how to upgrade develop toolset on CentOS6.3 without the Internet? - linux

Background: My CentOS have no access to the Internet and upgrading OS isn't permitted, but I can upload files to it. I want to use YCM to complete my c++ code.
I intended to install YCM on centos6.3 which have a clang2.8, but YCM needs libcalng3.9. So I have to upgrade my clang and llvm. Then I follow this tutorail to install llvm with source code, however I found that gcc cmake and many other fundamental tools also must be upgraded, or many errors would occur.
In order to install new tool chain, I have downloaded CentOS7.iso and use it as a local yum repo to upgrade development toolset. I don't know whether this way is proper, and it falt into loop dependence. So my questions are below.
Can install YCM without upgrade my development toolset?
Is there an easy/hard way to upgrade my development toolset?
What is the reason that I can't install software on CentOS6.3 using CentOS7.4?

You may use scientific linux's devtoolset packages from
Use rpm or yum to install devtoolset-7 and its dependecies. New binaries will be installed into /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin. To make use of them you must add the path to the PATH environment variable.
The packages contain prebuilt binaries which require specific versions of shared librarirs, which are not available on mismatched version of centos.


Which packages should I install on Cygwin to use simpleScalar - Alpha configuration?

I already installed the following packages version 4.3-1, gcc-core version 11.3.0-1, gcc-g++ version 11.3.0-1. However, when I run the make command after running the make config-alpha command, I get several errors on the screen. I already tried to install other versions of these packages but I still get the same results.errors that I got
Which other additional package should I install?
Assuming that SimpleScalar is the one here:
the packaging is ancient (gcc gcc- and its manually crafted configure is not considering any recent platforms.
It seems very hard to adjust to a Cygwin build and you can not use the GCC Cygwin compiler for a cross build of a Alpha platform

Linux Installation libX11-devel

I am trying to build QT4 (porting from Redhat 5 to 7 with an upgraded gcc compiler) in RedHat 7 and I was getting an error saying X11/Xlib.h can't be found. Anyways, after doing some research most people said to install libX11-devel to get those x11 libraries. Since I am using an offline machine I can't do "apt-get" type commands and have to manually install RPMs. So, I went to my RH-7 installation DVD and got "libX11-devel-1.6.3-3.el7.x86-64" (I have 64 bit OS) and tried to install using "yum install libX11-devel-1.6.3-3.el7.x86_64" and I am getting dependencies errors. It's saying
...Requires: pkgconfig(kbproto)
...Required: pkgconfig(xcb)
...Requires: pkgconfig(xproto)
...Requires: pkgconfig(xcb) >= 1.1.92
So, here are my questions.
1) when it says "pkgconfig(kbproto)", is it saying find the "kbproto....RPM" and do a "yum install". In my dvd I only have "xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.7.13.el7.noarch.rpm". Do I have to somehow find "xorg-x11-proto......x86_64.rpm" since it's a 64 bit machine?
2) Is there a difference between "yum install" and pkgconfig "install"? Are there any other installation variants in Linux?
3)For an offline machine, Is there anyway I can get all the dependencies and install everything at once ?
4) Why is it saying "xcb" requires twice. If I just get a xcb...rpm version above 1.1.92 can I just install it once?
Before actually answering the questions, I am going to suggest to see if you can get the latest version of the packages. The packages on the installation DVD may be really out of date and contain known vulernabilities, and other bugs. Can you use yumdownloader - in an online environment - to download the latest version onto a separate DVD and use that as the installation source? See for more information.
To answer the questions themselves:
Requires: foo can refer to a package foo or a "feature" foo. pkgconfig(kbproto) is a "feature" (or virtual requires). You can use yum/rpm to see what provides this. On my Fedora box, for example, rpm -q --provides xorg-x11-proto-devel shows that this package indeed provides pkgconfig(kbproto).
As for x86_64 vs noarch, it doesn't matter. noarch packages work everywhere. Other packages are restricted to the platform. So x86_64 only works on intel/amd x86 64-bit machines. Installing noarch should be fine in your case. If you only had a i686 package, though, that wouldn't be sufficient. You would have to find a x86_64 or noarch package.
Yes, there's a big difference between yum and pkg-config. They do completely different things. One is a system tool for installing RPM packages. The other is a tool for developers for using the right headers and compiler flags. If your concern is finding/installing RPMs, do not use pkg-config directly.
Do you have access to an online machine that can access the RHEL 7 yum repositories? On that machine, do something like this:
mkdir rhel7-packages
cd rhel7-packages
yum provides '*/X11/Xlib.h' # make a note of the package that provides this file. it's libX11-devel on Fedora here
yumdownloader --resolve libX11-devel # download libX11-devel and all dependencies not installed on the system
Then copy/install the RPMs on the machine without internet access.
It's probably printing out xcb twice because it's two different requirements. The unversioned requirement will be satisfied if you install any verison of xcb. The versioned requirement will only be satisfied if you install 1.1.92. If you install 1.1.92, it will satisified both the requirements.
You have to resolve the dependency on the system where you are building your package. This means you need to have those dependencies installed, inclusing libX11-devel. To do that, download the RPMs manually from EL7 repos to local disk and run this:
$ mkdir -p /tmp/libX11_dep_rpms && cd /tmp/libX11_dep_rpms
# Download all dependencies from here. All your packages should be available here:
# Then install
$ yum localinstall *.rpm
# After this you should be able to build your qt4 package, provided all dependencies are resolved. Otherwise, repeat the procedure for all dependencies
# If you can't download packages, then you need to create a FULL DVD ISO that will contain all packages.
pkgconfig ensures that a requirement is coming from a particular build that provides a particular version of the library. Here are some detail.
Get the Everything ISO from EL7.
This has to do with the pkgconfig and library versions.

