How can I install MinGW-w64 and MSYS2? - cygwin

I am trying to build some open source library. I need a package management system to easily download the dependencies. At first I am using MinGW and MSYS. But the included packages are limited. Someone told me to use Mingw-w64 and MSYS2.
I downloaded the mingw-w64-install from here. When running, it reports the following error. How can I fix it?
And by the way, from the Mingw-w64 download page, I see a lot of download links. Even Cygwin is listed. How are Cygwin and Mingw-w64 related?
My current understanding is, in the time of MinGW and MSYS, MSYS is just a nice addon to MinGW, while in Mingw-w64 + MSYS2, MSYS2 is stand-alone and Mingw-w64 is just a set of libraries it can work with. Just like Cygwin can download many different packages.

Unfortunately, the MinGW-w64 installer you used sometimes has this issue. I myself am not sure about why this happens (I think it has something to do with Sourceforge URL redirection or whatever that the installer currently can't handle properly enough).
Anyways, if you're already planning on using MSYS2, there's no need for that installer.
Download MSYS2 from this page.
After the install completes, click on the MSYS2 UCRT64 in the Start menu (or C:\msys64\ucrt64.exe).
If done correctly, the terminal prompt will say UCRT64 in magenta letters, not MSYS.
Update MSYS2 using pacman -Syuu. If it closes itself during the update, restart it and repeat the same command to finish the update.
You should routinely update your installation.
Install the toolchain: (i.e. the compiler and some extra tools)
pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-toolchain
Install any libraries/tools you may need. You can search the repositories by doing
pacman -Ss name_of_something_i_want_to_install
pacman -Ss gsl
and install using
pacman -S package_name_of_something_i_want_to_install
pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gsl
and from then on the GSL library will be automatically found by your compiler!
Make sure any compilers and libraries you install have this package prefix: mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-. Only use unprefixed packages for misc command-line utilities (such as grep, sed, make, etc), unless you know what you're doing.
Verify that the compiler is working by doing
gcc --version
If you want to use the toolchains (with installed libraries) outside of the MSYS2 environment, all you need to do is add C:/msys64/ucrt64/bin to your PATH.
MSYS2 provides several compiler flavors, UCRT64 being one of them. It should be a reasonable default.

MSYS has not been updated a long time. MSYS2 is more active, and you can download it from MSYS2. It has both the mingw and cygwin fork package.
To install the MinGW-w64 toolchain (reference):
Open the MSYS2 shell from the start menu
Run pacman -Sy pacman to update the package database
Reopen the shell, and run pacman -Syu to update the package database and core system packages
Reopen the shell, and run pacman -Su to update the rest
Install the compiler:
For a 32-bit target, run pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain
For a 64-bit target, run pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
Select which package to install; the default is all
You may also need make. Run pacman -S make

You can now also get the stand-alone personal build of MinGW-w64 from which doesn't require any installation; just extract and its ready to use. This allow having multiple toolchains on the same system (e.g., one for Windows 32-bit and another for Windows 64-bit).

The most straightforward way, as far as I know, is to use Chocolatey to install MinGW:
choco install mingw
Then check with the command whereis gcc. It is going to be installed in C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin.
one more thing, to get make working, just copie (or rename if you wish)
with copy mingw32-make.exe make.exe in C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin.


GCC not added to system path on pacman install

When installing mingw on a fresh MSYS2 instance I run into the issue of gcc not found:
$ g++
bash: g++: command not found
Fresh MSYS2 install on relatively clean windows 10 install:
pacman -Syu
pacman -Su
pacman -S make
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
It appears that GCC is successfully installed into the directory /mingw64/bin
Yet my path consists of
As such gcc is not found.
I have tried adding /mingw64/bin to the $PATH however this seems like a temporary fix of an underlying problem.
My question specifically is, is there any reason as to why either the mingw is not installed into the /usr/bin/ directory or the installation did not add itself to the path, and or any simple reason as to what is causing this.
Thanks in advance!
Since you installed mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc it seems like you want to compile 64-bit native Windows applications. Therefore, you should start MSYS2 by running mingw64.exe, found at the top level of your MSYS2 installation. That will put /mingw64/bin/ on your PATH and set some other useful environment variables.
I have found simply adding C:\msys64\mingw64\bin to the host windows computers PATH variable this, in turn, adds \mingw64\bin to the MSYS2 $PATH solving the problem.

how to upgrade develop toolset on CentOS6.3 without the Internet?

