesn't seem to read those files, I place the file both in: "~/.mozilla/firefox/" and "/usr/lib64/firefox/". I used the guide and some more and still I have no one answer about where those function should be written and how do I check that those functions were loaded.
I would like some clear instructions or a definitive guide that I just couldn't manage to find.
This came up fairly high in a Google search when I was asking the same question, but did not have an answer at the time.
I found the following reference:
On RHEL7, the files needed to be added to the following locations:
/usr/lib64/firefox/defaults/preferences/autoconfig.js (root:root, 644)
/usr/lib64/firefox/mozilla.cfg (root:root, 644)

Windows Store TriageDump.dmp without debug information

Greetings people,
My Windows Store game has been released for more than three weeks now, and I started getting crash reports. I could download the TriageDump.dmp file and have it opened in Visual Studio 2012, but it did not help much, I am constantly getting "No Debugging Information" error message when I click on "Debug with Native Only":
Also, the tool-tip on my Dashboard shows no information of the crashing function (could "Unknown" here mean inlined function or lambda expressions in concurrent::task?):
I would like to believe that I have done everything the way it should be done, of course I may be wrong. Here are some additional information that might be helpful in finding the issue:
It uses DirectX and written purely in C++ (without C# or XAML)
Project setting: C++\General\Debug Information Format = Program Database (/Zi)
Project setting: Linker\Debugging\Generate Debug Info = Yes (/DEBUG)
The game is made up of two native modules: Labyrinth.App.exe and Labyrinth.Core.dll
The generated APPXUPLOAD contains both APPX and APPXSYM files
The APPXSYM file contains both Labyrinth.App.pdb and Labyrinth.Core.pdb
I'm on x64 development machine, and the triagedump.dmp is for x86
I did click on "Include public symbol files, if any, to enable crash analysis for the app" when generating APPXUPLOAD file:
Please let me know if you spotted the issue or suspected something that's wrong above. Thanks in advance for your help, guys! :)
The very same problem here. MS had that working in the past though.
Actually if you still have the .appxsym around you can easily extract the .pdb out of that. The appxsym is just a .zip file it seems.
You can load these pdbs then as symbols after loading the triagedump.dmp.

Open Files Created with BSAVE in QuickBasic?

I have some files that were created using BSAVE in QuickBasic. I'm wondering how I can load/view these files?
I received assistance over at the FreeBasic forums. Its easy to do if you download and install the FreeBasic compiler / IDE. Here is the relevant thread:
Essentially, it loads the image using BLOAD like one normally would and then BSAVEs it as a BMP. I suppose it would be pretty easy to create an app. that did this by just prompting for source and output files...
I would try installing pcpaint (free)
Change the extension to .PIC and try to open it. Apparently this program used bsave to save images with the extention .pic.
Hope this works!
