Spyder failing to launch - “could not find or load the Qt platform plugin windows” - python-3.x

I've recently had to do a fresh install of windows and reinstall all the software I was previously using including anaconda.
I still have all the data from before the reinstall. To save me from pip installing all the packages I was using, I thought it would be easier to copy and paste the environment info from pre windows reinstall (left image) into the environment folder of the freshly installed anaconda (right).(Information/Folders in question)
I'm getting this error message when I try to launch Spyder.
Juypter notebook seems to be working fine but I get the error shown when I attempt to launch Sypder in the 'imported environment' TensorFlow1.8CPU.
Can anyone tell me how to resolve this?
I'm also open to hear any other ways of importing the environment from pre windows install anaconda folder.

I solved this problem by installing spyder with a lower version.


'{CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX}\\shell\\condabin\\conda-hook.ps1' not found on PS launch from Anaconda Navigator

I had Anaconda3 installed and decided to install miniconda. The initial installation seems to be in ProgramData/Anaconda3 base. Miniconda is in Users\myname\miniconda. When I run anaconda-navigator from the miniconda base installation it reports version 2.1.4. When I run it from Anaconda3 base it is version 1.9.7. The launch link for the PS Prompt on the new mini installation works, but on the old installation of Anaconda3 base, the launch link returns the error.
I'm guessing it might be a path problem but I'm not sure. I don't see any path variable (in Windows 10) with either Anaconda3 or miniconda. The navigator automatically crates those links when you click on install and launch. I tried to remove the application by clicking on the little cog on the card, but all I got was a "Multiple errors" message and it failed to even remove it.
How can I fix this, or have I completely messed up my Anaconda installation?

How do I install libraries in PyCharm?

I installed matpotlib library through cmd using pip install matplotlib. The library works fine in IDLE but I am not able to import it in PyCharm. I tried installing the library in Pycharm directly but it showed an error.I have attached an image of error it shows while installing through pycharm.
While starting a project, PyCharm creates a new virtual environment for each project, else mentioned. You install matplotlib in the general environment, so not present in this environment.
Try taking PyCharm's terminal instead of installing from searching available packages. It will be in the virtual environment of the project. And pip install matplotlib.
Else start the project using a virtual environment you have already created where you have installed matplotlib

PyMesh Installation on Python 3.6 Windows

I am trying to install Pymesh on Python 3.6.
In my first try, I installed through pip, however it installed a wrong PyMesh than I wanted.
It installed the following, https://pypi.org/project/pymesh/, while I wanted https://pymesh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
I uninstalled it, and tried installing the later PyMesh, however no luck. There were no instructions for windows. I downloaded the source from github. I extracted and pasted it in C:\Python36\Lib\site-packages
Then I ran python3 setup.py build - when an error showed up, I also tried python3 setup.py install, which worked. However, I am unable to do a simple basic command mentioned in the web page: https://pymesh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic.html
It is saying pymesh does not have module name load_mesh.
Looking for the process or thoughts on how to properly install pyMesh for Windows.
My go to solution for problems like this on Windows is always to try it in a conda env first. If that fails, use Docker.

Could not determine jupyterlab build status without nodejs

I'm seeing this error in the terminal: "Could not determine jupyterlab build status without nodejs". Even when latest version of nodejs is installed on my PC.
Please guide what should I do?
I ran into a similar issue this morning and ended up here. The diagnostic message appears to be harmless:
[W 07:35:51.998 LabApp] Could not determine jupyterlab build status without nodejs
However, the way I resolved it for my configuration (Windows 10, Anaconda distribution of Python 3.7) was to download NodeJS from the source. Choose the LTS (Long Term Support) version of Node.js rather than the "Current with the latest features" edition.
Next, ensure the node executable is in the search path. On Windows, hold the Windows key and Break. Click on Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables -> System Variables. Double click PATH to edit. Click OK until you're out.
In a new command window, run:
jupyter lab
You're looking for something like this in the output:
[I 07:16:26.721 LabApp] Node v10.15.3
On Unbuntu 20.04, just activate the environment and install by conda:
conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
Try the command below, follow through the prompt and see if it helps in your issue.
jupyter lab --debug
You can check your installation of npm or nodes by using
node -v
npm -v
FWIW, I got the same error message, on Win10, and just restarted the virtual environment, restarted jupyter lab and have not had the error since (several days). Doesnt help of course if there is an underlying issue:)
For Mac OS/Windows: install LTS version of Node.js from here and restart jupyter lab.
I installed it from source but it looks like a version had installed on conda that was old, which was causing this issue. If you've installed nodejs with conda (or something similar) you will get an outdated version, uninstall it and install it from the nodejs website manually. The error will fix.
Just for completeness, on Linux Mint LMDE 5, installing with pip solved the problem:
pip install nodejs

How to start Spyder in Linux Enthought Canopy

I have installed Enthought Canopy v-2.1.6 and downloaded Spyder v-2.3.8-8 with the Canopy Package Manager. There were no warning or error messages during the installation, but I can figure out how to start Spyder
I'm running Windows 10, not Linux. But after reading this question I installed Spyder via the package manager and tried to run it. I ended up finding the "spyderlib" folder in the site-packages directory and pulled the file spyder.py into the editor. Running it launched Spyder.
I know it has been a while since the question was posted, but I hope this helps somebody.