How can I install MinGW-w64 and MSYS2?

I am trying to build some open source library. I need a package management system to easily download the dependencies. At first I am using MinGW and MSYS. But the included packages are limited. Someone told me to use Mingw-w64 and MSYS2.
I downloaded the mingw-w64-install from here. When running, it reports the following error. How can I fix it?
And by the way, from the Mingw-w64 download page, I see a lot of download links. Even Cygwin is listed. How are Cygwin and Mingw-w64 related?
My current understanding is, in the time of MinGW and MSYS, MSYS is just a nice addon to MinGW, while in Mingw-w64 + MSYS2, MSYS2 is stand-alone and Mingw-w64 is just a set of libraries it can work with. Just like Cygwin can download many different packages.
Unfortunately, the MinGW-w64 installer you used sometimes has this issue. I myself am not sure about why this happens (I think it has something to do with Sourceforge URL redirection or whatever that the installer currently can't handle properly enough).
Anyways, if you're already planning on using MSYS2, there's no need for that installer.
Download MSYS2 from this page.
After the install completes, click on the MSYS2 UCRT64 in the Start menu (or C:\msys64\ucrt64.exe).
If done correctly, the terminal prompt will say UCRT64 in magenta letters, not MSYS.
Update MSYS2 using pacman -Syuu. If it closes itself during the update, restart it and repeat the same command to finish the update.
You should routinely update your installation.
Install the toolchain: (i.e. the compiler and some extra tools)
pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-toolchain
Install any libraries/tools you may need. You can search the repositories by doing
pacman -Ss name_of_something_i_want_to_install
pacman -Ss gsl
and install using
pacman -S package_name_of_something_i_want_to_install
pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gsl
and from then on the GSL library will be automatically found by your compiler!
Make sure any compilers and libraries you install have this package prefix: mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-. Only use unprefixed packages for misc command-line utilities (such as grep, sed, make, etc), unless you know what you're doing.
Verify that the compiler is working by doing
gcc --version
If you want to use the toolchains (with installed libraries) outside of the MSYS2 environment, all you need to do is add C:/msys64/ucrt64/bin to your PATH.
MSYS2 provides several compiler flavors, UCRT64 being one of them. It should be a reasonable default.
MSYS has not been updated a long time. MSYS2 is more active, and you can download it from MSYS2. It has both the mingw and cygwin fork package.
To install the MinGW-w64 toolchain (reference):
Open the MSYS2 shell from the start menu
Run pacman -Sy pacman to update the package database
Reopen the shell, and run pacman -Syu to update the package database and core system packages
Reopen the shell, and run pacman -Su to update the rest
Install the compiler:
For a 32-bit target, run pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain
For a 64-bit target, run pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
Select which package to install; the default is all
You may also need make. Run pacman -S make
You can now also get the stand-alone personal build of MinGW-w64 from which doesn't require any installation; just extract and its ready to use. This allow having multiple toolchains on the same system (e.g., one for Windows 32-bit and another for Windows 64-bit).
The most straightforward way, as far as I know, is to use Chocolatey to install MinGW:
choco install mingw
Then check with the command whereis gcc. It is going to be installed in C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin.
one more thing, to get make working, just copie (or rename if you wish)
with copy mingw32-make.exe make.exe in C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin.

