Extracting creation of a mongoose model out of server file - node.js

I'm currently building a generic express API and I'm finding it difficult to extract code from my server.js file
I have the following in my server.js file
app.post('/parser', (req, res) => {
var todo = new Todo({
text: req.body.text,
todo.save().then((doc) => {
}, (e) => {
Where my todo is just a mongoose model in a separate file
var Todo = mongoose.model('Hello123', {
text: {
type: String,
module.exports = { Todo };
I want to pass any string from my server file as a variable for my database name, so in this case pass any variable where I have 'Hello123'
Is it possible to do this? I've been trying to export the creation of the model as function and call this from the server file however this hasn't worked
Not the end of the world if I can't however I like keeping all functionality etc. out of my server.js file such that it is easier to read

Change your database file to export a function which accepts the model name like this:
module.exports = function(name) {
var Todo = mongoose.model(name, {
text: {
type: String,
return Todo;
Then your server.js import statement can look like:
var modelName = 'Hello123';
var Todo = require('./database.js')(modelName);
This should work.


How to test mongoose methods using sinon fakes?

I have the following arrangement of tests using sinon, mocha and chai:
type ModelObject = {
name: string;
model: typeof Categoria | typeof Articulo | typeof Usuario;
fakeMultiple: () => object[];
fakeOne: (id?: string) => object;
const models: ModelObject[] = [
name: 'categorias',
model: Categoria,
fakeMultiple: () => fakeMultiple({ creator: oneCategoria }),
fakeOne: oneCategoria
name: 'articulos',
model: Articulo,
fakeMultiple: () => fakeMultiple({ creator: oneArticulo }),
fakeOne: oneArticulo
name: 'usuarios',
model: Usuario,
fakeMultiple: () => fakeMultiple({ creator: oneUsuario }),
fakeOne: oneUsuario
const randomModel = models[Math.floor(Math.random() * models.length)];
describe(`v1/${randomModel.name}`, function () {
this.afterEach(function () {
context.only("When requesting information from an endpoint, this should take the Model of the requested endpoint and query the database for all the elements of that model", function () {
it.only(`Should return a list of elements of ${randomModel.name} model`, function (done) {
const fakes = randomModel.fakeMultiple();
const findFake = sinon.fake.resolves({ [randomModel.name]: fakes });
sinon.replace(randomModel.model, 'find', findFake);
(err, res) => {
I use this to test an endpoint that arbitrary returns information about a given model. In my controllers, I'm using a dynamic middleware to determine which model is going to be queried, for example, if the route consumed is "api/v1/categorias", it will query for Categorias model. If the route consumed is "api/v1/articulos", it will query for Articulos model, and so on.
To make the query, i use the following service:
import { Articulo } from '../models/articulo';
import { Usuario } from '../models/usuario';
import { Categoria } from '../models/categoria';
import logger from '../config/logging';
import { Model } from 'mongoose';
const determineModel = (model: string): Model<any> => {
switch (model) {
case 'articulos':
return Articulo;
case 'usuarios':
return Usuario;
case 'categorias':
return Categoria;
throw new Error(`Model ${model} not found`);
export const getInformation = async (schema: string, page: number, limit: number) => {
try {
const model = determineModel(schema);
const data = await model.find().skip((page - 1) * limit).limit(limit);
const dataLength = await model.find().countDocuments();
return {
total: dataLength,
} catch (err) {
throw err;
The problem here lies when running my tests, it seems that is unable to run the .skip() and .limit() methods for my model.find()
error: model.find(...).skip is not a function
TypeError: model.find(...).skip is not a function
I think that I need to fake those methods, because when running the same test without skip and limit, it works as a charm. My problem lies in the fact that I don't know how to fake those, or to see if my guess is correct.
As a note, I have default params for the variables page and limit (1 and 15 respectively) so I'm not passing empty values to the methods.

