How to show list of products in google assistant without selecting any of them? - dialogflow-es

Currently i am building a chatbot where i need to display list of products with its description. I tried Carousel, Browsable Carousel and List but they all allow to select any options from the list.
I want to display the products but do not allow to select any of them.
I am using dialogflow as NLP and sending fulfillment using action-on-google's dialogflow node.js library.
Can anyone help me implementing this ?

You can try sending a single Basic Card with an image, if that is suitable for the response. You can also look into using a Table Card, however it doesn't allow for images in the cells - just a single image for the table.
There is no way to prevent a List or Carousel item from being selected, but you can certainly handle the response by ignoring what they've selected and re-prompting them with whatever you've prompted them with after showing the carousel/list. (Or even just re-showing the list and re-prompting them.)
However, it really isn't clear why the items are for information only and that speaking them isn't intended to continue the conversation. Would it make sense that, if a user selected one, you might provide additional information that can be useful? What would a user expect?


Passing More than 1000 parameters in RESTful api

Our Dashboard have dropdown which consist of more than 8k products and we have such 4-5 dropdowns.
I want to filter data based on this dropdowns.
But if I selecting all products then restful api url is breaking.
Can i use azure bus service or similar message broker service to pass this complex and multiple parameters via service and which then consumed by all apis??
While I do understand what your need is I will suggest to re-think your approach as that will lead to a better user experience.
I will use a first drop down, completely empty, that will fill in options while the user types in whatever product list you have, that way, there is only a group of items that are filled in that the user is interested in.
I will also suggest not to load anything on that drop down until the user has entered, let's say, 5 characters.
After that let the user select an item from the dropdown, and filter the second drop down and continue to use the same technique with all drop downs you have.
Let me know if you have any questions around this approach and I will be more than happy to provide an example if you don't know how to do it.
Including samples for load dropdown lists dynamically and also another post with an example on how to return some JSON from an Azure Function that can return the data in a dynamic way like you need.
From what I can see I think it'll be helpful for you to go through several different examples that can bring you progressive knowledge to what you need to achieve, first of all it'll be nice if you know how to load items dynamically on a dropdown list:
That is a nice example, you can have an entry where the user can type
whatever products you have and then they type, lets say, more than 5
characters go and search for that data.
This other example shows you how to return data from an azure function
with the data that you need to show the users. This is not exactly
what you need as you need to receive a parameter with what the user
typed and search in your database for the items that match that search
and return that data in a JSON format so you can use it on your web
page to show the dropdown list. I will suggest to initially hard code
a few items and return those to check that the functionality is there
and once you have that up and running move to get the actual data from
the database.
How to return a JSON object from an Azure Function with Node.js

How to add text responses to selected suggestion chips on Dialogflow

I added suggestion chips to the Dialogflow Chatbot, but I want them to continue with an existing flow based on the button selected. How can I achieve that?
For example: How else can I help you?
Locate store Choose an item About Us
I would like the user to go these flows which already exist.
How can I achieve that?
You would make each of these choices a new Intent, and take action based on that Intent being triggered. Intents represent a specific activity by the user - typically something said or entered, or a selection chip being selected. Suggestion chips are handled just like the person entered what was on the chip.
However, keep in mind that these are just suggestions. Users can enter whatever they want. You need to be prepared for them to take the conversation in a different direction or skip ahead in the conversation. For example, in response to your prompt above, they may try to send feedback, or they may enter something like "find a store near me" and ignore the suggestion chip. You need to account for this when designing your conversations and Intents.

Parameter value filling with quick responses in messenger

I have created a bot using Dialogflow ( and integrated it with Facebook messenger. I want to get the parameter values from user: like city, date (today, tomorrow) by using the quick reply feature of messenger, where user is presented with select-box like options, and can tap on one of the options. The required parameter receives the user-tapped value, saving the user from typing it manually.
I cannot find anywhere in documentation any way to fill up parameter values (slots) using quick replies. There is an option to give quick replies in response section, but the response section is called on fulfilment, and if I take user input in response, then I have to create another follow up intent to process the user-response further, because the current intent gets fulfilled after response.
If I add quick replies in the response section, then I have to create multiple levels of follow-up intents. Ex: I take city input in one intent, and give two options to user (like New York, Delhi). Then I have to create two follow up intents, each for handling one reply (New York and Delhi), and then for each follow up intent, I will have to create more follow up intents to get more parameter inputs. Below is the flow diagram of this case. --->
This can get pretty complex when more levels are added! Amazon Lex has this feature of filling slots using quick replies. Can't I just fill up parameter values directly using the quick replies like Lex?
You don't have to go this far. There is a simple way of using entities & prompts in The workflow can be: Weather(intent)->quick reply(New york/Delhi)->City(intent) use entities here->quick reply(Today/Tomorrow)->Use different intents here for today & tomorrow as you will have different responses. You don't need to create different intents unless you have different responses. User says can have different parameters for which you can define different prompts as well. This will again reduce your complexity of creating follow-up intents. Let me know if you need more explanation on this.

Sending specific words to webhook

I'm trying to make an agent that can give me details about movies.
For example, the user says "Tell me about (movie-name)", which sends a post request to my API with the (movie-name) which then returns the response.
However, I don't understand how to grab the movie name from the user's speech without creating a movieName entity with a list of all the movies out there. I just want to grab the next word the user says after "tell me about" and store it as a parameter. How do I go about achieving that?
Yes, you must create a movieName entity, but you do not need to create a list of all movies. Maybe you are experienced with Alexa which requires a list of suggested values, but in you don't need to do that.
I find that is not very good at figuring out which words are part of a free-form entity like movieName, but hopefully adding enough user expressions will help it with that.
edit: the entity I was thinking of is '#sys.any' but maybe it would be better to use a list of movie names with the 'automated expansion' feature. I haven't tried that, but it sounds like the way that Alexa's custom slots work, which is actually a lot more flexible (just using the list as a guideline) then people seem to think.

What would be the best way to make a website that lets a user fill a form and receive data (such as real estate listings)?

I want to make a website that will allow the user to input the zipcode in which they are looking for houses and that will notify me of what their search criteria is (such as homes for $250K in the ##### zip code). What would be the best way to start this project?
You could create a form which would ask for the user to fill in their details and when they submit you receive an email with their details.
You can look into simple bootstrap form and use PHP to implement it
Have a look at this example
Simple Form Example
You could create a form that gives price range option.
Then create an input field with validation applied that checks for a certain amount of characters and that the input is integers to help with span.
Finally a submit button that you can set up to email you the results or if you are working with a database you can send it there and monitor it or create a page that displays the requests you get. The email structure would be pretty easy to set up.
This can all be done with simple php and html.