Fedora - Reinstalling GMP with C++ support

I'm trying to install a library that uses gmp and am running the ./configure on it.
So far, I've gotten past several snags, such as requiring gcc, g++, and m4 by using:
yum install gcc
yum install gcc-g++
yum install m4
Now I'm getting this error:
checking for the GMP library version 4.1.3 or above... no
configure: error: Cannot find GMP version 4.1.3 or higher.
GMP is the GNU Multi-Precision library:
see for more information.
When compiling the GMP library, do not forget to enable the C++ interface:
add --enable-cxx to the configuration options.
As such, I tried both installing and updating gmp using yum:
yum install gmp
yum update gmp
Install tells me it's already installed and is v. 5.1.2
Updating says there's nothing to update.
I went to the gmp site and it is currently v. 6.0.0
I downloaded it and ran configure (using --enable-cxx), make, and make install.
Yet, nothing has changed. It still says I have v. 5.1.2 and the configure for the library still says it can't find 4.1.3 and above / try enabling c++.
The gmp files (such as gmp.h) are being placed in /usr/local/lib and /include
I've been at this for hours without any progress. I'm rather new to linux so I imagine there's something I just don't know about.
Am I not installing 6.0.0 correctly to overwrite the already installed one?
Or is there a way to reinstall the original with the c++ option?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
dnf install gmp-devel resolved this for me on rhel
When you manually install something, as you have, it doesn't get installed in the normal /usr/lib directory and therefore it doesn't overwrite it. This is a good thing. In general, you shouldn't mess with files installed by the package manager. (Except in the case that they are config files that are meant to be edited.)
When you install manually, it is installed to /usr/local/lib. Fortunately, GCC and other compilers don't care which directory something is installed in, they will find it (when it's in standard places like /usr/* or /usr/local/*).
Just include the C++ header and add the correct -l library flag.
I figured it out.
Under the --help section of the ./configure for the library I was trying to install, there was actually a feature just for this:
Using these, I was able to get it to install.
Thanks for the help.
I think I was too focused on trying to update the system install of gmp.

"Linking" to different versions of automake/autoconf tools

I am currently working on a machine to which I do not have sudo privileges. I am trying to build a library which requires Autoconf and Automake versions higher than the currently installed versions. I successfully installed autoconf in my home directory. However, the version of automake I am installing ALSO requires an autoconf version higher than the currently installed version.
My question:
If possible, how do you tell configure files where to find autoconf/automake if they are installed in non-default locations?
Thank you
You don't really need to tell them anything. Just put the path to the overriding autoconf/automake before the system autoconf/automake path in PATH and it should work.