get all routes from nest.js app from a script

Currently i save all my routes in a file after the projects starts
async function bootstrap() {
const adapter = new FastifyAdapter(fastifyInstance);
adapter.register(fastifyMultipart, fastifyAdapterConfig);
const app = await NestFactory.create<NestFastifyApplication>(AppModule, adapter);
// Collecting all the routes from the project
const routesList: Array<{ method: string; url: string }> = [];
.addHook('onRoute', (route: Record<string, string>) => {
if (!JSON.stringify(route).includes('"hide":true')) {
routesList.push({ method: <string>route.method, url: <string>route.url });
// Saving all routes into a file in a root of a project
const routesFileName = 'mock_index.js';
fs.writeFile(path.join(process.cwd(), routesFileName), JSON.stringify(routesList), (err) => {
if (err) {
logger.error(`File ${routesFileName} saving errors: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
throw err;
logger.log(`Routes list is saved in a root folder in a file: ${routesFileName}`);
But how can I save all my routes without starting a project, outside bootstrap()
for example from yarn:generate-routes.
"generate-routes": "node ./ci-cd/generate-routes.js",
The main problem is to get the list of routes in runtime.

How to test function in class using jest

I wasn't able to make unit testing worked using jest
I'm trying to test a specific function that's calling or expecting result from other function but I'm not sure why it is not working. I'm pretty new to unit testing and really have no idea how could I make it work. currently this is what I've tried
export class OrganizationService {
constructor() {
this.OrganizationRepo = new OrganizationRepository()
async getOrganizations(req) {
if (req.permission !== 'internal' && req.isAuthInternal === false) {
throw new Error('Unauthenticated')
const opt = { deleted: true }
return this.OrganizationRepo.listAll(opt)
This is my OrganizationRepository that extends the MongoDbRepo
import { MongoDbRepo } from './mongodb_repository'
export class OrganizationRepository extends MongoDbRepo {
constructor(collection = 'organizations') {
and this is the MongoDbRepo
const mongoClient = require('../config/mongo_db_connection')
const mongoDb = require('mongodb')
export class MongoDbRepo {
constructor(collectionName) {
this.collection = mongoClient.get().collection(collectionName)
listAll(opt) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.collection.find(opt).toArray((err, data) => {
if (err) {
and this is the test that I've made
import { OrganizationService } from '../../../src/services/organization_service'
describe('getOrganizations', () => {
it('should return the list of organizations', () => {
// const OrgRepo = new OrganizationRepository()
const orgService = new OrganizationService()
const OrgRepo = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("[{_id: '123', name: 'testname'}, {_id: '456, name: 'testname2'}]")
// orgService.getOrganizations = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('')
const result = orgService.getOrganizations()
I see two issues in the way you are testing:
You are trying to test an asynchronous method, and on your test, you are not waiting for this method to be finished before your expect statement.
A good test structure should be:
it('should test your method', (done) => {
const orgService = new OrganizationService();
const OrgRepo = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("[{_id: '123', name: 'testname'}, {_id: '456, name: 'testname2'}]")
.then((result) => {
expect(result).toEqual(OrgRepo); // I recommend using "toEqual" when comparing arrays
Don't forget to put done as a parameter for your test!
You can find more about testing asynchronous functions on the Jest official documentation.
In order to test your method properly, you want to isolate it from external dependencies. Here, the actual method OrganizationRepo.listAll() is called. You want to mock this method, for instance with a spy, so that you control its result and only test the getOrganizations method. That would look like this:
it('should test your method', (done) => {
const req = {
// Whatever structure it needs to be sure that the error in your method is not thrown
const orgService = new OrganizationService();
const orgRepoMock = spyOn(orgService['OrganizationRepo'], 'listAll')
.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve("[{_id: '123', name: 'testname'}, {_id: '456, name: 'testname2'}]"));
const OrgRepo = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("[{_id: '123', name: 'testname'}, {_id: '456, name: 'testname2'}]");
.then((result) => {
expect(result).toEqual(OrgRepo); // I recommend using "toEqual" when comparing arrays
expect(orgRepoMock).toHaveBeenCalled(); // For good measure
This way, we make sure that your method is isolated and its outcome cannot be altered by external methods.
For this particular method, I also recommend that you test the error throwing depending on the input of your method.
I was able to answer this, first is I mocked the repository using
const mockGetOne = jest.fn()
OrganizationRepository.protorype.getOne = mockGetOne
then the rest is the test