Background: My CentOS have no access to the Internet and upgrading OS isn't permitted, but I can upload files to it. I want to use YCM to complete my c++ code.
I intended to install YCM on centos6.3 which have a clang2.8, but YCM needs libcalng3.9. So I have to upgrade my clang and llvm. Then I follow this tutorail to install llvm with source code, however I found that gcc cmake and many other fundamental tools also must be upgraded, or many errors would occur.
In order to install new tool chain, I have downloaded CentOS7.iso and use it as a local yum repo to upgrade development toolset. I don't know whether this way is proper, and it falt into loop dependence. So my questions are below.
Can install YCM without upgrade my development toolset?
Is there an easy/hard way to upgrade my development toolset?
What is the reason that I can't install software on CentOS6.3 using CentOS7.4?
You may use scientific linux's devtoolset packages from
Use rpm or yum to install devtoolset-7 and its dependecies. New binaries will be installed into /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin. To make use of them you must add the path to the PATH environment variable.
The packages contain prebuilt binaries which require specific versions of shared librarirs, which are not available on mismatched version of centos.

how to update make 3.81 linux

I am new to Linux (new as in installed it yesterday), I need it for my programming course in the university and I've been told to install specific versions of specific programs, but though I've used apt-get install to install them (having previously done apt-get update) they aren't in the correct version.
The programs that I need are make 4.0 and valgrind 3.10.1.
apt-get installs make 3.81 and valgrind 3.10.0.SVN.
I have tried typing "apt-get install make4.0" and "apt-get install valgrind10.3.1" to no avail. I have downloaded them from the internet and followed what instructions I could understand to install the newer versions but it keeps saying that I have the older ones. (I'm not sure if I can post direct links here, if I can let me know and I'll post where I got them from).
What have I been doing wrong? How can I fix this?
I am currently running Linux Mint.
Thanks for any answer in advance.
Due to a long-standing unresolved Debian bug report, GNU Make remained the age-old 3.81 in Debian for a very long time, and as a consequence, in Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu and Mint.
The latest Debian release, Jessie, has upgraded to 4.0, so Debian-based distributions will have that upgrade. However, it is better to use 4.1.
This has been discussed many times on the GNU Make mailing list and elsewhere.
So to get a newer version, you must compile it from scratch.
This is easy:
Install the required packages (gcc, make and such).
Open up a shell (if you're using the GUI, a terminal window).
Type the following commands (or something equivalent, e.g. you can use curl instead of wget):
cd /tmp
tar xvf make-4.1.tar.gz
cd make-4.1/
sudo make install
cd ..
rm -rf make-4.1.tar.gz make-4.1
Now, make 4.1 is in /usr/local/bin/make.
You can verify it is there with whereis make.
You can make it your default make by prefixing /usr/local/bin to your $PATH variable in your shell startup file; for instance, in .profile or .bashrc if you use the bash shell.
Don't try to install a self-compiled make (or anything else that doesn't come from the distribution's package manager) into /bin or /usr/bin; doing that will confuse your package manager.

