spark-sql force parallel union - apache-spark

I'm using Spark-Sql to query Cassandra tables.
In Cassandra, i've partitioned my data with time bucket and one id, so based on queries i need to union multiple partitions with spark-sql and do the aggregations/group-by on union-result, something like this:
for(all cassandra partitions){
DataSet<Row> currentPartition = sqlContext.sql(....);
unionResult = unionResult.union(currentPartition);
Increasing input (number of loaded partitions), increases response time more than linearly because unions would be done sequentialy.
Because there is no harm in doing unions in parallel, and i dont know how to force spark to do them in parallel, Right now i'm using a ThreadPool
to Asyncronosly load all partitions in my application (which may cause OOM), and somehow do the sort or simple group by in java (Which make me think why even i'm using spark at all?)
The short question is:
How to force spark-sql to load cassandra partitions in parallel while doing union on them?
Also I don't want too many tasks in spark, with my Home-Made Async solution, i use coalesece(1) so one task is so fast (only wait time on casandra).


PySpark Parallelism

I am new to spark and am trying to implement reading data from a parquet file and then after some transformation returning it to web ui as a paginated way. Everything works no issue there.
So now I want to improve the performance of my application, after some google and stack search I found out about pyspark parallelism.
What I know is that :
pyspark parallelism works by default and It creates a parallel process based on the number of cores the system has.
Also for this to work data should be partitioned.
Please correct me if my understanding is not right.
I am reading data from one parquet file, so my data is not partitioned and if I use the .repartition() method on my dataframe that is expensive. so how should I use PySpark Parallelism here ?
Also I could not find any simple implementation of pyspark parallelism, which could explain how to use it.
In spark cluster 1 core reads one partition so if you are on multinode spark cluster
then you need to leave some meory for existing system manager like Yarn etc.
you can use reparation and specify number of partitions
where n is the number of partition. Repartition is for parlelleism, it will be ess expensive then process your single file without any partition.

Spark 2.4.6 + JDBC Reader: When predicate pushdown set to false, is data read in parallel by spark from the engine?

I am trying to extract data from a big table in SAP HANA, which is around 1.5tb in size, and the best way is to run in parallel across nodes and threads. Spark JDBC is the perfect candidate for the task, but in order to actually extract in parallel it requires partition column, lower/upper bound and number of partitions option to be set. To make the operation of the extraction easier, I considered adding an added partition column which would be the row_number() function and use MIN(), MAX() as lower/upper bounds respectively. And then the operations team just would be required to provide the number of partitions to have.
The problem is that HANA runs out of memory and it is very likely that row_number() is too costly on the engine. I can only imagine that over 100 threads run the same query during every fetch to apply the where filters and retrieve the corresponding chunk.
So my question is, if I disable the predicate pushdown option, how does spark behave? is it only read by one executor and then the filters are applied on spark side? Or does it do some magic to split the fetching part from the DB?
What could you suggest for extracting such a big table using the available JDBC reader?
Thanks in advance.
Before executing your primary query from Spark, run pre-ingestion query to fetch the size of the Dataset being loaded, i.e. as you have mentioned Min(), Max() etc.
Expecting that the data is uniformly distributed between Min and Max keys, you can partition across executors in Spark by providing Min/Max/Number of Executors.
You don't need(want) to change your primary datasource by adding additional columns to support data ingestion in this case.

How to optimize spark sql operations on large data frame?

I have a large hive table(~9 billion records and ~45GB in orc format). I am using spark sql to do some profiling of the table.But it takes too much time to do any operation on this. Just a count on the input data frame itself takes ~11 minutes to complete. And min, max and avg on any column alone takes more than one and half hours to complete.
I am working on a limited resource cluster (as it is the only available one), a total of 9 executors each with 2 core and 5GB memory per executor spread over 3 physical nodes.
Is there any way to optimise this, say bring down the time to do all the aggregate functions on each column to less than 30 minutes atleast with the same cluster, or bumping up my resources is the only way?? which I am personally not very keen to do.
One solution I came across to speed up data frame operations is to cache them. But I don't think its a feasible option in my case.
All the real world scenarios I came across use huge clusters for this kind of load.
Any help is appreciated.
I use spark 1.6.0 in standalone mode with kryo serializer.
There are some cool features in sparkSQL like:
Cluster by/ Distribute by/ Sort by
Spark allows you to write queries in SQL-like language - HiveQL. HiveQL let you control the partitioning of data, in the same way we can use this in SparkSQL queries also.
Distribute By
In spark, Dataframe is partitioned by some expression, all the rows for which this expression is equal are on the same partition.
SET spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 2
So, look how it works:
par1: [(1,c), (3,b)]
par2: [(3,c), (1,b), (3,d)]
par3: [(3,a),(2,a)]
This will transform into:
par1: [(1,c), (3,b), (3,c), (1,b), (3,d), (3,a)]
par2: [(2,a)]
Sort By
for this case it will look like:
par1: [(1,c), (1,b), (3,b), (3,c), (3,d), (3,a)]
par2: [(2,a)]
Cluster By
This is shortcut for using distribute by and sort by together on the same set of expressions.
SET spark.sql.shuffle.partitions =2
Note: This is basic information, Let me know if this helps otherwise we can use various different methods to optimize your spark Jobs and queries, according to the situation and settings.