Breeze Error: A MergeStrategy of 'Disallowed'

I am getting this error when running the sample application for AngularJS from Breeze's website.
This is the code for the controller breezectl.js:
'use strict';
angular.module('mean').controller('breezeController', ['$scope', 'Global', 'dataservice',
function($scope, Global, dataservice) {
$scope.global = Global;
$scope.breeze = {
name: 'Breeze Sample'
//$scope.results = dataservice;
function getProducts() {
function success(data) {
$scope.results = data;
function failed(error) {
$scope.results = error.message;
dataservice.getAllProducts() enters the catch(failed) branch with this error message: "A MergeStrategy of 'Disallowed' does not allow you to attach an entity when an entity with the same key is already attached"
This is the code for dataservice.js:
'use strict';
angular.module('mean').factory('dataservice', ['breeze', 'entityManagerFactory',
function(breeze, entityManagerFactory) {
var manager = entityManagerFactory.newManager();
function getAllProducts(){
function success(data) {
return data.results;
return breeze.EntityQuery.from('Products')
var service = {
getAllProducts: getAllProducts
return service;
Note: A direct call to Products from the Restful API (localhost:3000/breeze/northwind/Products) works properly and returns a set of Json objects representing all of the products in the collection.
Steve Schmitt are right. My metadata.json had the "defaultResourceName" property with a different name that the database collection.
I changed "Products" to "products" and this works.
Many thanks to all of you.

backbone.js and express: trouble searching a mongodb collection by field with a query string

I am new to backbone, express, and mongodb.
I am trying to pass a query string to search a mongodb collection by field.
I am doing something wrong. If I comment out the "fetch" from my router, the page is found.
If I try to fetch, then I get a page not found error.
I've tried to isolate where it's breaking, but the backbone architecture is still confusing to me. Thanks in advance. (I'm betting it's a syntax issue in my mongodb call)
Here is my code.
this URL should return a collection where "type" = 3.
window.Content = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: "/content",
idAttribute: "_id"
window.ContentCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Content,
url: "/content"
window.ContentListView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
render: function () {
//return this;
this.$el.append('<ul class="thumbnails">');
this.collection.each(function(model) {
this.$('.thumbnails').append(new ContentView({model: model}).render().el);
}, this);
return this;
} });
window.ContentView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "li",
initialize: function () {
this.model.bind("change", this.render, this);
this.model.bind("destroy", this.close, this);
render: function () {
return this;
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: { "content/:type" : "contentType" },
contentType: function(type) {
var contentList = new ContentCollection({type : type});
contentList.fetch({success: function(){
$("#content").empty().append(new ContentListView({collection: contentList}).el);
], function() {
app = new AppRouter();
Backbone.history.start(); });
name (<% tag won't print here)
exports.findContentByType = function(req, res) {
var type = req.params.type;
db.collection('content', function(err, collection) {
collection.find({'type': type.toString()}).toArray(function(err, items) {
app.get('/content/:type', module.findContentByType);
I can see a couple of problems here:
this.headerView.selectMenuItem('build-menu'); (in the router) implies you've defined headerView in the router object, but it's not defined.
Similarly, this.template inside ContentView is not defined
When I remove the line in #1, and and define a dummy template in ContentView:
template: _.template("<div> Test: <%= version %> </div>"),
Then the view at least renders -- see here. (This is with dummy data -- I can't confirm that your server is returning valid/expected JSON.)