Installing additional packages for Cygwin

To install additional packages for Cygwin, do I just need to run the setup.exe again and choose from the packages list?
Also, doing this won't harm my computer in terms of 2 Cygwin instances being installed or problems of that kind (I'm kind of a noobie with these things).
Last, there is no package manager in Cygwin which you can run in the command line? Something similar to Pip in Python.
No, adding additional packages doesn’t modify the current settings. There is a
package manager called apt-cyg which installes additional packages from
command-line. To install apt-cyg follow the below steps:
install apt-cyg /bin
Note: wget should be installed for downloading the apt-cyg. To Use apt-cyg for
installing additional package (after following the above steps):
apt-cyg install ncurses
No, it doesn't hurt the current setup. The install program knows what's installed already.
Having said that, I long ago got into the habit of installing all of Cygwin since, despite its size, it's still minuscule compared to the size of modern hard disks. That way, you won't ever have to worry about whether a package is installed or not.
Re-run the setup executable like "cygwin_setup-x86_64.exe" should do it.
"Install from Internet"
Accept your existing root directory (from your existing installation)
Use your existing "Local Package Directory"
On the screen, view "Full"
Search for the new package you want to add
Go through the installation
Additional option, may be helpful for someone:
To install additional packages in windows from windows command line you can use your cygwin installer.
I suppose, you've already downloaded it to install cygwin from here
$ setup-x86_64.exe -q -P graphviz
see this guide for details:
There is no package management in Cygwin outside of the setup program. The setup only applies updates to your current installation, it does not overwrite packages than what you already have.
So if you want new packages just rerun the setup program to install packages.
You can just look for the package binaries and decompress them in the C:\cygwin\bin folder.
I did that for dos2unix ( ) and trying it out now.

apt-get for Cygwin?

Is there any apt-get-like program for use with Cygwin?
I already tried cyg-apt but when I try I get this error:
cyg-apt: downloading:
cyg-apt: downloading:
cyg-apt: bad URL, exiting.
Best I have ever used:
apt-cyg package manager
You can do this using Cygwin’s setup.exe from Windows command line. Example:
cd C:\cygwin64
setup-x86_64 -q -P wget,tar,gawk,bzip2,subversion,vim
For a more convenient installer, you may want to use the
apt-cyg package manager. Its syntax is
similar to apt-get, which is a plus. For this, follow the above steps and then
use Cygwin Bash for the following steps:
install apt-cyg /bin
Now that apt-cyg is installed. Here are a few examples of installing some
apt-cyg install nano
apt-cyg install git
apt-cyg install ca-certificates
Update: you can read the more complex answer, which contains more methods and information.
There exists a couple of scripts, which can be used as simple package managers. But as far as I know, none of them allows you to upgrade packages, because it’s not an easy task on Windows since there is not possible to overwrite files in use. So you have to close all Cygwin instances first and then you can use Cygwin’s native setup.exe (which itself does the upgrade via “replace after reboot” method, when files are in use).
The best one for me. Simply because it’s one of the most recent. It works correctly for both platforms - x86 and x86_64. There exists a lot of forks with some additional features. For example the kou1okada fork is one of improved versions.
Cygwin’s setup.exe
It has also command line mode. Moreover it allows you to upgrade all installed packages at once.
setup.exe-x86_64.exe -q --packages=bash,vim
Example use:
setup.exe-x86_64.exe -q --packages="bash,vim"
You can create an alias for easier use, for example:
alias cyg-get="/cygdrive/d/path/to/cygwin/setup-x86_64.exe -q -P"
Then you can for example install the Vim package with:
cyg-get vim
you can always make a bash alias to setup*.exe files in $home/.bashrc
cygwin 32bit
alias cyg-get="/cygdrive/c/cygwin/setup-x86.exe -q -P"
cygwin 64bit
alias cyg-get="/cygdrive/c/cygwin64/setup-x86_64.exe -q -P"
now you can install packages with
cyg-get <package>
This got it working for me:
curl > \
apt-cyg && install apt-cyg /bin
No. The only officially supported tool for downloading and updating Cygwin packages is the setup.exe file you used for the initial install, although that can be invoked with command line arguments to help the process.
From that same page:
The basic reason for not having a more full-featured package manager is that such a program would need full access to all of Cygwin's POSIX functionality. That is, however, difficult to provide in a Cygwin-free environment, such as exists on first installation. Additionally, Windows does not easily allow overwriting of in-use executables so installing a new version of the Cygwin DLL while a package manager is using the DLL is problematic.
You can use Chocolatey to install cyg-get and then install your packages with it.
For example:
choco install cyg-get
cyg-get install my-package