Managing Spark partitions after DataFrame unions

I have a Spark application that will need to make heavy use of unions whereby I'll be unioning lots of DataFrames together at different times, under different circumstances. I'm trying to make this run as efficiently as I can. I'm still pretty much brand-spanking-new to Spark, and something occurred to me:
If I have DataFrame 'A' (dfA) that has X number of partitions (numAPartitions), and I union that to DataFrame 'B' (dfB) which has Y number of partitions (numBPartitions), then what will the resultant unioned DataFrame (unionedDF) look like, with result to partitions?
// How many partitions will unionedDF have?
// X * Y ?
// Something else?
val unionedDF : DataFrame = dfA.unionAll(dfB)
To me, this seems like its very important to understand, seeing that Spark performance seems to rely heavily on the partitioning strategy employed by DataFrames. So if I'm unioning DataFrames left and right, I need to make sure I'm constantly managing the partitions of the resultant unioned DataFrames.
The only thing I can think of (so as to properly manage partitions of unioned DataFrames) would be to repartition them and then subsequently persist the DataFrames to memory/disk as soon as I union them:
val unionedDF : DataFrame = dfA.unionAll(dfB)
This way, as soon as they are unioned, we repartition them so as to spread them over the available workers/executors properly, and then the persist(...) call tells to Spark to not evict the DataFrame from memory, so we can continue working on it.
The problem is, repartitioning sounds expensive, but it may not be as expensive as the alternative (not managing partitions at all). Are there generally-accepted guidelines about how to efficiently manage unions in Spark-land?
Yes, Partitions are important for spark.
I am wondering if you could find that out yourself by calling:
Do I have to persist, post union?
In general, you have to persist/cache an RDD (no matter if it is the result of a union, or a potato :) ), if you are going to use it multiple times. Doing so will prevent spark from fetching it again in memory and can increase the performance of your application by 15%, in some cases!
For example if you are going to use the resulted RDD just once, it would be safe not to do persist it.
Do I have to repartition?
Since you don't care about finding the number of partitions, you can read in my memoryOverhead issue in Spark
about how the number of partitions affects your application.
In general, the more partitions you have, the smaller the chunk of data every executor will process.
Recall that a worker can host multiple executors, you can think of it like the worker to be the machine/node of your cluster and the executor to be a process (executing in a core) that runs on that worker.
Isn't the Dataframe always in memory?
Not really. And that's something really lovely with spark, since when you handle bigdata you don't want unnecessary things to lie in the memory, since this will threaten the safety of your application.
A DataFrame can be stored in temporary files that spark creates for you, and is loaded in the memory of your application only when needed.
For more read: Should I always cache my RDD's and DataFrames?
Union just add up the number of partitions in dataframe 1 and dataframe 2. Both dataframe have same number of columns and same order to perform union operation. So no worries, if partition columns different in both the dataframes, there will be max m + n partitions.
You doesn't need to repartition your dataframe after join, my suggestion is to use coalesce in place of repartition, coalesce combine common partitions or merge some small partitions and avoid/reduce shuffling data within partitions.
If you cache/persist dataframe after each union, you will reduce performance and lineage is not break by cache/persist, in that case, garbage collection will clean cache/memory in case of some heavy memory intensive operation and recomputing will increase computation time for the same, may be this time partial computation is required for clear/removed data.
As spark transformation are lazy, i.e; unionAll is lazy operation and coalesce/repartition is also lazy operation and come in action at the time of first action, so try to coalesce unionall result after an interval like counter of 8 and reduce partition in resulting dataframe. Use checkpoints to break lineage and store data, if there is lots of memory intensive operation in your solution.

What should be the optimal value for spark.sql.shuffle.partitions or how do we increase partitions when using Spark SQL?

I am using Spark SQL actually hiveContext.sql() which uses group by queries and I am running into OOM issues. So thinking of increasing value of spark.sql.shuffle.partitions from 200 default to 1000 but it is not helping.
I believe this partition will share data shuffle load so more the partitions less data to hold. I am new to Spark. I am using Spark 1.4.0 and I have around 1TB of uncompressed data to process using hiveContext.sql() group by queries.
If you're running out of memory on the shuffle, try setting spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 2001.
Spark uses a different data structure for shuffle book-keeping when the number of partitions is greater than 2000:
private[spark] object MapStatus {
def apply(loc: BlockManagerId, uncompressedSizes: Array[Long]): MapStatus = {
if (uncompressedSizes.length > 2000) {
HighlyCompressedMapStatus(loc, uncompressedSizes)
} else {
new CompressedMapStatus(loc, uncompressedSizes)
I really wish they would let you configure this independently.
By the way, I found this information in a Cloudera slide deck.
OK so I think your issue is more general. It's not specific to Spark SQL, it's a general problem with Spark where it ignores the number of partitions you tell it when the files are few. Spark seems to have the same number of partitions as the number of files on HDFS, unless you call repartition. So calling repartition ought to work, but has the caveat of causing a shuffle somewhat unnecessarily.
I raised this question a while ago and have still yet to get a good answer :(
Spark: increase number of partitions without causing a shuffle?
It's actually depends on your data and your query, if Spark must load 1Tb, there is something wrong on your design.
Use the superbe web UI to see the DAG, mean how Spark is translating your SQL query to jobs/stages and tasks.
Useful metrics are "Input" and "Shuffle".
Partition your data (Hive / directory layout like /year=X/month=X)
Use spark CLUSTER BY feature, to work per data partition
Use ORC / Parquet file format because they provide "Push-down filter", useless data is not loaded to Spark
Analyze Spark History to see how Spark is reading data
Also, OOM could happen on your driver?
-> this is another issue, the driver will collect at the end the data you want. If you ask too much data, the driver will OOM, try limiting your query, or write another table (Spark syntax CREATE TABLE ...AS).
I came across this post from Cloudera about Hive Partitioning. Check out the "Pointers" section talking about number of partitions and number of files in each partition resulting in overloading the name node, which might cause OOM.
